ACross the Pews - Knox Presbyterian Church
ACross the Pews - Knox Presbyterian Church
Issue 2 APRIL/MAY 2015 Knox Waterloo ~ the church with a smile! ACross the Pews Knox Waterloo Photo: Barb Prysnuk In This Issue p. 2 p. 3 p. 4 p. 5 p. 6 p. 7 p. 8 p. 9 p. 10 p. 11 p. 12 p. 13 p. 14 p. 15 p. 16 Directory Worship Services Apr/May Announcements & Events Ministers’ Messages Inclusion for All at Knox Presbytery Visioning Day Christian Education Update Sounds of Christmas: Thank You Transitions Prayer Shawls & Pneumonia Vests Holy Huddles & Laundromats From the Library Sharing the Air Elder Elections Wednesdays @ Knox April Calendar of Events Apr/May Calendar of Events FOCUS & Photos Please send articles, announcements, photos to ACross the Pews | Sue Senior, Editor [email protected] Due: April 15th for May supplement (short announcements only) Note: Content that is referenced or reproduced from other sources must be properly cited and credited. The four page supplemental issue will be distributed on Sun. May 3rd. @KnoxWaterloo Knox Waterloo CKWR FM 98.5 Sunday 10am Wednesdays@Knox will again sponsor a summer theatre event. We have reserved a block of 25 seats for Canadian Legends at the Dunfield Theatre (Cambridge) July 15th 2pm. Interested people should put their names on the sign-up sheet at the W@K Welcome Desk as soon as possible. The group ticket rate of $38.50 includes the tax. Make cheques payable to Knox Church, noting that it is for the W@K Theatre Event. If paying by cash, please use an envelope, marked W@K Theatre Event. All tickets must be fully paid by May 13, the closing day for W@K’s luncheons this spring. If you need a ride or can offer a ride to someone else, please include this information on the sign-up sheet. For more information, call Cheryl Meyer (519-886-1573). Canadian Legends is a brand new show featuring the rich musical legacy embodied in such national icons as Anne Murray, Paul Anka and The Guess Who, creative trailblazers Leonard Cohen and Gordon Lightfoot, and modern day superstars Shania Twain, Michael Bublé, and Celine Dion, to name a few. Packed with humour, political satire, and hit after hit, Canadian Legends is a high-octane production of boundless energy that will leave a smile on your face, a song in your heart, and a deep appreciation in your soul for this land we call home.1 1. "Drayton Entertainment | Home." Drayton Entertainment | Home. Accessed March 21, 2015. ACROSS THE PEWS Knox Waterloo WORSHIP SERVICES 50 Erb Street West, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 1T1 (519) 886-4150 [email protected] Thursday April 2 ~ Maundy Thursday • Join Logos at 6pm for dinner and/or 6:45 for worship Friday, April 3, Good Friday ~ 10 am • “Behold” Choral music by the Knox Choir Saturday, April 4, Easter Eve ~ 7:30 pm • “A Narnian Easter” read by Kevin Thomas Ministers: Rev. Brooke Ashfield Rev. Linda Ashfield Ministers in Association: Rev. Walter McLean Rev. Mary Whitson Office Administrator: Ruth Song Finance Officer: John Scace Christian Education Director: Laura Vander Vleuten Music Director/Organist: Terry English Coffee Hour Coordinator: Shirley Carter LOGOS Director: Lisa Dougall Multimedia Coordinator Andrew Church Retirement Home Ministry: Ellen Yessis Tech Team Coordinator: Eric Gaudet Usher Coordinators: Barb & Brad Tucker Wednesdays @ Knox: contact Ellen McIntosh Welcome Desk Coordinator: Nancy Matthews Website Administrator: Trevor Bain Clerk of Session: Deb Schlichter Ruling Elders: Monica Blake John McBride Lawrie Carter Ian McLean Shirley Carter Cheryl Meyer Heather Cawsey David Ogram Tupper Cawsey Barb Prysnuk Gordon Coyne Vaughn Sauve Sharon Feldmann Greg Sennema David Matthews Ken Vander Vleuten COMPASSIONATE APRIL/MAY 2015 ENGAGED Sunday, April 5 ~ Easter Morning • 7:30 am: Outdoor worship service in Waterloo Park • 8:15 am: Pot-luck Breakfast • 10 am : Easter Worship Sunday, April 12 ~ 10 am • Communion with Jazz (Mary-Catherine McNinch Pazzano Trio) Sunday, April 19 ~ 10 am • Grades 4-6 Tone Chimes: “Lions in the Den” • Senior High Logos singing Sunday, April 26 ~ 10 am • Christian Camping, Community Connection Sunday, [parable of the hidden treasure] Sunday, May 3 ~ 10 am • Communion Sunday, May 10 ~ 10 am • Mother’s Day; Dedication of the Sanctuary Piano, special music Sunday, May 17 ~ 10 am • Regular Worship (Victoria Day Weekend) Sunday, May 24, Pentecost ~ 10am • Wear something red to church! Sunday, May 31, ~ 10am • Community Connection Sunday [parable of the yeast] Across the Pews: Publication Schedule Full Edition ~ 16 – 20 pages (Articles, Photos, News Items, Reports and More) Feb/Mar, Apr/May, June/Summer, Sept, Oct/Nov, Dec/Jan Supplemental Editions ~ four pages (Announcements, Calendar, Worship Schedule) March, May, Summer, November Monthly Deadline for Submissions: 15th of the month prior to distribution JOYFUL 2 WELCOMING PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUAL ACROSS THE PEWS APRIL/MAY 2015 Activity & Event Announcements Vacation Bible Camp ~ Register online now Message Received: Hearing God’s Call July 13-17, 2015 ~ 8:50am to noon for kids finished JK-Gr. 8! There is an all-day option available as well. Register online