Detox Center - la health & rehab


Detox Center - la health & rehab
 DETOX CENTER SERVICES Louisiana Health and Rehab Options
The Detoxification Center is a 24 hour
facility that accommodates up to 39 beds
for the purpose of medical and nonmedical
environment at the center is comfortable
and confidential. A 12-step program is
followed and the following forms of
treatments and services are available.
Individual Counseling
Family and Group Counseling
AA Meeting
Referral Resources
Gambling Assessments
Educational Groups
Psycho-social Assessments
Vital Signs Monitored
24 Hour Facility
Non-medical and Medical
For Further Information Please
Shanta Barnes
Program Director
(225) 354-8325
Soundra Temple
Executive Director
Louisiana Health and Rehab Info
214 Ocean Drive Baton Rouge LA
Phone | 225.231.2490
Fax | 225.231.2775
39 bed accommodations
Comfortable Treatment
Social Detox Center DETOX CENTER
OUR GOALS Eligibility Requirements The following Eligibility Requirements
Must be 18 years or older
Must have used drugs or alcohol
Assist patients in remaining alcohol
The Detoxification Center is the beginning
and drug free.
must be met in order to be admitted to the
Detoxification Center:
DETOX CENTER phase of treatment for Alcohol or Drug (AOD)
Assist patients in gaining access to
dependent clients.
needed services.
within the last seven (7) days.
We believe that recovery and redemption is
progress to make necessary changes
possible through the 12-step program. We
in his or her lifestyle.
believe that the Louisiana Health and Rehab
Detox Center is the starting link in the
Educate patient in 12-step program.
treatment chain leading to life's adjustments,
Assist patients in regaining dignity
sound mental health happiness and self-esteem.
and possessing feelings of self-worth.
Detoxification is the first step in seeking
treatment for drugs and alcohol use.
Educate patients on the disease
concept of alcohol and drugs.
Prevent habitual relapse.
Staff members at the Detoxification
Center are a group of capable and caring
individuals who have the skills and expertise
Assist families in drug education and
necessary to assist the patients in remaining
support systems.
alcohol and drug free.