February 11th, 2015 - Lake Mohawk Country Club


February 11th, 2015 - Lake Mohawk Country Club
Science and Nature Working Together
LMPF Meeting Minutes – February 11, 2015
Meeting Focus:
Address Agenda topics prepared by Gene DePrez – Chair, with prior input from Board
Members (email 2/9/2015 from GDeP to Members)
Attendees: Gene DePrez, Bob Atkinson, Tom Murray, Bill Askin, Ernie Hofer and Craig Kalucki
By Conference Call: Birgit Bogler and Jim Wardell
Excused: Dean Reinauer and Margaret Laddey
January 6th, 2015 Meeting Minutes: Unanimously Approved (Motion by Atkinson / seconded
by Murray) Minutes were also approved for website publication (for action by Mark Musilli)
Previous Motions: None
Meeting Minutes
A. Treasurer’s Report by B. Bogler – Treasury stands at $7,283.22 and we had $0 in
expenses (accounting as of February 11, 2015). I have 2 outstanding donor receipts and my new
printer is arriving this week. Both will be mailed on or before 2/17. I will be filing a Form 990-N
because we took in less than $25,000. The due date for filing is 4 months and 15 days after the
end of our fiscal year, which is May 15, 2015. Gene will remind Birgit 30 days prior to May 15.
B. Forward Action Plan
Topic / Discussion
1. Planned Event Dates -- Spring events
LMCC organized events –the Board
endorsed our participation in:
· LMCC volunteers recognition event –
LMCC Ballroom (February 28 from 6:00
to 9:00 PM)
· LMCC new members welcome eventLMCC Ballroom (March 1 from 2:00 to
4:00 PM)
Prepare handout
materials and table-setup (consider double sided
Pledge card including GIS
Earth Day – April, 2015; could tie-in to
an event by Sparta Athletics’ 5K Run
Raingarden event
Arbor Day event (Friday, April 24);
separate or linked with Earth day
Foundation led events – the Board
approved focusing on these Foundation
specific events:
Reinauer &
Bogler; Wardell
to help with
handout; Hofer
to provide GIS
Event theme –
Reservation clean-up
Sunken Gardens and/or
West Boardwalk; consider
breaking ground, actual
planting after May early
Plans to be developed
LMCC to Station
LMCC to Hudson
Bogler to take
the lead
Laddey and
Bogler to
develop plan
with LMCC
Wardell to work
with LM Marina
re their offer to
provide a
donation for
plants, supplies;
LMCC grounds
staff to assist
Bogler and Askin
to handle
2. Treasurer’s Report – File IRS Form 990
By May 15, 2015
Bogler (DePrez
to remind Bogler
30 days prior to
May 15, 2015)
3. March 2015 Papoose Article
Submit by February 12,
2015; Topic: Donations
Murray with
assist from
DePrez and
Askin as needed
4. Request through Musilli to Dr. Souza for
his sense of Lake priorities and
Foundation’s role
Follow-up action with Dr.
Souza of Princeton Hydro
(see his letter dated
January 10, 2015) and
Mark Musilli of LMCC;
involve Steve Waehler,
chair of LMCC Lake
5. Craig Kalucki – expressed interest in
volunteering; invited to meeting as
guest; studying Sustainability issues at
Ramapo College
Submit a brief write-up
on defining the term
“sustainability” and
identify opportunities /
areas of interest to offer
assistance to LMPF
Atkinson, with
Hofer, DePrez
working with
Waehler and Dr.
Souza; Atkinson
to ask Musilli to
help organize a
conference call
or a meeting
with Dr. Souza
6. Key Motions Offered and Approved
Forward Events: LMPF to sponsor several
early year events – Volunteers, New
Members, Earth Day, Sparta Day, and
Arbor Day (discussed and approved at
previous meetings)
Laddey, Askin,
Wardell, and
others as above
Motion 1: LMPF to initiate installation of a
raingarden at 1 or 2 LMCC sites; also
address procuring / using rain barrels
Develop a program and
project plan with LMCC;
break ground, installation
in May
Bogler, Laddey
and Wardell and
Motion 2: Arrange a conference call or a
meeting with Dr. Souza re LMPF Lake
Initiatives suggested by Dr. Souza
Refer to item 4 above
Atkinson to
organize with
Musilli, Hofer,
DePrez, with
Dr. Souza
Motion 3: LMPF to participate as a partner
on the proposed Sparta Station Corridor
Will involve Sparta High
School students and
others; in lieu of project
with students discussed
at previous meetings
Hofer to take
lead; determine
Foundation role;
Kalucki as
a. Development Committee – suggestion
was made for some Board development
on the topic of fundraising.
Suggestion by Bogler;
Development Committee
will organize a workshop
b. Volunteer Recruiting – suggestion was
made to recruit the PAC members to
become part of the Foundation in order
to get the intraclubs represented and
involved as active stakeholders before
Suggestion by Bogler;
Bogler and
Committee to
organize for
Board Members
Bogler will
discuss with PAC
c. Raingardens - Until members see
something as an example at the club, I
think uptake will be slow. The rain barrels
could begin as an article in the Papoose
Comment by Bogler;
Board has agreed on
moving forward on
planning and
implementing a
demonstration rain
garden with LMCC
Comments by Bogler and
Laddey; articles to be
reprinted in Papoose
and/or reproduced on the
Foundation webpages.
7. Other comments and suggestions:
d. Communications - suggest we direct
people to the webpage to read the
earlier Papoose articles addressing “lake
water quality”, “weed control”, “nutrient
reduction, etc.
West Boardwalk
or Sunken
Garden project
(above); Bogler
will write future
Papoose Rain
barrel article
Bogler and
Laddey to work
with Joyce at
Papoose; and
with Reinauer,
Wardell as part
of website
Old Business
Need to fill Vice-Chair and Board Secretary
officer positions - DePrez
Directors and Officers (D&O) Insurance
Annual Conflict of Interest
Arranging an Annual Meeting, to highlight
accomplishments to community, perhaps
speaker, fund raising potential.
Record Keeping, document compliance and
Establish a Science / Technology Advisory
Hofer nominated and agreed to serve as
Board Secretary and was unanimously
elected; Filling of Vice-Chair position to be
considered at a later date
Agreement to pursue purchase; Askin to
obtain a quote(s)
DePrez to address and outline further needs
for action at future meetings
Attending Board Members signed conflict
document; arrange for signings by Bogler,
Wardell, Reinauer and Laddey
Concept was accepted; all to consider
further and offer suggestions as to “when”
Hofer, Bogler, and McHugh to consider and
offer suggestions (names added 2/14/2015)
Re-address after recruitment of additional
Board Members; Hofer to serve in this
capacity at present and call on network of
resources as needed.
Next Meeting: March 25, 2015 (a regular meeting date was set for the last Wednesday of
each month).
Suggestion – prior to this February 11th meeting, Bogler submitted her Treasurer’s report in
advance, along with one-page summary of suggestions and comments for Board
consideration and meeting agendas. This greatly aided in preparing the meeting minutes.
Please consider sending your outline reports and other comments/recommendations in
advance to the Board Chair, Board Secretary and/or to the entire board, so we can all be
better prepared.
Prepared by Hofer; 2/14/2015; augmented by DePrez 2/16/2015
Minutes approved at the March 25 LMPF Board Meeting