GUIDELINES FOR APPLICANTS TO THE MUSIC VIDEO AND VIRAL VIDEO FUND This program is designed to encourage the production of music and viral videos by the Manitoba recording industry and to support production by the Manitoba Film/Video Industry. In doing so, the Video program seeks to aid in the promotion and marketing of current album projects both nationally and internationally. ___________________________________________________________________________________ OVERVIEW The Video Program was developed to assist in financing original music and viral videos that support newly released and current sound recordings by Manitoba Artists. Those sound recordings must meet MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC’s distribution criteria as set out herein. The Program is comprised of two streams of funding for either a Viral Video (“Viral Video Grant”) or a Standard Music Video (“Standard Video Grant”), each of which has different eligibility requirements as set out in the Eligibility section. A Viral Video Grant can be used to help pay for smaller-budget music videos and may provide a grant of up to 50% of Total Eligible Budget to a project maximum of $1500. A Standard Video Grant may provide a grant of up to 50% of the Total Eligible Budget to a project maximum of $5000. ELIGIBILITY MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC must have invested in the recording through one of our Juried Music Recording Programs to be eligible to apply for video funding. All projects which MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC has invested in through any level of the Music Recording Production Fund are eligible, as long as the project will be released commercially. The artist must be a Manitoba resident as well as a registered Manitoba business. The applicant must own or control the copyright of the video and the master sound recording of the song. Independent music recording producers, managers and record companies co-producing with a Manitoba film/video producer or production company, are eligible. Film/video co-producers must have a demonstrated track record. Producer applicants must be Manitoba residents who derive their primary source of income from the independent film and video industry, normally by developing, producing, or distributing film and video projects. Employees of broadcast or public sector institutions will not normally meet these criteria. MVF 2015 Revised April 2015 by BLS 1 of 6 SUITE 410 - 93 LOMBARD AVENUE - WINNIPEG, MANITOBA - CANADA - R3B 3B1 – (P): (204) 947-2040 – (F): (204) 956-5261 The project must be designed for a Manitoba recording artist to promote a previously released or soon-to-be released recording. Applications must be made no sooner than six months prior and no later than 12 months following the Canadian commercial release date to qualify for funding from this program. In situations where the Artist is not the Applicant, the Artist must also provide a current business registration and sign all agreements in conjunction with the applicant. Please be advised that the minimum age for application to MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC’s programs is 18. In situations where the Artist does not meet the minimum age requirement, a parent or legal guardian may apply on their behalf, providing they agree to the terms and conditions provided in the program guidelines. The parent or legal guardian must be a signee on the business registration. CRITERIA All applicants must attach a detailed marketing plan including information on the release and distribution of the music video, as well as outline promotional and touring plans. A detailed budget and dollar amount requested from MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC must be included with your proposal. Applicants must submit the video treatment and the production schedule with their application. This includes all storyboards, script notes, etc., and should give a solid impression of the creative direction of the video. For both streams: 1. The applicant must be a Manitoba resident as well as a registered Manitoba business. See the Manitoba Citizenship section for details. 2. The artist must be a Manitoba resident as well as a registered Manitoba business. See the Manitoba Citizenship section for details. 3. The artist must own or control the copyright of the video and the master sound recording of the song. 4. The Application must be in support of a commercially released, professionally manufactured sound recording which was released in Canada 12 months prior to the date of application or will be released within 6 months of the application date. FACTOR Presuming the proposal meets necessary program criteria, applicants to MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC's Music Video and Viral Video Fund must also apply to FACTOR and copy MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC on the application. Inquiries to FACTOR may be directed to the agency's regional evaluation coordinator at Manitoba Music (204) 942-8650. MANITOBA CITIZENSHIP Only Manitoba citizens, permanent residents of Manitoba, and Manitoba companies and corporations are eligible for MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC funding. For MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC’s purposes, an Artist Group comprised of more than one member will be deemed Manitoban if at least