May 2015 - United Benefice of Kirklington, Burneston, Wath & Pickhill


May 2015 - United Benefice of Kirklington, Burneston, Wath & Pickhill
Kirklington, Burneston, Wath & Pickhill Parish Newsletter
May 2015
Revd Ruth Hind appointed
Canon Evangelist to Ripon Cathedral
(seen here with the Dean of Ripon)
Please send all copy to Church Hill Cottage, Pickhill, Thirsk, N. Yorkshire YO7 4JW.
Send copy via e mail to [email protected] or ring 01845 567462. All copy must
be received by 5pm on 16th of the month. If dates are for early in the month please try to
publish in the preceding month. Village Life accepts for publication articles and letters
in good faith: however views expressed in articles and letters are not necessarily those
of the editor of Village Life.
Parish website : for Village Life on line
3 May
4 May
5 May
12 May
13 May
14 May
16 May
24 May
24 May
27 May
27 May
28 May
30 May
31 May
Quiz Night for St Michael’s Hospice The Geroge Wath 7pm
Pickhill Annual Duck Race Swainby Beck 2pm
Tues Get Together A.G.M. Carthorpe Community Hall 2pm
B & C W.I. Tour of Ripon
Sinderby Over 60s Board Games Village Hall 2pm
Swaleside W.I. Line Dancing & Social Evening. All welcome. S.V.H.
Traditional Afternoon Tea Kirklington VH 2 – 5pm
Whit Lunch 12.30 Kirklington Village Hall
Songs of Praise Ripon Cathedral
Sinderby Over 60s “Take Two” Village Hall 2pm
Carthorpe Parish Council A.G.M. 7.30pm Community Hall
Open Church Coffee & Games Morning 10am-12noon
Clay Pigeon Shoot in aid of St Michael’s Hospice
Farewell Buffett Lunch for Ruth Kirklington Village Hall 12noon
5 June
9 June
10 June
11 June
16 June
24 June
4 July
18 July
25 July
29 Aug
18 Sept
18 Nov
Antiques Evening Samwaies Hall 7pm
B & C W.I. An outing
Sinderby Over 60s Whist Village Hall 2pm
Swaleside W.I. The Terry (Chocolate) Family Sinderby VH 7.30
Quiet Morning Pickhill Church with Ruth Butler 9.30 – 12 noon
Sinderby Over 60s Lunch
Wath Street Fair
Burneston & Carthorpe Show Burneston School 2pm
Kirklington & Sutton Howgrave Village Show
Church on Show at the Wensleydale Show
Quiz Night & Fish ‘n Chip Supper Sinderby VH 7.30pm
North Country Theatre “Gift of Stones” Kirklington Village Hall
How to contact us:
Revd Ruth Hind The Rectory, Kirklington, Bedale DL8 2NJ, Tel: 01845 567429
Mobile : 07805265171 Please use mobile rather than leaving a message at the
Rectory. For Melmerby & Carthorpe Chapels Revd Kathleen Wood 4 Burrill Rd,
Bedale DL8 1ET Tel: 01677 424486 For the RC Church, Ripon, Mgr. Philip
Holroyd, St Wilfrid’s Church, Coltsgate Hill HG4 2AB Tel : 01765 279263.
(For services see back pages or
All Saints’ Pickhill
4 April
St Michael’ Kirklington
18 April
St Lambert’s, Burneston 22 March
Harrogate Crematorium
15 April
Natalie Towers and Oliver David Reade
Rachael Landin and Thomas Ashurst
John McIntyre
Dawn Ann Phillips
As most of you will know by now, the Bishop has given me a new job, as Canon
Evangelist of Ripon Cathedral, and I will be leaving you at the end of May. There
will be much that I will miss and that whoever comes after me has to look forward
to. The food, for example, it appears that nothing happens in these parishes
without something delicious to eat, the practical generosity of people who have
helped me out with gardening, car troubles, a listening ear and in many other
ways, and your willingness to go ahead (most of the time) with the changes that I
have suggested. Changes which I hope have made it easier to build the Kingdom
of God in our communities but which have sometimes demanded more from you
in terms of commitment. There are a lot of individuals to whom I am very grateful
for their hard work and friendship and I’m sure you know who you are.
