Presentation for PM lunch event 25 Nov 2015
Presentation for PM lunch event 25 Nov 2015
Mr. Stanley Kang, JFCCT Chairman Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand Mr. David Lyman, JFCCT Founder Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand Mr. Peter van Haren, Former Chairman of JFCCT Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand Mr. Nandor von der luehe, Former Chairman of JFCCT Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand Mr. Marc Spiegel, JFCCT Vice Chairman Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand Mr. Phongsakdi Chakshuvej, JFCCT Vice Chairman Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand Prof. Alex Paufler, Chairman of Education and Skills Committee Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand Mr. Bob Fox, Chairman of ICT Committee Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand Mr. Nu To Van, Chairman of International Trade Committee Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand Mr. Steve Cheah, Chairman of SME Committee Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand Mr. Eric Hallin, Chairman of Tourism Committee Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand Prime Minister’s Address 2014 Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand Meeting and Courtesy call to H.E. Dr.Pichet Durongkaveroj, Minister of Science Technology Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand Courtesy call to H.E. Dr. Atchaka Sibunruang, Ministry of Industry Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand Courtesy call to H.E. Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul, Minister of Tourism and Sports Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand Courtesy call to H.E. Dr. Uttama Savanayana, Ministry of ICT Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand Mr. Arto Artinian, President of Armenian – Thai Chamber of Commerce Armenian - Thai Chamber of Commerce (Request) President with Ambassador Armenian Independence Day Celebrations Honorary Consul Arto Artinian, JFCCT Chairman Stanley Kang, Armenian Thai Chamber ED Paris Kouyoumdjian - October 2015 Armenian - Thai Chamber of Commerce (Request) President with Board members Armenian Independence Day Celebrations Honorary Consul Arto Artinian, JFCCT Chairman Stanley Kang, Armenian Thai Chamber ED Paris Kouyoumdjian - October 2015 Armenian - Thai Chamber of Commerce (Option) President with the country leader Armenian Thai Business Community and Families During Independence Day with Honorary Consul Arto Artinian – October 2015 Armenian - Thai Chamber of Commerce Dr. Sutharm Valaisathien, President of Belgian – Luxembourg – Thai Chamber of Commerce Belgian-Luxembourg-Thai Chamber of Commerce President of BeLuThai, with H.E. Ambassador Robert Lauer of Embassy of Luxembourg in Thailand (Left) President of BeLuThai, with H.E. Ambassador Marc Michielsen, Embassy of Belgium in Bangkok (Right) Belgian-Luxembourg-Thai Chamber of Commerce BeLuThai Board of Directors with King Philippe of Belgium and Queen Mathilde Belgian-Luxembourg-Thai Chamber of Commerce Mr. Ron Livingston, President of Thai – Canadian Chamber of Commerce Thai-Canadian Chamber of Commerce CANCHAM Thailand President and Treasurer with H.E. Philip Calvert, Canadian Ambassador to Thailand, Cambodia and Laos and representatives from People Eye Care Foundation Thai-Canadian Chamber of Commerce CANCHAM Thailand Board Members Thai-Canadian Chamber of Commerce Mr. Yong Suksudprasert, President of Thai – Chinese Chamber of Commerce Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce H.E. Mr. Ning Fukui, Ambassador of the PRC in Thailand met with President Yong Suksudprasert. Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce The President and all the Vice-Presidents of Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce took a photo together. Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce H.E. the President of China Xi Jinping shook hands with President Yong Suksudprasert at the Boao Forum on April 7, 2013. Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce Mr. Thomas Nyborg, President of Danish – Thai Chamber of Commerce Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce (Request) President with Ambassador Ambassador Mikael Hemniti Winther and Thomas Nyborg, DTCC’s president at Grand opening of the innovation centre at PANDORA Production Co., Ltd Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce DTCC Board Members Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce Mr. Jens Pold, President of Estonian – Thai Chamber of Commerce Estonian - Thai Chamber of Commerce Mr. Pornpracha Wattanakijsiri, President of Thai – Finnish Chamber of Commerce Thai - Finnish Chamber of Commerce President with The Ambassador of Finland - Kirsti Westphalen Thai - Finnish