ffil scRrPPS clrNtc
ffil scRrPPS clrNtc
clrNtc ffil scRrPPS II- news COMMUNICA'TIONS DEPAR'TMENT I 0 6 6 6 N O R T H T O R R E YP I N E SR O A D I AND RESEARCH FOUNDATION L A J O L L A , C A L I F O R N I A9 2 0 ] 7 6 1 9 5 5 4 ' E 2 9 0o r 6 1 9 t 5 4 - E ll l For Information: Sue Pondrorn News Bureau Manaqer (6le) 554-8L33 IMMEDIATE RELEASE #osozgi--r" ENZyt'lE REPIJACEI,IENT TIIERAPY FOR GAUCHERDISEASE TO BE DISCUSSED AT !{AiIOR UEETING OF CLINICAL RESEARCHERS LA JOLLA' CALIF. NIay 2, 199L -medical benefits disease will of a more be discussed and Research Foundation Recent research cost-effective indicating therapy for Gaucher by Andrea c. Kay, M.D. of scripps at the May 4 CLinical Meetings the in clinic Seattle, Washington. The Clinical researchers who belong the American Federation Meetings Society for are an annual event attended to for Clinical the Clinical part of crinic's a patients team Department A lipid disease with benign is to death that who have severe by degrade is and the American clinical in It the Beutler, M.D., diagnosed complex varies quite head and Experirnentar characterized first trials by the molecules in Jewish from a rapidly year with Gaucher disease. common among the as weL1. occurringr it Ernest disease particularly in others, on successful of Molecurar storage enzyme required found Led Investigations, r r E n z y m eR e p r a c e m e n t T h e r a p y i n T y p e titred I Gaucher Disease, rr reports Clinic of Arnerican Physicians, Research. Kayts presentation, Scripps Association by clinical of by accident. life, six Kay was of scripps Medicine. deficiency celIs, of Gaucher popuration, fatal to but disorder, a disease Treatment an so has been PAGE 2 SCRIPPS CIJINIC unsatisfactory, with the only cure achieved by bone marrow transplantation. In the with to enzyme replacement the shortage yearsr in l-970s, American of enzyme to scripps smaller Beutler and smaller doses, Kay enzyme. Within that the cost to recent administer the and the patients cost for efficacy responded treatment the a year. $rso,ooo investigated the due and found to be effective would be about study largely doses of the enzyme on a more frequent note The Scripps Clinic one-fourth of the was administered included a decrease of basis. weII to was decreased the by more began in in January L99O with patients used. The enzyme enzyme dose traditionally the days or three size improved of liver enlarged function times a week. livers Results and spleensr peripheral tests, €ts blood and enzyme levels. In addition P. Garver, carried which study on alternate as gradually counts, is In in funded her children patients General by the National Institutes that or from benefit small would least approach for the of studies Research Health. May 4 Clinical 5rOOO patients the cost $r birlion I,TORE with rrEven if frorn treatment. adults, C1inical A. Saven, were Center, Additional Sam and Rose Stein. remarks at included A. Dawson and B. Rosenbloom. C1inic's prepared could and Kay, researchers Scripps was received estimate the U.S. to Beutler D. Thurston, out funding will the disease 75 percent. given well However, clinic to treat but were unsuccessful was manufactured Gaucher disease. administering sought a commercially-available a L54-pound patient The than therapy, dD enzyme product treaLing researchers of Meetings, Kay Gaucher disease many of these enzyme alone per year. . . r at the for in are these current --_-l PAGE 3 SCRIPPS therapeutic CIJINIC doses recommended by the She will also note that Itprovides Gaucher patients the time. It first strategies ef f ective. that will is the with availability a safe incumbent be enzyme manufacturer. rl ### enzyme therapy and effective upon us to economically of therapy determine feasibre as for treatment welr as