These parishes have a lot going for them. I was told by a VIP in the Church who
shall remain nameless, that the buildings in the group are as a set, the most
beautiful in Ripon and Leeds. The individual churches co-operate well and whilst
attendances are not Cathedral sized as a percentage of the population they
frequently surpass the national average, particularly at Christmas and Easter
and just as a satsuma is not a failed orange so a small church is not a failed big
Church. The congregations have so many talented people and support from those
who may not come to church frequently but yet support it in so many ways, lay
ministry is strong. You should be able to face the future with confidence.
On a personal level my time here has not been easy, and whilst I will be sad to
leave the people I have come to love, the children and I are very much looking
forward to our new start. I hope that you will feel able to remember us in your
prayers as I will remember you.
Ruth’s last service as our vicar will be on 31 May at 11am in St Michael’s,
Kirklington. After the service you are invited to a shared buffet lunch in the village
hall. It will be an opportunity to say your personal farewell to Ruth as she
embarks on this new phase of her career. Will the next move be as a bishop?.....
FIVE LOAVES 18 May The Rectory 7.00pm
This will be the last time Ruth will lead us in Five Loaves. We start with a shared
meal at 7.00pm and a discussion on a wide range of topics beginning at 8.00pm.
Some people join us at 8.00pm just for the discussion. All are welcome. Ring
Ruth on 07805265171 for further details or to arrange a lift to the meeting.
FAITH EVERYDAY Tuesday 26 May 10.30am
It is suitable for both mature Christians and those new to faith. The venue for the
meeting is still to be decided. Please ring Di on 01845 565056 for further details.
24 May 12.30pm Kirklington Village Hall
Do come and enjoy a 3 course lunch with Roast Beef and Yorkshire puddings
Tickets are £12 each from R.J. Fall, Mill Beck, Kirklington Tel. 01845567338
COME & CELEBRATE: Songs of Praise Ripon Cathedral 24 May
You are warmly invited to join us for Song of Praise on the 1st Birthday of the
Ripon Episcopal Area on Pentecost Sunday 24 May with Bishop Nick Baines.
There will be tea and cakes from 4pm followed by Songs of Praise at 5.30pm.
The service will be designed to tell the story of mission and ministry in the
Episcopal Area over the last year. Contributions are invited from every Deanery. It
is hoped to include stories of God at work, ideas that have worked for you and
might work for others, hymns chosen by Deaneries and hopes and prayers that
reflect your hopes and dreams. Any suggestions can go via the Area Dean, Revd
Michael Hepper on 01969 622251
ST WILFRID LECTURES 2015 11 June “Does the panel think…”
The very Revd John Dobson, Dean of Ripon, chairs a panel discussion
This year the lectures will discuss the many issues close to the heart of rural
communities. They are held in the Cathedral at 7.30pm
QUIET MORNING Tues 16 June Pickhill Church 9.30am – 12 noon
You are cordially invited to a Quiet Morning in Pickhill Church with Ruth Butler
from Holy Trinity, Ripon. There will be coffee on arrival and mid-morning. Bring
along some lunch for a shared meal at the end of the morning.
