Personal Protective Equipment
Personal Protective Equipment
Personal Protective Equipment Together we build safer workplaces We are much more than a supplier of quality products. We are in the people business. Because people are the most important asset. We are a great source of current safety information, and we can help you stay on top of today’s critical safety issues – to maintain business continuity, minimise lost work time and prepare for situations that threaten the safety of your workforce. Count on KIMBERLY-CLARK PROFESSIONAL* to help you create an Exceptional Workplace. Healthier, safer, more productive. [email protected] 0800 269 470 For more information, please visit Personal Protective Equipment Contents Protective eye and face wear, respirators, hearing, gloves and protective clothing 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 Protective clothing Protective clothing Legislation – The legal responsibilities Product selector KLEENGUARD* A80 Chemical Permeation and Liquid Jet Protection Coverall KLEENGUARD* A71 Chemical Permeation and Liquid Jet Protection Coverall KLEENGUARD* A50 Breathable Splash and Particle Protection Coverall, Jackets and Trousers KLEENGUARD* A45 Breathable Liquid and Particle Protection Coverall KLEENGUARD* A40 Liquid and Particle Protection Coverall KLEENGUARD* A25 Liquid and Particle Protection Coverall KLEENGUARD* A20 Breathable Particle Protection Coverall KLEENGUARD* A10 Light Duty Coverall and Visitor Coat KLEENGUARD* A40 and A10 Accessories 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Gloves Glove Legislation – The legal responsibilities Product selector JACKSON SAFETY* G80 Chemical Protection Gloves JACKSON SAFETY* G60 Cut Resistant Gloves JACKSON SAFETY* G60 Sleeves JACKSON SAFETY*/KLEENGUARD* G50 Mechanics Gloves JACKSON SAFETY*/KLEENGUARD* G40 Mechanics Protection Gloves KLEENGUARD* G20 Atlantic Green Chemical Gloves and G10 Nitrile General Purpose Gloves 23 24 25 26 27 28 Eye and Face Wear Eye and Face Wear Legislation – The legal responsibilities Product selector and lens information JACKSON SAFETY* V60 Nemesis Rx, V50 Calico, V40 Platinum X, V40 HellRaiser and V30 Nemesis Products JACKSON SAFETY* V30 Nemesis VL, V20 Purity, V10 Unispec and V10 Element Products JACKSON SAFETY* F20 Face Shields and Brow Guard 29 30 31 32 33 34 Respirators Respirator Legislation – The legal responsibilities Frequently asked questions Product selector JACKSON SAFETY* Respirators – Folded range JACKSON SAFETY* Respirators – Moulded Comfort Strap range 35 36 37 38 Hearing Protection Hearing Protection Legislation and Product selector JACKSON SAFETY* H50 and H30 Products JACKSON SAFETY* H20 and H10 Products 39 40 41 42 43 44 Chemical Legislation Chemical Protection Guide Chemical Protection Guide Chemical Protection Guide Chemical Protection Guide Chemical Protection Guide 45 46 Making compliance easy – The legal responsibilities Comfort and productivity – Safety essentials 47 48 More Essentials from KIMBERLY-CLARK PROFESSIONAL* REDUCE TODAY, RESPECT TOMORROW* 1 KLEENGUARD* Protective clothing 2 Personal Protective Equipment Protective clothing legislation The legal responsibilities European guidelines within the CE Complex category help users identify the correct garment for the task. This information enables you to decide which product is suitable for your use. 1 2 Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Gas tight clothing Non gas tight clothing Liquid tight clothing Spray tight clothing EN 14605:2005 Type 3 Liquid tight clothing EN 14605:2005 Type 4 Spray tight clothing EN 13034:2005 Type 6 Limited splash protection CE0120 EN 1149-1:1995 Antistatic EN 1073-2:2002 Radioactive dust contamination protection Type 5 Particle protection Type 6 Limited splash protection PB[6] Partial body protection EN ISO 13982-1:2004 Type 5 Particle protection EN 14126:2003 Infective agents protection To display the relevant Type Classification, as KIMBERLY-CLARK PROFESSIONAL* does, the manufacturer must test the garment to accepted European norms and have these results validated by an external certification body. CE 0120 Assured KIMBERLY-CLARK PROFESSIONAL* has been accredited the CE mark of Complex design (Category 3) for its range of KLEENGUARD* Protective clothing by SGS Weston-Super-Mare United Kingdom Certification Services Ltd (EC Notified Body Number 0120). This was achieved by satisfying the examiner that products and quality systems meet the levels required by EU legislation. KLEENGUARD* Protective clothing Protection Level Symbols KIMBERLY-CLARK PROFESSIONAL* product identity system includes: Ŕ 4 UBOEBSETZNCPMTUPJOEJDBUFQSPEVDUTNFFUJOHPSFYDFFEJOHUIFSFRVJSFNFOUTPGTQFDJţD&VSPQFBOTUBOEBSET Ŕ . VMUJMJOHVBMVTFSJOGPSNBUJPO Ŕ 1 BDLBHJOHUPQSPUFDUHBSNFOUTVOUJMVTF Ŕ */'0'"9UFDIOJDBMTFSWJDFTVQQPSU All KLEENGUARD* Protective Garments conform to EN 340 recommendations for sizing. Use the chart to help you select the right size garment. Body measurements (cm) Size Height Chest Size Height S 164-170 96-104 XL 182-188 Chest 120-128 M 170-176 104-112 XXL 188-194 128-136 L 176-182 112-120 XXXL 194-200 136-144 For technical queries, please contact INFOFAX on 0800 269 470 or email on [email protected] 3 Personal Protective Equipment KLEENGUARD* Protective clothing Product selector A comprehensive range of protective clothing products providing the most appropriate personal protection to meet your needs. Chemical Guide (1) Pages 39 – 44 Selecting the correct Safety Protective clothing product for your particular circumstances can be difficult. The following information may be helpful: Ŕ " BOE"BSFPVSDIFNJDBMQSPUFDUJWFDPWFSBMMTNFFUJOH&/5ZQF5PBTTJTUZPVGVSUIFSXFIBWF listed our Chemical permeation results on pages 39 – 44. For up to date information please visit our website Ŕ """""BSFPVS&/5ZQF&/*405ZQFPŢFSJOH Ŕ "JTBVOJRVFUSFBUFE4.4(2)QSPEVDUPŢFSJOHHPPEMFWFMTPG1SPUFDUJPOBOE$PNGPSUJOBTJOHMFCBTFTIFFU Ŕ "JTBţMNMBNJOBUFQSPEVDUUIBUPŢFSTNBSLFUMFBEJOHMFWFMTPGQSPUFDUJPOCVUJTOPUBTCSFBUIBCMFBT" Ŕ "JTBDPNCJOBUJPOPG"""QSPWJEFTIJHIMFWFMTPGQSPUFDUJPOUPUIFGSPOUXIFSFUIFNBKPSJUZPG contamination will occur with A50 at the back providing breathability. Ŕ "QSPWJEFTTVQFSJPSGSFFEPNPGNPWFNFOUXJUIIJHIMFWFMTPGCSFBUIBCJMJUZ Ŕ "JTBO4.4QSPEVDUUIBUQSPWJEFTIJHIMFWFMTPGDPNGPSUEVFUPUIFCSFBUIBCJMJUZPGUIFQSPUFDUJWFCBTFTIFFU Product Test Method A20 A25 A40 A45 A50 A71 A80 High Levels of Comfort High comfort with superior freedom of movement High Levels of Protection Combination of A40 front for protection with A50 back for comfort Combines reasonably high levels of Protection and Comfort Chemical Protection High level Chemical Protection Pass Type 3 EN 14605:2005 Pass Type 4 EN 14605:205 Pass Type 5 EN ISO 13982-1:2004 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Type 6 EN 13034:2005 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Infective agents EN 14126:2003 Surface Resistivity EN 1149-1:1995 Radioactive dust EN 1073-2:2002 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Fabric Tests Abrasion resistance EN 530 Method 2 1 1 6 2 3 6 6 Flex cracking resistance ISO 7854 Method B 3 1 4 4 4 2 5 Trapezoidal tear resistance ISO-9073-4 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 Tensile strength EN ISO 13935-2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 Seam strength EN ISO 13935-2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 Puncture resistance EN 863 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Resistance to ignition EN 13274.4 Method 3 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Repellency to liquids EN 368 (30% H2SO4) 3 3 3 3 3 EN 368 (10% NaOH) 3 3 3 3 3 EN 368 (30% H2SO4) 3 3 3 3 3 EN 368 (10% NaOH) 3 3 3 3 3 EN 374:3 (30% H2SO4) 6 6 EN 374:3 (10% NaOH) 6 6 EN 368 Resistance to penetration by liquids EN 374:3 Resistance to permeation Whole Garment Tests (Tests performed with taping at wrists, ankles & hood) Resistance to penetration by liquids in the form of a light spray (mist test) EN 468 (modified) Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Determination of resistance of suits to penetration by aerosols and fine particles Pr ISO 13982-2 (Average total inward leakage) 4.41% 4.26% 5.09% 3.4% 4.34% 4.13% 3.6% The selector is a guide only. It is the responsibility of the employer to make sure the protective clothing is suitable for its intended use. We suggest that you always check the latest version of KIMBERLY-CLARK PROFESSIONAL* product literature to get more information about the products or contact INFOFAX Service by emailing [email protected]. (1) For additional information on chemical protection, see Pages 39 – 44 or visit (2) Spunbond Meltblown Spunbond 4 For more information, please visit Personal Protective Equipment KLEENGUARD* Protective clothing A80 Chemical Permeation and Liquid Jet Protection Clothing Suitable for heavy industrial cleaning, chemical handling, land clean up, paint preparation and mixing, tank cleaning and petrochemical work. Protection against liquids in high pressure jets, chemical spray, solid particles, chemicals(1) and fibres Ŕ 1SPWJEFTBOFYDFMMFOUCBSSJFSUPIJHIQSFTTVSFKFUTPGBRVFPVTDIFNJDBMT Ŕ 6MUSBTPOJDTFBNTBOEUFBSSFTJTUBOUGBCSJDPŢFSTBTUSPOHMJRVJEUJHIUCBSSJFS Ŕ ) PPLBOEMPPQGBTUFOFSTFBMFEGSPOUBMMPXTUIFHBSNFOUUPCFSFVTFEJGJUJTOPU contaminated Ŕ 4 QFDJBMMZEFTJHOFEIPPECPEZBOEXBJTUGPSDPNGPSUBOETBGFUZ Ŕ ) JHIMZWJTJCMFGPSJNQSPWFEXPSLFSTBGFUZ Ŕ 4 JMJDPOFGSFFBOEBOUJTUBUJDGBCSJD&/GPSDSJUJDBMBSFBT Ŕ & /BQQSPWFEGPSSBEJPBDUJWFEVTUQSPUFDUJPO(2) Ŕ & /BQQSPWFEGPSJOGFDUJWFBHFOUTQSPUFDUJPO Product Performance Data Property Fabric Tests Test Method Class(3) or Result Abrasion resistance Flex cracking resistance Trapezoidal tear resistance Puncture resistance Tensile strength Resistance to permeation EN 530 Mth 2 ISO 7854 Mth B ISO 9073-4 EN 863 EN ISO 13934-1 EN 374:3 (10% NaOH) EN 374:3 (30% H2SO4) EN 13274-4 Mth 3 EN ISO 13935-2 6 5 3 2 2 6 6 PASS 4 EN 1149-1:1995 EN 14126:2003 < 5 x 1010 ohm PASS Resistance to penetration by liquids (Jet test) EN 463 PASS Determination of resistance of suits to penetration by aerosols and fine particles pr ISO 13982-2 Average Total Inward Leakage 3.6% avg Radioactive dust EN 1073-2:2002 1 Resistance to ignition Seam strength Surface resistivity – inside surface Infective agents High performance protective clothing fabric Outer layer – film coating resists splash and spray from many liquids and dry particulates. Whole Garment Tests Inner layer – cloth-like, yet tough and abrasion-resistant spunbond polypropylene. (Tests performed with taping at wrists, ankles and hood) (1) Chemical test data can be found on our website, (2) Provides no protection against radioactive radiation (3) As specified in European Standards documents EN ISO 13982-1:2004 and EN 14605:2005 Chemical Guide 1 2 A80 (4) CE0120 Description A80 Coverall EN 14605:2005 Type 3-B Liquid tight clothing EN ISO 13982-1:2004 EN 1073-2:2002 Type 5-B Radioactive dust Particle protection contamination protection Size/Code M L EN 14126:2003 Infective agents protection XL XXL EN 1149-1:1995 Antistatic XXXL 96510 96520 96530 96540 96550 Colour Pages 39 – 44 Case Contents 10 × PPE Classification Type CAT III (4) For additional information on chemical protection, see Pages 39 – 44 or visit For technical queries, please contact INFOFAX on 0800 269 470 or email on [email protected] 5 Personal Protective Equipment KLEENGUARD* Protective clothing A71 Chemical Permeation and Liquid Jet Protection Clothing Suitable for handling of aqueous chemicals, low pressure industrial cleaning and maintenance. Protection against aqueous chemical jet & spray(1) Ŕ % VSBCMFţMNMBNJOBUFXJUITFXOBOEUBQFETFBNTQSPWJEFTBTUSPOHCBSSJFSUPDIFNJDBMTQSBZ Ŕ 4FXOBOEUBQFETFBNTXJUIUFBSSFTJTUBOUGBCSJDPŢFSTBTUSPOHMJRVJEUJHIUCBSSJFS Ŕ 4UPSNŤBQIFJHIUBOEIPPEEFTJHOFEGPSFBTJFSUBQJOHUPBSFTQJSBUPS Ŕ &MBTUJDBUFEIPPEDVŢTBOEXBJTUEFTJHOFEGPSCFUUFSDPNGPSUBOETBGFUZ Ŕ )JHIMZWJTJCMFGPSJNQSPWFEXPSLFSTBGFUZ Ŕ 4JMJDPOFGSFFBOEBOUJTUBUJDGBCSJD&/GPSDSJUJDBMBSFBT Ŕ &/BQQSPWFEGPSJOGFDUJWFBHFOUTQSPUFDUJPO Ŕ &/BQQSPWFEGPSSBEJPBDUJWFEVTUQSPUFDUJPO(2) Ŕ , FFQBXBZGSPNŤBNFT Product Performance Data Property Fabric Tests Test Method Class(3) or Result Abrasion resistance Flex cracking resistance Trapezoidal tear resistance Puncture resistance Tensile strength Resistance to permeation EN 530 Mth 2 ISO 7854 Mth B ISO 9073-4 EN 863 EN ISO 13934-1 EN 374:3 (10% NaOH) EN 374:3 (30% H2SO4) EN ISO 13935-2 6 2 2 2 1 6 6 3 EN 1149-1:1995 EN 14126:2003 (A) < 5 x 1010 ohm PASS Resistance to penetration by liquids (Jet test) EN ISO 17491-4 PASS Determination of resistance of suits to penetration by aerosols and fine particles