now as spaces will fill up quickly. Volunteers are what makes this ministry such a huge success. We expect another full week with 200 children and youth. If you can help one morning or more, please go to, and follow the VBC links to the registration page and register as a volunteer. Donations of gift cards for grocery stores are appreciated. A gift of any amount will help to offset the cost of the snacks we serve during the week. Please bring gift cards to the church office. Graduation Recitals for our two Knox Music Scholars: Maureen Forrester Hall ~ WLU Two of our music scholars will be graduating this year from WLU. As part of their music courses, they are required to do a graduation recital. They put together about an hour’s worth of music to perform for their peers, professors, family and friends. Chantal Grybas will have her recital on April 11th at 8:00pm in the Maureen Forrester Hall at WLU. Christina Yun will have her recital on April 28th at 8:00 pm in the Maureen Forrester Hall at WLU. These recitals are always special and if you would like to support our music scholars by attending their graduation recitals, you would be most welcome. House of Friendship - Trek 4 Kids Saturday May 2nd Hike, bike or run various distances along the Iron Horse and Laurel Creek Trails and send kids to camp. Last year our team of 5 trekkers biked the full 23km route. For those with shorter distances in mind, the healthy 9 km route follows the Iron Horse Trail to Sun Life Financial at Park & John and back again. There's a shorter Family Distance, approximately five km, that winds towards City Cafe on Victoria and back to 50 Kent Avenue. All proceeds from Trek 4 Kids help sponsor children from families with a limited income to go to week-long summer camp. Each year, over 100 kids will go to camp for the experience of a life-time. Let's put a team together, get ourselves some springtime exercise and put smiles on the faces of kids this summer. Contact Sharon Feldmann at [email protected] or 519-883-1838 COMPASSIONATE ENGAGED JOYFUL 3 WELCOMING PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUAL ACROSS THE PEWS APRIL/MAY 2015 Ministers’ Messages Brooke Ashfield Linda Ashfield Our Season of Lent is coming to an end with the Celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus. First, I want to ask you to please change any email addresses that you have for the staff at Knox. How blessed we are to be in the northern hemisphere when Easter and springtime coincide. As the snow melts and the bulbs push through, as the buds begin to appear and the sunshine gets stronger, the joy of new life bursts into reality all around us. “In the bulb there is flower, in the seed, an apple tree, in cocoons, a hidden promise: butterflies will soon be free! In the cold and snow of winter there’s a spring that waits to be, unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see.” Our old emails will no longer work in April. This comes as a result of switching to a new Internet Service Provider in order to get affordable high speed internet in the church. This was required to make possible the live streaming of our services. For many months now we have been using the new email addresses with a note in the bulletin each Sunday. For me, at least 75% of the emails are still coming to the old address of The new addresses for staff are: Brooke: Linda: Ruth: John: Laura: [Hymn 674] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Thank you to all those who added to our Lenten Season – from the Senior High Pancake Supper, the Choir’s “Singing in the Spirit – a service of Spirituals”, the praise band and Logos youth who brought their music, those who added prayers to the prayer bowl and visited the prayer room. Terry continues to use her personal email address. I do not want to miss any messages from you. It is our hope that as we have reflected together on the theme of walls – we will hear God’s call to do our part to break through the barriers that divide us. When Jesus died, the barrier between the holiest part of the Temple and the people was torn apart. In his resurrection appearances, Jesus is able to come into rooms even if the door is locked. Our church staff will have a staff training/retreat day on April 8th. We work hard to keep on top of the numerous ministries and missions at Knox Waterloo. We are blessed with dedicated, talented and gifted staff. It is important to take time away to look at our ministries from a high perspective. The gift of leadership needs to be nurtured and developed just like any other ministry. We are planning well into the autumn months. Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope. [Maya Angelou] Our services for Holy Week will inspire us. We are all on spiritual journeys and in need of encouragement for our travels. I believe that personal involvement in a vital church home can be an inspiring part of each of our lives. We are a forward-looking compassionate community seeking to be a light in our city. Easter blessings of hope and love be with you. Knox Reads is coming soon. The Question that never goes away – WHY? by Philip Yancey. May the joy of our risen Lord be with you. COMPASSIONATE ENGAGED JOYFUL 4 WELCOMING PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUAL ACROSS THE PEWS APRIL/MAY 2015 Inclusion at Knox: What does it mean? What can we do? Tupper Cawsey At our own Annual Congregational Meeting on the 8th of March, the issue of inclusion was identified as one of the 2015 goals to consider for this year. Over the last weeks, our Ministers have been preaching about walls, their uses and abuses. One view of walls is that An Ad Hoc Committee has been struck and is considering ideas about how to approach the topic. These ideas will be taken to Session for discussion, modification and approval. Initially, it is likely that time will be taken to gather information and to allow for discussion on inclusion. they can separate us from others: protect us from groups or communities that we don’t know much about. On the other hand, we can break down some of these walls and become more inclusive. Last fall, you may remember, an Overture was approved, adopted and forwarded by the Waterloo Wellington Presbytery and then sent to General Assembly. Essentially this Overture argued that the Presbyterian Church in Canada should become more inclusive, particularly with the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender (LGBT+) communities. This Overture is similar to several others coming from other Presbyteries and Sessions across Canada. Underpinning this initiative is our desire to make certain we have a safe place for everyone to have a conversation and to ask questions. The activities will be about discovering, searching, listening and learning about sexual & gender diversity and being respectful of each other’s viewpoints. This note is just a “heads up” that more information and discussion will be forthcoming in our bulletins and from the pulpit. The Presbytery of Waterloo-Wellington Day of Visioning Brooke Ashfield Sat.May 2, 2015 9:15-4:15 |Gale Presbyterian Church Elmira Knox Waterloo is one of the 30 congregations that together form the Presbytery of Waterloo-Wellington (W-W). The Presbytery is hoping for a strong representation from our congregation for this day of visioning. We have specifically been asked to invite all of the Knox Community to consider attending this day. The day will be led by Rev. Dr. Peter Coutts - General Presbyter [Presbytery of Calgary-Macleod]. Prior to this role Peter served 13 years as Lead Minister at St. Andrew’s Church in Calgary. In 2013, the Alban Institute published his book “Choosing Change: How to Motivate Churches to Face the Future.” Peter is an experienced consultant and a person of great integrity. In January 2013, a significant amount of money came to the Presbytery resulting from the sale of the Presbyterian portion of Waterloo North Church. This visioning process is designed to assist the Presbytery in developing a process to disburse these funds. Historically, significant portions of the funds from dissolved congregations were allocated to the congregations in the same community. The two Presbyterian congregations Waterloo are Knox Waterloo and the Joonim (Korean) Presbyterian Church worshipping at Emmanuel United Church. I hope that twenty people from Knox will attend this day. In addition to the Day for Visioning the Vision Team is planning to integrate a congregational-level opinion gathering process into the Day for Visioning process. These focus groups will be self-managed by congregations using a guide provided by Peter Coutts. Congregations will have one month to conduct the focus group and submit their results. Registration is required for meal planning. Lunch provided with registration. When registering please note any special dietary needs at “Contact the Organizer” link. Please register at Registration deadline is April 26. COMPASSIONATE ENGAGED JOYFUL 5 WELCOMING PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUAL ACROSS THE PEWS APRIL/MAY 2015 Christian Education Update: Laura VanderVleuten At Upward Sports we believe that God is at work all around us; that it is a privilege to serve others; we believe in exceeding expectations and we believe that every child is a winner. Upward Sports has finished God has a message for you! Can you hear it? Samuel heard it during the middle of the night. Mary heard it through an angel. The disciples were hard at work when they heard it. They all heard God's special message just for them! Message Received: Hearing God's Call lets children know that God continues to call all kinds of people—including them! People are called to love God and follow Jesus every day. Those who hear God's message and respond are forever changed. Registration now open for VBC 2015! Ask to join our Facebook page at VBC3CHURCH to follow the happenings of Vacation Bible Camp. The Grade 5/6 Sunday school class has been keeping up with the mail from our World Vision Foster Child Yamikani Evison. In addition to our annual sponsorship, we are allowed to make two special donations each year, which go directly to Yamikani and his family. Last year the proceeds from the Palm Sunday Bake Sale were sent as a special gift. We received a letter from Yamikani that he and his family had purchased some school supplies, household