An Honest Community Conversation about Race Relations
An Honest Community Conversation about Race Relations
M O N R O E C O U N T Y C O M M U N I T Y C O L L E G E DIVERSITY& CURRENT AFFAIRS M O N T H L Y S E R I E S PA N E L D I S C U S S I O N : An Honest Community Conversation about Race Relations DATE: Monday, April 6 TIME: Noon-1p.m. LOCATION: Audrey M. Warrick Student Services/ Administration Building, Dining Room Monroe County Community College 1555 S. Raisinville Rd. Monroe, MI 48161 DESCRIPTION: This panel discussion, which is free and open to the public, will be hosted by MCCC President Dr. Kojo A. Quartey. The topic of race relations has been prominent in the national headlines of late due to recent events in Ferguson, Mo. and Madison, Wisc., as well as at the University of Oklahoma and the University of Virginia. The college is inviting members of the community to serve on the panel. Those interested should contact the Office of the President at (734) 384-4311. The Culture and Current Affairs Speakers Series features MCCC faculty, staff, students and alumni with expertise on a variety of cultural, political or social topics of importance and interest at the present time. For more information regarding Diversity & Current Affairs Monthly Series at MCCC, contact Molly McCutchan, director of human resources, at (734) 384-4245 or [email protected].