Chamber of Commerce President with TFCC Board members Thai - Finnish Chamber of Commerce Mr. Peter Cauwelier, President of Franco – Thai Chamber of Commerce Franco - Thai Chamber of Commerce Mr. Peter Cauwelier with H.E. Mr. Gilles Garachon, French Ambassador to Thailand Franco - Thai Chamber of Commerce Mr. Peter Cauwelier and FTCC Board Members Franco - Thai Chamber of Commerce Mr. Phongsakdi Chakshuvej, President of German – Thai Chamber of Commerce German - Thai Chamber of Commerce GTCC President with German Ambassador German - Thai Chamber of Commerce GTCC President with Board of Directors and Executive Director German - Thai Chamber of Commerce Mr. Danny Yu, President of Thai – Hong Kong Trade Association Thai - Hong Kong Trade Association THTA Board members with HKTDC_HKETO Directors_Chinese Ambassador Thai - Hong Kong Trade Association THTA Board members with HK Chief Secretary for Administration Thai - Hong Kong Trade Association THTA President and Ms. Carrie Lam HK Chief Secretary for Administration Thai - Hong Kong Trade Association Mr. Suphat Sivasriaumphai, President of India – Thai Chamber of Commerce India -Thai Chamber of Commerce (Request) President with Ambassador ITCC President with Ambassador India -Thai Chamber of Commerce (Request) President with Board members ITCC President with Board Members India -Thai Chamber of Commerce Mrs. Ellie Santoso, President of Indonesia – Thai Chamber of Commerce Indonesia -Thai Chamber of Commerce Indonesian Ambassador, H.E. Lutfi Rauf, Mrs. Ellie Santoso (INTCC Chairwoman), INTCC Board of Director and INTCC Members Indonesia -Thai Chamber of Commerce A Birthday Wish to Indonesian Ambassador, H.E. Lutfi Rauf, led by Mrs. Ellie Santoso (INTCC Chairwoman), INTCC Board of Director and INTCC Members. Indonesia -Thai Chamber of Commerce Mr. Paul Scales, President of Irish – Thai Chamber of Commerce Irish - Thai Chamber of Commerce ITCC President - Mr. Paul Scales Ambassador of Ireland to Thailand - H.E. Mr. Brendan Rogers Irish - Thai Chamber of Commerce ITCC Board Members & Deputy Head of Mission - Alan Farrelly Irish - Thai Chamber of Commerce Mr. Saksit Chalermvongsavej, President of Thai – Israel Chamber of Commerce Thai - Israel Chamber of Commerce (Request) President with Ambassador Thai - Israel Chamber of Commerce (Request) President with Board members President with Board Members Thai - Israel Chamber of Commerce Mr. Lino Geretto, President of Thai – Italian Chamber of Commerce Thai - Italian Chamber of Commerce TICC Board Members Thai - Italian Chamber of Commerce Mr. Akira Murakoshi, President of Japanese Chamber of Commerce Japanese Chamber of Commerce Mr. Akira Murakoshi, President of JCC Mr. Shiro Sadoshima, Japanese Ambassador to Thailand Mr. Torajiro Ohashi, President of the Japanese Association in Thailand Japanese Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Welcome Party on June 24, 2015 Japanese Chamber of Commerce Prime Minister, H.E. General Prayut Chan-o-cha make a speech at “Driving the Business Forward Thai-Japan” Japanese Chamber of Commerce Mr. Lee Man-Jae, Korean – Thai Chamber of Commerce Korean - Thai Chamber of Commerce President and Ambassador at Joint Meeting BOD & Advisory Committee Korean - Thai Chamber of Commerce KTCC Executive Committtee Korean - Thai Chamber of Commerce Mr. Vanchai Jiratritarn, President of Thai – Christian International Chamber of Commerce (Macedonia) Thai – Christian International Chamber of Commerce (Macedonia) (Request) President with Board members President with Board Member Thai – Christian International Chamber of Commerce (Macedonia) Mr. Yeap Swee Chuan, President of Malaysian – Thai Chamber of Commerce Malaysian-Thai Chamber of Commerce Courtesy Call on H.E. Ambassador of Malaysia to the Kingdom of Thailand Malaysian-Thai Chamber of Commerce MTCC Chairman and Board of Directors Malaysian-Thai Chamber of Commerce H.E. Dr. Atchaka Sibunruang, Minister of Industry of Thailand arriving at MTCC Charity Dinner Malaysian-Thai Chamber of Commerce Mr. Steve Cheah, President of Mexican – Thai Chamber of Commerce Mexican - Thai Chamber of Commerce (Request) President with Ambassador MTCC President with Ambassador Mexican - Thai Chamber of Commerce (Request) President with Board members MTCC President with Ambassador and Board Directors Mexican - Thai Chamber of Commerce Dr. Pisit Leeahtam, President of Netherlands – Thai Chamber of Commerce Netherlands -Thai Chamber of Commerce The Dutch Royal family watches NTCC President Dr. Pisit Leeahtam shake hands with NL Ambassador Karel Hartogh Netherlands -Thai Chamber of Commerce (Request) President with Board members NTCC Board members with the winners of the NTCC Business Awards 2015 Netherlands -Thai Chamber of Commerce Mr. Peter Burgess, President of New Zealand – Thai Chamber