and healthcare supplies, and a goat. Thanks to all of you who supported the Bake Sale this year too! The proceeds will be sent as another special gift to the Evison family once again. We look forward to the next letter and pictures from Yamikani and his family. COMPASSIONATE ENGAGED JOYFUL another successful season of Ball Hockey with 15 players, 6 youth coaches and 3 Laurier placement students attending weekly to enjoy the discovery of Jesus through sport. We appreciate the financial donations that came in to support families needing some assistance with fees. Upward Basketball returns Sept 29 – Dec 1 on Tuesdays from 6-8pm for kids in Grades 1-6. Anyone interested in coaching in Sept., please contact Laura V. Many thanks to the adults, students and youth who helped make this year a wonderful success at UPWARD! Youth & Mission are two words that go together here at Knox. We have sent youth mission teams to Winnipeg in 2005, ‘07 and ‘13 to work with Aboriginal communities. The summer programs at Winnipeg Inner City Mission are for children and youth from impoverished homes with limited access to resources. Knox mission teams support the work at Anishinabe Fellowship Centre and Flora House by offering youth volunteers to participate in camps, offer supervision on outings and help at the resource centre. It is time to consider the next opportunity to send a youth team to WICM in the summer of 2016. High school youth (finished grade 9-12 in 2016) and adult supervisors are invited to consider the call to participate. Please contact Laura V if you are interested in the mission opportunity or would like to be on the planning committee. More information will be available once we have an idea of interest. 6 WELCOMING PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUAL ACROSS THE PEWS APRIL/MAY 2015 The Sounds of Christmas – Within These Walls, Great Things Happen! Nicole Guse During the season of Lent, we have been talking about ‘Walls’ and all that they mean. I want to share some news about something great that has happened within these walls at Knox. The Knox community was a central part of the team: Grant Birks and Ellen McIntosh were amazing and helped with anything we needed along the way. Ruth Song and all of the women in the office helped with ticket sales. Eric Gaudet shared his time and expertise to help integrate the screen projections into the show. Special thanks to John Scace who helped, tirelessly, with all of the business aspects of the show; I am so thankful for his help and friendship. For the second consecutive year, we partnered with and held The Sounds of Christmas here at Knox in November and December. We ran a series of seven shows in support of KidsAbility, an amazing organization who not only helped our family in the past, but this past year, helped more than 5,800 children in our community break down walls and barriers to reach their full potential. Under Ellen’s leadership, the following groups gave their time to volunteer, usher and run the concessions: Men’s Breakfast Group; Global Partners; Literary Library’; W@K; Junior High; Fitness & Fellowship; and the Women’s Circle of Care. The profits from the concession sales were shared among these groups to continue in the important work that they do as well. I am so grateful to so many people within these walls at Knox, within the many walls of our community and within the walls of my home and family. You have helped me to make a dream come true, not once, but twice now! There are many people to thank for making the show a success. First, I want to thank my immediate family for their hard work and support--my parents, my husband John, and my kids Joshua and Madison. I could never have done it without them! A special thank you also to my Aunts, and friends Nancy & Jane for their time & dedication throughout. Another family of people to thank include the Cast and Crew of more than 40 who worked very hard from the end of September to December 2nd, as well as the many volunteers who helped backstage throughout the run. During the run of the show, we sold almost 1600 tickets and had many new visitors to see our beautiful walls. I am very pleased to announce that on Friday, March 13th, we presented KidsAbility with a cheque for $20, 721.23, exceeding our total givings from last year. Once again, we see that great things can happen within these walls when everyone works together for the greater good! I had a dream, you all helped to make that dream become a reality, and I will forever be grateful for that! We are currently reviewing the 2014 season and looking for Corporate Sponsorship in order to proceed with 2015, but today we are celebrating our success! Together, we did make a difference! And from the bottom of my heart, I thank you all so very much! Nicole Guse Photos: John Bakermann COMPASSIONATE ENGAGED JOYFUL 7 WELCOMING PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUAL ACROSS THE PEWS APRIL/MAY 2015 Transitions In Remembrance: After living bravely with cancer for over two years Wendy Anne Morrison passed peacefully on February 7, 2015 at Lisaard House in Cambridge in her 75th year. Our condolences to… Chris & Nancy Tippin and