June 23, 2015 The purpose of Moorpark Presbyterian Church is to glorify God and to help people become fullycommitted, joyful disciples of Jesus Christ. Ministry Staff: To reach the staff, call the church office at 805-529-8422 NEW! Office Hours are M-Th, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Head Pastor: Rev. Dr. Mark McIlraith Associate Pastor: Rev. Janet Loughry Parish Associate: Rev. Dr. Daryl Fisher-Ogden Interim Worship Dir. Kim Harmon Youth Minister: Dave Hubbard Youth Assistant: Michelle Petersen Children’s Ministries Director: Paige McIlraith Small Grp Coordinator: Dan Crane Sunday Morning: Worship: 9:30 a.m. Visit our website: You can: - view sermons - see the MPC calendar - read/search an on-line NIV and KJ Bible - Read the weekly newsletter - find out about all our group activities - see bios on our staff, elders, and deacons From Pastor Mark’s office: I absolutely love summertime, and now that we’ve stepped into summer here at MPC, we have so much to be excited about. This past Sunday, we kicked off our summer sermon series, The Good, the Bad, and the Bible: People God Dares to Use and welcomed in a fresh new group of elders and deacons God dares to use in our new church season. Look at the list below: you’ll see we have a stellar lineup. There’s even more summer fun. We’re now in our single-service-Sundays mode meeting at 9:30 Sunday mornings where we’re experiencing the fantastic energy and joy of worshipping together as one large group. Kim Harmon, our new Interim Worship Director, will be with us in worship this next Sunday, so be sure to come and meet her. Children’s Ministries is gearing up for a new VBS adventure this summer with “Everest” and already have over forty leaders lined up to help kids learn about Christ through interactive fun, games, and Bible stories. Our Youth Ministry has a packed calendar of programs, trips, and events, so it’ll be impossible for our teens to be bored this summer. We’ve started our new American Sign Language class on Monday evenings with Donnie Sheppard and Deanne Bray – two gifted (and entertaining) teachers who keep students laughing while learning together. Also, be sure to sign up for the Family Camping Trip to be held on August 7-9. And there’s much more going on! Please let us know how you would like to get involved with the MPC action this summer. The staff and I are eager to serve you and serve alongside you as we serve Christ together. Join us as we glorify and enjoy God this summer! In Christ’s care, Pastor Mark McIlraith NEW ELDERS Class of 2018 Marty Rouse Jack DeBiasio Jim Petersen Brad Fredrickson Mike Wesner Jim Harrington Robert Babcock Class of 2016 Greg Gillis-Smith Mickey Stueck NEW DEACONS Class of 2018 Kris Thomas Dan Crane Melba Johnson Linda Mattson Pam Jankowski Denise Piehn Kami Fair Coleen Rollins Jane Rouse Tim Leonhardi Class of 2017 Beth Gillis-Smith MOORPARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1 3 9 5 0 P E A C H H I L L R O A D, M O O R P A R K, C A 9 3 0 2 1 w w w. m p p r e s. o r g, , ( 8 0 5 ) 5 2 9 – 8 4 2 2, F A X ( 8 0 5 ) 5 2 9 – 2 7 9 0 June 16, 2015 Dear Moorpark Pres, As Pastor Mark said in his letter, my name is Kim Harmon, and I am truly eager and excited to be joining your congregation. I have already felt so welcomed and accepted into this church by MPC’s Worship Team and am even more excited to meet all of you, the people who make up Moorpark Presbyterian Church. Just to give a little background about me, I am originally from Ohio and have had the blessing to grow up in a family that seeks to honor and love God with all our heart, soul, and mind. I am the oldest of 4 children, with 3 younger brothers. I started playing piano at age 5, and somehow in a family of 6, managed to be the only musician amongst engineers and scientists. After graduating from Miami University with a Rhetoric and Music major, I moved out west with the goal of composing scores for film and avoiding the harsh winters of Ohio. While I succeed in the later of those goals, God had other plans for my career aspirations. I eventually realized Film Scoring wasn't the best match for my skills and gifts, and God began leading me into His church to use the gifts He had given me to glorify Him. It has been a crazy but truly amazing