half of the members are permanent residents of Manitoba. A registered sole proprietorship is deemed Manitoban if the sole owner is a permanent resident of Manitoba. A registered partnership is Manitoban if at least half of the partners are permanent residents of Manitoba. An incorporated company is Manitoban if permanent residents of Manitoba beneficially own or control (a) in the case of a corporation with share capital, at MVF 2015 Revised April 2015 by BLS 2 of 6 SUITE 410 - 93 LOMBARD AVENUE - WINNIPEG, MANITOBA - CANADA - R3B 3B1 – (P): (204) 947-2040 – (F): (204) 956-5261 least 50% plus 1 of all the issued and outstanding voting shares; or (b) in the case of a corporation without share capital, at least 50% plus 1 of the total value of the assets. First-time MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC Applicants are required to submit proof of permanent resident status for both the applicant and the Artist (a photocopy of your valid Manitoba Drivers License and copy of a valid Manitoba business registration) and all Applicants are required to submit updated documentation whenever there is a change in status. BUSINESS REGISTRATION OR ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION Applicants and Artists must be registered as a business or incorporated in Manitoba. This business/incorporation must have a valid Manitoba chequing account operating under that business/incorporation name to be used for this project. Personal bank accounts are not permitted to be used. Contact the Business Name Registration Department, 405 Broadway, 10 th Floor, (204) 945-2500 to register your business name. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Applications must be submitted to MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC prior to the first day of filming. The video director must be a Manitoba resident. In special cases, a non-Manitoban director may be used. However, expenses incurred outside Manitoba will not be considered eligible by MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC. In addition, the video production must have the following elements: a) Manitoba crew, b) Manitoba video production company, c) Manitoba shooting location(s) Applicants must submit a production plan and video treatment that outlines the creative direction of the video, including notes on script, action, “look and feel” and so on. Applicants are required to deliver a copy of the finished video to MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC and if it deviates significantly from what was proposed in the Application, MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC reserves the right to withdraw funding. Successful Applicants will be required to enter into a General Agreement with MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC, which sets out the terms under which the funding is offered. In all cases where the Applicant engages a film or video production company to complete the application and/or produce the video, it is the Applicant, not the video production company, who remains responsible for the Application and for ensuring that its contractual obligations to MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC are fully performed. The video must be intended for release within 120 days of the date of issue of final payment from MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC. When the video is released, the Applicant agrees to credit MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC on all physical copies of the video, and/or wherever production credits for the track may be listed. The form of credit will be included in the General Agreement. Please contact MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC for hi-res digital logos. Applicants must disclose all other sources of financial assistance for the project. MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC’s contribution to the project combined with any other funding, including Government or terrestrial radio programs cannot exceed 100% of the Total Eligible Budget. As with all its programs, MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC retains the right and discretion to pro-rate the amount of funding offered, based on eligibility of costs, the nature of the project, or overall availability of funds. MVF 2015 Revised April 2015 by BLS 3 of 6 SUITE 410 - 93 LOMBARD AVENUE - WINNIPEG, MANITOBA - CANADA - R3B 3B1 – (P): (204) 947-2040 – (F): (204) 956-5261 FINANCIAL PARTICIPATION Applicants must demonstrate the financial ability to manage and complete the project. This includes written verified proof of all means of funding to cover the proposed budget and expenses. Financial support is in the form of a contribution and only costs incurred in Manitoba will be eligible. In the case of the Viral Video Grant, MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC’s participation may be up to 50% of a project's total budget, to a maximum of $1500. In the case of the Music Video Grant, MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC’s participation may be up to 50% of a project's total budget, to a maximum of $5000. Funds will be disbursed according to a pre-arranged schedule and project reporting requirements. All costs directly related to the production of the video are eligible. These expenses must be set out in advance in a budget submitted along with the application, and approved by MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC. Eligible budget costs include but are not limited to: producer actors/actresses and musicians (other than principal performers) director writer production designer camera crew other members of the production team film stock, processing and videotape production and post-production facilities Funding provided under the Video Program may not be used to pay for the following costs, which are considered Ineligible Costs: Any expenses incurred outside of Manitoba Management and Legal expenses Manufacturing and equipment purchases GST or HST Cash payments over $150 Donated Investment will be recognized as an eligible cost. MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC will recognize up to a maximum of 25% of the final accepted total costs of the project as donated investment. Details and appropriate invoices must be provided. An Administrative Fee is recognized as an eligible cost. MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC will recognize up to a maximum of 15% of the final accepted total costs of the project or $1500, whichever is lower, as the Administrative Fee. IMPORTANT: As of April 1, 2015, in-house costs are no longer accepted as eligible expenses. FINAL REPORTING All invoices/receipts involved with this project, as well as their corresponding proof of payment, are required to be submitted for the completion of the project. MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC accepts only the following as satisfactory forms of proof of payment: Copy of FRONT AND BACK of cleared cheque or Copy of Credit Card statement clearly indicating payee and amount disbursed or MVF 2015 Revised April 2015 by BLS 4 of 6 SUITE 410 - 93 LOMBARD AVENUE - WINNIPEG, MANITOBA - CANADA - R3B 3B1 – (P): (204) 947-2040 – (F): (204) 956-5261 Copy of Debit Card statement clearly indicating payee and amount disbursed or Copy of Bank Transfer/eTransfer or Copy of Money Order Cash payments will only be accepted for those expenses that are less than $150 and are proven with a valid cash receipt. If an invoice is paid in cash, please indicate as such directly on the invoice. Per diems and artist fees may be paid in cash and submitted for cost reporting purposes on a single receipt per person, for the full amounts paid out. Artist fees are capped at $150 per day or session, and may be included as a donated service, paid expense, or a combination of the two, not to exceed $150 per day or session. Per diems are capped at $45 per artist, per day of the shoot. In order to claim artist fees and per diems, a valid receipt signed by the recipient must be included in the final reporting. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS Fully completed applications must be submitted in hard copy to MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC PRIOR to the commencement of the project. Any costs incurred before the application is submitted will not be acknowledged as expenses for this project. Incomplete applications will be returned. Applications may be submitted at anytime throughout the year. PLEASE NOTE Applications must be completed on current MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC -supplied application forms. Selfgenerated documents, such as Word documents or Excel spreadsheets, will not be accepted. MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC does not accept applications submitted by email or fax. Application materials will NOT be returned. All submissions become the property of MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC. Please make copies for your own records before submitting your application. Approval of all applications is at the discretion of MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC. MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC may impose modifications to the budget submitted. It is the applicant’s responsibility to inform MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC of any changes to the original budget, the creative direction or the financing structure of the project in order for the project to remain eligible for funding. Applicants must keep original copies of receipts submitted with their final reporting. Only photocopies of original receipts should accompany the final reporting paperwork. Any final reports submitted with original receipts will be returned to the applicant for resubmission in the proper format. MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC, regardless of the budget level, will perform a test of invoices and canceled cheques, and this shall include contacting suppliers and/or payees for verification of submitted invoices and costs. MANITOBA FILM & MUSIC reserves the right to review and amend the Music Video and Viral Video Fund Guidelines at any time. All required forms are available on the Manitoba Film & Music website under Music Programs: MVF 2015 Revised April 2015 by BLS 5 of 6 SUITE 410 - 93 LOMBARD AVENUE - WINNIPEG, MANITOBA - CANADA - R3B 3B1 – (P): (204) 947-2040 – (F): (204) 956-5261 as well as at our office: 410-93 Lombard Ave Winnipeg, MB R3B 3B1 Hard copies of applications and all supporting documents must be dropped off at or mailed to MANITOBA FILM AND MUSIC’s office. MVF 2015 Revised April 2015 by BLS 6 of 6 SUITE 410 - 93 LOMBARD AVENUE - WINNIPEG, MANITOBA - CANADA - R3B 3B1 – (P): (204) 947-2040 – (F): (204) 956-5261