May 24, 2015 - Littleton United Methodist Church


May 24, 2015 - Littleton United Methodist Church
What’s Coming Up
Save the Date: All-Church Conference - June 2, 7 p.m.
Two important teams of Littleton UMC have been preparing us
for an important decision. The Study Committee has been asking you what you see as the needs of the church. The Mission/
Vision Team has been asking our neighbors what they see as
the needs of the community. These teams are prepared to share
their findings. In the presentation of the needs of the church and
the needs of the community, there is a decision to be made. Do
we pursue these needs?
Please join the church to hear their findings, assess the possibilities, and decide whether or not we move forward. Rev. Dr.
Melanie Rosa will preside at the All-Church Conference, on
Tueday evening, June 2nd at 7 pm. Please mark your calendars
and plan to be part of this important decision.
Save the Date! 24th Annual Children’s Music Camp
*Children entering grades 3-6
*June 15-18, 2015
*Registration forms online or in the church office
If you are looking to place info for an upcoming event in the Weekly
or Monthly Connection, please follow these deadlines and instructions.
For the Weekly:
Dates: info runs 3 weeks, indicate start date
Deadline: close of church office Monday
Contact: Jenny Robillard at
[email protected]
For the Monthly:
Deadline: 15th of each month
Contact: John Morrison at
[email protected]
1890 - 2015
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LUMC Calendar
Sunday, May 24, 2015
8:30 AM
Worship Service - Sanctuary
9:30 AM
Grocery Coupons for Sale
9:30 AM
Guatemala Trip Information - Breezeway
9:45 AMMore Than Coffee
11:00 AM
Worship Service - Sanctuary
2:00 PM
Godspell Rehearsal - Sanctuary
4:35 PM
Club 435 End of Year Cookout - Grant FH
Monday, May 25, 2015 - Church Office Closed
7:00 PM
Open Space Lead Team Meeting - Conf. R.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
7:00 AM
Off the Cuff - Reception Hall
9:30 AM
Staff Meeting - Conference Room 9:30 AM
Worship Meeting - Conference Room
12:30 PM
Senior Adult Council - 115
2:15 PM
Prayer Team - Chapel
3:00 PM
Care Team - 115
7:00 PM
Grief Support - 113
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
10:00 AM
Jubilation Adult Choir - Parlor
10:00 AM
UMW Board Meeting - Reception Hall
6:00 PM
Columbarium Memorial Service - CTY
7:00 PM
Covenant Bible Study- 103
7:00 PM
Voices West Dress Rehearsal - Sanctuary
Thursday, May 28, 2015
7:00 PM
BSA Troop 114 - Way Station
7:00 PM
Chancel Choir - Choir Room
Friday, May 29, 2015
10:00 AM
Sandwich Ministry - 113
Saturday, May 30, 2015
9:30 AM
Godspell Rehearsal - Sanctuary
4:00 PM
Laura Davis Student Recital - Sanctuary
Sunday, May 31, 2015
8:30 AM
Worship Service - Sanctuary
9:30 AM
Grocery Coupons for Sale
9:30 AM
Guatemala Trip Information - Breezeway
9:30 AM
End of Life Discussion - Grant FH
9:45 AM
MS Mission Trip Pre Trip Meeting - WS
9:45 AMMore Than Coffee
11:00 AM
Water World Kick Off - Offsite
11:00 AM
Worship Service - Sanctuary
12:30 PM
Littleton UMC Basic’s Class - Conf. Room
2:00 PM
Godspell Rehearsal - Reception Hall
3:00 PM
Voices West Concert - Sanctuary
5:30 PM
Women’s Bible Study - Reception Hall
7:00 PM
DeSoto UMC Group - Way Station May 24th – May 31st, 2015
The Littleton United Methodist Church Weekly
Pentecost Sunday
Today’s Guest Preacher, Rev. Richard Hendry
e continue our 125th anniversary celebration with guest
preacher, Rev. Richard Hendry. Richard was invited to take
the position of Senior Minister in June, 1996. Richard and his wife,
Lisa, quickly fell in love with LUMC and its wonderful people.
Regarding his ministry, Richard says this: “Over the next two
years, more than one million dollars were spent remodeling the
sanctuary, enlarging the chancel, moving the choir up front from
the balcony, installing a sound system, rebuilding staff offices, and
doubling the size of the youth building. In addition, we built handicapped bathrooms, installed a stair lift, and an elevator. We installed
air conditioning in the sanctuary which was long overdue! We enlarged David Kates’ music area which provided a great space for his
many choirs and the Littleton Symphony. I was glad when we built
the columbarium as it provided a final resting place for those who
had made LUMC their spiritual home over many years.”
In 2012 after 16 years as Senior Minister, Richard retired, and
he and Lisa were sad to leave a congregation full of good friends
“who loved us and we loved them.” He says, “LUMC has been our
family in every respect and we thank God for the wonderful times
we spent together.”
We are grateful that Richard and Lisa attend worship and are involved in some of our ministries in retirement, and we are delighted
to hear him preach again. Richard says, “LUMC is not adverse to
change” and to hear him speak on Pentecost Sunday, when the disciples and early followers underwent a remarkable change, we can
be reminded that God does great things with willing hearts!