ride as I continue learning to trust and step out in faith to follow my Abba Father. One of my go-to verses this past year has been Psalm 16:11 - "You make known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand." And my prayer, as I step into this role at MPC, is that we as a church will be filled with God's abundant joy as we invite and allow for His presence to inhabit our lives, not just on a Sunday, but every day. Thank you for allowing me this opportunity. I am hopeful and excited to see what God has in store for us! Sincerely, Kim Harmon Rev. Dr. Mark McIlraith, Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Daryl Fisher-Ogden, Parish Associate Kim Harmon, Interim Worship Director Dan Crane, Small Group Coordinator Rev. Janet Loughry, Associate Pastor Dave Hubbard, Youth Minister Paige McIlraith, Children’s Ministries Director News and Notes Information and activities for the whole congregation Coming Sunday, July 5: NEW! On Sunday, July 5, we have the opportunity to hear from Fuller Seminary’s Presidential Assistant, Len Tang, who will be bringing us the sermon that morning. I encourage you all to attend and hear this thoughtful pastor, church growth coach, and deep scholar. No doubt, we will be enriched! Here is a little information about Pastor Len: Len Tang is married to Amy and they have three boys. He grew up in Pasadena, became a Christian as a freshman at Cal Berkeley, and began attending the First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley, where he met Pastor Mark’s family. He worked briefly in software before attending Fuller Seminary. Then while doing a year of youth ministry in Berkeley, he and Amy lived with Pastor Mark’s parents in Lafayette! He served as a New Church Development Coach in the Presbyterian Church (USA) and chaired the New Church Development Team of the Cascades Presbytery. He also served as an associate pastor in Bellingham, Washington, and planted a church outside Portland, Oregon until 2014. He now works at Fuller Seminary as Assistant to the President and works with church planters. Don’t miss worshiping with us July 5th at 9:30 to hear Pastor Len Tang! Emmaus Walk Info Meeting NEW! Luke 24:3, “And their eyes were opened and they knew him.” Is Jesus calling you to experience Him in a closer way? The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal weekend, meant to bring you closer to Christ. Join Launa Thompson for information and a short video In Room 11 following the 9:30 a.m. worship service on Sunday, June 28. Questions? Contact Launa Thompson or call the church office. June 23, 2015 Summer Small Group Study NEW! Looking for a Summer Small Group Study? We have one! If you are a sinful man or woman, or an inconsistent and unsteady disciple, or a bit wobbly and weak- kneed and are aware you don’t have it all together, this study is for you! Beginning Wednesday July 8 and continuing for 10 weeks, we will study Brennen Manning’s “Ragamuffin Gospel” each Wednesday evening at 7pm. E-mail Small Group Coordinator Dan Crane at [email protected] or contact the church office for information or to sign up. You will also have an opportunity to sign up after worship services on Sunday, June 28 and Sunday, July 5. Up-coming Fellowship Events Your Fellowship Ministry team is always busy planning fun things to do together as a church family. Here’s what they’ve planned for all of us! SAVE THE DATES: Dinner for 8: July 25, 6:00 p.m. Sign-ups begin this Sunday, June 28, for a great evening of food and fellowship – no program, just an evening to spend time with your church friends. Family Camping Trip: August 7-9. Sign-ups have begun! Enjoy camping fun at the Ventura KOA in Santa Paula! Pool, hikes, rock wall, zip line, hayrides and hanging out with your brothers and sisters in Christ. And Sunday morning, there is a worship service for campers. Tent and RV spots have been reserved – email [email protected] today or sign up on Sunday to claim your spot! Not a camper? Come out for the day on Saturday, August 8, and join us for a fun day of fellowshipping. Hollywood Bowl Concert: September 12, 8:00 p.m.