Malta, 8-10 April 2015 Programme


Malta, 8-10 April 2015 Programme
Malta, 8-10 April 2015
Wednesday, 8 April
14u30 Registration
15u00 Opening of the conference by Gert Partoens and Salvino Caruana
Session 1 [chair: Gert Partoens]
15u20 Paul Kolbet (Yale), Rhetoric and practices of self. A neglected mode in Augustine’s thinking
16u10 Carol Harrison (Oxford), Augustine: worship as the beginning and end of preaching
19u00 Dinner offered by KU Leuven
Thursday, 9 April
Session 2 [chair: Shari Boodts]
09u00 François Dolbeau (Paris), Les sermons pseudo-augustiniens ou anonymes sur l’Ascension
09u50 Luc De Coninck (Leuven), Le sermo 93: datation, tradition manuscrite
10u40 Coffee
11u00 Anthony Dupont and Matthew Knotts (Leuven), ‘Praying for perseverance, believing to be
predestined.’ Augustine's homiletic presentation of the doctrine of predestination
11u30 Augustine Reisenauer (Providence College), Christ examining, excommunicating, and
exorcising the Antichrist in Augustine’s Homilies on the First Epistle of John
12u00 Lunch, followed by relocation to Rabat
Session 3 [chair: Mathijs Lamberigts]
13u50 Brian Møller Jensen (Stockholm), Unidentified sermons attributed to Augustine in Lectionarium
Placentinum: Reception and liturgical use of Augustine in a 12th century lectionary for the divine
14u40 Coffee
15u10 Clemens Weidmann (Vienna), The grey zone between authentic and inauthentic sermons of
16u00 Roberto Spataro (Rome), The Pseudo-Fulgentius homelies on Easter
17u00 Guided visit of Wignacourt Museum, Rabat
19u00 Conference dinner offered by Brepols Publishers
Friday, 10 April
Session 4 [chair: Luc De Coninck]
9u00 Gert Partoens (Leuven), A Cistercian homiliary? A new look at the Collectio Colbertina (Paris
Bibl. Nat. lat. 3798)
9u50 Shari Boodts and Nicolas De Maeyer (Leuven), The Collectio Armamentarii (Paris Bibl. Arsenal
175): status quaestionis and new avenues of research
10u40 Coffee
11u10 Leslie Dossey (Chicago), [title to be confirmed]
12u00 Alden Bass (Saint Louis), Dissident Preaching in Africa: Was it distinctive?
12u30 Lunch
Session 5 [chair: Anthony Dupont]
13u30 Isabelle Bochet (Paris), Le commentaire augustinien des Psaumes pour Idithun: les En. in Ps.
38, 61 et 76
14u20 Kevin Grove (Cambridge), Re-membering Ascent: Outer, Inner, Upper and Other
14u50 Coffee
15u20 Naoki Kamimura (Tokyo), Christian and/or Pagan Identities and Their Relationship with the
Spiritual Exercise in the Sermons of Augustine
15u50 Concluding remarks and closing of the conference by Mathijs Lamberigts
18u30 Dinner offered by KU Leuven