April 2015 Calendar Designs on the Trestleboard April Birthdays
April 2015 Calendar Designs on the Trestleboard April Birthdays
April 2015 Calendar Thursday, April 2nd, 2015 6:30pm, WTA Meeting Tuesday, April 7th, 2015 6:30pm, Meet & Greet 7:00pm, Lodge Planning Meeting. 7:30pm, Officer Meeting Sunday, April 12th, 2015 10:30am, Volunteers needed to help clean up, arrange, etc. WMT inside and out. Tuesday, April 14th , 2014 6:30pm, Complimentary Dinner 7:30pm, Stated Meeting Tuesday, April 21th, 2015 6:30pm, Meet & Greet Sunday, April 26nd, 2015 10:30am, Volunteers needed to help clean up, arrange, etc. WMT inside and out. Tuesday, April 28th, 2015 6:30pm, Meet & Greet 7:00pm, Fellowship Tuesday April 31st, 2015 6:30pm, Fellowship and games As always check e-mails and Facebook for more info. Designs on the Trestleboard EA: Brandon Young, Troy Holocker, David Hobson FC: Sean Lyons, Austin Welch, David Smith April Birthdays Bob Dowler, PM (3); Brian Reagan (9); H Stewart (12); Joseph Lee, PM (13); Brian Galvao-Penick (18); Paul Winters (20); Mario Rodriquez, PM (21); Willis Grundvig, PM (23); Stanley Martin (30) Greetings From the East Nordman, Mark Huskins ), John Wallingford, Ernie Walker, or Mario Rodriquez. Fraternally yours, Greetings. As we embark into April, the first full month of spring, I am reminded of new beginnings. Exciting things are happening! Sickness & Distress None to report. As we settle into our new Masonic home, we are seeing an exciting influx of prospects, and brothers from other Lodges considering a dual membership at Lakewood. Please come meet these men and give them the benefit of your journey and knowledge. Dues Notices have been sent, you should start seeing your dues cards in the mail shortly. Just reminder dues are $83.00 for this year and are due on January 1st. Secretary’s Message In the first three months of 2015, we have had a significant number of brothers, worshipful brothers, and leaders from other Masonic bodies visit us at Lakewood Masonic Lodge for fellowship and to receive tours of our new home. It is exciting to meet Brethren from across the state and the country. Finally, I am most excited to see Lakewood Masonic Lodge members that we have not seen for a while coming back to Lodge. Welcome back Brethren! Spring will be bringing a flurry of activity. We will be planning a dedication ceremony for the new building, an open house for the community, events for our brethren and their families, and lots of opportunity for fellowship, learning, and communication. We continue our every Saturday morning coffee club. Please join us! Also, please remember that as a Lakewood Masonic Lodge member, you are also a member of Westgate Temple Association, who manages the building. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the building, please contact one of the Westgate board members - Lance Rommerdahl, John Brothers and Widows who receive the print edition of the trestleboard, please let me know if you would like it via e-mail instead. You can notify me at [email protected]. Fraternally Yours, *DUES*DUES*DUES* Dues for 2015 are now $83. You will be in Arrears if you haven’t paid by Jan 1st Make checks to: Lakewood Masonic Lodge c/o David Weiss 235 Impala Trl. Bailey CO 80421-2165 Communicate Each Mason is requested to tell his family of his Masonic connections. Ask them to notify the Secretary or any officer of any sickness or distress. And please update the Secretary of any changes in your contact information. Remember Lakewood Lodge Your will is one of the most important things you’ll ever prepare. A will gives you the opportunity to decide where your assets go. If you exercise your right to prepare a will to the law, your rights will be respected. And remember your Lodge by leaving a Bequest. Westgate Temple Association WTA has a new meeting time, the first Thursday before the stated (April 2nd), and there will be a cleaning day on the Sundays before the stated and then two weeks later (April 12th, 26th). – W.B. David Weiss Lodge Officers for 2015 Doug Kelley Worshipful Master 303-239-0888 [email protected] Robert Esquivel Senior Warden 303-898-8124 [email protected] Marty Johnson Junior Warden 720-333-0580 [email protected] David LeMaster, PM Treasurer 714-791-2267 [email protected] David Weiss, PM Secretary 303-653-5630 [email protected] Ernie Walker Senior Deacon [email protected] John Nordman Junior Deacon 303-941-0289 [email protected] Senior Steward Ted Snook 303-936-4536 Jade Gibbon, PM 303-518-8337 Daryl Allen, PM 303-988-6313 Warren Andrews 303-279-1277 Don Marshall, PM 303-488-7520 Lance Rommerdahl, PM 303-250-3448 Junior Steward Marshal [email protected] Chaplain [email protected] Tiler District Lecturer [email protected] President WTA [email protected] Living Past Master Joseph E Lee 1968 Joseph E Browning 1970 Albert V Evans 1975 Gerald L Higgerson 1978 Robert D Dowler. 1982 Robert W McDowell Jr 1983 Daniel Y Iritani 1985 Joseph S Dunn 1993 Jack E Denton 1994 Mark W Huskins 1995 Ronald R Shaffer 1996 Robert T. Beckman 1988, 1997 Robert D Elsloo 1991, 1998 Frank F Morrison 2000 Lance R Barron 1987, 2001 Victor A Hangar 2002 Ronald R Shaffer 2003 Wendell R Martin 2004 John Wallingford 2006 Mark White 2007 Wills G Grundvig 1999, 2008 Tony Mohr 2009 Jade Gibbon 2010 George Miller 2011 (Honorary) David Weiss 2011 David LeMaster 2012 Daryl Allen 2013 Joe Johnson 2014 Affiliated Past Master David LeMaster 1999 Lance C. Rommerdahl 1977, 2009 Mario Rodriquez 1985 Honorary Members Karl Koenig, PM Lakewood Lodge #170, A.F.& A.M. c/o David Weiss 235 Impala Trl. Bailey, CO 80421 ADDRESS CHANGE REQUESTED April 2015 LAKEWOOD LODGE #17O A. F. & A. M. WESTGATE MASONIC TEMPLE 2460 YOUNGFIELD ST LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215-1032 LAKEWOODMASONICLODGE.COM FACEBOOK.COM/LAKEWOOD170 COLORADOFREEMASONS.ORG CHARTERED SEPTEMBER 18, 1946 84 MEMBERS Fees for the Degrees: $150 Affiliation Fee: $15