Highlighted News
Upcoming Events & News
Upcoming Events & News Continued
Supporting the UMC of Sierra Leone
ach year, the Rocky Mouintain Conference Board of Global
Ministries sponsors the Bridge of Love Offering at the annual
conference session. This offering is used to assist at national and/or
global areas in crisis or recovering from a crisis. This June, the offering will be used to help our suffering sisters and brothers recover
from the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone. Specifically, the offering
will provide funding to assist in the recovery, re-energizing and the
expanding of the decimated United Methodist Church health system. LUMC is committed to supporting the Bridge of Love Offering from donations to the LUMC Missions Committee.
In addition to the financial support of the UMC of Sierra Leone,
the LUMC Missions Committee would like to promote hosting an
exchange student from Sierra Leone in our community. Hannah
was one of a handful of outstanding high school students selected
for the Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Scholarship by the US State
Department in 2014. She was to attend Heritage HS in Littleton for
the 2014-15 school year, but because of the Ebola epidemic, all exchange students from Sierra Leone and Liberia were not allowed
to enter the US. The US State Department has recently offered all
of the 2014 YES Scholarship winners to become exchange students
for the 2015-16 school year.
Hannah will be 18 when she arrives in August; her favorite activity is attending church "because it helps to improve my moral
lessons about God". Her academic interests are primarily in the sciences as she dreams to be a doctor.
If you are interested in learning more about hosting Hannah for a
portion of or the entire 2015-16 school year at Heritage or another
high school, please contact Sue Poet, LUMC Missions Committee
member and 2012-13 host mom of Fatu from Sierra Leone:
[email protected], 720-283-3036.
Club 435
Summer kick off cookout will be on May 24th from 4:30 to 6:30.
Food, friends and fun! All 2nd graders are invited to come out and
see Club 435! We’ll be celebrating our outgoing 5th graders. See
Mrs. Lisa’s weekly email for a SignUpGenius link to RSVP for this
fun annual event!
Columbarium Memorial Service
Wednesday, May 27th 6 pm
As a people of faith, we know the sanctity of life and the hope of the
resurrection. It is particularly significant to have the church be the
place where people find their final resting place. We are honored to
have members, friends, and family inured in our columbarium. It
is a statement of their faith and an expression of our hope. It is the
responsibility of the church to make sure these faithful friends are
honored and remembered.
We invite you to join us in a brief service of remembrance in
the sacred space of our columbarium. The service is on May 27th,
Wednesday evening, at 6 pm, followed by a reception of light snacks
and fellowship. Join us in thanking God for those we have lost and
for providing a place of peace for them to rest and for us to remember.
Littleton UMC Basics Class
If you are new to Littleton United Methodist Church, or new to the
United Methodist Church in general, and would like to know more,
we invite you to a “Littleton UMC Basics” class on May 31st from
12:30 to 2:00 pm in the Conference Room. A light lunch will be
served. This class will review the uniqueness of the United Methodist Church and the Littleton church in particular.
Voices West Concert
On May 31, 2015 at 3 pm in the afternoon Voices West, a choral
group who uses LUMC as their home base, is presenting a concert
called “Heartstrings” in the sanctuary.
This concert will feature very tender music of well-known choral
traditional love songs, modern composers, and some not so often
heard music by well known composers. The singers will be accompanied by a string quartet and a professional pianist. This concert
by singers from Voices West and the Larimer Chorale conducted by
Michael Todd Krueger is in preparation for a June tour in Poland.
LUMC Optimist Club Meeting
June 3rd , 2015 in the Parlor – 8:45 to 9:45
Come and join us to hear Sue Howk, from WIC, will talk about nutrition. Visitors are always welcome!
Seniors on the Town - Denver MountainAires
The Golden Eagle concert band will join the Denver MounatinAires
in a patriotic extravaganza celebrating the 4th of July, entitled “Stars
and Stripes Forever”. This fantastic concert will also be a fund raiser
assisting underprivileged youth. Join us Saturday, June 27. The bus
will pick us up around 12:30. Tickets are $8.00 and payable when you
make your reservation in the church office by June 5.
Questions? Email Beth Corn at [email protected] or call
at 303-794-6379 ext.239.
Helping hands needed!!
Young and old join the Sandwich Ministry and help make peanut
butter & jelly sandwiches every Friday in Room 113 at 10 am. We
would love to have you join us afterwards to deliver the lunches to
the homeless in Denver. Parents, this is a great outreach program
you can do with your kids. Normally we make 50 lunches but on
June 12th and June 26th we will be making 100 lunches. Any questions can be direted toward Pat Morrison at 303-471-4451 or email
at [email protected]. Many thanks, Pat Morrison.
Weekly Book Highlight
What We talk About When
We Talk About God
by Rob Bell
The author uses his characteristic evocative
storytelling to challenge everything you think
you know about God. Check it out from your
church library!
Sandwich Ministry Item for May:
Vacation Bible School Set for July 27-30
It’s time to start planning and preparing for VBS 2015. The Vacation Bible School theme will be G-Force: God’s Love in Action. There are many opportunities for volunteers to be a part
of this great adventure. Contact Lisa Perkins, Director of Children’s Ministries, for further information.
Wanted: Fun & Energetic Vacation Bible School Volunteers!
Complete and return to the office if interested in being a volunteer for VBS. No experience necessary. Only requirement is a
love for kids and a love for God!
I would like to volunteer in the following areas:
CraftsVideo TheatrePreschool Leader
GamesNurseryPreschool Drama
ScienceElementary LeaderSnack
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