pr ISO 13982-2 Average Total Inward Leakage 4.13% avg Radioactive dust EN 1073-2:2002 1 Seam strength Surface resistivity – inside surface Infective agents High performance protective clothing fabric Outer layer – film coating resists splash and spray from many liquids and dry particulates. Whole Garment Tests (Tests performed with taping at wrists, ankles and hood) Inner layer – cloth-like, yet tough and abrasion-resistant spunbond polypropylene. (1) Chemical test data can be found on our website, (2) Provides no protection against radioactive radiation (3) As specified in European Standards documents EN 13034:2005 and EN ISO 13982-1:2004 Chemical Guide (4) CE0120 Description A71 Coverall EN 14605:2005 Type 3-B Liquid tight clothing EN 14605:2005 Type 4-B Spray tight clothing EN ISO 13982-1:2004 EN 1073-2:2002 Type 5-B Radioactive dust Particle protection contamination protection Size/Code M L XL XXL EN 14126:2003 Infective agents protection XXXL 96760 96770 96780 96790 96800 EN 1149-1:1995 Antistatic Colour Case Contents 10 × PPE Classification Type CAT III (4) For additional information on chemical protection, see Pages 39 – 44 or visit 6 A 71 A 7710 Pages 39 – 44 For more information, please visit Personal Protective Equipment KLEENGUARD* Protective clothing Jacket and Trousers A50 Breathable Splash and Particle Protection Clothing Provides high levels of protection and comfort. Suitable for chemical and pharmaceutical industries, manufacturing, utilities, electronics, agriculture and paint spraying. Protection against chemical splash and particles Ŕ 4 JMJDPOFGSFFJEFBMGPSQBJOUTQSBZJOH Ŕ PXMJOUGBCSJDBOEJOUFSOBMTFBNTSFEVDFUIFSJTLPGţCSFDPOUBNJOBUJPO Ŕ " OUJTUBUJD&/GPSDSJUJDBMBSFBT Ŕ % VSBCMF4.4'BCSJDXJUIBEEJUJPOBMUSFBUNFOUGPSJODSFBTFEQSPUFDUJPOBHBJOTU chemical splash Ŕ #SFBUIBCMFGBCSJDSFEVDFTUIFSJTLPGIFBUTUSFTT Ŕ 4USPOHUSJQMFTUJUDIFETFBNTIFMQUPQSPUFDUBHBJOTUUFBSJOH Ŕ &/BQQSPWFEGPSSBEJPBDUJWFEVTUQSPUFDUJPO(1) Ŕ ) PPEEFTJHOFEGPSSFTQJSBUPSVTFBOEGSFFEPNPGNPWFNFOU Ŕ XBZ[JQGPSRVJDLFBTZBDDFTTUPXPSLDMPUIFT Ŕ " WBJMBCMFJOXIJUFBOECMVF1SPUFDUJWFDMPUIJOHXIJUFKBDLFUBOEUSPVTFST Product Performance Data Property Fabric Tests Test Method Class(2) or Result Abrasion resistance Flex cracking resistance Trapezoidal tear resistance Puncture resistance Tensile strength Resistance to liquids Resistance to penetration by liquids Resistance to ignition Seam strength Surface resistivity Low lint EN 530 Mth 2 ISO 7854 Mth B ISO 9073-4 EN 863 EN ISO 13934-1 EN 368 (10% NaOH)/(30% H2SO4) EN 368 (10% NaOH)/(30% H2SO4) EN 13274-4 Mth 3 EN ISO 13935-2 EN 1149-1:1995 BS 6909:1988 3 4 1 2 1 3/3 3/3 PASS 3 < 5 x 1010 ohm > 5 μm < 100 particles Resistance to penetration by liquids in the form of a light spray (mist test) EN 468 (modified) PASS Determination of resistance of suits to penetration by aerosols and fine particles pr ISO 13982-2 Average Total Inward Leakage 4.34% avg Radioactive dust EN 1073-2:2002 1 High performance SMS fabric Outer layers – cloth-like, yet strong and abrasion-resistant spunbond polypropylene. Whole Garment Tests Middle layer – intricate web of microfibres that filters out many water-based liquids and dry particulates. (Tests performed with taping at wrists, ankles and hood) (1) Provides no protection against radioactive radiation (2) As specified in European Standards documents EN ISO 13982-1:2004 and EN 14605:2005 CE0120 EN ISO 13982-1:2004 Type 5 Particle protection Description A50 Coverall A50 Coverall Size/Code EN 13034:2005 Type 6 Limited splash protection EN 1073-2:2002 Radioactive dust contamination protection EN 1149-1:1995 Antistatic M L XL XXL 96810 96820 96830 96840 96850 96880 96890 96900 XXXL A50 Page 13 Case Contents PPE Classification Type CAT III 96860 25 × 20 × 25 × 20 × CAT III 96920 CAT III (5) CAT III (5) 96910 A50 Jacket – 99440 99450 99460 99470 99480 A50 Trousers – 99500 99510 99520 99530 99540 Colour 2 (4) (3) Pages 39 – 44 S 96870 1 Accessories Chemical Guide 15 × 15 × (3) For additional information on chemical protection, see Pages 39 – 44 or visit (4) Accessories available, please see Page 13. (5) Jacket and trousers when worn together offer Type 6 protection (and Type 5 protection if taped at waist, ankle, wrist and hood). Jackets and trousers when worn separately only conform to Type 6 [PB] protection. For technical queries, please contact INFOFAX on 0800 269 470 or email on [email protected] 7 Personal Protective Equipment KLEENGUARD* Protective clothing A45 Breathable Liquid and Particle Protection Clothing Suitable for critical production environments such as pharmaceutical industries, manufacturing, utilities, electronics, agriculture and paint spraying. Protection against chemical splash and particles Ŕ 4 VQFSJPSCSFBUIBCJMJUZXJUIJUTCBDLQBOFMJOEVSBCMF4.4'BCSJDXJUIBEEJUJPOBMUSFBUNFOU for increased protection against chemical splash Ŕ " OUJTUBUJDGBCSJD&/GPSDSJUJDBMBSFBT Ŕ 6 MUSBMPXMJOUQFSGPSNBODFţMNMBNJOBUFBOEJOUFSOBMMZCPVOETFBNTTJHOJţDBOUMZSFEVDF levels of lint Ŕ 4 JMJDPOFGSFFJEFBMGPSQBJOUTQSBZJOH Ŕ ' VMMMFOHUI[JQFBTFTBCJMJUZUPHFUJOPVUPGHBSNFOUBOEPŢFSTCFUUFSDPWFSBHF of chin and neck Ŕ 4QFDJBMMZEFTJHOFEIPPEGPSSFTQJSBUPSţUBOEGSFFEPNPGNPWFNFOU Ŕ 'SPOUBSNTMFHTBOEIPPENBEFJOţMNMBNJOBUFGBCSJD Ŕ -POHFSBSNTGPSBCFUUFSţUXJUIHMPWFT Ŕ &/BQQSPWFEGPSSBEJPBDUJWFEVTUQSPUFDUJPO(1) Standard protective clothing – after 10 minutes of strenuous work. Product Performance Data Property KLEENGUARD* A45 Coverall The temperature is lower and more homogeneous. The body stress for the person is considerably lower. Fabric Tests Test Method Class(2) or Result Abrasion resistance Flex cracking resistance Trapezoidal tear resistance Puncture resistance Tensile strength Repellence to liquids Resistance to penetration by liquids Resistance to ignition Seam strength Surface resistivity EN 530 Mth 2 ISO 7854 Mth B ISO 9073-4 EN 863 EN ISO 13934-1 EN 368 (10% NaOH)/(30% H2SO4) EN 368 (10% NaOH)/(30% H2SO4) EN 13274-4 Mth 3 EN ISO 13935-2 EN 1149-1 2 4 2 2 1 3/3 3/3 PASS 3 < 5 x 1010 ohm Resistance to penetration by liquids in the form of a light spray (mist test) EN 468 (modified) PASS Determination of resistance of suits to penetration by aerosols and fine particles pr ISO 13982-2 Average Total Inward Leakage 3.4% avg Radioactive dust EN 1073-2:2002 1 High performance protective clothing fabric Front, arms, legs and hood – outer layer – film coating resists splash and spray from many liquids and dry particulates. Whole Garment Tests Inner layer – cloth-like, yet tough and abrasion-resistant spunbond poly-propylene. Back panel – outer layer – cloth-like, yet strong and abrasion-resistant spunbound polypropylene. (Tests performed with taping at wrists, ankles and hood) Inner layer – intricate web of microfibres that filters out many water-based liquids and dry particulates. (1) Provides no protection against radioactive radiation (2) As specified in European Standards documents EN 13034:2005 and EN ISO 13982-1:2004 Chemical Guide Accessories (4) (3) CE0120 EN ISO 13982-1:2004 Type 5 Particle protection Description A45 Coverall EN 1073-2:2002 Radioactive dust contamination protection EN 13034:2005 Type 6 Limited splash protection Size/Code S 99650 EN 1149-1:1995 Antistatic Page 13 Pages 39 – 44 A45 M L XL 99660 99670 99680 99690 99700 XXL XXXL Colour Case Contents 25 × PPE Classification Type CAT III (3) For additional information on chemical protection, see Pages 39 – 44 or visit (4) Accessories available, please see Page 13. 8 For more information, please visit Personal Protective Equipment KLEENGUARD* Protective clothing A40 Liquid and Particle Protection Clothing Suitable for critical production environments such as pharmaceutical industries, manufacturing, utilities, electronics, agriculture and paint spraying. Protection against chemical splash and particles Ŕ ' JMNMBNJOBUFUFDIOPMPHZQSPWJEFTBOPVUTUBOEJOHCBSSJFSBHBJOTUBXJEFSBOHFPGDIFNJDBMT Ŕ 1 BSUJDMFQSPUFDUJPOIPMETPVUPGţCSFTHSFBUFSUIBONJDSPO Ŕ 4 USPOHUSJQMFTUJUDIFETFBNTIFMQQSPUFDUBHBJOTUUFBSJOH Ŕ ) PPEEFTJHOFEGPSSFTQJSBUPSVTFBOEGSFFEPNPGNPWFNFOU Ŕ ' VMMMFOHUI[JQFBTFTBCJMJUZUPHFUJOPVUPGHBSNFOU Ŕ 6 MUSBMPXMJOUQFSGPSNBODFţMNMBNJOBUFBOEJOUFSOBMTFBNTTJHOJţDBOUMZSFEVDFMFWFMTPGMJOU Ŕ " OUJTUBUJDGBCSJD&/GPSDSJUJDBMBSFBT Ŕ 4 JMJDPOFGSFFJEFBMGPSQBJOUTQSBZJOH Ŕ & /BQQSPWFEGPSSBEJPBDUJWFEVTUQSPUFDUJPO(1) Ŕ $ PNQSFTTFEQBDLBHJOHQSPWJEFTBVUPEJTQFOTJOHTZTUFNBOESFEVDFTTUPSBHFTQBDF Ŕ 4 FBMFEQPMZCBHTGPSMPXDPOUBNJOBUJPOSJTL Product Performance Data Property Fabric Tests Test Method Class(2) or Result Abrasion resistance Flex cracking resistance Trapezoidal tear resistance Puncture resistance Tensile strength Repellence to liquids Resistance to penetration Resistance to ignition Seam strength Surface resistivity EN 530 Mth 2 ISO 7854 Mth B ISO 9073-4 EN 863 EN ISO 13934-1 EN 368 (10% NaOH)/(30% H2SO4) EN 368 (10% NaOH)/(30% H2SO4) EN 13274-4 Mth 3 EN ISO 13935-2 EN 1149-1 6 4 2 2 2 3/3 3/3 PASS 3 < 5 x 1010 ohm Resistance to penetration by liquids in the form of a light spray (mist test) EN 468 (modified) PASS Determination of resistance of suits to penetration by aerosols and fine particles pr ISO 13982-2 Average Total Inward Leakage 5.09% avg Radioactive dust EN 1073-2:2002 1 Whole Garment Tests High performance clothing fabric Outer layer – film coating resists splash and spray from many liquids and dry particulates. Inner layer – cloth-like, yet tough and abrasion-resistant spunbond polypropylene. (Tests performed with taping at wrists, ankles and hood) (1) Provides no protection against radioactive radiation (2) As specified in European Standards documents EN 13034:2005 and EN ISO 13982-1:2004 Chemical Guide Accessories (3) CE0120 EN ISO 13982-1:2004 Type 5 Particle protection Description A40 Coverall EN 13034:2005 Type 6 Limited splash protection Size/Code S EN 1073-2:2002 Radioactive dust contamination protection M 97900 97910 L EN 1149-1:1995 Antistatic (4) Pages 39 – 44 Page 13 A40 XL XXL XXXL 97920 97930 97940 97950 Colour Case Contents 25 × PPE Classification Type CAT III (3) For additional information on chemical protection, see Pages 39 – 44 or visit (4) Accessories available, please see Page 13. For technical queries, please contact INFOFAX on 0800 269 470 or email on [email protected] 9 Personal Protective Equipment KLEENGUARD* Protective clothing A25 Liquid and Particle Protection Clothing Experience superior freedom of movement with our innovative Protective clothing. Increased wearer comfort Ŕ (SFZTUSFUDIBCMFţMNMBNJOBUFJTTUSBUFHJDBMMZQMBDFEUPQSPWJEFHSFBUFSGSFFEPNPG movement(1) Ŕ *OOPWBUJWFEFTJHOGPSBEEJUJPOBMXFBSFSDPNGPSU Ŕ #SFBUIBCMFXIJUF4.4GBCSJDSFEVDFTUIFSJTLPGIFBUTUSFTT Protection level Ŕ (FOFSBMQVSQPTFQSPUFDUJWFDMPUIJOHTVJUBCMFGPSIBOEMJOHMJRVJETQPXEFSTHFOFSBM manufacturing and maintenance Ŕ #PUIXIJUF4.4BOEHSFZTUSFUDIBCMFţMNMBNJOBUFGBCSJDTFOTVSFSFTJTUBODFUPPG particulates larger than 1 micron (I.O.M. Aloxite test) and water based liquids Superior design Ŕ 4JMJDPOFGSFF Ŕ 5SJQMFTUJUDIFEJOUFSOBMTFBNTQSPUFDUBHBJOTUUFBSJOH Product Performance Data Property Fabric Tests Test Method Class(2) or Result Abrasion resistance Flex cracking resistance Trapezoidal tear resistance Puncture resistance Tensile strength Repellence to liquids Resistance to penetration by liquids Resistance to ignition Seam strength EN 530 Mth 2 ISO 7854 Mth B ISO 9073-4 EN 863 EN ISO 13934-1 EN 368 (10% NaOH)/(30% H2SO4) EN 368 (10% NaOH)/(30% H2SO4) EN 13274-4 Mth 3 EN ISO 13935-2 1 1 1 1 1 3/3 3/3 PASS 2 Resistance to penetration by liquids in the form of a light spray (mist test) EN 468 (modified) PASS Determination of resistance of suits to penetration by aerosols and fine particles pr ISO 13982-2 Average Total Inward Leakage 4.26% avg Did you know? Whole Garment Tests (Tests performed with taping at wrists, ankles and hood) (1) Patent pending (2) As specified in European Standards documents EN 13034:2005 and EN ISO 13982-1:2004 (3) User studies carried out by an independent body in November 2008 Chemical Guide Accessories (4) CE0120 EN ISO 13982-1:2004 Type 5 Particle protection Description A25 Coverall EN 13034:2005 Type 6 Limited splash protection Size/Code 90% of users preferred KLEENGUARD* A25 Liquid & Particle Protection Coverall for ease of movement over Tyvek® Classic.(3) (5) Pages 39 – 44 Page 13 A 45 A25 S M L XL XXL XXXL 89940 89950 89960 89970 89980 89990 Colour Case Contents 25 × PPE Classification Type CAT III (4) For additional information on chemical protection, see Pages 39 – 44 or visit (5) Accessories available, please see Page 13. 