- It’s the B-52's and the Psychedelic Furs! Advance ticket sales are going on now through July 26. Tickets including a round trip bus ride from a remote parking lot are $47.00 each. Sign up during coffee hour at the Fellowship table Staff Out of Office NEW! Pastor Janet Loughry will be out of the office June 24 – July 13, and Pastor Mark will be out of the office June 30 – July 3. For pastoral concerns during this time please call Parish Associate Daryl Fisher-Ogden. nights at 7:16 p.m. in the Music Room. For more information, contact Joslyn Tillar or call the church office (805529-8422). Men’s Ministries For information call: Tom Flitsch Women’s Ministries Coordinator Janet Stark and Tracy Flitsch Thanks to Kami Fair, Women’s Ministry has a Facebook page with updated information and signups for our events. In FB, go to Groups, click on Moorpark Presbyterian Church Women’s Ministries and you’ll be at the FB page. Upcoming Events: Women’s Ministries planning meeting, on September 13, in the office Copy Room. The Avocado Diva will join us for a fun evening, October 15, 6:30 p.m. in Wilkinson Hall. Stay tuned for details! Christmas Breakfast on December 5th Women’s Retreat in Pismo Beach from January 29-31, 2016 MPC’s Handbell Choir NEW! MPC’s Handbell Choir is recruiting new members! Can you read music? Then we want you!! We meet on Monday On July 4th, the MPC Men’s Ministries team is signed up to do the post-fireworks clean-up at Arroyo Vista Park. Arroyo Vista Park will pay us for our time which will go toward cost reduction for the Men’s Recharge weekend in October. It’s an easy 90 minute clean-up event if we get about 20 people to participate. You also get quite a bit of exercise walking and picking up stuff. It’s also a great opportunity for middle school and high school kids to earn community service hours for High School Graduation or college merit. For more information, contact Tom Flitsch or call the church office (805-529-8422). Please note; October 23-25 Recharge deposits (or full payment) are being collected. $225 for the weekend, including meals. (Deposit of $100 holds your spot) See Tom Flitsch, Marty Rouse, or Bob Eubank for more information. The Men’s Ministry team will have its next monthly planning meeting on Tuesday, July 28, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 8. All men are welcome! . For more information, contact Tom Flitsch or call the church office (805-529-8422). Just Between Us…… The world breaks every one and afterward many are strong at the broken places. Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms Whether the world breaks us, or we break ourselves, we always have a choice: to stay in our misery or move towards health and healing. Things that are painful for the moment, or for a long time, offer the opportunity to uncover and correct self-defeating patterns of thought and behavior that keep us stuck in a negative cycle. Do you feel stuck or discouraged? Then, my friend, you are perfectly positioned to take 5 steps to help you not only overcome your trials but become stronger: 1) admit you’re stuck - or miserable - or frustrated 2) turn your will and life over to God’s care 3) seek out healthy social and emotional support 4) enter into a process to gain understanding and insight 5) learn life-affirming ways of thinking and acting. Job (23:10) says “When he has tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” You are never too young, too old, or too broken to become strong at the broken places. It’s just a choice. Blessings, Barbra Barbra Winter is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with City Impact in partnership with Emmanuel Church & Moorpark Presbyterian Church. You can reach her at 805 983-3636, x 157 All Church Camping Trip August 7-9 KOA Ventura in Santa Paula Pool! Zip Line! Rock Wall! Hayrides! Tent & RV spots reserved. Sign up on the patio on Sunday or e-mail Michelle Colvin at [email protected] Can you smile?? Shake hands?? Make someone feel welcome?? The First Impressions Team Needs You!!! The Ushers, Greeters, Facilities elders, and Worship elders have formed the First Impressions Team Teams will greet, chat with, and welcome EVERY person who arrives on Sunday morning. Serve 1 month- twice a year. That’s it!! What a great way to spend time with MPC friends and family. Contact Mark Van Dam for additional details. Dementia Caregiver Support Group 1st and 3rd Mondays, here at MPC Next meeting is July 6, 