This traditional Dales Show attracts thousands of visitors every year and offers a
wonderful opportunity for the Dales churches to engage in mission. This year the
Deanery, in partnership with our friends from the Methodist Church, are offering
free refreshments and a pick-up point for lost children. We will be putting on an
exhibition based on the theme of Lost and Found. We are being encouraged by
our Bishops to be a Church that reaches out beyond our parish boundaries to the
wider community and this important Dales Show gives us a golden opportunity to
put rural mission into action. Bishop James writes, ‘Being present and being
seen to be present is where our witness to the Christ who "lived on earth and went
about among us" begins. You can help by offering to do practical tasks like setting
up or taking down the display, helping to offer hospitality in the form of tea and
cakes, or simply by talking to passers-by about the life of our churches and the
faith which has transformed our lives. Contact Glyn Hopper if you would like to
This month we pay tribute to the life of Jane Dale of Kirklington. Jane was the
first person to do “My Favourite Things” in May 2005 and was described then as
being at the heart of village life. Jane Dale was born on 13 February 1926, the fifth
child of six children to William and
Margaret Dunn of New Silksworth,
Tyne and Wear. She had a happy,
loving childhood. At the age of 14 Jane
joined her sister, Mary, in service at a
house in Harrogate. World War II was
well underway and Harrogate was a
safer haven to be than Sunderland. In
her late teens she returned to New
Silksworth as a land girl where she
Bill Dale who was visiting
relations in the area whom she
married in 1947. They started their
married life in Kirklington with Bill’s
parents. Later moves were to Warlaby,
Snape & Burneston. During this time
daughters Barbara and Jennifer
arrived. In 1963 the family moved back
to Kirklington to care for her father-inlaw, which she did with selflessness
and willingness for 11 years, an act
that epitomised her character. This
was the home Jane would occupy for the rest of her life.
Jane’s husband, Bill, passed away in 1991. This was a harsh blow and testing
time for Jane but she kept herself occupied and it was the strong friendships she
had made in the parish that were a tremendous support to her at this time.
As well as working hard with several cleaning jobs Jane was an enthusiastic
member of the Mothers Union taking over as Enrolling Member and then Branch
Leader in 1988. She received an accolade for her 50 years of service in 2002.
Jane also took on the role of sending baptism cards to every child christened in
the parish. 2002 was also the year Jane received an invitation to Buckingham
Palace for the Queen’s Garden Party. This invitation had been instigated by a
number of people in the parish nominating her for this honour. In true Jane style
she could not understand why she had received this invitation – modest to the
end. She was founder member of the Wednesday Club and Kirklington Café. In
1966 Jane became a member of the PCC. She had an unfaltering faith and deep
devotion to the village, especially the Church and Village Hall. She was a member
of the Village Hall Committee “as long as anyone can remember”. She was also a
member of the Women’s Institute and became President in 1988. She loved
taking part in all the competitions and helping at the Great Yorkshire Show in the
WI tent. She also found time to volunteer at Oxfam in Ripon as well as Children’s
society organiser. In addition, Jane was also the local reporter for the Darlington &
Stockton Times and the essential source of information for Village Life.
Jane was willing to learn new skills and embarked on a flower arranging course
which led to many years of decorating the church with beautiful displays of flowers
for all occasions. She took charge of the flower rota and church brasses rota. She
was also eager to help and organise the parish lunches and was often the last
person to leave the Village Hall.
Before she died Jane asked her daughters, Barbara and Jennifer, to thank
everyone who was involved in the many organisations and activities in the
Kirklington and the wider parish in which she was involved. She was grateful for
the help and support they gave her and thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the
community for 52 years.
Kirklington Churchwarden, Jonathon Craddock paid tribute: “It is appropriate to
give our thanks and praise for this community dynamo, this selfless, ‘good
Christian lady’ a view held by many in the community. This lady brought colour to
peoples’ lives and had had a friendly glint in her eye. Testament to her
contribution to this and the wider community is the size of the congregation at her
funeral and the long procession of visitors during her illness.
Everyone will have their own special memories of Jane Dale. She regarded
everyone as her friend and equal as a true Christian should – and this is exactly
what she was. The kindness shown by so many during the last few weeks of
Jane’s illness was very heat-warming to her family and very greatly appreciated.
Never in a million years would she have realised the impact she has had on so
many different people, young and old alike, but in a unique way that is what made
her so special.”