10 For more information, please visit Personal Protective Equipment KLEENGUARD* Protective clothing A20 Breathable Particle Protection Clothing Suitable for handling powders, general maintenance, construction and contract cleaning. Protection against particles, fibres and chemical splash Ŕ % VSBCMF4.4GBCSJDLFFQTPVUPGQBSUJDMFTMBSHFSUIBONJDSPO*0."MPYJUFUFTU Ŕ 5 SJQMFTUJUDIFEJOUFSOBMTFBNTQSPUFDUBHBJOTUUFBSJOH Ŕ # SFBUIBCMFGBCSJDSFEVDFTUIFSJTLPGIFBUTUSFTT Ŕ 4 QFDJBMMZEFTJHOFECPEZIPPEBOEXBJTUGPSDPNGPSUBOETBGFUZ Ŕ 4 JMJDPOFGSFFGPSDSJUJDBMBSFBT Ŕ " WBJMBCMFJOXIJUF Ŕ & /BQQSPWFEGPSSBEJPBDUJWFEVTUQSPUFDUJPO(1) Product Performance Data Property Fabric Tests Test Method Class(2) or Result Abrasion resistance Flex cracking resistance Trapezoidal tear resistance Puncture resistance Tensile strength Repellence to liquids Resistance to penetration by liquids Resistance to ignition Seam strength EN 530 Mth 2 ISO 7854 Mth B ISO 9073-4 EN 863 EN ISO 13934-1 EN 368 (10% NaOH)/(30% H2SO4) EN 368 (10% NaOH)/(30% H2SO4) EN 13274-4 Mth 3 EN ISO 13935-2 1 3 2 1 1 3/3 3/3 PASS 2 Resistance to penetration by liquids in the form of a light spray (mist test) EN 468 (modified) PASS Determination of resistance of suits to penetration by aerosols and fine particles pr ISO 13982-2 Average Total Inward Leakage 4.41% avg Radioactive dust EN 1073-2:2002 1 Whole Garment Tests High performance SMS fabric Outer layers – cloth-like, yet strong and abrasion-resistant spunbond polypropylene. Middle layer – intricate web of microfibres that filters out many water-based liquids and dry particulates. (Tests performed with taping at wrists, ankles and hood) (1) Provides no protection against radioactive radiation (2) As specified in European Standards documents EN 13034:2005 and EN ISO 13982-1:2004 Accessories (3) CE0120 EN ISO 13982-1:2004 Type 5 Particle protection Description A20 Coverall EN 13034:2005 Type 6 Limited splash protection Size/Code S EN 1073-2:2002 Radioactive dust contamination protection M 97100 97110 Page 13 A20 L XL XXL XXXL 97120 97130 97140 97150 Colour Case Contents 25 × PPE Classification Type CAT III (3) Accessories available, please see Page 13. For technical queries, please contact INFOFAX on 0800 269 470 or email on [email protected] 11 Personal Protective Equipment KLEENGUARD* Protective clothing A10 Light Duty Protective clothing and Visitor Coat Accessories (1) Page 13 CE Simple A10 Light Duty Protective clothing Ŕ %VSBCMFTQVOCPOEGBCSJDQSPUFDUTUIFVTFSōTDMPUIFT Light Duty Protective clothing Ŕ #SFBUIBCMFGBCSJDSFEVDFTUIFSJTLPGIFBUTUSFTT which is suitable for: Ŕ $PNGPSUBCMFCPEZEFTJHOGPSGSFFEPNPGNPWFNFOU Ŕ 0ťDFDMFBOJOH Ŕ &MBTUJDJTFEDVŢTBOLMFTBOEXBJTUJNQSPWFTţUBOEXFBSFS Ŕ (PPETIBOEMJOH safety Ŕ -JHIUEVUZUBTLT Ŕ 4USPOHUSJQMFQSPUFDUJPOTUJUDIFETFBNTIFMQUPQSPUFDU against tearing Ŕ 4JMJDPOFGSFF 1 2 A10 A10 Light Duty Visitor Coat Ŕ 4QVOCPOEQPMZQSPQZMFOFNBUFSJBM Ŕ %FTJHOFEUPLFFQWJTJUPSTDMPUIJOHGSPNCFDPNJOH contaminated CE Simple Description Size/Code S M L XL XXL XXXL A10 Light Duty Coverall 95630 95640 95650 95660 95670 95680 A10 Light Duty Visitor Coat – 40102 40103 40104 40105 40106 Colour Case Contents 50 × 50 × PPE Classification CAT I CAT I (1) Accessories available, please see Page 13. 12 For more information, please visit Personal Protective Equipment KLEENGUARD* Protective clothing A40 Accessories Apron / Sleeve / Overboot Ŕ $POTUSVDUFEVTJOHUIFTBNFNBUFSJBMBTPVS""OUJTUBUJD1SPUFDUJWFDMPUIJOH Ŕ $"5*QSPEVDUT Description Size/Code Colour Case Contents PPE Classification A40 Accessory – Short Apron 44481 100 × CAT I A40 Accessory – Sleeve 98730 200 × CAT I A40 Accessory – Overshoe 98700 200 × CAT I A40 Accessory – Overboot 98800 100 × CAT I Overshoe with Sole Ŕ "TBCPWFXJUIEVSBCMFTPMF Description M/L XL/XXL Colour Case Contents PPE Classification A40 Accessory – Overshoe with Sole 98710 98720 200 × CAT I A40 Accessory – Overboot with Sole 98810 98820 100 × CAT I A10 Accessories Mob Cap Ŕ %FTJHOFEUPLFFQIBJSJOQMBDFBOESFEVDFUIFSJTLPGDPOUBNJOBUJPO Description Size/Code A10 Accessory – Mob Cap 82600 Colour Case Contents PPE Classification 1000 × CAT I For technical queries, please contact INFOFAX on 0800 269 470 or email on [email protected] 13 JACKSON SAFETY* /KLEENGUARD* Gloves and Sleeves 14 Personal Protective Equipment Glove legislation The legal responsibilities When a glove is examined against a typical test standard, a performance level is normally assigned (between 0 and 5). Level 0 specifies that the glove is either untested or falls below the minimum performance level. A performance level ‘X’ signifies that the glove is not designed for the use covered by the corresponding test. Higher numbers indicate higher levels of performance. EN 407: 2004 Protective gloves against thermal risks (heat and/or fire) EN 420: 2003 (General Requirements for Protective Gloves) Glove Design and Construction Ŕ (MPWFTTIPVMEPŢFSUIFHSFBUFTUQPTTJCMFEFHSFFPG protection in the foreseeable conditions of end use Ŕ *GTFBNTBSFJODMVEFEUIFTUSFOHUIPGUIFTFTFBNTTIPVME not reduce the overall performance of the glove. Innocuousness Ŕ (MPWFTTIPVMEOPUDBVTFBOZBEWFSTFIBSNUPUIFFOEVTFS Ŕ (MPWFQ)NVTUCFCFUXFFOBOE Ŕ $ISPNJVN7* DPOUFOUTIPVMECFCFMPXEFUFDUJPO (for gloves containing leather) Ŕ (MPWFTNBEFGSPNOBUVSBMSVCCFSMBUFYXJMMCFUFTUFEGPS extractable proteins according to EN 455-3 Cleaning Instructions Ŕ *GDBSFJOTUSVDUJPOTBSFQSPWJEFEHMPWFQFSGPSNBODF shall not be diminished when the maximum number of recommended cleaning cycle is used. Sizing Ŕ (MPWFTTIPSUFSJOMFOHUIUIBOUIFSFRVJSFENJOJNVNXJMM CFNBSLFEŌ'JUGPS4QFDJBM1VSQPTFō Dexterity Ŕ *GSFRVJSFEQFSGPSNBODFUPCFHSBEFE-FWFM EN 388: 2003 (Protective Gloves Against Mechanical Risks) 5IFŌ.FDIBOJDBM3JTLTōQJDUPHSBNJTBDDPNQBOJFECZB 4-digit code: Ŕ B "CSBTJPOSFTJTUBODFUP Ŕ C #MBEFDVUSFTJTUBODFUP Ŕ D 5FBSSFTJTUBODFUP abcd Ŕ E 1VODUVSFSFTJTUBODFUP Performance Level Contact Temperature Tc O C Threshold time tt s 1 100 ≥ 15 2 250 ≥ 15 3 350 ≥ 15 4 500 ≥ 15 Ŕ B #VSOJOH#FIBWJPVSUP Ŕ C $POUBDU)FBUUP Ŕ D $POWFDUJWF)FBUUP Ŕ E 3BEJBOU)FBUUP Ŕ F 4NBMMTQMBTIFTPGNPMUFONFUBMUP Ŕ G -BSHF2VBOUJUJFTPGNPMUFONFUBMUP abcdef EN 374: 2003 (Protective Gloves Against Chemicals and Micro-organisms) Please see page 41 for chemical legislation. Gloves in Contact with Foodstuffs 8FPŢFSZPVUIFHVBSBOUFFPGDPNQBUJCJMJUZ CFUXFFOGPPETUVŢTBOEHMPWFDPNQPOFOUTBOE full compliance with the toughest European and national standards in terms of food contact and food hygiene. The relevant performance levels below should be clearly identifiable on the product and primary packaging Test Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 6.1 Abrasion resistance (number of cycles) 100 500 2000 8000 – 6.2 Blade cut resistance (index) 2,5 5,0 10,0 20,0 1,2 6.3 Tear resistance (N) 10 25 50 75 – 6.4 Puncture resistance (N) 20 60 100 150 – For more information, please visit 15 Personal Protective Equipment JACKSON SAFETY*/KLEENGUARD* Gloves Product selector A comprehensive range of gloves providing the most appropriate hand protection to meet your needs. Excellent dexterity for improved productivity YES Selecting the right glove 5PJODSFBTFQSPEVDUJWJUZBOEDPTUFŢFDUJWFOFTTXPSLFSTNVTU CFBCMFUPXPSLFťDJFOUMZDPNGPSUBCMZBOETBGFMZQSPUFDUJOH their hands against a broad spectrum of possible hazards. Use the glove selector in order to determine the right glove for the right task. Protection against chemicals? NO Mechanical protection? YES Full immersion? Gloves Supported glove? YES NO G80 Nitrile Sleeves Level 2 Kevlar Nitrile coated G80 PVC G20 Atlantic Green Nitrile G60 Gloves NO Tasks requiring thermal protection? YES Level 5 Dyneema NO Tasks requiring excellent abrasion resistance? Level 3 Dyneema Dotted Palm NO G80 Neoprene/ Latex Level 5 Dyneema PU Coated Protection against cuts? Level 3 Dyneema PU Coated Are skin reactions a potential concern? YES YES Splash only? NO YES Level 2 Kevlar (with thumbhole) Level 2 Kevlar (without thumbhole) G60 Sleeves NO G50 Mechanics Range Level 4 G40 Nitrile Level 3 G40 Polyurethene Coated G40 Latex Coated G10 Nitrile Range = Food Contact Approved The selector is a guide only. It is the responsibility of the employer to make sure the glove is suitable for its intended use. We suggest that you always check the latest version of KIMBERLY-CLARK PROFESSIONAL* product literature to get more information about the products or contact INFOFAX Service by emailing [email protected] 16 For technical queries, please contact INFOFAX on 0800 269 470 or email on [email protected] Personal Protective Equipment JACKSON SAFETY*/KLEENGUARD* Gloves G80 Chemical Protection Gloves All gloves on this page: Ŕ "SFBWBJMBCMFJOWBSJPVTTJ[FT Ŕ 0ŢFSFSHPOPNJDEFTJHOUPQSPWJEFNBYJNVNDPNGPSUBOE minimise hand fatigue Ŕ 0ŢFSQSPUFDUJPOBHBJOTUBCSPBESBOHFPGDIFNJDBMT(1) Ŕ 11&$BUFHPSZ***$&$PNQMFY QSPEVDUDMBTTJţFE by EC Council Directive 89/686/EEC All products on this page are suitable for: Chemical Guide Ŕ $ IFNJDBMIBOEMJOH(1) Ŕ . BOVGBDUVSJOH Ŕ 5 SBOTQPSU Ŕ $ POTUSVDUJPO (1) Ŕ " HSJDVMUVSF Ŕ $ POUSBDUDMFBOJOH Pages 39 – 44 Ŕ + BOJUPSJBMBOEQVCMJDTFSWJDF G80 Chemical Resistant Gloves Nitrile AJK 4101 0120 Ŕ N itrile formulation offering excellent chemical resistance and durability Ŕ $POUBJOTOPOBUVSBMSVCCFSMBUFYSFEVDJOHUIFQPUFOUJBMGPS5ZQF glove associated reactions Ŕ ' MPDLMJOFEGPSFYUSBDPNGPSUBOEFBTZEPOOJOH Ŕ 3 FTJTUBOUUPNBOZDPNNPODIFNJDBMTJODMVEJOHPJMTBOETPMWFOUT(1) Ŕ " 2-GPSQJOIPMFT Ŕ ) JHIBCSBTJPOSFTJTUBODF Chemical protection against: 9 Oils 9 Greases 9 Acids 9 Caustics 9 Solvents Level 3 Nitrile Gauntlet AJK 2012 4101 Ŕ NNUIJDLOFTT Ŕ -POHFSMFOHUIDPNQBSFEUPPVS(/JUSJMF(MPWF UPQSPUFDUXSJTU and lower forearm (46 cm) Ŕ 6OMJOFESFEVDJOHUIFSJTLPGMJOUDPOUBNJOBUJPO Ŕ "2-GPSQJOIPMFT Chemical protection against: 9 Oils 9 Greases 9 Acids 9 Caustics 9 Solvents Level 3 Description Size/Code 7 8 9 10 11 G80 Nitrile 94445 94446 94447 94448 94449 G80 Nitrile Gauntlet - 25622 25623 25624 25625 Case Contents 5× × 12 = 60 pairs 5× × 12 = 60 pairs PPE Classification EN 388 EN 374-3 CAT III 4101 AJK CAT III 4101 AJK (1) For additional information on chemical protection, see Pages 39 – 44 or visit For more information, please visit 17 Personal Protective Equipment JACKSON SAFETY* Gloves G60 Cut Resistant Gloves These gloves are: Ŕ "WBJMBCMFJOţWFTJ[FTXJUIDPMPVSDPEFEDVŢT These gloves have: Ŕ 11&$BUFHPSZ**$&*OUFSNFEJBUF QSPEVDUDMBTTJţFE by EC Council Directive 89/686/EEC Ŕ -POHMBTUJOHDPTUFŢFDUJWF These gloves are suitable for: Ŕ . FUBMGBCSJDBUJPO Ŕ ( MBTTIBOEMJOH Ŕ ) BOEMJOHTIBSQPCKFDUT Ŕ " VUPNPUJWFBTTFNCMZ G60 Cut Resistant Glove Level 5 Cut Resistant Glove with Dyneema® Fiber Ŕ 16$PBUJOHPGGFSTFYDFMMFOUHSJQ Ŕ & OHJOFFSFEQBUFOUFEZBSOXJUITUFFMBOE%ZOFFNBjQSPWJEFT superior protection against cuts and gashes Ŕ ) JHICSFBUIBCJMJUZBTZBSOUSBOTNJUTIFBUBXBZ Ŕ ) JHIDVUSFTJTUBODF-FWFM Ŕ $ POGPSNTUP&/.JOJNVN$VGG-FOHUIQSPWJEJOHQSPUFDUJPO to wrist area Ŕ ) JHIBCSBTJPOSFTJTUBODF-FWFM Ŕ BUFYGSFF Ŕ 4 VJUBCMFGPSXBTIJOH 4542 Level 3 PURPLE NITRILE* Cut Resistant Glove with Dyneema® Fiber Ŕ / JUSJMFEPUTPOQBMNPGGFSFYDFMMFOUHSJQ Ŕ %ZOFFNBjZBSOQSPWJEFTFYDFMMFOUQSPUFDUJPOBHBJOTUDVUTBOEHBTIFT Ŕ $ POGPSNTUP&/.JOJNVN$VGG-FOHUIQSPWJEJOHQSPUFDUJPOUP wrist area Ŕ 6 OJRVF/JUSJMFDPBUFEGJOHFSUJQTŊHSJQXJUINBYJNVNCSFBUIBCJMJUZ Ŕ ) JHIBCSBTJPOSFTJTUBODF-FWFM Ŕ -BUFYGSFF Ŕ 4 VJUBCMFGPSXBTIJOH 4340 Level 3 Cut Resistant Glove with Dyneema® Fiber Ŕ Ŕ Ŕ Ŕ Ŕ Ŕ 1 6$PBUJOHPGGFSTFYDFMMFOUHSJQ %ZOFFNBjZBSOQSPWJEFTFYDFMMFOUQSPUFDUJPOBHBJOTUDVUTBOEHBTIFT & YDFMMFOUEFYUFSJUZ ) JHICSFBUIBCJMJUZBTZBSOUSBOTNJUTIFBUBXBZ ) JHIDVUSFTJTUBODF-FWFM $ POGPSNTUP&/.JOJNVN$VGG-FOHUIQSPWJEJOHQSPUFDUJPOUP wrist area Ŕ ) JHIBCSBTJPOSFTJTUBODF-FWFM Ŕ BUFYGSFF 4342 Level 2 Nitrile Coated Cut Resistant Glove Ŕ / JUSJMF$PBUJOHPGGFSTFOIBODFEHSJQ Ŕ , FWMBSj#MFOEMJOFSQSPWJEFTFYDFMMFOUMJHIUXFJHIUDVUQSPUFDUJPO (Level 2) Ŕ & YDFMMFOUEFYUFSJUZ Ŕ & YDFMMFOUBCSBTJPOSFTJTUBODF-FWFM Ŕ $ POUBDUIFBUQSPUFDUJPO-FWFM 3221 EN 407:2004 X1XXXX Description Size/Code 7 8 9 10 11 Case Contents PPE Classification EN 388 CAT II 4542 CAT II 4340 CAT II 4342 CAT II 3221 EN 407 Colour Coding Level 5 Cut Resistant Glove with Dyneema® Fiber 98235 98236 98237 98238 98239 Level 3 PURPLE NITRILE* Cut Resistant Glove with 97430 97431 97432 97433 97434 Level 3 Cut Resistant Glove with Dyneema® Fiber 13823 13825 Level 2 Nitrile Coated Cut Resistant Glove 98230 98231 Dyneema® Fiber 13824 13826 13827 98232 98233 98234 1× × 12 = 12 pairs 1× × 12 = 12 pairs 1× × 12 = 12 pairs 5× × 12 = 60 pairs Dyneema® is a registered trademark of Royal DSM N.V 18 For technical queries, please contact INFOFAX on 0800 269 470 or email on [email protected] X1XXXX Personal Protective Equipment JACKSON SAFETY* Sleeves G60 Sleeves These sleeves are perfect for: Ŕ "QQMJDBUJPOTXIFSFXPSLFSTBSFJOWPMWFEJONBUFSJBMIBOEMJOH Ŕ "TTFNCMZXPSLJOWPMWJOHTIBSQPCKFDUTNFUBMTIBWJOHT glass