family, on the passing of Chris’ mother. Lillian Evelyn Mae Tippin passed away peacefully in her 91st year on January 25, 2015. Stephen & Shelley Holmes and Phoenix & Al Hutchison and family, on the passing of Stephen’s father, George William Holmes who passed away peacefully at Saint Luke’s Place, on February 10, 2015 at the age of 89. Jean Oakes whose son Graeme William Oakes passed away peacefully at home on February 18, 2015 with his loving wife, Carol, by his side. Elaine & Mel deOliveira and family, on the passing of Elaine’s mother. Gertie Dora McDougall passed away on March 16th, 2015 in her 79th year. Thinking of You and Prayers for… Lynn Allen, Kendra Breen, John DelChiaro, Ross Edwards, Margaret Johnson and Al Jones. Baptisms: Sarah Alyssa Roth baptized on January 25, 2015 Margaret Elisabeth Linnerth daughter of David and Patti Linnerth baptized on February 8, 2015 Saoirse Eileen Duffy daughter of Ciaran and Rebecca baptized on March 15, 2015 Congratulations to… began. Stephanie Prysnuk as she was presented with the Gerry Sullivan Award for Volunteerism for her many years of volunteer work at the Waterloo Region Family Network. Steph has been with WRFN since the organization first Steph with WRFN Executive Director Sue Simpson. Photo credit: Barb Prysnuk Note of Thanks: From Barbara and Alan Jones ~ We would like to acknowledge and thank the folks at Knox for their support and prayers during our journey through our cancer treatment and recovery. Thanks to Brooke for his hospital visit: Linda for the encouraging phone call out of the blue. Thanks also to Barb Prysnuk for the "thinking of you" note and to Margaret Woods for the beautiful prayer shawl. Your thoughts and prayers are very much appreciated as we work through this "Adventure"... Best Regards, Barbara and Alan. COMPASSIONATE ENGAGED JOYFUL 8 WELCOMING PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUAL ACROSS THE PEWS APRIL/MAY 2015 Prayer Shawls and Pneumonia Vests: Ellen Yessis Many thanks to everyone who made prayer shawls and pneumonia vests for our dedication in January. The work was on display for a week and received much interest and many compliments. Knox Community News Stacey Lee & Shane Guse [The Western Swing Authority] released their third album, Now Playing, featuring original music that expands the genre that the gifted local musicians love playing. The Western Swing Authority flew to Austin, Texas, to celebrate the inroads they’ve made at the Ameripolitan Awards on February 17. They played at the ceremony and were nominated in three categories: Western Swing Group, Western Swing Female (Stacey Lee) and Ameripolitan Musician (Ringwald). ENGAGED Pneumonia Vests: There will be a bale of hats and pneumonia vests going out to India at the end of March. Early in March, there were 38 hats and 25 pneumonia vests delivered to Mary Johnston of St. Andrew's Kitchener, who coordinates the packing of the bales. The doctors and other medical staff in India are extremely grateful for these hats and pneumonia vests, which guard against pneumonia for young children through the cold nights. Donations: Anyone who would like to support the pneumonia vest ministry by contributing money for the postage for the bale can use the regular envelopes of the church with a designation that the money is to be given to the bale for pneumonia vests. Conference: Watch for the conference on Prayer Shawls coming up in May. When it arrives, the poster will be put on the bulletin board to specify time and place. People come from all across southern Ontario: Goderich, Stratford, Woodstock to view the wonderful work being done and to get new ideas. [Waterloo Chronicle Feb. 3/15 – Bob Vrbanac] COMPASSIONATE Prayer Shawls: We have a good supply of prayer shawls with Pastoral Care, ready to be given to anyone from Knox experiencing a crisis or challenge of any kind. Please let us know if someone should receive a prayer shawl, knitted with love and prayers for the future recipient. In addition, ten prayer shawls were taken to Spiritual Care Services at St. Mary's Hospital. They are very appreciative of our donations; they require rectangular shawls in a variety of colours including darker colours to suit all preferences. JOYFUL 9 WELCOMING PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUAL ACROSS THE PEWS APRIL/MAY 2015 From the Library: Femmy Birks It’s time for some spring cleaning and weeding … Since moving into our new church our library shelves have been getting quite crammed. So … throughout the next few months we will be removing some of our older books and outdated resources to make way for the newer ones. Of course, we will keep some of our old favourites, but other books will be taken off our shelves. Some will need to be recycled; others will be offered to the congregation for anyone who may be interested in having them. Check the book cart during Coffee Hour for freebies to pick up. Also … If you wish to donate a book to the library or make a request for purchase, please speak to Linda Ashfield, Laura VanderVleuten or Femmy Birks. We welcome your suggestions. Image: "Repurpose Old Books." Ululating Undulating Ungulate. December 4, 2012. Accessed