March 15 - Missoula Alliance Church


March 15 - Missoula Alliance Church
I was
talking to my friend the other day, telling her how I feel
as though my testimony doesn’t have much to it. I was born
and raised in a Christian home and accepted Christ into my life
at a young age. I’ve never really had any huge revelations or
hardships or anything really inspiring happen to me. I grew up
hearing these beautiful testimonies. My friend then said
something that will stick with me for the rest of my life. She
said “You know how people who are born rich can sometimes
take it for granted? Or people who were born into royalty may
take it for granted? Well, that’s us. We were born into royalty.
We are beyond blessed, and we take it for granted that we
were born into a family who loves the Lord…” God made sure
to ground me in my faith in this way. But ultimately what
makes each person’s story so incredible is the moment they
choose to follow Christ. Whatever your story is, it is going to
be a masterpiece created by God. You will look back on it and
see how much God has loved you so unconditionally. You will
see His faithfulness and evidence in your life, and it will
contribute to a beautiful, ongoing testimony.
~ MerriLee Lindburg
Starting Point
Sundays at 9:50
in the foyer
Nursery: Age 0-2 Sundays
During 8:15 & 11 a.m. services
Plugged In: Age 2-Grade 5
Sundays, 9:43-10:45 a.m.
PBn’J & JAM: Ages 3-6,
8:15 & 11 a.m. services
Treasure Seekers: Grades
1-6, Sundays - both services
AWANA: K - 6th Grade
Wednesdays 6-7:30 pm
MAC @ 9:43: Sundays
9:43-10:45 a.m.
Grades 6-8, Youth Room
Grades 9-12, Room 110
Worship Services: Sundays
8:15 & 11:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.
DIG: Grades 6-8, Tuesdays
6:30-8:45 p.m. Youth Room
Life Groups: Fill out the
Welcome Card in the seatback
Summit: Grades 9-12,
Wednesdays 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Youth Room
(Website or Info Desk for details)
MAC @ 9:43: Sundays
9:43-10:45 a.m.
Various Bible Studies:
General Budget Giving
$ 17,298
Needed Weekly $ 21,321
Total 2015 Short
$ 16,441
Missions Giving $ 944
Missions 2015 YTD
$ 18,395
News you can use…
Associates of the Week:
Berney & Kari are our newest
Associates. They serve in
Southeast Asia to evangelize the
lost and train national believers to
plant multiplying churches among
an unreached people group there.
Cards are available in the rack
beside the Info Desk.
 Boldly and abundantly share
the great news, flowing out of a
growing love for the Father and these people.
 Holy Spirit to help in language learning along
with strength and perseverance to daily press
 Visas - both for an approved student visa for
Indonesia in March and provision for the right
means of entry into Malaysia this coming fall.
Farmer Needed - The Sayre’s 1/2 acre pumpkin
patch needs a paid caretaker for the summer. The
main work will be weeding 2-4 times per week.
Fertilizing, planting, and harvesting will be done by
volunteers from MAC. Interested? Contact John
Bradford, 251-3110.
Spring Break Schedule - There will be no Plugged
In, Fuel, MAC@9:43 or Lattes happening on
Sunday, March 29th, the 1st Sunday of Spring
Break. JAM, PB’nJ and Nursery will be available
during both morning services. Also, there will not
be any Youth Groups on March 31st or April 1st.
Marriage Encounter - First Alliance Church in Great
Falls is hosting a Marriage Encounter May 1-3. For
information contact Pastor John & Doris Reese
(406) 452-8647 or [email protected].
Do You Know of a Need? Connect to Serve C2S - is a Connections group that serves in our
community on Sundays during MAC@9:43. If you
know of a need that this group could possibly meet
on a Sunday morning, fill out a card from the
Outreach Kiosk and Angie Violette will contact you
regarding the need.
If you have a need for prayer during the week,
contact Bonnie at [email protected] or
251-3983. Over the weekend please call Mary
Morman at 552-5494.
Summer Adventure Week 2015, “From Creation to the
Cross” is the week of June 15th-19th this year. This
event draws hundreds of children to MAC and we would
love your help! If you are willing to volunteer, please
complete a volunteer form (located in the seatbacks in
the worship center), or contact Elyse at 251-3983, Ext. 28
or [email protected].
At MAC, we’re part of something BIGGER than
ourselves. Regular worship services at MAC will be
replaced on April 19th by ONE service at 9:30 a.m. at the
Hilton Garden Inn. Discovery Alliance Church and
Zootown Church will be joining MAC for this worship
event. Guest speaker is John Stumbo, president of the
C&MA. Childcare for ages 0-5 will be provided.
Good Friday Service - A time of worship and reflection on
Friday, April 3rd, from 6:00-7:00 p.m. Nursery will be
provided (0-2 years).
Join us for Resurrection Sunday Services on Sunday,
April 5th at 8:15 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. (there will be no Third
Service that day). There will be coffee and snacks in the
foyer and activities for children in the gym between
services. Invitations for Easter Sunday are available
today at the Info Desk or the MACKIDS desk in the gym.
El Salvador Meeting Today! There will be a meeting
today from 3:00-5:00 p.m. in Room 106 to discuss the
spring El Salvador missions’ trip which has been
rescheduled for May 15-23. A critical need is for
construction workers to help enlarge the guesthouse
and office area of the Envision center there. In addition,
a sports outreach to an American football team that
Richard Mullinax coaches will be a focus. For more info
go to the MAC website or contact John Bradford,
251-3110. The deadline for sign-ups is March 22nd.
The All Night Party is April 17th this year! We are now
starting to collect prizes. We are in need of an iPad Mini,
Dre Beats (headphones), TV, Mall Gift Card, iPod Touch,
or monetary donations. If you have any questions,
please contact the Youth Staff at 251-3983, Ext. 22 or
[email protected].
Scan this code to go directly to the
Missoula Alliance Church app page.
Helping people connect with Jesus.
Missoula Alliance Church
Service Times: 8:15 & 11:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.
Church Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8-5; Friday 8-1
100 East Foss Court, Missoula, MT 59803 (406) 251-3983 (email) [email protected]
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