and metal parts All the sleeves on this page are suitable for: Ŕ . FUBMGBCSJDBUJPO Ŕ ( MBTTIBOEMJOH Ŕ ) BOEMJOHTIBSQPCKFDUT Ŕ " VUPNPUJWFBTTFNCMZ G60 Cut Resistant Sleeves Level 5 Cut Resistant Sleeve with Dyneema® Fiber Ŕ % ZOFFNBjZBSOQSPWJEFTFYDFMMFOUQSPUFDUJPO against cuts and gashes Ŕ ) JHICSFBUIBCJMJUZBTZBSOUSBOTNJUTIFBUBXBZ Ŕ ) JHIDVUSFTJTUBODF-FWFM Ŕ $ POOFDUJWJUZUPHMPWFUPQSPUFDUWVMOFSBCMFXSJTUBSFB Ŕ ' VMMZBEKVTUBCMFUPGJUEJGGFSFOUTJ[FBSNT SFUBJOTMFFWFJOQPTJUJPO Ŕ 4 VJUBCMFGPSXBTIJOH 1521 Level 2 Cut Resistant Sleeves with Thumbhole Ŕ , FWMBSj#MFOEMJOFSQSPWJEFTFYDFMMFOUMJHIUXFJHIU cutprotection (Level 2) Ŕ *OOFSDPUUPOMJOFSGPSFYUSBDPNGPSU Ŕ $ POUBDUIFBUQSPUFDUJPO-FWFM Ŕ DNŐ DVGG Ŕ ( PPECSFBUIBCJMJUZ X24X EN 407:2004 X1XXXX Level 2 Cut Resistant Sleeves without Thumbhole Ŕ , FWMBSj#MFOEMJOFSQSPWJEFTFYDFMMFOUMJHIUXFJHIU cut protection (Level 2) Ŕ *OOFSDPUUPOMJOFSGPSFYUSBDPNGPSU Ŕ $ POUBDUIFBUQSPUFDUJPO-FWFM Ŕ DNŐ DVGG Ŕ ( PPECSFBUIBCJMJUZ X24X EN 407:2004 X1XXXX Look for the “with Dyneema®” diamond on cut-resistant gloves. Behind this small detail are many promises. t.BEFXJUIHFOVJOF%ZOFFNB¥ You’ll know that the gloves are made with real Dyneema®, the world’s strongest fiber™, for maximum protection. t$PPMBOEMJHIUXFJHIU Because they don’t retain heat, these lightweight gloves keep hands cool and dry. It’s like wearing no gloves at all. You will wear them for longer periods, reducing the chance of injuries. t1SPUFDUTZPVSCPUUPNMJOF These gloves are durable, resist abrasion and can be washed over and over. This increases their lifetime and reduces replacement costs. t"SFMJBCMFQBSUOFS You can be assured that DSM not only supplies the Dyneema® fiber, but also has provided technical expertise. t2VBMJUZZPVDBOUSVTU Before a glove can display the “with Dyneema®” diamond, a prototype must pass the strictest testing criteria. t"DDFQUOPTVCTUJUVUFT Specify gloves that have the “with Dyneema®” diamond to protect your employees…and your business. With you when it matters Description Code Level 5 Cut Resistant Sleeve with Dyneema® Fiber 90075 Level 2 Cut Resistant Sleeves with Thumbhole 90070 Level 2 Cut Resistant Sleeves without Thumbhole 90071 Case Contents 2× × 12 = 12 pairs 5× × 12 = 30 pairs 5× × 12 = 30 pairs PPE Classification EN 388 CAT II 1521 CAT II X24X CAT II X24X Dyneema® is a registered trademark of Royal DSM N.V For more information, please visit 19 Personal Protective Equipment KLEENGUARD* Gloves G50 Mechanics Gloves All gloves on this page are: Ŕ .PSFCSFBUIBCMFBOEMFTTCVMLZUIBOMFBUIFSGPSJNQSPWFE comfort Ŕ 4UZMJTIFODPVSBHJOHTBGFUZDPNQMJBODF Ŕ "WBJMBCMFJOţWFTJ[FT Ŕ 11&$BUFHPSZ**$&*OUFSNFEJBUF QSPEVDUDMBTTJţFECZ EC Council Directive 89/686/EEC All gloves in this range offer: Ŕ 4FDVSFţUUJOHEVFUPIPPLBOEMPPQDMPTVSF All gloves on this page are suitable for: Ŕ . BOVGBDUVSJOH Ŕ 8 BSFIPVTJOH Ŕ 6 UJMJUZ Ŕ " VUPNPUJWF Ŕ $ POTUSVDUJPOJOEVTUSZ G50 Mechanics Gloves Contractor Gloves 2121 Ŕ 5 ISFFPQFOGJOHFSUJQTGPSNBYJNVNEFYUFSJUZ Ŕ 3FJOGPSDFELOVDLMFBSFBQSPWJEJOHJNQBDUQSPUFDUJPO Stylish hand protection for: 9 Small parts handling and assembly 9 Framing 9 Finishing 9 Facilities Utility Gloves 2121 Ŕ 3 FJOGPSDFELOVDLMFBSFBQSPWJEJOHJNQBDUQSPUFDUJPO Ŕ 'VMMDPWFSBHFPGBMMGJOHFSTPGGFSJOHBEEFEQSPUFDUJPOBOEEVSBCJMJUZ Stylish hand protection for: 9 General and building maintenance 9 Warehousing 9 Automotive repair 9 Equipment operation 9 Landscaping 9 Facilities Palm and Finger Protection Gloves 2121 Description 20 Stylish hand protection for: 9 Masonry and cement finishing 9 Forging and stamping 9 Injection moulding 9 Facilities Size/Code 7 8 9 10 Ŕ % VBMLOVDLMFSFJOGPSDFNFOUQSPWJEJOHNBYJNVNJNQBDUQSPUFDUJPO Ŕ " EEJUJPOBMQBMNQBEEJOHGPSJNQSPWFEEVSBCJMJUZBOEJNQBDUBCTPSQUJPO Ŕ 3FJOGPSDFEGJOHFSUJQTGPSCFUUFSQSPUFDUJPOBOESFEVDFEXFBSBOEUFBS 11 G50 Contractor 90256 90257 90258 90259 90260 G50 Utility 90261 90262 90263 90264 90265 G50 Palm and Finger Protection 90266 90267 90268 90269 90270 Case Contents 1× × 12 = 12 pairs 1× × 12 = 12 pairs 1× × 12 = 12 pairs PPE Classification EN 388 CAT II 2121 CAT II 2121 CAT II 2121 For technical queries, please contact INFOFAX on 0800 269 470 or email on [email protected] Personal Protective Equipment JACKSON SAFETY*/KLEENGUARD* Gloves G40 Mechanical Protection Gloves All gloves on this page are: Ŕ )BOETQFDJţDGPSCFUUFSFSHPOPNJDT Ŕ "WBJMBCMFJOţWFTJ[FTXJUIDPMPVSDPEFEDVŢT Ŕ 11&$BUFHPSZ**$&*OUFSNFEJBUF QSPEVDUDMBTTJţFECZ EC Council Directive 89/686/EEC All gloves on this page are suitable for: Ŕ . BOVGBDUVSJOH Ŕ 5 SBOTQPSUDPOTUSVDUJPO Ŕ 1 VCMJDTFDUPSTFSWJDF G40 Mechanical Protection Gloves Nitrile Coated 4131 Ŕ 'PBN/JUSJMF$PBUFEQBMNGPSFYDFMMFOUESZHSJQEFYUFSJUZBOE palm protection(1) Ŕ 4FBNMFTTOZMPOLOJUUFECBDLJOHGPSCSFBUIBCJMJUZBOEDPNGPSU Ŕ #FUUFSEVSBCJMJUZXJUIIJHIBCSBTJPOSFTJTUBODF Premium, general purpose hand protection providing: Ŕ 5IFIJHIFTUMFWFMTPG abrasion resistance Polyurethane Coated 3131 Ŕ &YDFMMFOUHSJQEVFUPSPVHIFOFEQPMZVSFUIBOFDPBUJOH Ŕ 4FBNMFTTOZMPOLOJUUFECBDLJOHGPSCSFBUIBCJMJUZBOEDPNGPSU Ŕ (PPEUFBSBOEBCSBTJPOSFTJTUBODFGPSEVSBCJMJUZBOESFEVDFE cost in use Ŕ &YDFMMFOUEFYUFSJUZJEFBMGPSIBOEMJOHTNBMMDPNQPOFOUT Versatile, general purpose hand protection Latex Coated 2142 EN 407:2004 X2XXXX Description $PTUFŢFDUJWFHFOFSBMQVSQPTF Ŕ )JHIUFBSSFTJTUBODFQSPWJEJOHIJHIEVSBCJMJUZ hand protection Ŕ 4FBNMFTTLOJUUFEQPMZFTUFSDPOTUSVDUJPOPŢFSJOHIJHI breathability for comfort in extended use Ŕ $PNCJOFTUIFSNBMBOENFDIBOJDBMQSPUFDUJPOGPSIBOEMJOHB wider range of applications Ŕ $SJOLMFEţOJTIMBUFYDPBUFEQBMNQSPWJEFTFYDFMMFOUHSJQ Size/Code 7 8 9 10 11 Case Contents PPE Classification EN 388 CAT II 4131 CAT II 3131 CAT II 2142 Colour Coding G40 Nitrile Coated 40225 40226 40227 40228 40229 G40 Polyurethane Coated 13837 13838 13839 13840 13841 G40 Latex Coated 97270 97271 97272 97273 97274 5× × 12 = 60 pairs 5× × 12 = 60 pairs 5× × 12 = 60 pairs (1) Not intended as primary protection against liquid chemicals. For more information, please visit 21 Personal Protective Equipment KLEENGUARD* Gloves G20 Atlantic Green Chemical Resistant Gloves These gloves are suitable for: Ŕ $ IFNJDBMIBOEMJOH(1) Ŕ 1 BJOUJOH Ŕ 1 SJOUJOH Ŕ " HSJDVMUVSF Ŕ " VUPNPUJWFBTTFNCMZ Ŕ & NFSHFODZTFSWJDFT Ŕ PDBM"VUIPSJUJFT These gloves are: Ŕ 'PPEDPOUBDUDFSUJţFE Ŕ 1PXEFSGSFF Ŕ -BUFYGSFF Ŕ "NCJEFYUSPVT Ŕ $PNQMJBOUXJUI"2-GPSQJOIPMFT Chemical Guide (1) Pages 39 – 44 G20 Atlantic Green Nitrile Gloves These gloves have: Ŕ 5FYUVSFEGJOHFSUJQTQSPWJEJOHFYDFMMFOUHSJQ Ŕ &YDFMMFOUUBDUJMFTFOTJUJWJUZ Ŕ #FBEFEDVGG Ŕ NNUIJDLOFTTNJOJNVN Ŕ 11&$BUFHPSZ***$&$PNQMFY QSPEVDUDMBTTJGJFE by EC Council Directive 89/686/EEC Ŕ .BYJNVNUPVDITFOTJUJWJUZ Ŕ $PNGPSUBOEGMFYJCJMJUZ Protection against: 9 Chemical splash Level 2 0120 G10 Nitrile General Purpose Gloves These gloves are: Ŕ -BUFYBOE1PXEFSGSFF Ŕ "NCJEFYUSPVT These gloves have: Ŕ 5FYUVSFEţOHFSUJQTGPSCFUUFSHSJQ Ŕ #FBEFEDVŢTGPSBEEFETUSFOHUIJOEPOOJOH These gloves are suitable for: Ŕ "VUPNPUJWF Ŕ 8BSFIPVTJOH Ŕ 5SBOTQPSU Ŕ $MFBOJOHBOEFOHJOFFSJOHJOEVTUSJFT Ŕ 'PPEQSPDFTTJOHBOEDBUFSJOH G10 Blue Nitrile Gloves Ŕ NNUIJDLOFTT 1SFNJVNHMPWFTPŢFSJOH Ŕ 11&$BUFHPSZ*$&4JNQMF QSPEVDUDMBTTJţFE Ŕ )JHIMFWFMPGDPNGPSU by EC Council Directive 89/686/EEC Ŕ 1SPUFDUJPOBOEQFSGPSNBODF G10 Arctic Blue Nitrile Gloves Ŕ &YDFQUJPOBMUBDUJMFTFOTJUJWJUZNBLJOHUIFNJEFBMGPSJOUSJDBUF All the benefits of natural assembly work rubber latex without the risk of Ŕ NNUIJDLOFTTNJOJNVN reaction. Ŕ 11&$BUFHPSZ*$&4JNQMF QSPEVDUDMBTTJţFE 1SFNJVNHMPWFTPŢFSJOH by EC Council Directive 89/686/EEC Ŕ .BYJNVNUPVDITFOTJUJWJUZ Ŕ $PNGPSUBOEŤFYJCJMJUZ Description XS S M L G20 Atlantic Green Size/Code 90090 90091 90092 90093 G10 Blue Nitrile 57370 57371 57372 57373 XL 90094 57374 G10 Arctic Blue Nitrile 90095 90096 90097 90098 90099 Case Contents PPE Classification 10 × × 250 = 2500 gloves 10 × × 225 = 2250 gloves 10 × × 100 = 1000 gloves 10 × × 90 = 900 gloves 10 × × 200 = 2000 gloves 10 × × 180 = 1800 gloves CAT III CAT I CAT I (1) For additional information on chemical protection, see Pages 39 – 44 or visit 22 For technical queries, please contact INFOFAX on 0800 269 470 or email on [email protected] JACKSON SAFETY* Eye and Face Wear 23 Personal Protective Equipment Eye and Face Wear Legislation The legal responsibilities Under European Commission direction, it is the employer’s responsibility to assess the need for personal protective equipment in their working environment and, where required, provide the necessary eye and face protection free of charge to the workforce. Within the European Commission set Personal Protective Directive PPE 89/686/ EEC – the standards for Eye and face Protection Products falls under regulation EN166:2001. All products tested to this standard are measured against various hazards as encountered in industry, laboratories, educational establishments, DIY activities, etc. which are likely to damage the eye or impair vision of the user. Products relating to EN166 are first split between the following two key measured parts of the standards: Ultraviolet rays are a risk Ultraviolet light rays, the damaging component in sunlight, are classified as UVA and UVB light rays. People are aware UIBUVMUSBWJPMFUMJHIUDBVTFTJOKVSZUPUIF skin but ultraviolet rays can also cause eye problems. Exposure to bright sunlight can DBVTFDPOKVODUJWBMDPSOFBMMFOTBOESFUJOBM damage in a relatively short time span. UVA/UVB Protection 99.9% of UVA/UVB protection in accordance with EN166:2001 is provided by JACKSON SAFETY* Eye and Face Protection. This is achieved through a combination of the lenses, the snug fit and the wrap-around design. Optical Clarity This relates to the visual quality of the lens and determines how long a user can feasibly wear the product without experiencing fatigue or reduced quality in vision. This is split into the following levels: 1 – Continuous Use 2 – Intermittent Use 3 – Occasional Use Impact Protection This relates to the level of mechanical impact protection that the lens and frame of the product can withstand for the user. This is split into the following levels: A – High Energy Impact (190 m/s) B – Medium Energy Impact (120 m/s) F – Low Energy Impact (45 m/s) Further Properties Further optical properties that may be found to be beneficial to the user for operational reasons are marked and explained as appropriate on each eye wear detail. Limitations Note: The selection and use of JACKSON SAFETY* Eye and Face Protection must be based on a hazard assessment of the wearer’s work environment by an appropriately trained individual for the employer or organization in accordance with the EN166:2001 standard. The JACKSON SAFETY* Eye Protection range of glasses is not an alternative to goggles or face shields in situations where more extreme impact, dust or chemicals are experienced. They provide limited eye protection and do not protect you from all hazards or hazardous fluids. They are neither unbreakable nor impenetrable. The eye wear must fit securely at all times. Worn over ordinary spectacles they can transmit impacts. Tinted lenses provide protection from sunlight. They are not to be used in welding environments unless specifically stated. 