March 22, 2015. Working together to share scent-free air. Even the most harmless looking products can be toxic to others. Please refrain from using scented products so everyone can safely visit, worship and belong to the Knox community. COMPASSIONATE ENGAGED JOYFUL 10 WELCOMING PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUAL ACROSS THE PEWS APRIL/MAY 2015 Holy Huddles & Laundromats Nancy Matthews school. So the church raised $1500 specifically for this (calling it the Stop the Itch campaign) and bought lice kits for the schools to distribute. When the pharmacists learned why the church was buying so many kits, they got excited and participated by selling the items at a discount. There were "no strings attached" to the church's outreach activities; instead, they just responded to the needs of the community. David and I attended the inspiring February Manna Day at Crieff entitled Breaking the Holy Huddle, led by Joel Sherbino, minister of Paris Presbyterian Church, and were very impressed to learn what that congregation is doing. Its unofficial mission statement is "We gather in order to scatter." They gather on Sunday mornings (and whenever small groups meet) in order to read, study, worship, and pray. Using Joel's football analogy, that's the huddle stage, but huddles aren't the point of the game! That's when they get instructions on what they'll do next. Then they scatter to be Christ's hands and feet in the community the rest of the week. When I mentioned this congregation's activities to our son, Josh, he pointed me to another discussion of churches connecting with their community, this time at a local laundromat: http://experimentaltheology.blogsp Lots of good food for thought. (No pun intended!) And the scattering is intriguing. The congregation started a gourmet soup-making company that employs physically and mentally challenged young people who couldn't find jobs elsewhere. And when the church learned that many local kids couldn't afford backpacks and school supplies, a local store donated the backpacks, the various churches in town filled them, and then they were delivered to surprised and pleased school officials. When Joel asked the principal, "Is there anything else you need?" he was told, "Well, yes, but I don't think you'll want to help." Turns out that low-income parents couldn't afford the $40-50 lice treatments when there was an outbreak at the COMPASSIONATE ENGAGED JOYFUL Crieff's next Manna Day will be Thursday, May 14th, 10:30am - 3pm, with Rev. Karen Horst speaking on Christian Mission: One Starfish at a Time. Details are online and will be on the Knox bulletin board. Cost is $20 and includes a delicious lunch. Why not make a day of it? Walk the grounds and/or the labyrinth before or after, maybe even have dinner down the road at The Danish Place at Sunset Villa. Treat your mind, body, and spirit to a day at Crieff! Images. "A Place Apart ... to Come Together." Our Mission. Accessed March 22, 2015 11 WELCOMING PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUAL ACROSS THE PEWS APRIL/MAY 2015 New Elders at Knox in 2015 Brooke Ashfield Five new Elders will be elected to serve on the Knox Session this spring. This happens in every odd numbered year under our termservice for Elders. The elders will replace those stepping down after serving their term of service. Those whose term is completed and are stepping down remain eligible to be re-elected to serve. Under Presbyterian regulation, only members of Knox can vote or serve as Elders. On April 12, 2015 (Sunday after Easter), a letter containing the ballot and a list of church members will be handed out before and after worship. The remaining letters will be mailed on April 20th. Election is by secret ballot. You will be asked to write in the names of those you wish to nominate to serve and seal this in the envelope provided and to then sign the outside of the envelope. The ballots will be returned to the church by Sunday May 24, 2015. The Session executive will meet that week and all of the ballots will be opened. Only after all have been removed from the envelopes will each ballot be counted. In this way each ballot is completely secret. COMPASSIONATE ENGAGED No one will know the persons you voted for. You are asked to prayerfully consider who you would feel would have the wisdom and leadership gifts to serve as an elder. There are no age restrictions. The leading candidates will be reviewed and five will be approached and asked to prayerfully consider their response to the call to serve Knox Church as an Elder. Complete details of the formal rules of the Presbyterian Church in Canada regarding Eldership can be found on the National Church website at: file:///C:/Users/Owner/Downloads/ 2014BoF.pdf. There is also an interesting and informative 12 page booklet available at: file:///C:/Users/Owner/Downloads/ Becoming%20an%20Elder%20in%20 the%20PCC.pdf JOYFUL 12 The Session is the highest body of leadership in congregations in the Presbyterian Church. The Session is responsible for all aspects of ministry and meets with the ministers (who moderate the Session meetings) once a month to provide oversight and leadership to the congregation. The