Jane’s Favourite Things:
Little women by Louisa M Alcott
TV Shows
Songs of Praise and Emmerdale
Daniel O’Donnell
Fish and Chips
Be still in the Presence of the Lord and Make Me a Channel of
Your Peace (Prayer of St Francis)
Bible reading
St John’s Gospel
Luxury on a desert island would be a radio to listen to the Archers
BOOK SALE Sinderby Village Hall 23 May only this month 10 - 12 noon
Huge variety of fact and fiction books for sale at only 50p per book. All money
goes to the village hall fund. Please note it is only manned on the above date this
month due to the bank holiday. For any queries please phone Suzanne on 01845
565348. If you give me a ring I will happily open up the hall if you require a load of
holiday reading.
ST. MICHAEL’ CHURCH, KIRKLINGTON – a good sized congregation attended
the Easter Day service which was conducted by the Revd. Derek Dalton. An
Easter Garden featured in the beautifully decorated Church; thanks to the ladies
for using their creative and artistic talents. The Easter flowers were outstanding.
To book the hall call 01845 567033. Kitchen facilities. Reasonable rates
Stretch & Tone Class
Zumba fitness class
Each Tues 9.30am with Sarah Biker
Each Tuesday 6.45pm-7.45pm. £3.00 per class with
no pre booking required.
Exercise Class
Each Thursday 6pm with Sarah Biker
Art Group(new day&time) Each Wednesday evening 6.30pm – 9pm
New members welcome from all the villages in the
TRADITIONAL AFTERNOON TEA 16 May 2 – 5pm Village Hall
Come and join the Kirklington and Sutton Howgrave Village Hall Committee
members for a delicious homemade Traditional Afternoon Tea. Serving tea, coffee
homemade cakes, scones, biscuits and sandwiches, price for full
Afternoon tea is £6.50 per adult and £3.00 per child. All proceeds will go towards
the upkeep of the Village Hall.
In aid of the Village Hall refurbishment project. Live music from local band The
Black Marcs covering songs from the past 50 years including Van Morrison, The
Beatles, Stevie Wonder, The Killers, Oasis, Kings of Leon and more. Cash bar. £8
07762253236 [email protected]
KIRKLINGTON PARISH COUNCIL At the Annual Parish meeting Mr. John
Moore from NyNet North Yorkshire gave an update on the progress of the
installation of Superfast broadband to the area. Kirklington is included in the
Phase 2 schedule to receive Superfast Broadband in 2015/16. Further enquiries
were needed before any commitment could be given to provide Superfast
Broadband to Sutton Howgrave. Annual reports were received from Kirklington
Village Hall Committee, St. Michael’s Church, Kirklington and the Parish Council.
The Parish Council had received confirmation that Kirklington would be receiving
a defibrillator which would be sited at the Village Hall. Training will be offered to
volunteer operators - please contact the Clerk, Ellen Craddock - 01845 567466 –
if anyone is interested in receiving this training.
CONGRATULATIONS to Hayley Blaymires and Andrew Frost on the birth of
James Leonard on 19 March. Best wishes to both sets of grandparents: Cheryl
and David Blaymires and Joyce and Harry Frost.
To book the Village Hall please contact Mrs J Frost on 01765 640075.
Melmerby Play & Pre-School : (see advert on page 2 )
Melmerby Youth Club : Tuesday 7 – 9 pm Contact Julian Watson (01765
640334) or John Hunt (01423 863227) for details or just come along and enjoy
Melmerby Carpet Bowls New members welcome. Tuition given and bowls
provided with two free “starter sessions” before joining. Season subscriptions are
£5 membership plus £2 per session. We meet on Thursdays 7.30 – 9.30pm
More details : Peter Richardson 01765 640472
Advance notice : Wath Street Fair will be on Saturday July 4th.
Available for hire.
Phone 07514226855 or 01765 641255 if there has been no quick reply.
Or see our website :
Legs, bums & tums Thursday 7 – 7.45pm For more details contact Marilyn
Broad on 01765 640303
EVENING OF ANTIQUES Friday 5 June 7pm Samwaies Hall, Wath
Join Linda and Chris Handby of Crowsnest Antiques, Pateley Bridge, for an
evening of antique jewellery, objets d'art and other collectibles. If you wish, bring
your own piece(s) for display and discussion. Linda and Chris will be joined by
Joyce and Keith Henderson, who will be displaying their own modern jewellery.