24 For more information, please visit Personal Protective Equipment JACKSON SAFETY* Eye Wear Product selector Tüm göz koruyucularımız kişisel konfor, güvenlik ve en iyi çalışma performansını garanti eder. Ŕ Tüm göz koruyucularımız&/' standardına uygundur. Ŕ Ürünlerimiz erkek ve kadın kullanımına uygundur. Seçim kılavuzu JACKSON SAFETY* Göz Koruyucular Lens Açıklaması Şeffaf Lens – En yüksek optik berraklık – maksimum ışık geçirgenliği. İç mekan uygulamaları için ideal. Duman Lens – Parlak güneşte, ani parlamlarda ve göz yorulmalarında dış kullanım için ideal. Sarı Lens – Işık toplayıcı özellik – düşük ışıklı alanlarda yüksek görünürlük ve iyi kontrast sağlar. İç/Dış mekanlar için yüksek performans lens – Parlamaları ve kamaşmaları azaltır. JACKSON SAFETY* Göz koruyucu ürünleri V60 V50 Nemesis Calico Rx V40 V40 V30 V30 V20 Platinum HellRaiser Nemesis Nemesis Purity X VL AF AM AF AM AF AM AM AM AM V10 Unispec V10 Element AM (1) Aynalı LensŊIşık miktarını yansıtır ve azaltır. DIş mekanlarda ısı geçişini düşürür. IR/UV 3.0 kaynak lensi – EC sertifikalı DIN 3 lens, IR/UV korumasıyla kaynak ilişkili uygulamalar içindir. IR/UV 3.0 kaynak lensi – EC sertifikalı DIN 3 lens, IR/UV korumasıyla kaynak ve kesme ilişkili uygulamalar içindir. (1) Farklı diyoptriler mevcuttur: +1.0, +1.5, +2.0, +2.5, +3.0 AF = Anti-Buğu kaplamalı – EN 166 N standardına uygun, en yüksek seviye koruma. AM = Anti-Buhar kaplamalı – Lens üzerinde düşürülmüş nem yoğunlaşması ve ani ısı/nem değişikliklerine karşı mükemmel etki. For technical queries, please contact INFOFAX on 0800 269 470 or email on [email protected] 25 Personal Protective Equipment JACKSON SAFETY* Eye Wear V60 Nemesis Rx, V50 Calico, V40 HellRaiser and V30 Nemesis All of the eye wear on this page offer: Ŕ *NQBDUSFTJTUBOUQPMZDBSCPOBUFMFOTUIBUNFFUT&VSPQFBOTUBOEBSE&/' Ŕ -JHIUXFJHIUXSBQBSPVOEEFTJHOGPSBEEFEDPNGPSUBOEDPWFSBHF Ŕ 67"67#1SPUFDUJPO V60 Nemesis Rx EN166:2001 Ŕ #JGPDBMTUZMFXJUIEJPQUFSTGPSWJTJPOBTTJTUBODF Ŕ UPEJPQUFSTBWBJMBCMF Ŕ &OIBODFEOPTFQJFDFEFTJHOUPDIBOOFMBXBZTXFBU Ŕ &WFSZQBJSJODMVEFTBOFDLDPSE V50 Calico EN166:2001 Ŕ &OIBODFEWFSTJPOPGUIFQPQVMBS7EFTJHO Ŕ 'PBNGPHBOEQBSUJDMFTIJFMEQSPWJEFTFYUSBQSPUFDUJPOBSPVOEMFOT Ŕ "OUJGPHMFOTDPBUJOHUIBUNFFUT&VSPQFBO4UBOEBSE&// Ŕ "OUJTDSBUDIMFOTDPBUJOHUIBUNFFUT&VSPQFBO4UBOEBSE&/, Ŕ 3FNPWBCMFBSNTBOEIFBETUSBQBUUBDINFOUBMMPXFBTZDPOWFSTJPOGSPNTQFDUBDMFTUP goggles V40 Platinum X EN166:2001 Ŕ 4MFFL9'SBNFXSBQBSPVOEEFTJHOPŢFSJOHTUZMJTIBOEDPOUFNQPSBSZMPPL Ŕ $POUPVSFETPGUUPVDIUFNQMFTEFTJHOFEUPţUNPTUGBDFT Ŕ 4PGUOPTFCSJEHFGPSBEEJUJPOBMDPNGPSU HellRaiser EN166:2001 Ŕ 4USFBNMJOFETVOHMBTTTUZMJOH Ŕ -JHIUXFJHIUŤFYJCMFEFTJHO V30 Nemesis EN166:2001 Ŕ 4MFFLTQPSUZTUZMF Ŕ 4PGUUPVDIUFNQMFTGPSBEEFEDPNGPSU Ŕ &WFSZQBJSJODMVEFTBOFDLDPSE Range +1.0 +1.5 +2.0 +2.5 +3.0 Case Contents V60 Nemesis Rx 28618 28621 28624 28627 28630 1× Range Clear A/M Smoke Indoor/Outdoor Amber Mirror IR/UV 3.0 IR/UV 5.0 Case Contents V50 Calico 25672 (1) 25675 (1) – 25674 (1) – – – 1× × 12 = 12 pairs 25707 (2) 25710 (2) – 25713 (2) – – – 1× × 12 = 12 pairs V40 HellRaiser 28615 (2) 25714 25716 – – – – 1× × 12 = 12 pairs V30 Nemesis 25679 (2) – 25685 25673 25688 25692 25694 1× × 12 = 12 pairs V40 Platinum X (1) With Anti-Fog (AF) coating (2) With Anti-Mist (AM) coating 26 For more information, please visit ×6 = 6 pairs Personal Protective Equipment JACKSON SAFETY* Eye Wear V30 Nemesis VL, V20 Purity, V10 Unispec and V10 Element All of the eye wear on this page offer: Ŕ *NQBDUSFTJTUBOUQPMZDBSCPOBUFMFOTUIBUNFFUT&VSPQFBOTUBOEBSE&/' Ŕ -JHIUXFJHIUXSBQBSPVOEEFTJHOGPSBEEFEDPNGPSUBOEDPWFSBHF Ŕ 67"67#1SPUFDUJPO V30 Nemesis VL EN166:2001 Ŕ 'SBNFMFTTVMUSBMJHIUXFJHIUEFTJHO Ŕ /PCSPXEFTJHOJODSFBTFTVQXBSEBOEQFSJQIFSBMWJTJPO Ŕ 4MJQTUPQUFNQMFTSFEVDFTMJQQJOH Ŕ $PNQBDUQSPţMFBDDPNNPEBUFTTNBMMFSGBDFT Ŕ *ODMVEFTGSFFOFDLDPSE V20 Purity EN166:2001 Ŕ 5IFOFXMPPLJOMJHIUXFJHIUQSPUFDUJWFFZFXFBS Ŕ 8SBQBSPVOEMFOTGPSCFUUFSFZFQSPUFDUJPO Ŕ $PNGPSUBCMFQBEEFEUFNQMFT V10 Unispec EN166:2001 Ŕ -PXDPTUXSBQBSPVOEQSPUFDUJPOXJUIBPOFQJFDFQPMZDBSCPOBUFMFOT and uncoated frame Ŕ 'JUTPWFSNPTUQSFTDSJQUJPOFZFXFBS Ŕ 4JEFTIJFMETQSPWJEFBEEFEQSPUFDUJPO Element EN166:2001 Ŕ -JHIUXFJHIUQPQVMBSTUZMJOHXJUIBOFDPOPNJDBMQSJDF Ŕ 6OJWFSTBMOPTFCSJEHFGPSDPNGPSU Ŕ $PNQMFUFMZ%JFMFDUSJD Range Clear Smoke Indoor/Outdoor Mirror IR/UV 3.0 IR/UV 5.0 Case Contents V30 Nemesis VL 25701 (1) 25704 25697 – – – 1× × 12 = 12 pairs V20 Purity 25654 (1) 25652 25656 – – – 1× × 12 = 12 pairs V10 Unispec 25646 – – – 25647 25648 1× × 50 = 50 pairs V10 Element 25642 – 25644 25645 – – 1× × 12 = 12 pairs (1) With Anti-Mist (AM) coating For technical queries, please contact INFOFAX on 0800 269 470 or email on [email protected] 27 Personal Protective Equipment JACKSON SAFETY* Face Protection F20 Face Shield and Brow Guard Our face shield and brow guard system: Ŕ 0ŢFSTJNQBDUQSPUFDUJPO Ŕ *TNPEVMBSUIFCSPXHVBSEDBOCFSFVTFEXJUINVMUJQMF'BDF4IJFMETBOETIPVMECFPSEFSFETFQBSBUFMZ Face Shield F20 Polycarbonate Ŕ 'VMMGBDFQSPUFDUJPOBHBJOTUQBSUJDMFTBOETQBSLT Ŕ .FFUT&/MFWFM#GPS.FEJVN*NQBDU1SPUFDUJPONT Ŕ .FFUT&/MFWFMGPS*OUFSNJUUFOU6TF Ŕ 8PSLTJODPOKVODUJPOXJUI+"$,40/4"'&5:+.BYY#SPX(VBSE Brow Guard J-Maxx Ŕ 1SPWJEFTQSPUFDUJPOBSPVOEUIFGPSFIFBEBOEIPMETUIF'BDF4IJFMEQJFDFJOQMBDF Ŕ " EKVTUBCMFPWFSUPQIFBETUSBQUPTVJUVTFS Ŕ 4 JEFSBUDIFUBEKVTUFSUPTVJUUIFDPNGPSUPGUIFVTFS Ŕ & BTZUPVTFVOMPDLJOHTZTUFNGPSRVJDLSFNPWBM Description JACKSON SAFETY* F20 Polycarbonate Face Shield JACKSON SAFETY* J-Maxx Brow Guard 28 Code Lens Case Contents 28650 Clear, Unbound 12 × = 1 case 28640 n/a 10 × = 1 case For more information, please visit JACKSON SAFETY* Respirators 29 Personal Protective Equipment Respirator Legislation The legal responsibilities Under current legislation, employers are responsible for providing suitable respiratory protection to employees who need it and giving proper training in its use. KIMBERLY-CLARK PROFESSIONAL* offers a choice of respiratory protection, expert knowledge and support services to help you stay within the law. What is a workplace respiratory hazard? A workplace respiratory hazard is anything that impairs an FNQMPZFFōTBCJMJUZUPCSFBUIFGSFFMZBOETBGFMZ4VDIUISFBUT might include: Ŕ Dusts: Formed when solid matter is broken down into fine, airborne particles Ŕ Mists: Tiny liquid droplets, formed by condensation or as the result of processes such as spraying Ŕ Metal fumes: Fine, airborne particles from metal that condense after vaporisation at high temperatures Ŕ Gases: Often odourless and invisible, can spread freely and quickly through the air Ŕ Vapours: Gases formed when solids or liquids evaporate at room temperature How to choose the right protection? The right respiratory protection is vital to prevent harmful exposure to particles, gases and vapours. Following these rules will help you make the right choice: How long can a respirator be used? Disposable respirators protect against airborne particulates. They are constructed largely from the filtermedia itself and cover the nose, mouth and chin. They should be disposed of at the end of each shift (8 hours maximum) or sooner if they become heavily contaminated. Selected models within the JACKSON SAFETY* Range of particulate respirators PŢFSMPOHFSQSPUFDUJPOBOEţMUSBUJPO performance when used in dusty environments and/or the possibility of being reused at the end of the 8 hour shift. These BSFJEFOUJţFEXJUIUIFMFUUFS%UPSFŤFDU DPNQMJBODFXJUIUIF&/" 2009 clogging test and the letter R (after the filtration performance level) to indicate reusability (NR indicates the respirator is non-reusable). Ŕ Risk: Identify the hazard – is it dust, mist, metal fume, gas or vapours? Ŕ Concentration: Assess the concentration of contaminant; never underestimate, seek help and advice from our INFOFAX Service Ŕ Product selection: Purchase only legal, CE marked respiratory equipment; if unsure of what you need, ask your KIMBERLY-CLARK PROFESSIONAL* distributor or contact our INFOFAX Service Ŕ Training: Set up a training programme so that every user of respiratory equipment is informed about correct fitting, maintenance and storage 0194 30 All KIMBERLY-CLARK PROFESSIONAL* disposable respirators meet the European Standard for respiratory equipment EN 149: 2001 + A1: 2009 and carry the CE mark. For more information, please visit Personal Protective Equipment Respirators Frequently asked questions What does FFP stand for? Filtering Face Piece (= disposable maintenance-free respirator) What is the difference between an FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3 respirator? This classification is related to filtration performance levels BTEFţOFEQFS&/" Ŕ ''1ţMUFSTPVUPGTPMJEBOEMJRVJEQBSUJDMFTEVSJOHUFTU procedure Ŕ ''1ţMUFSTPVUPGTPMJEBOEMJRVJEQBSUJDMFTEVSJOHUFTU procedure Ŕ ''1ţMUFSTPVUPGTPMJEBOEMJRVJEQBSUJDMFTEVSJOHUFTU procedure What is the nominal protection factor? Calculated on the basis of Total Inward Leakage (TIL), this number is indicating the protection level of the respirator under laboratory conditions. A nominal protection factor of 50 means that the pollution inside the respirator is 50 times lower than the pollution outside the respirator. Ŕ 1SFTQJSBUPSTIBWFBOPNJOBMQSPUFDUJPOGBDUPSPG Ŕ 1SFTQJSBUPSTIBWFBOPNJOBMQSPUFDUJPOGBDUPSPG Ŕ 1SFTQJSBUPSTIBWFBOPNJOBMQSPUFDUJPOGBDUPSPG What is the ”Dolomite Test“? The Dolomite Test is an optional test under norms EN "5IFUFTUDPOTJTUTPGTVCKFDUJOH the respirator to a breathing simulation in a controlled environment with a known high concentration of dolomite dust in the air. This will ensure that breathing resistance and ţMUFSQFOFUSBUJPOBSFOPUTVCTUBOUJBMMZBŢFDUFEGSPNUIFVTF of the respirator in a dusty environment for the whole 8 hour shift. What is the 120mg loading test? "EEJUJPOBMUFTUSFRVJSFEUPNFFU&/" This is testing how respirators perform under heavy particle load. What is the filtermedia made of? Our JACKSON SAFETY*/KLEENGUARD* Respirators use EJŢFSFOUMBZFSFEţMUFSNFEJBNFMUCMPXOTQVOCPOEIJHIMZ bonded and lightly carded webs. Why is carbon added? By adding a layer of activated charcoal to the filter, organic vapours below Occupational Exposure Level (OEL) can be filtered out of the inhaled air. Carbon has a very large surface area due to its porous structure, which gives plenty of space to trap nuisance odours passing through this layer. What does ”electrostatic filtermedia“ mean and how does it work? One filtermedia layer of our respirators is electrostatically charged. Due to this charge, fine particles are attracted UPUIFţMUFSNFEJBBOEUSBQQFEJOJU5IJTMBZFSJTFŢFDUJWFMZ filtering out fine particles. How does the exhalation valve work? Valves have a rubber membrane which closes when inhaling and opens when exhaling. They enable hot and humid exhaled air to be pushed out of the breathing zone in order to keep the face cooler. They also help to reduce breathing resistance; which is particularly important for FFP3 respirators, as they have a thicker filtermedia. Why are some products marked as “reusable”? Some respirators are marked with the letter R (after the filtration performance level) as part of the CE marking to indicate that they have successfully met the additional SFRVJSFNFOUTXJUIJO&/"UPCF reused at the end of a shift provided that they are kept in the original packaging and away from the contaminated area until worn again. Reusability requires the on-going assessment of the condition of the respirator to determine the moment when it has to be finally disposed and replaced. Why select a comfort strap respirator? Two thirds of users prefer JACKSON SAFETY* Particulate Respirators with Comfort Strap over the European market MFBEFSōTFRVJWBMFOUQSPEVDU(1) (1) Based on end user comparative studies conducted on FFP2 particulate respirators in February-March 2008 For technical queries, please contact INFOFAX on 0800 269 470 or email on [email protected] 31 Personal Protective Equipment JACKSON SAFETY* Respirators Product selector A comprehensive range of respirators providing the most appropriate protection to meet your needs. Selecting the right respirator 5PJODSFBTFQSPEVDUJWJUZBOEDPTUFŢFDUJWFOFTTXPSLFSTNVTU CFBCMFUPXPSLFťDJFOUMZDPNGPSUBCMZBOETBGFMZQSPUFDUJOH themselves against a broad spectrum of possible airborne hazards. Use the respirator selector in order to determine the right respirator for the task. Hazard/Concentration Nominal protection factor 4 Assigned protection factor 4 Nominal protection factor 12 Assigned protection factor 10 Nominal protection factor 50 Assigned protection factor 20 YES NO YES NO YES Hot humid conditions or risk of fogging safety spectacles? NO YES YES Nuisance odours? YES R30 Folded R30 FFP3 RD – Valved R20 R20 FFP2 NR Nuisance Odour respirator R20 Folded R20 FFP2 RD – Valved R20 Folded R20 FFP2 RD – Unvalved R10 Folded R10 FFP1 NR – Unvalved R20 Moulded Comfort Strap R20 FFP2D NR – Unvalved R10 Moulded Comfort Strap R10 FFP1 NR – Unvalved Folded-valved R30 Moulded Comfort Strap R30 FFP3D NR – Dual Valved Moulded- dual valved R20 Moulded Comfort Strap R20 FFP2D NR – Dual Valved R10 Moulded Comfort Strap R10 FFP1 NR – Dual Valved The selector is a guide only. It is the responsibility of the employer to make sure the respirator is suitable for its intended use. We suggest that you always check the latest version of KIMBERLY-CLARK PROFESSIONAL* product literature to get more information about the products or contact INFOFAX Service by emailing [email protected]. 