session is a policy making group who do not oversee the small details of church functioning. The staff and key leaders are responsible for implementing the policies of the Session of Knox Church. At Congregational meetings, every member and adherent (a regular attendee of the church who is not a formal member) exercises the strong accountability that is built into the Presbyterian system of church government. It is an honour to serve as an Elder, but it is also a personal call to spiritual service under our Lord Jesus Christ. Candidates called to serve may wish to speak with the ministers before accepting the call to be ordained as an Elder. We are all asked to pray that our Lord will continue to bless us with wise and compassionate leaders. WELCOMING PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUAL ACROSS THE PEWS APRIL/MAY 2015 W@K ~Wednesdays at Knox~ After record-breaking low temperatures and even lower wind chill, we will be more grateful than ever when spring does come to stay! Just in case we have any more weather interruptions, please listen to CKWR or CBC radio for their early morning closure updates. This event is open to everyone (although we don't provide child care), so please join us in the church hall for coffee and fellowship starting at 11:30 every Wednesday, followed by devotions, lunch for $5 , and a different presentation each week. Tell your friends! Bring your own lunch if you prefer; we will provide the beverages and dessert at no cost. We adjourn at 1pm. If you have any questions or need a ride, phone Ellen McIntosh (519) 497‐9534, or e‐mail [email protected]. WRDSB Special Ed. Choir Feb.11/15 Photo: Barb Prysnuk Apr 1st Linda Ashfield: Holy Week ~ Reflecting on barriers and walls Since the demolition of the Berlin Wall, other walls have gone up around our world. Walls of separation are part of our global story. Linda will reflect on these real walls as well as invisible walls that separate us from God and one another. As one of Knox’ ministers, her talk is part of the 2015 Lenten theme: Walls. Apr 8th Stuart MacTavish: Mining and Its Impact On Society Mining has been with us since prehistoric time, evolving as knowledge and technology has improved. This presentation will examine current mining practices as well as the environmental and social issues related to mining. Stuart graduated from Queen’s University Engineering, Mineral Processing and currently works as a mineral processing consultant. Stuart has worked in the mining industry for the past 40 years. Apr 15th Satish Mistry, Neil Malhotra & Jennifer Jacobi: The Myths of Pharmacy The presenters from Westmount Pharmacy will answer your health questions. What is the difference between ibuprofen and acetaminophen? Are name brand drugs more effective? What is pharmaceutical care... and what should you expect from a pharmacy team? Apr 22nd Don Smith: Three Floods That Have Shaped My Life Don attended Galt Collegiate, earned a BSc. in geography at U. of Guelph, and an MA in Environmental Management from Royal Roads University, Victoria, BC. He has worked at Kettle Creek Conservation Authority as well as at the Saugeen Conservation Authority, based in Hanover, for 28 years where he retired in 2014. Apr 29th Nancy Matthews and Fiona VanWissen: Retreats: Close to Home and a World Away Nancy is an Sustaining Elder at Knox. Fiona is on staff at Creiff Hills. Both women have travelled widely and experienced Retreat centres in Europe and North America. Come and join us as we explore the experience of going on retreat. Beginning close to home at Crieff Hills and Cairn, we will venture across the sea to Scotland and Iona. Sharing stories and pictures, we invite you to journey with us to a "place apart." May 6th Cameron Hahn and Tyler Shannik: Being Prepared Made Simple Bring your questions about end of life issues, funeral and estate planning. Topics will cover: establishing wills, trusts & powers of attorney; registering your consent to donate your organs & tissue; and how to ensure your personal wishes are understood and carried out. Cameron is a licensed funeral director at Erb and Good Family Funeral Home. Tyler is a Financial Management Advisor with a focus on effective estate planning. May 13th Pot Luck Lunch, with music by Full House Brass This will be a true potluck meal, so bring your favourite cold dish, finger food, or dessert (nut free, please) to share. Crock-pots and hot food are welcome, but will need to be brought already warmed. For our final event for the 2014 2015 season, we will be entertained by the Full House Brass, whose members include Debra Lacoste & Dave Manning on trumpet, Randi Patterson on French horn, and Carolyn Culp & Susan Follows on trombone. Have a great summer, and we'll see you in September! COMPASSIONATE ENGAGED JOYFUL 13 WELCOMING PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUAL ACROSS THE PEWS APRIL/MAY 2015 March/APRIL 2015 Asian Heritage Awareness Month | Speech & Hearing Awareness Month Sunday 29 March Palm Sunday Worship 10am Monday 30 Knox Ad Hoc Group on LGBTQ Inclusion 7pm Grade 5/6 Bake Sale 11am Tuesday Wednesday 31 1 April Quilters 10am Knox Knitters 9:30am Upward Ball Hockey 