There will be opportunities for purchases so remember your wallets and purses.
Drinks will be available from the bar. Tickets just £5, including canapes and
nibbles, from David Williams, David Aldous, Helen Blythe, Ann Hankinson, Julie
Nicholson, Shirley Hare, Carole Stone. Phone: David Williams 01765 640352 or
David Aldous 01765 641255 or 07514226855. (Personal items brought at own
QUIZ - Sunday 3rd May 7pm The George at Wath
To raise funds for Saint Michael's Hospice. £2 quiz entry & £3 for supper. Teams
of up to 6 people. Please ring Rachel on 07748908757 to book in your team.
Held at Smaden Head, Eavestone, nr Brimham Rocks, HG4 3HB, raising funds for
Saint Michael's Hospice. Cash prizes to 3rd place. BBQ available too.
CARTHORPE PARISH COUNCIL AGM - Wed 27 May 7.30pm, Community Hall.
CARTHORPE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Councillor Elections
There will be opportunity to stand as a Parish Councillor at the forthcoming
elections in May as elections to Carthorpe Parish Council will be held at the same
time as the General Election. If you would like to stand as a candidate for
the Parish Council in the first instance contact the Clerk, Helen Barden by email
[email protected] who will then forward you the necessary paperwork
in due course. You must be aged 18 or over and either live or work in Carthorpe.
The commitment is to attend 5/6 meetings per year but importantly provide a
representative voice for the local community.
For further details or to hire contact 01845 567702
Wednesday Coffee Morning 10.30 -12 noon. Come along for coffee, cake and
a chat. All are welcome.
Friday Youth Club Held fortnightly from 7 – 8.30pm For ages 8+. Snooker, table
football & table tennis, crafts, games, baking, DVDs For more details call Lorna
01845 565113, Mary 01845 567702 or Andrew 01677 470248
Tues-Get-Together : Meeting in the Community Hall on the 1st Tuesday of each
month at 2pm. The meeting on 4 May will be the A.G.M.. New members are
always welcome.
B & C W.I. meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7.15pm. We met on
Tuesday, April 14th.2015. John Duck from Snape came to speak to us about a
day in his life as an ambulance technician with the Yorkshire Ambulance Service,
working out of Thirsk. He spoke of all the equipment the ambulance holds, and
how it must be checked at the change of every 12 hour shift. How some shifts
could be very quiet and others constantly busy, very often taking them away from
their home territory. He showed us the comprehensive forms that have to be filled
in with every patient, so they can be tracked wherever they go, and their
information goes with them. It was an interesting and informative talk. After tea
and biscuits John left and our business meeting continued. On 12 May there will
be a Tour of Ripon and on 9 June there will be an outing. For more information
contact Ellen Dunkley on 01845 577329.
BURNESTON COFFEE MORNING The Woodman Inn Friday 1 May 10.30
A monthly social event which began last Autumn as an opportunity for people
to meet up with old and new friends to discuss recent events and any matters
affecting residents or the community in general. The coffee and scones are good
Prospect House, Carthorpe.
Funds in aid of St Lambert’s Burneston Churchyard.
Back by popular demand! – Governors Quiz Night!! Will take place at the School
on Friday 15th May 2015. Please arrive at 7.00pm for a 7.30pm prompt start
TICKETS: are £7.50 per person and will include a supper of Shepherd’s Pie
followed by Fruit Pie served with Cream/Ice Cream (A Vegetarian option will also
be available). There will be a bar on the evening too! So come along and enjoy
the fun – please join with friends to make up teams! Tickets can be purchased in
advance from school reception.
A big thank you to all who helped to fund raise for the Year 6 London Trip and to
the Bendelow Trust for their charitable donation.
Well done to Izzy C. And Ruby. who made it through to the North Yorkshire
Cross Country Championships, they did really well coming 34thand 36th out of
100 girls. Great work!
Last month our pupils really enjoyed reporting on the school news, so much so,
that they are going to get involved every month!