32 For more information, please visit Personal Protective Equipment JACKSON SAFETY* Respirators R30 – R10 Folded range All the following respirators are: Ŕ -BUFYGSFF$BOIFMQQSFWFOUBMMFSHJDSFBDUJPOT Ŕ &MFDUSPTUBUJDBMMZDIBSHFEBTXFMMBTPŢFSJOHBNFDIBOJDBM filter Ŕ *OEJWJEVBMMZXSBQQFEGPSJODSFBTFEIZHJFOF Ŕ $&NBSLFEBDDPSEJOHUP&/" All the following respirators offer: Ŕ .PVMEBCMFOPTFTFBMNBEFPGXBUFSSFQFMMFOUNBUFSJBMŊCFUUFS seal to prevent leakage and reduce fogging on safety glasses Ŕ &YDFMMFOUCSFBUIBCJMJUZBOEţMUFSJOHQFSGPSNBODF Ŕ "EKVTUBCMFMBUFYGSFFIFBETUSBQTUPBMMPXGPSBDPNGPSUBCMF and secure fit R30 FFP3 RD Respirator Valved Protection against: 9 Fine dusts 9 Water and oil based mists 9 Metal fumes 9 Caustics 9 Solvents Ŕ % PMPNJUF5FTUQBTTFEŊQSPWFOGJMUFSJOHQFSGPSNBODFPWFSUJNF Ŕ & YIBMBUJPOWBMWFŊFOIBODFEDPNGPSUUISPVHIIFBUBOENPJTUVSFSFEVDUJPO Ŕ 'NHMPBEJOHUFTUQBTTFEŊNFFUTMBUFTUSFHVMBUJPOTŊGJMUFSJOH performance even when filtermedia are under heavy particle load Ŕ &YUSBTPGUJOOFSMJOJOHŊFYUSBDPNGPSU Ŕ &BTZEJTQFOTJOHŊOPEVTUQFOFUSBUJPOJOUPCPY Ŕ 3FEDPMPVSDPEJOHŊFBTZEJTUJODUJPOPGQFSGPSNBODFMFWFM''1 Ŕ 3 FVTBCMFBUUIFFOEPGUIFTIJGU3 R20 FFP2 NR Carbon Respirator Valved Protection against: 9 Fine dusts 9 Water and oil based mists 9 Organic vapours Ŕ $ BSCPOMBZFSIFMQTTUPQOVJTBODFPEPVSTCFMPXUIFJS0DDVQBUJPOBM Exposure Level (OEL) Ŕ &YIBMBUJPOWBMWFŊFOIBODFEDPNGPSUUISPVHIIFBUBOENPJTUVSFSFEVDUJPO Ŕ :FMMPXDPMPVSDPEJOHŊFBTZEJTUJODUJPOPGQFSGPSNBODFMFWFM''1 R20 FFP2 RD Respirator Valved Protection against: 9 Fine dusts 9 Water and oil based mists Ŕ Ŕ Ŕ Ŕ PMPNJUF5FTUQBTTFEŊQSPWFOGJMUFSJOHQFSGPSNBODFPWFSUJNF % &YIBMBUJPOWBMWFŊFOIBODFEDPNGPSUUISPVHIIFBUBOENPJTUVSFSFEVDUJPO :FMMPXDPMPVSDPEJOHŊFBTZEJTUJODUJPOPGQFSGPSNBODFMFWFM''1 3FVTBCMFBUUIFFOEPGUIFTIJGU3 Unvalved Protection against: 9 Fine dusts 9 Water and oil based mists Ŕ % PMPNJUF5FTUQBTTFEŊQSPWFOGJMUFSJOHQFSGPSNBODFPWFSUJNF Ŕ :FMMPXDPMPVSDPEJOHŊFBTZEJTUJODUJPOPGQFSGPSNBODFMFWFM''1 Ŕ 3FVTBCMFBUUIFFOEPGUIFTIJGU3 R10 FFP1 R Respirator Unvalved Protection against: 9 Fine dusts 9 Water and oil based mists Description Code R30 FFP3 RD Respirator Valved 62980 R20 FFP2 NR Carbon Respirator Valved 62970 R20 FFP2 RD Respirator Valved 62960 R20 FFP2 RD Respirator Unvalved 62940 R10 FFP1 R Respirator Unvalved 62920 Color Coding Ŕ # MVFDPMPVSDPEJOHŊFBTZEJTUJODUJPOPGQFSGPSNBODFMFWFM''1 Ŕ 3FVTBCMFBUUIFFOEPGUIFTIJGU3 Case Contents 10 × × 15 = 150 10 × × 15 = 150 10 × × 15 = 150 10 × × 20 = 200 10 × × 20 = 200 PPE Classification EN Marking CAT III &/" CAT III &/" CAT III &/" CAT III &/" CAT III &/" For technical queries, please contact INFOFAX on 0800 269 470 or email on [email protected] 33 Personal Protective Equipment JACKSON SAFETY* Respirators R30 – R10 Moulded Comfort Strap range All the following respirators are: Ŕ BUFYGSFF$BOIFMQQSFWFOUBMMFSHJDSFBDUJPOT Ŕ $ &NBSLFEBDDPSEJOHUP&/" Ŕ % JTQPTBCMFBUUIFFOEPGUIFTIJGU Comfort is key so all the following respirators offer: Ŕ 4PGUOPTFGPBNXJUIDMPUIMBZFSEFTJHOFEUPJNQSPWFDPNGPSU and reduce fogging on safety eye wear Ŕ $POWFYTIBQFOPTFDMJQBOEBEKVTUBCMFFYUSBXJEFTUSBQUP QSPWJEFBOFYDFMMFOUţUGPSBWBSJFUZPGEJŢFSFOUGBDFTIBQFT R30 FFP3D NR Particulate Respirator Dual Valved Protection against: 9 Fine dusts 9 Water and oil based mists 9 Metal fumes Ŕ %VBM7BMWFTEFTJHOFEUPNBYJNJTFXBSNBOEIVNJEBJSŤPXBXBZ from the face and help reduce fogging on eye wear Ŕ $PMPVSDPEFESFEGPSFBTZEJTUJODUJPOPGQFSGPSNBODFMFWFM''1 Ŕ %PMPNJUF5FTUQBTTFEŊQSPWFOţMUFSJOHQFSGPSNBODFPWFSUJNF R20 FFP2D NR Nuisance Odour Respirator Dual Valved 20122 Protection against: 9 Fine dusts 9 Water and oil based mists 9 Metal fumes 9 Organic vapours Ŕ %JTQPTBCMF''1SFTQJSBUPSDPBUFEXJUIQPUBTTJVNDBSCPOBUFUIBU relieves the wearer from nuisance odour from organic vapours below their Occupational Exposure Level (OEL) Ŕ %VBMWBMWFEGPSJODSFBTFESFTQJSBUPSZDPNGPSU Ŕ $PMPVSDPEFEZFMMPXGPSFBTZEJTUJODUJPOPGQFSGPSNBODFMFWFM''1 Dual Valved Protection against: 9 Fine dusts 9 Water and oil based mists 9 Metal fumes Ŕ %VBM7BMWFTEFTJHOFEUPNBYJNJTFXBSNBOEIVNJEBJSŤPXBXBZ from the face and help reduce fogging on eye wear Ŕ $PMPVSDPEFEZFMMPXGPSFBTZEJTUJODUJPOPGQFSGPSNBODFMFWFM''1 Ŕ %PMPNJUF5FTUQBTTFEŊQSPWFOţMUFSJOHQFSGPSNBODFPWFSUJNF Unvalved Protection against: 9 Fine dusts 9 Water and oil based mists 9 Metal fumes Ŕ $ PMPVSDPEFEZFMMPXGPSFBTZEJTUJODUJPOPGQFSGPSNBODFMFWFM''1 Ŕ %PMPNJUF5FTUQBTTFEŊQSPWFOţMUFSJOHQFSGPSNBODFPWFSUJNF R10 FFP1 NR Particulate Respirator Dual Valved Protection against: 9 Fine dusts 9 Water and oil based mists Ŕ %VBM7BMWFTEFTJHOFEUPNBYJNJTFXBSNBOEIVNJEBJSŤPXBXBZ from the face and help reduce fogging on eye wear Ŕ $PMPVSDPEFECMVFGPSFBTZEJTUJODUJPOPGQFSGPSNBODFMFWFM''1 Unvalved Protection against: 9 Fine dusts 9 Water and oil based mists 34 Description Code R30 FFP3D NR Respirator Dual Valved 64590 M20 FFP2 NR Nuisance Respirators Dual Valved 64560 R20 FFP2D NR Respirator Dual Valved 64550 R20 FFP2D NR Respirator Unvalved 64540 R10 FFP1 NR Respirator Dual Valved 64260 R10 FFP1 NR Respirator Unvalved 64250 Color Coding Ŕ $PMPVSDPEFECMVFGPSFBTZEJTUJODUJPOPGQFSGPSNBODFMFWFM''1 Case Contents 8× × 10 = 80 8× × 10 = 80 8× × 10 = 80 8× × 20 = 160 8× × 10 = 80 8× × 20 = 160 PPE Classification EN Marking CAT III &/" CAT III &/" CAT III &/" CAT III &/" CAT III &/" CAT III &/" For more information, please visit JACKSON SAFETY* Hearing Protection 35 Personal Protective Equipment Hearing Protection The legal responsibilities and product selector KIMBERLY-CLARK PROFESSIONAL* Hearing Protection offers a wide choice of innovative and traditional hearing protection products, designed to offer users maximum comfort and encourage conformity. Ŕ " MMDPOGPSNUP&/ Ŕ *40RVBMJUZBTTVSFENBOVGBDUVSJOH Ŕ % FTJHOFEUPTVJUCPUINBMFBOEGFNBMFVTFST Why is Hearing Protection important? Continued exposure to noise above certain levels causes permanent hearing damage. Hearing cells cannot be repaired nor do they regenerate. How is noise measured? The decibel scale is used in acoustics to quantify sound levels. The reference level (0 dB) is set at the threshold of human perception. When does it become a problem? 8PSLFSTBSFFYQPTFEUPOPJTFMFWFMTBUEJŢFSFOUGSFRVFODJFT that may vary depending on the type of industry and activities performed. Noise levels above 80 dB will start causing progressive hearing damage as the noise intensity and exposure increase. Employer’s responsibilities As a general guidance to the European Directive 89/391/EEC, employers must determine what levels of noise each worker is exposed to. Under the EU noise legislation, employers must provide the option of suitable hearing protection where noise exceeds 80 dB(A). At 85 dB, employers must provide and strictly enforce the use of Hearing Protection. Choosing the correct Hearing Protection Devices (HPD) European standards require that hearing protection equipment is tested to determine the levels of protection FBDIQSPEVDUPŢFST5IFTFQSPUFDUJPOMFWFMTBSFDBMMFE Single Number Ratings (SNRs) – look out for them in the product descriptions. Following a risk assessment, the HPD selection would require that the environmental noise level and the desired final noise levels, at the end organ of hearing, are subtracted to determine the requested SNR. This would achieve an BEKVTUFEEFTJSFEOPJTFMFWFMPGCFUXFFOE#BOEE# "ţOBMBEKVTUFEMFWFMCFMPXE#JTDPOTJEFSFEUPCFPWFS protection. Ürün Seçim Kılavuzu Açıklama 36 SNR Çoklu Kullanım Konfor Yumuşak Köpük Kolay Takma Yenilikçi Patent Değişir Metal Saptama Tasarım Koruma Parça Versiyonu Mevcut JACKSON SAFETY* H50 Multiple-use Ear Clips 23 3 3333 33 33 333 3 67237 7 JACKSON SAFETY* ).VMUJQMFVTF$PNGPSUŤFY Earplugs 28 3 333 33 33 33 3 7 7 JACKSON SAFETY* H20 Earplugs 25 3 33 3 3 3 3 7 3 JACKSON SAFETY* H10 Disposable Earplugs 31 7 33 3 Requires Rolling Down 3 3 7 3 For more information, please visit Personal Protective Equipment JACKSON SAFETY* Hearing Protection H50 – H30 Hearing Protection All products on this page are: Ŕ ' SFFGSPNMBUFYTJMJDPO17$BOEQIUIBMBUFT All products on this page offer: Ŕ )JHIWJTJCJMJUZGPSFBTZDPNQMJBODFNPOJUPSJOH H50 Multiple-use Hearing Protection Ear Clips User friendly: Patented clip-on design: Ŕ %FTJHOFEUPCFFBTJMZJOTFSUFEBOESFNPWFE Ŕ 4PGUGPBNVOJRVFMZTIBQFEUPDPOGPSNUPUIF ear canal opening Ŕ %FTJHOFEUPFOTVSFMPOHXFBSJOHDPNGPSU Ŕ -JHIUXFJHIUDMJQTTUBZTFDVSFMZJOQMBDF Ŕ &BTZIZHJFOJDJOTFSUJPOBOESFNPWBMNJOJNJTFT Ŕ %FTJHOFEOPUUPJOUFSGFSFXJUIPUIFS11& hand to foam contamination Ŕ %FTJHOFEUPCFVTFEXJUI+"$,40/4"'&5: Ŕ &BDIQBJSDPNQMFUFXJUIJOEJWJEVBMDBSSZDBTF H50 Replacement Pads Ŕ $PSEFEBOEVODPSEFEPQUJPOTBWBJMBCMF Ŕ 3FVTBCMFIFMQTUPSFEVDFDPTUJOVTF Replacement Pads Ŕ 3FQMBDFBCMFQBETZTUFNUPCFVTFEJO DPOKVODUJPOXJUIUIF+"$,40/4"'&5: H50 Hearing Protection User friendly: Ŕ 0OFDMJQDBOMBTUOVNFSPVTSFQMBDFNFOUQBET Ŕ 4MPUUFEPOFXBZTZTUFNUIBUBWPJETFSSPSTJO fitting Ŕ 3FVTBCMFIFMQTUPSFEVDFDPTUJOVTF H30 Multiple-use Hearing Protection ComfortFlex Earplugs Unique tapered design(1): Ŕ 2VJDLBOEDPNGPSUBCMFDVTUPNţU Ŕ &MJNJOBUFTOFFEUPSPMMEPXOGPBN Ŕ 1SPWJEFTJOTUBOUQSPUFDUJPOVQPOQSPQFS insertion – no need to wait for foam to expand User friendly: Ŕ 'MFYJCMFIBOEMFBOETPGUFYUFSJPSXPSL together to provide more comfort to the user Ŕ &BTZIZHJFOJDJOTFSUJPOBOESFNPWBM minimises hand to foam contamination Ŕ &BDIQBJSDPNQMFUFXJUIJOEJWJEVBMDBSSZDBTF Ŕ $PSEFEBOEVODPSEFEPQUJPOTBWBJMBCMF Ŕ 3FVTBCMFIFMQTUPSFEVDFDPTUJOVTF Description Code Case Contents H50 Uncorded 67235 EN Marking 8× × 10 pair cartons = 80 pairs EN 352-2, SNR 23 H50 Corded 67236 8× × 10 pair cartons = 80 pairs EN 352-2, SNR 23 H50 Replacements 67237 4× × 50 pair cartons = 200 pairs N/A (only applies when used with 67235/6) H30 Uncorded 67227 4× × 50 pair cartons = 200 pairs EN 352-2, SNR 28 H30 Corded 67228 4× × 50 pair cartons = 200 pairs EN 352-2, SNR 28 (1) Patent pending For technical queries, please contact INFOFAX on 0800 269 470 or email on [email protected] 37 Personal Protective Equipment JACKSON SAFETY* Hearing Protection H20 – H10 Hearing Protection All products on this page offer: Ŕ ' SFFGSPNMBUFYTJMJDPOFBOEQIUIBMBUFT Ŕ " WBJMBCMFJOXBMMNPVOUBCMFEJTQFOTFSCPY H20 Hearing Protection Reusable Earplugs Ŕ 5SBEJUJPOBMMZTUZMFEPŢFSJOH Ŕ %FTJHOFOTVSFTFBTJFSIPMEJOHBOEEPOOJOH Ŕ )JHIWJTJCJMJUZGPSFBTZDPNQMJBODFNPOJUPSJOH Ŕ &BDIQBJSDPNQMFUFXJUISFTFBMBCMFCBH Ŕ $PSEFEBOEVODPSEFEPQUJPOTBWBJMBCMF Ŕ "MTPBWBJMBCMFJODPSEFE.FUBM%FUFDUBCMFPQUJPO H10 Hearing Protection Disposable Earplugs Ŕ 4PGUSPMMEPXOGPBNGPSFBTZJOTFSUJPO Ŕ )JHIWJTJCJMJUZGPSFBTZDPNQMJBODFNPOJUPSJOH Ŕ &BDIQBJSJOEJWJEVBMMZCBHHFE Ŕ $PSEFEBOEVODPSEFEPQUJPOTBWBJMBCMF Ŕ "MTPBWBJMBCMFJODPSEFE.FUBM%FUFDUBCMFPQUJPO H10 Disposable Earplug Bulk Pack and Dispenser Bulk Pack Ŕ 'FBUVSJOH)VODPSEFEEJTQPTBCMFGPBNFBSQMVHT Ŕ QBJSTPSFBSQMVHT QBDLFEJOBQPMZCBH Dispenser Ŕ 8BMMNPVOUBCMFBOEEFTLUPQSFBEZ Ŕ &BTZŤJQPQFOGPSRVJDLSFţMM Ŕ $MFBSHMPCFIFMQTUPJOEJDBUFXIFOUPSFţMM Ŕ .PVOUJOHUFNQMBUFBOEIBSEXBSFJODMVEFE Ŕ %POOJOHJOTUSVDUJPOTBUUBDIFEUPGSPOUUPFODPVSBHFDPSSFDUJOTFSUJPO of product 38 Description Code Case Contents H20 Uncorded 67220 4× × 100 pair cartons = 400 pairs EN Marking EN 352-2, SNR 25 H20 Corded 67221 4× × 100 pair cartons = 400 pairs EN 352-2, SNR 25 H20 Metal Detectable Corded 13822 4× × 100 pair cartons = 400 pairs EN 352-2, SNR 27 H10 Uncorded 67210 8× × 200 pair cartons = 1600 pairs EN 352-2, SNR 31 H10 Corded 67212 8× × 100 pair cartons = 800 pairs EN 352-2, SNR 31 H10 Metal Detectable Corded 13821 8× × 100 pair cartons = 400 pairs EN 352-2, SNR 34 H10 Disposable Earplug Bulk Pack Orange / Regular Uncorded 25708 4× × 500 pair bags = 2000 pairs EN 352-2, SNR 31 H10 Disposable Earplug Dispenser Black / Universal 25709 1 x dispenser = 1 case For more information, please visit Personal Protective Equipment Chemical Legislation The legal responsibilities Gloves - EN 374:2003 (Protective Gloves Against Chemicals and Micro-organisms) When tested according to a water tightness and/or air tightness test, a glove shall not leak when an Acceptable 2VBMJUZ-FWFM"2- JTBQQMJFE Gloves and Protective clothing When tested for chemical permeation, product performance is classified in terms of breakthrough time Performance level Acceptable quality level unit Inspection levels Measured breakthrough time (min) Level 3 < 0.65 G1 > 10 Level 2 < 1.5 G1 > 30 2 S4 > 60 3 > 120 4 Level 1 < 4.0 The Chemical pictogram (shown right) must be accompanied by three digits, referring to a permeation performance level 2 (or higher) achieved against three chemicals from a standard list, represented in Annex A of EN374-1:2003 Code Chemical Letter CAS Number A Methanol 67-56-1 B Acetone 67-64-1 Primary alcohol Ketone C Acetonitrile 75-05-8 Nitrile compound D Dichloromethane 75-09-2 $IMPSJOBUFEQBSBťO E Carbon disulphide 75-15-0 Sulphur containing organic compound F Toluene 108-88-3 Aromatic hydrocarbon G Diethylamine 109-89-7 Amine H Tetrahydrofurane 109-99-9 Heterocyclic and ether compound I Ethyl acetate 141-78-6 Ester J n-Heptane 142-85-5 Saturated hydrocarbon Sodium hydroxide 40% 1310-73-2 Inorganic base L Sulphuric acid 96% Inorganic mineral acid 7664-93-9 1 > 240 5 > 480 6 abc Class K Permeation performance level 5IFŌ-PX$IFNJDBM3FTJTUBOUōQJDUPHSBNJTVTFE for gloves that do not achieve level 2 against at least three chemicals from the defined list, yet still comply with the Penetration test. Analysis has been carried out under laboratory conditions and should only be considered as a guide for use. Chemical performance quoted may not be representative of workplace duration of protection due to the other GBDUPSTUIBUNBZBŢFDUQFSGPSNBODFBCSBTJPOUFNQFSBUVSF degradation etc.). This information is not intended to replace a hazard analysis and risk assessment by a safety professional or professional KVEHNFOUJOUIFTFMFDUJPOPG1FSTPOBM1SPUFDUJWF&RVJQNFOU (PPE). It is the responsibility of the user to assess the type of hazards and risks associated with exposure and then decide on the appropriate PPE for each circumstance. The data in this guide is correct as at the date of print. 