6pm Praise Band 7pm 2 Maundy Thursday Fitness and Fellowship 9:45 - 11:00 W@K 11:30am *RHM Clair Hills 2pm Dinner 6pm Worship 6:45pm KW Chamber Orchestra 3pm Chancel Choir 7:30pm Food for Thought 6 :30pm 5 Easter 7:30 am Outdoor Worship Waterloo Park 12 Worship10am 6 Easter Monday 7 World Health Day2 Quilters 10am Daughters of Christ 1:30pm 8 Fitness and Fellowship 9:45 - 11:00 W@K 11:30am 4 Passover1 (April 4 – 11) Worship10am Easter Eve: songs, scripture & readings from C.S. Lewis 7:30pm AA 8pm Chancel Choir 7:30pm Praise Band 7pm 13 14 Vaisakhi3 Quilters 10am Words Worth Books: Margaret Trudeau Book Event 7pm 20 21 Ridván4 (April 21- May 2) Quilters 10am *RHM Bankside 2pm Finance Mtg 7pm Praise Band 7pm 10 11 *RHM Beechwood Manor 2pm Recital: Knox Music Scholar, Chantel Grybas 8pm Maureen Forrester Hall WLU LOGOS 4:30pm 15 Knox Knitters 9:30am *RHM Lanark Heights & Pinehaven 10:30am W@K 11:30am Circle of Care 7:30 Worship10am 9 Knox Knitters 9:30am LRT Public Meeting 6pm Knox Combo 8pm 19 3 Good Friday Saturday Holy Week 8:15 am Potluck Breakfast Church Hall 10:00 am Worship in the Sanctuary Friday LOGOS 4:30pm Special Worship Sanctuary 6:45 Knox Stampers 7pm Jr. High: Airborne Trampoline 3pm Thursday 16 Fitness and Fellowship 9:45 - 11:00 Chancel Choir 7:30pm AA 8pm 17 18 AA 8pm ACross The Pews DEADLINE: May Supplement edition – Announcements only > April 15th 22 Earth Day Knox Knitters 9:30am W@K 11:30am Book Club 1:30 23 Fitness and Fellowship 9:45 - 11:00 Chancel Choir 7:30pm 24 *RHM Waterloo Heights 10:45am AA 8pm 25 Age of Majority Singers: Concert 4pm Kiwanis Music Festival: schedule *RHM ~ Retirement Home Ministry Multicultural Observances & Festivals: 1. Jewish, 2. United Nations, 3. Sikh, 4. Bahái COMPASSIONATE ENGAGED JOYFUL 14 WELCOMING PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUAL ACROSS THE PEWS APRIL/MAY 2015 April/MAY 2015 Sunday 26 April Monday 27 Tuesday 28 Quilters10am *RHM Terrace on the Square 10am Session 7:30 Worship10am Wellington Winds 3pm Recital: Knox Music Scholar, Christina Wednesday 29 Knox Knitters 9:30am W@K 11:30am Knox Stampers 7pm Thursday 30 *RHM Parkwood Mennonite 9:30am Fitness and Fellowship 9:45 - 11:00 Chancel Choir 7:30pm Yun 8pm Maureen Forrester Hall - WLU Friday Saturday 1 May 2 Presbytery of International WaterlooWorker’s Day1 Wellington: Day for Visioning at Gale PC: Elmira 8:30-4:15 AA 8pm Kiwanis Music Festival: schedule available at 3 Worship10am Waterloo Concert Band 2pm 4 Visakha 5 Quilters 10am Puja2 Daughters of Christ 1:30pm 11 Presbytery of W’loo-Wellington 7pm Circle of Care 7:30 Worship10am 18 Victoria Day3 *RHM Bankside 2pm 24 Pentecost *RHM Clair Hills 2pm 12 Quilters 10am 13 Worship & Piano Dedication 10am 17 Knox Knitters 9:30am W@K 11:30am Kiwanis Music Festival 10 Mother’s Day 6 25 Shavuot5 Worship10am Rainbow Chorus Concert 2pm Knox Knitters 9:30am W@K 11:30am ~Last W@K this season~ 19 20 Knox Knitters Finance Committee 7pm *RHM Lanark Heights & Pinehaven 10:30am 9:30am 26 27 Knox Knitters *RHM Terrace on the Square 10am Session 7:30pm 9:30am Book Club 1:30pm 7 8 9 Men's Chancel Choir 7:30pm AA 8pm Grand Philharmonic Children’s Choir 7pm 14 Ascension 15 16 Fitness and Fellowship 9:45 - 11:00 Empty Bowls *RHM Beechwood Manor 2pm Breakfast 8am 12:00 - 2pm or 4:30 - 6:30 pm Day ACross The Pews Fitness and Fellowship 9:45 - 11:00 Chancel Choir 7:30pm 21 Cultural Diversity For Dialogue And Development Day4 DEADLINE June/Summer Edition May15th AA 8pm 22 *RHM 23 Chancel Choir 7:30pm AA 8pm 28 29 Cairn Work Weekend *RHM Parkwood Waterloo Heights 10:45am Mennonite 9:30am Knox Stampers 7pm Freedom Singers 3pm 30 Knox ‘Nite’: Intergenerational gathering 5:30pm AA 8pm Cairn Work Weekend *RHM ~ Retirement Home Ministry Multicultural Observances & Festivals: 1. International 2. Buddhist 3. Canadian 4. United Nations 5. Jewish COMPASSIONATE ENGAGED JOYFUL 15 WELCOMING PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUAL ACross the Pews APRIL/MAY 2015 Shirley Carter FOCUS : Friends of Overseas College & University Students FOCUS is part of International Students Ministry Canada. Did you know that we have a FOCUS group that meets at Knox on Fridays from 6:45-9:15pm in Room 205? The purpose of the group is to help internationals make friends with Canadians, learn about Canadian culture, enjoy fun activities and study the bible. English conversation sessions are scheduled weekly. Transportation is provided to students who meet at the Tatham Centre - University of Waterloo at 6:30pm. Dorothy Tam coordinates volunteers - among many other things; she shared an excellent presentation with us at Wednesdays@Knox in March. Dorothy is so grateful to Knox for inviting FOCUS to meet in our classrooms and she looks forward to our help with transportation from the university to Knox, providing snacks and joining their friendship team on Fridays. If you are interested in supporting FOCUS on Fridays, please see Laura V or contact Dorothy directly at [email protected]. FOCUS Images: Waterloo FOCUS Club Facebook Page [public] Sounds of Christmas Photo: Joyce Barrette Sounds of Christmas Photos: Rob Perry 50 Erb Street West, Waterloo ON. N2L 1T1 (519) 886 – 4150