Our Trip to London: Before the Easter holidays Year 6 went on a residential trip
to London. The girls and boys had their
own hotel rooms. The girls were a bit
mischievous and during the night they were
told three times to get to sleep! We went to
some very famous places in London.
Everyone enjoyed it and would love to
travel back in time to experience it
again. Written by Jess.
You can see what we got up to on Twitter by searching for @Y6Burneston
Tag Rugby Tournament: Year 4 and 5 took part in a tag rugby tournament in
Wensleydale. We played four matches. We lost one, won two and drew one. After
we played the matches we all got a medal which had a picture of a rugby ball on it
and it said Wensleydale Tag Ruby Tournament 2015 on the back. Written by
Oliver C.
Friendly football match against West Tanfield school: Last term our school
football team had a match against West Tanfield. We won 3-0! Two goals were
scored by Will and the third was an own goal. It was a fair match and we hope to
play another soon. Written by Louis.
School breaks up for half term on Friday 22nd May and we are back to school
on Tuesday 2nd June.
Our forthcoming events include:
Friday 1st May -Film Club at school 3.15 – 5.00pm – Come and join us to watch
Paddington – should Marmalade be your choice of snack, please remember to
bring a jar!
Cake Stall Thirsk Market - Saturday 2nd May – We look forward to seeing you
at Thirsk Market.
Update on past events
Fashion Show : We can now confirm the total made at our fashion show in March
was £754.70 - Many thanks again for all your support!
Our Bags 2 school collection took place at the end of April. Thanks goes to all
those who took the time to sort out and donate bags of unwanted clothes. Thanks
too to Jayne, Andrea, Alison and Morn who headed the collections in their
villages. We can’t wait to hear how much the giant collection raised!
BURNESTON and CARTHORPE SHOW 18 July Burneston School 2pm
Plans are being made for the 2015 Burneston and Carthorpe Show and the
committee would welcome new members! The last few years have seen a good
amount of entries and some very high standards and we are anxious to build on
this. Anyone able to help, or who requires more information, please telephone Liz
on 01845 567204
Congratulations to Brenda Fishwick who has lived in Pickhill for 50 years. Her
birthday was spent quietly at home with family and friends dropping in.
ANNUAL PICKHILL DUCK RACE 4 May, Bank Holiday Monday 2pm
Come along to a good family afternoon out to watch your duck swim to victory!
The race takes place in the beck at Low Swainby Farm. Tickets £1 each. Prize
for the 1st duck home is £50 and for the last it is £5. Prizes are kindly donated by
Thomas Armstrong. Ticket sellers will be calling around the villages but you can
also get tickets from Glyn Hopper (01845 567462) or on the day.
All Saints’ Church 100 club : The April winner was Joyce Barningham with
No. 9
Church Flowers: 10, 17 and 24 May Sue Curry
31 May Elaine Huffinley
COFFEE AND GAMES MORNING Thurs 28 May 10am – 12noon
A very successful, well attended, first meeting of “Open Church” was held in
February. There will now be will be a monthly coffee and games morning in
church on the last Thursday of each month. If you would like to come along to
play scrabble, dominoes or cards, meet up with a few friends for a chat or simply
come along for a tea or coffee then you would be most welcome. At 12 noon there
will be a short service of Holy Communion but you are under no obligation to stay
for this service. The idea is to offer a meeting place in the village for those who
may not get out so much and also for those who would just like to meet up for a
change and meet new people. All ages welcome. If you are interested or would
like further details please contact Angela Cunningham on 567389. Paul
Huffinley is willing to offer a lift to the Coffee Morning if you find it difficult to get
there. Ring Paul Huffinley on 565500.