5IFLJEBUBJTTVCKFDUUPDIBOHFBTBEEJUJPOBMLOPXMFEHFBOE experience is gained. To view any supplements or updates please visit 5IFŌ.JDSPPSHBOJTNōQJDUPHSBNJTVTFEXIFOB glove meets at least a performance level 2 for the Penetration test. Protective clothing - EN ISO 6529:2001 method A (Protective Garments Against Chemicals and Microorganisms) The following permeation data has been produced by independent accredited laboratories using the latest test method (currently EN ISO 6529:2001 method A) The breakthrough time is the time taken for the tested DIFNJDBMUPSFBDIBQFSNFBUJPOSBUFPŢqHDNnNJOBOE qHDNnNJOBUl$BOEFOWJSPONFOUBMQSFTTVSF For more information, please visit 39 Personal Protective Equipment Chemical Protection Guides Chemical permeation(1) EN 374 JACKSON SAFETY* G80 NITRILE* Gloves ISO 6529: 2001 JACKSON SAFETY* G80 NITRILE Gauntlet KLEENGUARD* G20 Atlantic Green Nitrile Gloves KLEENGUARD* A80 Fabric Chemical CAS# Concentration Class Result Class Result 1,1,1-trichloroethane 71-55-6 100.0% 1 27 2 44 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 100.0% 1 14 2 31 1,2 Dichloroethane 107-06-2 100.0% Immediate 1,3-dichloro-2-propanol 96-23-1 100.0% 6 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 100.0% 2 35 1-pentanol 71-41-0 100.0% 6 >480 Class Result Result Class Result 4 193 6 >480 6 >480 >480 1-phenoxy-2-propanol 770-35-4 100.0% 6 >480 1-propanol 71-23-8 100.0% 6 >480 6 >480 2 Butoxyethanol 111-76-2 100.0% 2 Butoxyethanol 111-76-2 99.4% 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid, sat. sol. 15214-89-8 100.0% 6 >480 6 >480 2-Chloroethanol 107-07-3 100.0% 2-Chloroethanol 107-07-3 99.0% 2-Ethoxy ethanol 110-85-5 99.0% 4 166 2-Ethoxy Ethyl acetate 111-15-9 99.0% 3 92 2-methyl-butan-2-ol 75-85-4 99.0% 6 >480 2-methyl-cyclohexylamine 6864-37-5 100.0% 6 >480 2-propenal 107-02-8 100.0% Immediate 3-Methylamino 1,2-Propanediol 40137-22-2 100.0% 6 >480 Acetic Acid 64-19-7 100.0% 6 >480 Acetic Acid 64-19-7 10.0% 6 >480 2 41 Immediate 1 17 1 14 6 >480 6 >480 6 >480 1 10 6 >480 6 >480 Acetic Anhydride 108-24-7 100.0% Acetone 67-64-1 100.0% Acetonitrile 75-05-08 100.0% Acetonitrile 75-05-08 99.9% 3 66 4 160 Immediate 6 Immediate >480 Immediate Immediate 1 12 Acetophenone 98-86-2 100.0% Acetophenone 98-86-2 98.0% Acrylamide 79-06-1 50.0% Acrylamide 79-06-1 37.0% Acrylic acid 79-10-7 99.0% 6 >480 Allyl alcohol 107-18-6 100.0% 6 >480 Aluminium chlorohydrate 1327-41-9 40.0% 6 >480 Aluminium trisulphate sat. sol. 17927-65-0 100.0% 6 >480 Ammonium chloride saturated solution 12125-02-9 100.0% 6 >480 Ammonium hydrogen carbonate (saturated) 1066-33-7 100.0% 6 >480 Ammonium Hydroxide 1336-21-6 100.0% Ammonium Hydroxide 1336-21-6 35.0% Ammonium Hydroxide 1336-21-6 25.0% Ammonium Hydroxide 1336-21-6 20.0% Ammonium Hydroxide 1336-21-6 10.0% Ammonium nitrate sat. sol. 6484-52-2 100.0% Ammonium nitrate sat. sol. 6484-52-2 35.0% Ammonium Sulphate Solution 7783-20-2 35.0% Amyl acetate 628-63-7 100.0% 3 77 Amyl alcohol 75-85-4 100.0% 6 >480 Benzaldehyde 100-52-7 Benzene 71-43-2 Immediate 3 105 6 >480 6 >480 6 >480 99.0% 3 64 2 59 100.0% Immediate Bromobenzene 108-86-1 100.0% Butanol 71-36-3 100.0% Butyl acetate 123-86-4 100.0% Butyl acetate 123-86-4 99.0% Butyl acrylate 141-32-2 99.0% 1 Butyl amine 109-73-9 100.0% Immediate Immediate 6 >480 2 57 >480 >480 2 33 Immediate Immediate 6 25 Butyl cellusolve 111-76-2 100.0% 106-31-0 100.0% 6 >480 Calcium nitrate 10124-37-5 35.0% 6 >480 Calcium Sulphate Solution 10101-41-4 35.0% 6 >480 Carbon disulphide 75-15-0 100.0% Carbon disulphide 75-15-0 99.9% Chlorine (gas) 7782-50-5 100.0% Chloroacetic acid 79-11-8 50.0% (2) 6 6 Butyric Anhydride Careclean AS1 1 1 12 6 >460 >480 22 Immediate 6 >480 (1) For the latest information on Chemical protection, please visit our website: (2) Aviation branded chemical 40 Class KLEENGUARD* A71 Fabric 6 >480 Personal Protective Equipment Chemical Protection Guides Chemical permeation(1) EN 374 JACKSON SAFETY* G80 NITRILE* Gloves Concentration Class Result Class KLEENGUARD* A80 Fabric Chemical CAS# 108-90-70 Chlorosulphonic acid 7790-94-5 100.0% Immediate Citric Acid 77-92-9 100.0% 6 >480 Cumene 98-82-8 98.0% Cyclohexane 110-82-7 100.0% Cyclohexane 110-82-7 99.9% Cyclohexane 110-82-7 99.7% Cyclohexanol 108-93-0 100.0% Cyclohexanol 108-93-0 100.0% Cyclohexanone 108-94-1 100.0% 3 110 Cyclohexanone 108-94-1 99.0% Dichloromethane 75-09-2 100.0% Dichloromethane Result Class Result 75-09-2 99.5% KLEENGUARD* A71 Fabric Class Result Immediate 100.0% Diesel Fuel Diestone DLS Result JACKSON SAFETY* G80 NITRILE Gauntlet Chlorobenzene Cutting Oil Class ISO 6529: 2001 KLEENGUARD* G20 Atlantic Green Nitrile Gloves 6 >480 6 >480 6 >480 Immediate >480 4 136 1 11 6 >480 111-42-2 35.0% 109-89-7 100.0% Diethylamine 109-89-7 99.5% Diethylene glycol 111-46-6 100.0% Diethylene glycol 111-46-6 99.0% >480 3 92 Immediate 6 Diethylamine 6 1 99.8% Diethanolamine >480 >480 100.0% (2) 6 28 2 Immediate 4 148 2 24 1 22 6 >480 Diethylether 60-29-7 100.0% Immediate 64-67-5 98.0% 6 Di-isobutyl ketone 108-83-8 100.0% Dimethyl acetamide 127-19-5 Dimethyl sulphoxide 67-68-5 Dimethylformamide 68-12-2 100.0% Dimethylformamide 68-12-2 99.0% 247 100.0% 5 247 100.0% 2 50 Dimethylsulphate 77-78-1 100.0% 64-17-5 100.0% Ethanol 64-17-5 98.0% Ethanol 64-17-5 95.0% Ethanol 64-17-5 70.0% Ethanolamine Solution 141-43-5 35.0% Ethidium Bromide 1239-45-8 1.0% Ethoxyethane 60-29-7 100.0% Ethyl acetate 141-78-6 100.0% Ethyl acetate 141-78-6 99.7% Ethyl benzene 100-41-4 100.0% Ethyl ether 60-29-7 100.0% Ethylene diamine 108-01-0 35.0% Ethylene glycol 107-21-1 100.0% Ethylene glycol 107-21-1 99.9% Ferric (III) chloride sat. sol. 7705-08-0 100.0% Formaldehyde 50-00-0 Formaldehyde 50-00-0 10.0% Formic acid 64-18-6 50.0% Formic acid 64-18-6 5% Furfural 98-01-1 100.0% Gasoline 37.0% 2 >480 46 1 6 16 >480 6 >480 1 27 6 >480 2 54 6 >480 Immediate 5 6 380 >480 1 16 6 >480 Immediate 1 13 2 32 1 20 1 21 6 >480 Immediate Immediate 6 >480 6 >480 100.0% 6 6 6 >480 6 >480 6 >480 6 >480 6 >480 6 >480 >480 4 154 >480 Glutaraldehyde 111-30-8 50.0% 6 >480 Glycerin 56-81-5 35.0% 6 >480 Heptane 142-82-5 100.0% Heptane 142-82-5 99.0% Hexane 110-54-3 100.0% Hexane 110-54-3 100.0% Hexane 110-54-3 95.0% 6 >480 6 >480 Immediate Immediate 6 Immediate Immediate >480 Hexanoic Acid 142-62-1 100.0% 6 >480 Hexanoic Acid Anhydride 2051-49-2 100.0% 6 >480 Hydraulic fluid >480 Immediate Diethylsulphate Ethanol Immediate Immediate 6 5 34 Immediate 100.0% Hydrazine 7803-57-8 98.0% Hydrazine 7803-57-8 65.0% 6 6 >480 6 >480 >480 (1) For the latest information on Chemical protection, please visit our website: (2) Aviation branded chemical 41 Personal Protective Equipment Chemical Protection Guides Chemical permeation(1) EN 374 JACKSON SAFETY* G80 NITRILE* Gloves Chemical CAS# Hydrazine 7803-57-8 Concentration Class Result 55.0% 6 >480 ISO 6529: 2001 JACKSON SAFETY* G80 NITRILE Gauntlet Class Result KLEENGUARD* G20 Atlantic Green Nitrile Gloves KLEENGUARD* A80 Fabric Class Result Class Result Class Result 6 >480 6 >480 6 >480 6 >480 6 >480 6 >480 5 385 Hydrazine 7803-57-8 35.0% Hydrobromic acid 10035-10-6 35.0% Hydrochloric Acid 7647-01-0 37.0% Hydrochloric Acid 7647-01-0 32.0% 4 Hydrochloric Acid 7647-01-0 30.0% 4 210 Hydrochloric Acid 7647-01-0 5.0% 6 >480 Hydrofluoric Acid 7664-39-3 40.0% 2 38 6 >480 Hydrofluoric Acid 7664-39-3 10.0% 6 >480 6 >480 Hydrogen Bromide 10035-10-6 35.0% 6 >480 Hydrogen peroxide 7722-84-1 50.0% 6 >480 Hydrogen peroxide 7722-84-1 30.0% Iron (III) chloride 7705-08-0 45.0% Iron (III) chloride 7705-08-0 40.0% Iron (III) chloride 7705-08-0 4.0% Isobutyl alcohol 78-83-1 99.0% isohexane 64741-49-0 100.0% Iso-octane 540-84-1 100.0% Isopropanol 67-63-0 100.0% Isopropanol 67-63-0 99.8% Isopropanol 67-63-0 99.5% Isopropanol 67-63-0 70.0% Isopropyl acetate 108-21-4 Isopropyl Ether 6 4 6 6 >480 6 >480 6 164 190 >480 >480 Immediate >480 6 >480 6 >480 6 >480 >480 6 >480 >480 100.0% 1 19 108-20-3 100.0% Immediate Isopropylamine 75-31-0 100.0% Immediate Itaconic acid 97-65-4 100.0% 6 >480 Kerosene 8008-20-6 100.0% 6 >480 6 >480 6 >480 6 >480 6 >480 6 >480 >480 Lactic acid 50-21-5 85.0% Lithium chromate 14307-35-8 36.0% Maleic acid 110-16-7 100.0% 1 11 1 28 1 Mercapto acetic acid 68-11-1 100.0% 6 79-41-4 99.0% 5 230 Methacrylic anhydride 760-93-0 94.0% 6 >480 6 >480 Methane sulphonyl chloride 124-63-0 100.0% 67-56-1 99.9% Methoxy Acetic Acid 625-45-6 Methoxypropanol Methoxypropyl acetate >480 >480 6 >480 1 23 6 >480 6 >480 6 >480 11 Methacrylic acid Methanol 6 6 Immediate 6 6 6 >480 100.0% 6 >480 107-98-2 98.0% 6 >480 108-65-6 98.0% 6 >480 Methyl acetate 79-20-9 100.0% Immediate Methyl Butyl Ketone 591-78-6 100.0% Methyl Ethyl Ketone 78-93-3 100.0% 2 40 2 1 40 Immediate 15 1 11 1 25 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 78-93-3 99.0% Methyl iodide 74-88-4 100.0% Immediate Methyl isobutylcarbinol 108-11-2 100.0% 6 Methyl Methacrylate 80-62-6 99.0% Immediate 1 >480 22 Methyl propyl ketone 107-87-9 99.0% 1 11 Methyl t-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 100.0% 5 376 Methyl t-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 99.0% methylene chloride 75-09-2 Mineral Spirits 1 22 99.9% Immediate 100.0% Monochloroacetic acid 79-11-8 85.0% Naptha 8030-30-6 100.0% 5 Nitric acid 7697-37-2 70.0% Immediate Nitric acid 7697-37-2 50.0% 1 Nitric acid 7697-37-2 40.0% Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 100.0% Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 99.0% 6 6 6 >480 6 >480 311 >480 >480 6 6 11 >480 Octyl alcohol 111-87-5 100.0% Oleum 8014-95-7 30.0% >480 3 90 o-toluidine 95-53-4 98.0% 6 >480 Oxirane 106-89-8 100.0% 2 45 Peracetic acid 79-21-0 1.0% 6 >480 Peracetic acid 79-21-0 0.5% (1) For the latest information on Chemical protection, please visit our website: 42 KLEENGUARD* A71 Fabric Personal Protective Equipment Chemical Protection Guides Chemical permeation(1) EN 374 JACKSON SAFETY* G80 NITRILE* Gloves Chemical CAS# Perchloric acid 7601-90-3 ISO 6529: 2001 JACKSON SAFETY* G80 NITRILE Gauntlet Concentration Class Result Class Result 100.0% 6 >480 6 >480 KLEENGUARD* G20 Atlantic Green Nitrile Gloves Class KLEENGUARD* A80 Fabric Result Class Result 6 >480 >480 Perchloric acid 7601-90-3 60.0% 6 Petroleum distillate 64741-65-7 100.0% 1 17 P-fluoro aniline 371-40-4 100.0% 3 105 Phenol 108-95-2 85.0% 6 >480 Phenol 108-95-2 80.0% Phosphoric Acid 7664-38-2 85.0% 6 >480 Phosphoric Acid 7664-38-2 5.0% Pine Oil 6 >480 KLEENGUARD* A71 Fabric Class Result 6 >480 80.0% Potassium dichromate 7778-50-9 1.0% Potassium hydroxide 1310-58-3 50.0% Potassium methoxide 865-33-8 32.0% 6 >480 Potassium nitrate sat. sol. 7757-79-1 100.0% 6 >480 Propionaldehyde 123-38-6 100.0% Propyl acetate 109-60-4 100.0% 106-94-5 99.0% Propyl bromide Purasolv Ethyl Lactate (2) Round Up Weedkiller 6 6 >480 6 >480 >480 Immediate 1 14 4 201 3 68 1 12 100.0% Sodium acetate trihydrate, sat. sol. 6131-90-4 100.0% 6 >480 Sodium cyanide sat. sol. 143-33-9 100.0% 6 >480 Sodium dichromate 10588-01-9 10.0% Sodium Hydroxide 1310-73-2 50.0% Sodium Hydroxide 1310-73-2 Sodium Hydroxide Sodium Hydroxide 6 >480 6 >480 6 >480 6 >480 40.0% 6 >480 6 >480 6 >480 1310-73-2 37.0% 6 >480 1310-73-2 10.0% 6 >480 Sodium hypochlorite 7681-52-9 14.0% 6 >480 Sodium hypochlorite 7681-52-9 13.0% Sodium hypochlorite 7681-52-9 12.0% 6 >480 Sodium hypochlorite 7681-52-9 10.0% 6 >480 Sodium Metabisulphate solution 7681-57-4 40.0% 6 >480 Sodium methylate in methanol 124-41-4 30.0% 6 >480 Sodium Nitrate 7631-99-4 35.0% 6 >480 Sodium Sulphate 7757-82-6 35.0% 6 >480 Styrene 100-42-5 100.0% Immediate Sulphuric Acid 7664-93-9 100.0% Sulphuric Acid 7664-93-9 96.0% Sulphuric Acid 7664-93-9 95.0% Sulphuric Acid 7664-93-9 51.0% Sulphuric Acid 7664-93-9 50.0% Sulphuric Acid 7664-93-9 30.0% Sulphuric Acid 7664-93-9 5.0% 1401-55-4 30.0% Tannic acid Techniclean OX1 (2) Tetrachloroethylene 124-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 124-18-4 99.0% Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 100.0% Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 99.9% 6 >480 6 6 6 >480 >480 4 4 >480 150 >120 Immediate 6 4 227 5 278 6 >480 6 >480 1 11 >480 6 >480 6 >480 6 >480 >480 Immediate 110-02-1 100.0% Immediate 7719-09-7 