Short Course in Career Counselling
Short Course in Career Counselling
Credible Experts Incredible Training Short Course in Career Counselling Connecting life themes to construct life portraits Presented by the University of Pretoria 23–24 March 2015 (Phase One and Two) (Day 1 and Phase 1 of a two-part series of workshops) Using the Career Interest Profile (CIP) to Demonstrate Career Construction Counselling: The Value of a Combined Quantitative-Qualitative Approach BRIEF DESCRIPTION Career counselling in South Africa has traditionally favoured an objective or positivist orientation. However, today’s rapidly changing career situation demands a contemporary approach, which in turn, requires career counsellors to take cognisance of the shift and to adapt their discipline to accommodate these changes. Career counselling is no longer perceived only as a linear process that is aimed at helping clients find ‘jobs’ for the rest of their lives. A more up-to-date approach is rather needed to help career counsellors and their clients respond effectively to global changes in the world of work. It is our task, as counsellors, to equip our clients with the coping mechanisms to deal with repeated career transitions. To fulfil our task, we thus need to rethink our current theoretical and conceptual frameworks for interpreting career-related behaviour and planning our intervention in ever-changing contexts. While 20th century approaches notably still have value for the 21st century career counselling practice, the value of present-day career counselling theories lies primarily in the ability to enable clients to focus on the bigger picture in their lives. We need to facilitate personal authorship by viewing clients as authors of their own career and life stories and as agents in their personal development with an emphasis on their emotions and passions (Savickas, 2007; 2011). Attendees will be introduced to the Career Interest Profile (CIP), a social constructionist-orientated, postmodern instrument that is aimed at facilitating career counselling by empowering clients to make informed decisions about their career journeys, design successful lives, and make fitting social contributions. LEARNING OUTCOMES After completing this course, candidates will be able to • critically evaluate the main approaches to career counselling, career development, and career decision-making • understand 21st century developments in career counselling • understand that it is not helpful to weigh up one approach against another, or to adopt an ‘either/or’ approach (i.e. using one approach to the exclusion of the other) • endeavour the use of the best elements in both approaches to career counselling, and • bridge the divide caused by minimal assessment in many contexts, the exclusive use of tests in many other contexts and the use of a combined assessment and career counselling strategy in yet other contexts. CAREER-ENHANCING SHORT COURSES COMPULSORY SOURCE Maree, J.G. (2013). Counselling for career construction: Connecting life themes to construct life portraits. Turning pain into hope. Rotterdam: Sense. WHO SHOULD ENROL? Psychologists, registered counsellors and social workers with a Masters degree in Psychology COURSE FEE (VAT incl.) R3 500 per delegate (for both days) Course notes and refreshments are included. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Registration with the HPCSA as a psychologist, psychometrist or psychological counsellor. COURSE STRUCTURE AND VENUE This is the first of two comprehensive one-day courses presented at the University of Pretoria. ACCREDITATION In terms of the Higher Education Act 101 of 1997, the University of Pretoria is classified as a public higher education institution. The University of Pretoria is accredited by the Council on Higher Education (CHE) as a multi-purpose public training provider in the higher education and training band. Short courses and certificate programmes presented by the University of Pretoria through CE at UP are not unit standard based and not credit-bearing on the National Qualifications Framework. Delegates who successfully complete a course and who comply with the relevant assessment criteria, receive a certificate of successful completion from the University of Pretoria. 16 CEU (CPD) points have been approved for the full two days (four Ethics CEU points); eight CEU points per day (two Ethics CEU points). ASSESSMENT Certificates and CPD points will only be awarded after completion of the course and submission of an appropriate assignment. 25 March 2015. Contact us: Tel: 012 434 2500 Fax: 012 434 2505 E-mail: [email protected] For customised courses: E-mail [email protected] for quotations on in-house training. Short Course in Career Counselling Connecting life themes to construct life portraits Presented by the University of Pretoria 24 – 25 March 2015 (Phase One and Two) (Day 2 and Phase 2 of a two-part series of workshops) University of Pretoria. Constructing a Life Portrait In terms of the Higher Education Act 101 of 1997, the University of Pretoria is classified as a public higher education institution. The University of Pretoria is accredited by the Council on Higher Education (CHE) as a multi-purpose public training provider in the higher education and training band. BRIEF DESCRIPTION Given the dramatic changes in the world of work and careers, a more up-to-date approach is needed to enable career counsellors and their clients to respond adequately to new developments in careers, career choice and career execution. This course is intended to enable people to cross new boundaries in life and within career counselling. Career construction counselling, with its strong emphasis on the pivotal facet of narrative career counselling, is a concept that integrates the process of career construction and self-construction with the unique factors that play a role in an individual’s life at a specific time and in a specific context, and describe vocational behaviour and its development. This one-day course (based on the work of Mark Savickas) elaborates on how to promote ‘best practice’ in career counselling theory and practice, and discusses the importance of reflection and reflexivity as integral aspects of 21st century career counselling. It demonstrates the ways in which the Career Construction Interview (CCI) can be used with or without other auxiliary career counselling techniques and strategies to facilitate career (construction) counselling by connecting the dots in the career story (i.e. life themes) to construct life portraits under the guidance of counsellors. LEARNING OUTCOMES After completing this course, candidates will be able to • understand and apply the theory of career construction counselling • understand and apply the notion of career and life story counselling • understand what is meant by a life portrait and a vision and mission statement, and • apply Savickas’ eight-step technique using the Career Construction Interview (CCI) (including the application of the three-anecdotes technique) with or without other techniques to enable clients to connect life themes for constructing life portraits under the guidance of counsellors. ACCREDITATION Short courses and certificate programmes presented by the University of Pretoria through CE at UP are not unit standard based and not credit-bearing on the National Qualifications Framework. Delegates who successfully complete a course and who comply with the relevant assessment criteria, receive a certificate of successful completion from the University of Pretoria. 16 CEU (CPD) points have been approved for the full two days (four Ethics CEU points); eight CEU points per day (two Ethics CEU points). ASSESSMENT Certificates and CPD points will only be awarded after completion of the course and submission of an appropriate assignment. REGISTRATION & ENQUIRIES Thandeka Sibiya Tel: +27(0) 12 420 3343 Fax: +27(0) 86 5821 130 Email: [email protected] ENQUIRIES REGARDING CONTENT Prof Kobus Maree Tel: +27(0)12 420 2130 Cell: +27(0) 82 332 5065 Email: [email protected] SPACE IS LIMITED – ENROL NOW TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT! COMPULSORY SOURCE Maree, J.G. (2013). Counselling for career construction: Connecting life themes to construct life portraits. Turning pain into hope. Rotterdam: Sense. WHO SHOULD ENROL? Psychologists, registered counsellors and social workers with a Masters degree in Psychology COURSE FEE (VAT incl.) R3 500 per delegate (for both days) Course notes and refreshments are included. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Registration with the HPCSA as a psychologist, psychometrist or psychological counsellor. COURSE STRUCTURE AND VENUE This is the second of two comprehensive one-day courses presented at the CAREER-ENHANCING SHORT COURSES Contact us: Tel: 012 434 2500 Fax: 012 434 2505 E-mail: [email protected] For customised courses: E-mail [email protected] for quotations on in-house training.