21st Annual Charity Bowl-a-thon
21st Annual Charity Bowl-a-thon
In Support of 21st Annual Charity Bowl-a-thon Thursday, Thursday, May 7, 2015 – 6:00pm – 8:00pm Burlington Bowl, Harvester Road & Walkers Line Please fax or email your completed donation form to the attention of Leah May, fax: 905905-637637-5404, email: [email protected] on or before April 30,201 30,2015 2015. DONATION INFORMATION FORM NAME: ____________________________________________________________ COMPANY: ____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER: ____________________________________________________________ GIFT DONATIONS: WHAT IS YOUR GIFT DONATION? ___________________________________________ WHAT IS THE APPROXIMATE VALUE OF YOUR GIFT DONATION? $ CASH DONATIONS: [ ] Lane Sponsorship (min. $200.00 please) $ Name to appear on your lane sign: Please Note: New Corporate Lane Sponsorships must be submitted no later later than April 23,2015 in order for signs to be ordered. Recurring Corporate Lane Sponsorships must be submitted by May 1st, 2015. [ ] Cash Donation $ Please make cheques payable to “Martin Martin & Hillyer – Charity BowlBowl-A-Thon” Thon” and mail to: Leah May C/O Martin & Hillyer 2122 Old Lakeshore Road Burlington, Ontario L7R 1A3 Alternatively you may authorize Martin & Hillyer Associates to charge the above specified amount (lane sponsorship and/or cash donation) to your credit card. [ ] VISA [ ] MasterCard Name of Card Holder: ___________________________________________________________ Credit Card #: ___________________________________________________________ Expiry Date: ________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________________________ CSV: _______________ (3 digits on back of card) Nelson Youth Centre Registered Charitable # 119053395 RR 0001