100.0% Immediate Titanium tetrachloride 7550-45-0 100.0% Toluene 108-88-3 100.0% Toluene 108-88-3 99.9% Trichloroacetic acid 76-03-9 80.0% 6 Triethylamine 121-44-8 100.0% Immediate Triethylorthoformate 122-51-0 100.0% 3 Trifluoro methane sulphonic acid 1493-13-6 100.0% Immediate Trimethylacetylchloride 3282-30-2 100.0% 2 35 Trimethylorthoformate 149-73-5 100.0% 3 113 unleaded petrol 86290-81-5 100.0% Valeric acid 109-52-4 100.0% 6 >480 Valeric anhydride 2082-59-9 100.0% 5 248 Xylene 6 Immediate Thiophene 2 1 39 21 100.0% Vinyl Acetate >480 >480 100.0% Thoinyl chloride Turpentine 6 6 Immediate Immediate 6 >480 94 >480 Immediate Immediate 99.0% 1330-20-7 98.5% 2 40 3 115 Immediate (1) For the latest information on Chemical protection, please visit our website: (2) Aviation branded chemical 43 Personal Protective Equipment Chemical Protection Guides Chemical penetration(1) EN ISO 6530:2005 - Resistance of materials to penetration by liquids/chemicals of low volatility *O*40BMTPLOPXOBTUIFŏHVUUFSUFTUŐ a measured quantity of the test chemical is applied to the GBCSJDJOUIFGPSNPGBţOFTUSFBNPSKFU5IFBNPVOUPG chemical which penetrates and is repelled by the fabric is measured. There are 3 classifications for penetration and repellency (defined in EN 14325:2004). Class Penetration 1 <10% >80% 2 <5% >90% 3 <1% >95% The four defined chemicals, NaOH (10%), H2SO4 (30%), o-xylene and butan-1-ol have been identified for these standard tests as representative of a range of chemical properties but do not cover all types chemicals and concentrations. All users of PPE are legally required to carry out risk assessments for any task they wish to perform. It is our intention to supply the information regarding the performance of PPE which will allow a qualified safety PťDFSUPNBLFUIFDPSSFDUDIPJDFPG11&CBTFEPOUIFSJTL assessment. Repellency We have tested additional chemicals which are listed in the table below. To comply with the standard, a product must meet the following: Ŕ $ MBTTGPSSFQFMMFODZGPSBUMFBTUPOFPGUIFGPVSTFMFDUFE liquid chemicals Ŕ $ MBTTGPSQFOFUSBUJPOGPSBUMFBTUPOFPGUIFGPVSTFMFDUFE liquid chemicals KLEENGUARD* A20 Fabric Penetration 2 Butoxyethanol Acetic Acid Acetone Acetophenone Actellic 25 EC Bromobenzene Buraton 10F Butan-1-ol Chlorobenzene Coopex W Coopex WP Demon 40WP Empire 20 Ethanol Ethanol Ethyl benzene Ethyl bromide Ethylene glycol Fenitrothion 50 ec Ferric nitrate Ficam W Fluorosilicic acid Formaldehyde Formic acid Heptane Hexane Hydrochloric Acid Incidin Extra N Incidin Plus Incidur Manganese (II) nitrate Methyl formate N Butyl acetate Nickel nitrate Nitric acid Peripel Peripel Phosphoric Acid Potassium hydroxide Propionic acid Propionic acid Quartacid Plus Reslin premium Reslin premium Sekusept Sodium Hydroxide Sodium Hydroxide Sodium Hydroxide Sodium Nitrate Sulphuric Acid Sulphuric Acid Xylene 111-76-2 64-19-7 67-64-1 98-86-2 108-86-1 71-36-3 108-90-70 64-17-5 64-17-5 100-41-4 74-96-4 107-21-1 10421-48-4 16961-83-4 50-00-0 64-18-6 142-82-5 110-54-3 7647-01-0 10377-66-9 107-31-3 123-86-4 13138-45-9 7697-37-2 7664-38-2 1310-58-3 79-09-4 79-09-4 1310-73-2 1310-73-2 1310-73-2 7631-99-4 7664-93-9 7664-93-9 1330-20-7 98.0% 40.0% 100.0% 100.0% 1.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 1.0% 0.5% 0.37% 2.5% 95.0% 90.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 2.0% 50.0% 30.0% 35.0% 37.0% 40.0% 100.0% 100.0% 37.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 50.0% 100.0% 100.0% 5.0% 40.0% 20.0% 16.0% 50.0% 48.0% 98.0% 30.0% 100.0% 33.0% 11.0% 100.0% 48.0% 47.0% 10.0% 44.0% 35.0% 30.0% 100.0% 0 0 Repellency KLEENGUARD* A40 Fabric Penetration KLEENGUARD* A50 Fabric Repellency 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 2 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (1) For the latest information on Chemical protection, please visit our website: 44 Penetration Repellency 2 1 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 1 1 0 2 2 2 3 1 2 0 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 0 1 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 1 0 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 1 Personal Protective Equipment Making compliance easy The legal responsibilities Under European legislation it is an employer’s legal responsibility to assess the need for personal protective equipment in their working environment and, where required, provide the protective eye and face wear, respirators, hearing, gloves and protective clothing free of charge to the workforce. European regulations set the standards for personal protective equipment and define categories of equipment according to the level of protection under three main classifications: Ŕ $ &4JNQMFNJOJNBMSJTLŊ$"5* Ŕ $ &*OUFSNFEJBUFBSFBTPGTQFDJţDSJTLŊ CAT II) Ŕ $ &$PNQMFYSJTLPGTFSJPVTPSNPSUBM danger – CAT III) Personal Protective Equipment must be: Ŕ " QQSPQSJBUFGPSUIFSJTL Ŕ $ BQBCMFPGţUUJOHDPSSFDUMZ Ŕ $ PNGPSUBCMFUPXFBS Ŕ $ &NBSLFEXIFSFBQQMJDBCMF The employer must also provide training to the employee on how, when and what protective equipment must be worn. European legislation demands the correct personal protection for your workforce KIMBERLY-CLARK PROFESSIONAL* has the answers We make it easier for you to meet these obligations through: Ŕ )JHIRVBMJUZUFDIOJDBMMZQSPWFOQSPEVDUT Ŕ 1FSGPSNBODFFOIBODJOHEFTJHO Ŕ 5FDIOJDBMTVQQPSU Ŕ 7FSTBUJMFSBOHFTXJUITJ[JOHTQSPWJEJOH comfortable solutions to virtually all employees Ŕ 2VBMJUZBTTVSFENBOVGBDUVSJOH Simple identification, ordering and use KIMBERLY-CLARK PROFESSIONAL* product identity system includes: Ŕ $PMPVSDPEJOHGPSFBTFPGJEFOUJţDBUJPO (respirators and selected gloves only) Ŕ 4UBOEBSETZNCPMTUPJOEJDBUFQSPEVDUT meeting or exceeding the requirements of specific European standards Ŕ 1BDLBHJOHUPQSPUFDUFRVJQNFOUVOUJMVTF Ŕ */'0'"9UFDIOJDBMTFSWJDFTVQQPSUDPOUBDU details Ŕ .VMUJMJOHVBMVTFSJOGPSNBUJPO For technical queries, please contact INFOFAX on 0800 269 470 or email on [email protected] 45 Personal Protective Equipment Comfort and productivity Safety essentials Essential to an individual’s safety and productivity is personal comfort and freedom of movement. The worker must be protected, but must also be able to perform tasks effectively and without restriction. Discomfort created by badly-fitting equipment may lead to non-compliance with safety regulations and lower productivity. This is why KIMBERLY-CLARK PROFESSIONAL* places so much importance on the comfort and fit of their ranges of protective eye wear, respirators, hearing, gloves and protective clothing. Continuing investment in product development has established KIMBERLY-CLARK PROFESSIONAL* as a world leader in patented non-woven fabrics that guarantee comfortable protection possible. More comfort Our products are comfortable to wear and available in a range of sizes, providing each member of your workforce with the appropriate protective equipment. Ŕ 5IFQBUFOUFE,-&&/(6"3%.PSF Movement protective clothing contains innovative grey stretch material that offers users additional comfort and range of movement. Ŕ 6MUSBUIJOGJMNHMPWFTPGGFSJOHJNQSPWFE dexterity with chemical splash protection. Ŕ "QBUFOUFEDPNGPSUTUSBQXJMMIFMQ respirator users work safely without itching or painfully catching their hair. Ŕ 1BUFOUFEFBSDMJQTQSPWJEFVTFSTXJUIB unique approach to hearing protection focussed on improving long term comfort. More breathability KIMBERLY-CLARK PROFESSIONAL* has developed special fabrics that offer the required level of protection while allowing air to enter the KLEENGUARD* protective DMPUIJOHBOEUIFXFBSFSōTCPEZIFBU to escape. Our advanced dual-valved JACKSON* respirators protect the individual and improve the level of breathability. More choice Our JACKSON* eye and face wear are lightweight, stylish and robust solutions that comply with safety requirements. When you are looking to improve performance in the workplace, we have more to offer 46 Personal Protective Equipment More Essentials from KIMBERLY-CLARK PROFESSIONAL* Products designed to help maximise efficiency and productivity In addition to the comprehensive range of Personal Protective Equipment featured in this catalogue, we also offer a full range of Welding, Wiping and Washroom Solutions. WELDING SOLUTIONS We offer a complete range of Personal Protective Equipment to protect your eyes, face and head against the multiple hazards encountered during welding tasks. Helping you to stay safe and productive on the job, we offer a wide range of welding filters and helmet solutions, some of them extended to cover the additional respiratory protection needs for specific respiratory hazards. WIPING SOLUTIONS - PUTTING YOUR EFFICIENCY FIRST We know that improving efficiency is important to you. This has, and continues to be, our number one focus. By working together, our wiping solutions can more effectively solve your workplace challenges. WASHROOM SOLUTIONS We set the standards when it comes to the Washroom environment. We commit ourselves to delivering a superior hygiene and superior image conscious bundle that combines an impressive and innovative product range. For more information, please visit 47 Personal Protective Equipment Reduce Today, Respect Tomorrow* Our sustainability promise Sustainability is an essential part of how we operate at Kimberly-Clark Corporation. REDUCE TODAY, RESPECT TOMORROW* is about making a positive impact on the world today, with respect for the generations of tomorrow. We are committed to helping create a world where people can access and enjoy the basics of life—from clean water to rewarding employment. This is why our sustainability strategy addresses climate change, ecosystems, biodiversity and building more sustainable supply chains to ensure responsible consumption. Our strategy(1) revolves around three pillars of sustainability: people, planet and products. PEOPLE Our “Who’s counting on you” safety program is driving the culture change needed to assure that every Kimberly-Clark colleague, contractor and visitor goes home safe at the end of each day. We expect our 30,000-plus suppliers worldwide to comply with all applicable laws and our Kimberly-Clark standards in the areas of working hours, fair wages, child/forced labour, nondiscrimination, freedom of association, safety/health and environmental stewardship and to work to enhance the sustainability of their operations. PLANET We use sustainable environmental practices to grow responsibly in a world of finite resources and we’re constantly searching for opportunities to reduce the impact of our energyintensive manufacturing operations. PRODUCTS We strive to deliver high performing products that meet essential needs in a sustainable way by seeking to reduce the environmental impact at every stage of a product’s life cycle—from raw material sourcing to manufacturing, from packaging to transport, and from design and use to final disposal. For more information visit REDUCE TODAY RESPECT TOMORROW (1) For more information, please see our Sustainability 2010 report, 48 Personal Protective Equipment Personal Protective Equipment Personal Protective Equipment Notes 49 * Count on KIMBERLY-CLARK PROFESSIONAL* to provide the essentials for a healthier, safer and more productive workplace. Place your order today with your local representative Find your local distributor Visit our website to browse the complete range It is the employer’s responsibility to assess the risk of the task to be undertaken and determine the correct choice of personal protective equipment for the task. The manufacturer, Kimberly-Clark, does not accept any responsibility for the incorrect choice or misuse of the personal protective equipment shown in this brochure. All care has been taken to ensure that the information contained herein is as accurate as possible at the time of publication, however errors may occur and legislation concerning personal protective equipment is under constant review and may change in the lifetime of this brochure. Accordingly, the specification for the products may be subject to change. We would advise you to contact INFOFAX if you have any queries concerning the products shown or the suitability of such products for a particular task. Always dispose of used protective equipment in a safe and appropriate manner in accordance with European, National and Local environmental regulations. TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE email your enquiry. We will respond within one working day. [email protected] 0800 269 470 ® and * Trademarks of Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc. © 2012 KCWW Publication code: 4693.01 08.12 Cover Photo: © michaeljung -