PAUL HUFFINGLEY is offering to do some shopping on a daily basis for those
elderly residents who may find it difficult to get to the shops. Ring Paul on 565500
The summer term is always exciting but this one looks like it’s going to be the best
one yet. Our focus is healthy eating and keeping fit. The children (and staff!) have
all been given a skipping rope with the aim to do 10 minutes of skipping every
day! This is in preparation for a special day where the children will be taught a
variety of skipping skills to do either individually or with a friend. Also, later on in
the term, we have a member of Team GB coming to talk to the children, which is
definitely a first for Pickhill! Rebekah Wilson will begin the day telling them about
her life, the challenges she has faced and her achievements so far. She will then
take the children through a multi skills course which they will be sponsored to
complete as many times as they can. To keep the sporty theme going we are now
able to offer cricket as a new after school activity this term.
Plans are in place to improve the outside area for the children, beginning with the
garden and vegetable beds. Vegetables, fruit and flowers will be grown which in
turn will be sold to parents and the community as part of an enterprise set up by
the children. We are also taking part in the Great Yorkshire Show ‘Vegetable Box’
competition. The aim is to encourage children to enjoy eating the vegetables they
have grown.
All the children are visiting Harlow Carr in April where they will be involved in
some fantastic hands on activities with plants, mini-beasts and their habitats. This
will give them a greater understanding of the topic they are studying in Science.
Rehearsals have begun for our end of term production which this year is ‘Oliver’.
So don’t be surprised if you come into Pickhill during school hours and hear ‘Oompah-pah’ or ‘Consider yourself’ echoing across the village green because the
children do LOVE their singing!
For details or to make a booking call Jim on 01845 567376
Please note details of BOOK SALE in Village Hall (see above)
Swaleside W.I. meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7.30pm Thursday 9th
April WI meeting was a trip to our local garage Harvey's of Pickhill to learn about
car maintenance. Will and Mark covered the basics then showed us how
diagnostic testing worked and how a breaking system worked. They answered all
our questions and made us all laugh with their tales of car mishaps. It was a fun
evening which everyone enjoyed and I think we all came away with a bit more
knowledge thanks to Will and Mark. We would also like to thank Anita for her
hospitality which was very much appreciated by everyone. On 14 May it will be a
“social night” with Line Dancing and on 11 June Glennis Whyte will give a talk on
“The House that was built on love and chocolate – the story of the Terry Family”.
NEW MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. Contact Pat Quinn (567566) or
Elaine Fay (565008) for more details.
The Over 60s 2pm fortnightly. On 13 May it will be board games and on 27th
“Take Two”. The 10 June meeting will be Whist and on 24 June there will be a
lunch. All members should contact Joyce to book a place for the outings.
Meetings with a speaker or an outing are open to non-members of all ages
Contact Joyce (567342) for details. NEW MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS
WELCOME. We have a varied programme including speakers, lunches and
outings. Contact Joyce Barningham (567342) for further details.
Yoga classes are held twice weekly on Monday evening from 7.15 – 8.45pm and
Tuesday morning 10.30am – 12 noon. New members always welcome. Contact
Diana on 07940704432 for more details.
CRAFT COFFEE N CAKE Sinderby Village Hall 21 May 7.30pm
Come along for a craft and natter session on the third Thursday of the month.
Bring along an unfinished project or have a go at something new. We have had a
go at paper roses, felting, patchwork and silk painting. A sewing machine is
always available for your use. The cost is £2 per session which includes unlimited
tea, coffee and home baking. Some materials are provided. For more information
please contact Suzanne on 01845 565348.
Advance notice: 18 Sept Quiz Night & Fish ‘n Chip Supper 7.30 Sinderby VH
In the wider world …
NATIONAL GARDEN SCHEME Open Weekend Sion Hill Hall 20-21 June
SION HILL HALL'S stunning private gardens which include a formal parterre,
Baroque statuary, clipped box and hornbeam, a kitchen garden, woodland walk,
and herbaceous planting will be open for the first time ever in aid of the National
Garden Scheme from 11am to 5pm on Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 June 2015.
Plant stall and refreshments available. Adults £5., children free! For more details
telephone 01845 587206.
Sunday 14 June 1 – 5pm
Entry £3.50 to cover all the gardens. Plants for sale and refreshments available in
the Village Hall. In aid of the Church and Village Playing Field.