6:45 pm in the Sanctuary Contact Pastor Janet Loughry for more information “ And their eyes were opened and they knew him…” Luke 24: 31 The Walk to Emmaus Spiritual Renewal Weekend Is Jesus calling you to come closer? Join Launa Thompson for information and a short video. Sunday, June 28 Room 11 following 9:30 worship Questions ? Contact Launa Thompson Register now for Vacation Bible School July 20 – 24, 9 am – noon Get your form at the Children’s Ministries office (Room 10 of the Christian Ed building) Forms also available in the Church Office, or on-line at More MPC Activities: Tuesdays: 4:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Wednesdays: 6:45 a.m. Thursdays: 9:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 29 (Mon) JUNE 4:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 4 (Sat) JULY 6 (Mon) 6:45 p.m. 7 (Tue) 4:30 p.m. 12 (Sun) 11:00 a.m. 13 (Mon) 7:00 p.m. 14 (Tue) 4:30 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 16 (Thu) 18 (Sat) 7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 19 (Sun) 11:00 a.m. 20 (Mon) 11:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 5:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting in Pastor Janet Loughry’s office. On summer break. “Renew” Junior and Senior High Youth Group. Contact person is Youth Minister Dave Hubbard ([email protected], 805-529-8422, x3). Men’s Small Group Wednesday Bible Study. Contact persons are Mark Parker or Dean May. The group meets at The Grinder restaurant in Moorpark. City Impact Counseling Services. Contact Barbra Winter, M.S. at 805-983-3636, x157, for appointments from 9:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Worship Band Practice. Contact person is Worship Director Kim Harmon ([email protected], 805-5298422, x4). VBS Station Leader Meeting. Contact person is Children’s Ministries Director Paige McIlraith ([email protected]. 805-529-8422). (Room 10) American Sign Language (ALS) Class. (Room 11) Contact person is Joan Johnson ([email protected]) Post Fireworks Clean-up – Men’s Ministries community service project (Arroyo Vista Park). Contact person is Tom Flitsch Dementia Caregivers Support Group. Contact person is Pastor Janet Loughry (805-529-8422, x2 or [email protected]) VBS Band Rehearsal. Contact person is Children’s Ministries Director Paige McIlraith, ([email protected], 805-529-8422). VBS Music Rehearsal (Leaders). Contact person is Children’s Ministries Director Paige McIlraith, ([email protected]. 805-529-8422). American Sign Language (ALS) Class. (Room 11) Contact person is Joan Johnson ([email protected]) VBS Band Rehearsal. Contact person is Children’s Ministries Director Paige McIlraith ([email protected]. 805-529-8422). (Rm 10) Session Meeting (Rm 11). Contact person is Rev. Dr. Mark McIlraith ([email protected], 805-529-8422, x1). Prayer Shawl Ministry. Contact person is Sue Wesner VBS Rehearsal. Contact person is Children’s Ministries Director Paige McIlraith, ([email protected], 805-529-8422). Marketplace Walkthrough. Contact person is Children’s Ministries Director Paige McIlraith ([email protected]. 805-529-8422). VBS Music Rehearsal (Leaders) “Everest” VBS. Contact person is Children’s Ministries Director Paige McIlraith ([email protected], 805529-8422). Dementia Caregivers Support Group. Contact person is Pastor Janet Loughry (805-529-8422, x2 or [email protected]) American Sign Language (ALS) Class. (Room 11) Contact person is Joan Johnson ([email protected]) Military Families Support Group. Contact person is Gary Belie Children’s Ministries News June, 2015 Paige McIlraith, Children’s Ministries Director Kara Ayers, Children’s Ministries Assistant Look for the sign-up table this Sunday! There’s still more room for both children and volunteers! Vacation Bible School SUNDAY MORNINGS Join us for children’s church! July 20 – 24, 9 am – noon Forms also available in the Church Office, or online at Come to Room 11 when children are dismissed from the 9:30 a.m. worship service! Things to come in Children’s Ministries: MPC Kid’s Chorale, starting up in August or September Sunday School, begins September 13 Children’s Christmas Presentation, in December Children’s Communion Class, (with Paige and Pastor Janet), Spring 2016 And more fun programs in the works! Stay tuned for details!