the SA Leather Academy


the SA Leather Academy
S A Leather Academy Newsletter
May 2015
This Newsletter
The purpose of this newsletter is to inform you on the newest happening at the SA
Leather Academy as well as the world of leather, be it what is available or what the
market needs.
News at the Academy
New and old students see what's happening:
Q: Hand stitching vs machine stitching
A: Obviously hand stitching is more visible, does not run and allows the crafter to
do things machines cannot.
Q: Who supplies what at a fair price and with good service?
A: The SA Leather Academy has imported a range of fittings and fasteners to test
the SA market.
The new Leathersource range is tools has passed their quality test and will be
available from September 1, 2015
The new SA Leather Academy tool set–
Eternally grateful to this man, Frik van
Jaarsveld. he has given me the skills to
help me grow my business and pass on the
craft to other people. thank you. Karen
Immelmann .
Beste Frik. Ek wil graag vir jou en Alida
baie dankie sê vir julle hartlike gasvryheid.
Julle het my tyd op Vanrhynsdorp onvergeetlik lekker gemaak. Baie dankie vir
gourmet aandetes wat jy so keurig voorgesit het. Die resepte wat jy vir my gegee
het sal ek maak en jou laat weet hoe dit
uitgekom het. Ek wil jou 'n groot guns vra,
sal jy asb. die Chilli Con Carne resep op
jou kos-blog sit? Ek soek dit met 'n seer
hart!! Dan moet ek ook weer sê hoe lekker
ek by Marita -hulle gebly het. Hulle het my
werklik tuis laat voel. Dit was elke aand
lekker om na 'n besige dag "huistoe" te
gaan. Toe ek weggaan het dit vir my gevoel
ek ken hulle al jare!! Dis voorwaar 'n
uitstekende blyplek vir jou studente. Dan
kom ek by die vernaamste van alles. Baie,
baie dankie vir alles wat jy my van
leerwerk geleer het. Die kursus het my
stoutste verwagtinge by verre oortref!! Ek
voel so bevoorreg dat ek die kursus onder
die hand van die Meester van SA Leerwerk
kon deurloop. Ek is voorwaar geseën en
baie dankbaar. Ek glo dat dit werklik
waarde tot my lewe bygevoeg het. En ek
sal jou beslis op hoogte hou van my planne
met die leerwerk vorentoe. Ek hoop dat ek
een van die kandidate sal kan wees wat die
gevorderde kursus kan doen. Johann Botha
Choices of alternative and different fasteners
Capetonians doing
leather should contact
Ross Marriday to arrange a get together.
Phone her on cell 084
608 3105. All students
trained at SALA could
gain value in forming
a network.
Fittings and fasteners
We are all aware that there is a need for decent fittings and fasteners. It is
obvious that the major leather suppliers cannot serve the small crafting industry. Therefore we should do it ourselves. Become creative.
One of the interesting uses we have seen recently is cupboard handles and
large buttons with loops.
SALA is busy discussing the creation of an in-house brass casting unit. We
might have a sponsor for this. Any interesting design will be welcome. Send
pictures to the academy.
We have tried to import clasps from Australia, but the import price is prohibitive… or will you guys be willing to pay R70 per clasp? Let us know.
Sling attachments
Once again the choice is rife… and the imagination is our only stopper. Next
time we will post a collection of attachment ideas.
Anti scratch feet on travel bags
During training we show students to take rounds and using a dapple punch,
make this concave, add a rivet and then you have a long lasting set of anti
scratch feet
Soft buffed leather and piping
done to form this unique bag by
Susan Lawrence
Choosing the
right leather
Each design needs the
right leather.
Using the wrong leather
ensures you get a lesser
Make sure you use the
right consistency leather
when starting your product.
Frane used soft leather to
design her bag which can
be used a a large travel
bag or quick weekender.
A new design
During the SALA training the second week starts with the decision, design and
manufacturing of your travel bag or bag of your own choice. Although training is
aimed at skills training, the best way to ensure the skills are transferred by continuous repetition —that is experiential training. Understanding manufacturing, the
student has to draw the picture of the bag they may want to make. This ensures
understanding of the components.
The SA Leather Academy does not keep or collect the design of students to make
things easier during training. Yet we continuously find that students are inclined
to go for sizes beyond the engineering of their designs.
Future SA Leather Academy
It is with great pride that the SA Leather Academy can now announce the bigger and better Academy.
Our future services will include:
Larger training facilities
Modernized logistics to ex students
In-house fitting and fastener development
New administration unit run by Alicia— contact [email protected]
Final launch of the affiliate LEATHERSOURCE where tools designed and manufactured by crafters can be found.
Sourcing new tanned leathers like the wonderful vegetable
tanned sheepskin.
New program for ex students to join us for weekender refresher
courses starting in 2016—contact Alicia for more dates and
Pattern making and design follow up short courses.
Teenage short courses in belt making.
Planned short conference on chemicals and leather by noted
chemist in the leather industry—we hope to present this in Cape
Town on a Saturday.
Creating a co-operative group to centralize top class leather
goods marketing and sales to the outside world.
Contact Us
Give us a call for more information about our services
and products
S A Leather Academy
42 Voortrekker street
Visit us on the web at
Cell +27 722 210 200
Hand stitched travel bag by Eva
The S A Leather Academy brings you the world of leather and it’s components
The S.A. Leather Academy
42 Voortrekker Street
Vanrhynsdorp, 8170
Western Cape
Cell 0722210200