Chasing criminal money in the EU: new tools and practices?


Chasing criminal money in the EU: new tools and practices?
Tuesday 16 June 2015 - Afternoon
14.30 - 17.30
Session 4 – Future perspectives for the EU
intervention on asset recovery
Chair: Prof. Katalin Ligeti – University of Luxembourg
Preserving assets during the recovery: an EU
strategy on asset management?
Prof. Chantal Cutajar – CEIFAC, Strasbourg (France)
Asset sharing as a solution for a more efficient
cross-border asset recovery in the EU?
Ms Laura Vande Reyde, Prof. Dirk Van Daele –
KU Leuven (Belgium)
15.30 - 15.50
Coffee Break
What to do with recovered assets? Towards an EU
policy of asset disposal
Prof. Barbara Vettori – Università Cattolica del Sacro
Cuore (Italy)
Cashback for Communities: the use of confiscated
money in Scotland
Ms Eileen Kirkwood – Proceeds of Crime Unit, Serious
and Organised Crime Division (Scotland)
Cité judiciaire
Grande salle de formation
BC bâtiment commun, first floor,
room 1.38/39
Plateau du St. Esprit
L-2080 Luxembourg
Registration is free,
but we kindly ask you to register
before 22 May 2015
by sending an e-mail to
[email protected]
For further information,
please contact Prof. Katalin Ligeti
[email protected]
or Dr Michele Simonato
[email protected]
Tel.: (+352) 4666446991
Chasing criminal
money in the EU:
new tools and
Cité judiciaire, Luxembourg
15 - 16 June 2015
Conference Programme
Monday 15 June 2015 - Morning
9.30 - 10.00
Arrival and registration of participants
10.00 - 10.10
Welcoming address
Prof. Stefan Braum, Dean, University of Luxembourg
10.10 - 13.00
Monday 15 June 2015 - Afternoon
14.00 - 17.00
Different concepts on confiscation: do we need a
Prof. Michele Panzavolta – KU Leuven (Belgium)
Session 1 – Criminal justice systems and dirty
money: new policies or new tools?
Chair: Prof. Katalin Ligeti – University of Luxembourg
15.30 - 15.50
13.00 - 14.00
Buffet Lunch
Session 3 – Tracing criminal money across borders: multi-agency cooperation on asset recovery
Chair: Prof. John Vervaele – University of Utrecht
(the Netherlands)
A multi-agency approach to seizing criminal
assets: an Irish perspective
Dr Colin King, University of Sussex (UK)
The ‘pre-investigative’ role of Financial Intelligence
Units in recovering assets
Mr Marc Penna, Financial Intelligence Unit CTIF-CFI
(Belgium) (tbc)
11.30 - 11.45
Coffee break
Investigative powers to trace assets – a US
Mr Stefan Cassella – US Federal prosecutor
What are the limits to forfeiture measures?
Different facets of proportionality
Mr Stanislaw Tosza – University of Luxembourg
The relevance of asset recovery policies in transitional
societies: the Croatian perspective
Prof. Elizabeta Ivicevic Karas – Dr Suncana Roksandic
Vidlicka, University of Zagreb (Croatia)
New challenges for the European Union: the use of
virtual currencies for illegal purposes
Mr Jacek Czarnecki – Warsaw School of Economics
10.20 - 12.30
Coffee break
The German extended confiscation regime and the
new EU Directive – Consistent with EU law?
Ms Vera Weyer – University of Bonn (Germany)
Coffee Break
Returning stolen assets to victim countries: what
challenges for the international community?
Dr Radha Ivory – University of Queensland
Keynote speech: The establishment of an asset
recovery office in Luxembourg
Mr Jeannot Nies - Premier Avocat Général, Luxembourg
Extended confiscation: criminal assets or criminal
Prof. Johan Boucht – Oslo University (Norway)
Can the current anti money laundering system
defend itself?
Prof. Peter Reuter – University of Maryland (US)
11.10 - 11.30
10.00 - 10.20
Mutual recognition of non-conviction based
confiscation orders: what obstacles?
Mr Francis Cassidy – Eurojust
Setting the scene: the EU action on asset recovery
Dr Michele Simonato – University of Luxembourg
Tax, money laundering and offshore: some
thoughts on HSBC Suisse
Prof. Peter Alldridge – Queen Mary University (UK)
Session 2 – Open questions on asset forfeiture
and fundamental rights
Chair: Dr Colin King – University of Sussex (UK)
Tuesday 16 June 2015 - Morning
The role of EU actors in cooperation during financial investigations
Mr Tom Willems – EU Commission, OLAF
13.00 - 14.30
Buffet Lunch