of Commerce New Zealand - Thai Chamber of Commerce (Request) President with Board members NZTCC President and Members New Zealand Thai Chamber of Commerce Ms. Vibeke Lyssand Leirvåg, President of Thai – Norwegian Chamber of Commerce Thai - Norwegian Chamber of Commerce (Request) President with Ambassador President Ms. Vibeke Lyssand Leirvåg and H.E. Mr. Kjetil Paulsen, Norwegian Ambassador in Bangkok Thai - Norwegian Chamber of Commerce (Request) President with Board members President Ms. Vibeke Lyssand Leirvåg and Thai-Norwegian Chamber’s Board of Governors Thai - Norwegian Chamber of Commerce Mr. Firdos Ali, President of Thai – Pakistan Chamber of Commerce Thai - Pakistan Chamber of Commerce TPCC President with Ambassador Thai - Pakistan Chamber of Commerce (Request) President with Board members TPCC President and Board members with Ambassador and Minister of Commerce of Pakistan Thai - Pakistan Chamber of Commerce TPCC President with Minister of Commerce of Pakistan Thai - Pakistan Chamber of Commerce Dr. Sombat Thiratrakoolchai, President of Thai – Russian Chamber of Commerce Thai - Russian Chamber of Commerce (Request) President with Ambassador H.E. Mr. Kirill Barskiy, the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Thailand & Dr. Sombat Thiratrakoolchai, TRCC President in a seminar on the “Investment in Russia” at Dusit Thani Hotel on 20th November 2014. Thai - Russian Chamber of Commerce (Request) President with Board members The Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Thailand, TRCC President & TRCC Committee in the TRCC Annual General Meeting of Members No. 10 at Dusit Thani Bangkok Hotel on 27th April 2015. Thai - Russian Chamber of Commerce Mr. Graham Macdonald, President of South African – Thai Chamber of Commerce South African-Thai Chamber of Commerce SATCC President with Ambassador H.E. Robina Marks South African-Thai Chamber of Commerce (Request) President with Board members SATCC President Board Members South African-Thai Chamber of Commerce (Option) President with the country leader TV interview : Joan D’Arcy – Head of Jabulani, South Africa Social Club, PJ Powers – famous South African singer who sang the theme to the 1995 Rugby World Cup, H.E. Robina Marks, Graham Macdonald, Chairman of SATCC South African-Thai Chamber of Commerce Mr. Oh Lock Soon, President of Singapore – Thai Chamber of Commerce Singapore -Thai Chamber of Commerce (Request) President with Ambassador STCC President with Ambassador Singapore -Thai Chamber of Commerce (Request) President with Board members STCC President and board members at SG50 Celebration Gala Dinner 2015 Singapore -Thai Chamber of Commerce Mr. Sisira Mendis, Thai – Sri Lanka Chamber of Commerce Thai - Sri Lanka Chamber of Commerce TSLCC President and Ambassador Thai - Sri Lanka Chamber of Commerce TSLCC Chamber members and Former Ambassador Thai - Sri Lanka Chamber of Commerce Meet President of Sri Lanka Thai - Sri Lanka Chamber of Commerce Mr. Jan Eriksson, President of Thai – Swedish Chamber of Commerce Thai - Swedish Chamber of Commerce (Request) President with Board members English Caption Thai - Swedish Chamber of Commerce Mr. Bruno Odermatt, President of Swiss – Thai Chamber of Commerce Swiss - Thai Chamber of Commerce (Request) President with Ambassador STCC President with Swiss Ambassador H.E. Ivo Sieber Swiss - Thai Chamber of Commerce (Request) President with Board members STCC President with Board Members Swiss - Thai Chamber of Commerce (Option) President with the country leader Swiss Government 2015 Swiss - Thai Chamber of Commerce Mr. Liu Shu-Tien, President of Thai – Taiwan Business Association Thai - Taiwan Business Association (Request) President with Ambassador President Liu, Representative Hsieh, President of Phuket Taiwan Business Association. At PTBA anniversary party. Thai - Taiwan Business Association (Request) President with Board members President Liu with Premier Yu of Taiwan Administrative Department . At an inauguration ceremony of Chung Hua Association of Taiwan. Thai - Taiwan Business Association (Option) President with the country leader President Liu with Premier Yu of Taiwan Administrative Department . At an inauguration ceremony of Chung Hua Association of Taiwan. Thai - Taiwan Business Association Mr. Ufuk Civelek, President of Thai – Turkish Business Association Thai - Turkish Business Association (Request) President with Ambassador Mr. Kelly W. Hsieh, Representative of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Thailand visits TTBA. Group photo with TTBA Senior Executive. Thai - Turkish Business Association (Request) President with Board members Thai Turkish Business Association President, Mr. Ufuk Civelek and Board Members Thai - Turkish Business Association
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