April 12, 2015 - Gethsemane Lutheran Church


April 12, 2015 - Gethsemane Lutheran Church
Pastor Troy Schmidt:
[email protected]
A pril 12, 2015
Congratulations to Marissa Moffitt,
3rd grade teacher, who was
nominated and won the KNIX
teacher of the week award.
Marissa’s response after hearing
the letter that nominated her was,
“Thanks, but all the glory to God.”
You can see why she is such an
inspiration to her students
Pastor Jerry Kosberg:
[email protected]
Lorna Kemper
[email protected]
Eric Durante:
[email protected]
April Lehman
[email protected]
Kristina Arnold
[email protected]
Church Office:
[email protected]
School Office:
[email protected]
Sun day Wor ship
In addition to the well deserved recognition
Marissa also received a gift of $300.00, a
large clock commemorating her
achievement, and a bag of goodies which
included pencils, a timer, a mug, a blanket,
and an umbrella just to name a few.
Traditional Service
In the Sanctuary
Adult Bible Study
In the Sanctuary
Sunday School sign in will 9:30
be in the courtyard
Contemporary Service
In the Gym
Confirmation Class
In classroom #12
Chapel Style Service
In the Sanctuary
eets 9am to noon in
meets 9:30 – 11am in
m – 2pm in the A/B
ets at 6:30am in the
Bible Study meets at
ip hall
he Sanctuary at
he Sanctuary at
Let the adventures begin! Beginning May 26th and running through July 31st,
each week will feature a unique theme with innovative activities and one or
more field trips. Swim lessons, sports, pirates, knights and princesses, ooey
gooey fun stuff and more for kids age three through 3rd grade. We have it all!
May 26 – May 29
June 1 – June 5
June 8 – June 12
June 15 – June 19
June 22 – June 26
June 29 – July 3
July 6 – July 10
July 13 – July 18
July 20 – July 24
July 27 – July 31
Ooey Gooey
God Made All Things
Knights & Princesses
Rainforest Adventures
Penguins & Polar Bears
Party in the USA
Moovin & Groovin
Sports Extravaganza
Under the Sea
To register please visit our website at glstempe.com or call MarKetta at 480839-0906.
dress rehearsal at
F/H at 11:30 am
hearsal for a brown
Beauty and the Beast
m to noon in the
NG TOOL - Scan the
ww.glctempe.com and
online giving.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
What children in Lutheran schools are learning about J esus:
“Jesus died f or me. He is my f riend and I know He is always there f or me.”
Ethan – 8 th Grade
Learn more at ALSOsto.org.
Pamphlets are available at the information
As you gather your tax information for 2014, don’t forget to make your dollar for
dollar tax credit donation to ALSO. You have until you file your taxes (April 15th) to
make your donation for 2014. All funds can be designated to Gethsemane to help a
child fund their Christian education. If you have any questions, please stop by the
Church or School Offices, or call 480-839-0906.
Coming up at G ethsemane Church & School
Next Voter’s Meeting will take
place on April 20, 2015 at 7pm in
the Sanctuary. Discussion will
include updates for the
Sanctuary building campaign,
and the Constitution Committee
will be presenting suggested
changes to the Constitution,
which will be voted on at a later
MAY 17TH AT THE 11:00
Preschool: "Go and Tell!"
The Great Commission Matthew 28:19-20
An angel visits Peter - Acts
Paul and Silas - Acts 16:16-34
Kindergarten - 5th grade: "Peace"
Next meeting will be April
16, 10:00a.m. Meet in the Family Life
Center to watch a play presentation
done by our students at Gethsemane
School. Soon as the play is over the
SAM group will meet in the fellowship
hall for lunch. You are asked to bring
your own lunch in a brown bag or
go out and pick up something to
eat. Drinks and dessert will be
furnished. After lunch we will have
our monthly meeting. We also,will be
celebrating April birthdays and
anniversaries. Sounds like a busy day
and fun. 
Isaac's Wells - Genesis 26:16, 12-22, 26-31
Esau makes Peace with
Jacob - Selections from
Genesis 27, 31, 32, 33
Abigail Intervenes - Samuel
Are you graduating this year? We
would like to honor all of our 2015
graduates, so if you or a loved one is
graduating this year please contact the
church office at 480-839-0906 or email
[email protected] with the
following information: the name of the
graduate, where they are graduating
from, and what school will they be
attending in the fall.
The second Saturday in May we will
be returning to Feed My Starving
Children as our service project. There
will be signup sheets at both the
church and the school. If you are
interested in serving in this area be
sure to sign up fast, we have a limited
number of spaces.
Face the World needs volunteer host
families for the upcoming school
year. There are several students
looking for placement in the Phoenix
area and this is a perfect opportunity
for cultural exchange. Please contact
Julie Linke at [email protected] to
learn more about this opportunity.
APRIL 15TH is coming fast!
If you owe AZ State Tax you can pay it
directly to ALSO or ACTSO instead of
the State. For more information,
please call Kristina Arnold at 480-8390906.
GLS is proud to present Disney’s
Beauty and the Beast! The dress
rehearsal will be Thursday April 16th at
10:00am and is open to Seniors. The
main performance will be Friday
evening, April 17th at 6:30pm. We have
a number of talented students so this is
a performance you do not want to
helps meet the needs of families in
our community. Our shelves are in
desperate need of being replenished.
Items we like to provide are: ravioli,
tuna, beans, mac & cheese, chili,
spaghetti sauce and pasta, peanut
butter, jelly, canned chicken, stew, and
canned fruit. Other items that are
appreciated are soap, shampoo,
toothpaste and sun screen. Look for
collection points at the church and in
the gym or items can be dropped off at
the church office.
Saturday, April 18th The 3rd through 8th
Grade track meet will take place at
Glendale Community College at 9am.
Monday, May 11th The Instrumental
Program will be held in the gym at
6:30 pm.
Wednesday, May 13th The
Kindergarten Author’s Tea will take
place in the Sanctuary at 6:30 pm.
Thursday, May 14th Early Childhood
Musical Program ‘Singing Around the
Campfire’ will be held at 6:30 pm in
the gym.
Wednesday, May 20th is our School
Graduation, which will take place at
7pm in the Sanctuary.
2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR
We are excited for the upcoming
school year and look forward to
expanding the Gethsemane
community! Some classes are
beginning to fill up so don’t delay,
register today. Enrollment packets
are available in the school office for
anyone to pick up. For information
regarding scholarships and financial
assistance, please contact Kristina
Arnold at [email protected].
The school is looking for daycare workers
and has an elementary teaching position
open for the 2015-16 school year.
Please contact Lorna Kemper if you are
interested or if you know of someone
who is. 480-839-0906 or
[email protected] .