

Right Focus Part 2: Creating Your Personal Vision Statement
What is Your
Personal Vision?
To determine your personal vision, consider the following questions and jot
down your answers below or in your online journal:
1. Describe your personal and work life now (situation at work, home, how
you spend your time, current goals, etc.).
© K e y A s s oc i a t es , I n c . 2 0 0 6 . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
www. keyasso ci at esin c. com
813- 831-9500
Right Focus Part 2: Creating Your Personal Vision Statement
2. Describe what your personal and work life would be like in five to ten
years if your highest wishes were realized?
3. If success were assured, what would you want to accomplish in your life?
© K e y A s s oc i a t es , I n c . 2 0 0 6 . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
www. keyasso ci at esin c. com
813- 831-9500
Right Focus Part 2: Creating Your Personal Vision Statement
4. What are the common themes in your answers to question number two
and three?
5. What is your top overriding goal that you see for yourself?
For example:
 To get my novels published and have one become a best seller
To become President of our company in 7 years
To build community through the development of a joint vision and
execution of a plan that takes us to a new level of growth
© K e y A s s oc i a t es , I n c . 2 0 0 6 . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
www. keyasso ci at esin c. com
813- 831-9500
Right Focus Part 2: Creating Your Personal Vision Statement
Think About It
Review your answers and ask yourself the following questions.
What is your team or organization’s vision?
Does it motivate you?
Does it align with your personal vision?
How might you be able to improve that alignment?
Here are some final questions to help you determine if your vision
statement is truly an inspiring and overriding goal. Ask yourself, does your
vision meet the following “Vision Fit Test”?
Is your vision about the future?
Does your vision create enthusiasm and get you excited about
committing to it?
Is your vision about setting a direction that can be measured or bench
Does your vision reflect your uniqueness?
Can you communicate your vision with passion?
If not, review it again and tweak it as needed until it feels right to you!
© K e y A s s oc i a t es , I n c . 2 0 0 6 . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
www. keyasso ci at esin c. com
813- 831-9500