The Prober - Michigan Treasure Hunters


The Prober - Michigan Treasure Hunters
The Prober
Newsletter of The Michigan Treasure Hunters Club
Volume 43—-Issue 6 June 2015
MTH Website:
Club Meetings:
Doors now open at 7:30pm
Holy Cross Evangelical Lutheran Church
30650 Six Mile Rd
Livonia, MI 48152
June 23rd …………….………..7:45pm
July 28th …………….………...7:45pm
Ice Cream Social
Upcoming Events:
June 14th
Token Hunt …………….……..1:00pm
With free cold water &
Extra surprises in the ground!
Kathie Borders, Hunt Master
Curtiss Park,
440 W. Mich. Ave. Saline MI 48176
Jerry Wickens will hold a raffle.
June 14th
Natural Hunt …………(after token hunt)
Surprise location!
Info to be supplied after token hunt.
Kathie Borders, Hunt Master
July 12th
Summer Picnic ………………..1:00pm
Island Lake Park, Off Kent Lake Road,
Butternut Pavillion.
Volunteers needed!
President Mark Branton’s June MESSAGE:
Hello everyone ! I got out of work at about 4:30 today and couldn't
wait to get my detecting on. I looked up into the sky and the clouds
were rather ominous. I, throwing caution to the wind, decided to
detect anyway. Well as luck would have it, (YEP! you guessed it) I
got caught up in the rain. It was at this point that my car was located
on the opposite side of the field . I made my biggest find yet. I found
a big cottonwood tree to keep me and my detector free from the SOB
(signs of beauty) rain. That is enough said about this outing, I got
real wet.
Today, June seventh, MTH held it's first Newbie hunt with help from
the volunteers. My understanding is that this hunt was well received
by the novice detectorists. I want to thank John Vitkay for bringing
the hunt to fruition. I know that when I first started detecting, my
ideas were that when this detector runs over a target, "BOOM" and
dig. This simply is not the case, although somewhat true. The truth
is you have just too many variables, ferrous, non-ferrous, coins, rings,
pulltabs, bottlecaps, etc. I believe this is where a fine line is walked.
Until someone has learned what to expect when discriminating, he or
she will stay with the hobby. On the other hand, there are those that
will give up in 10 minutes because they are digging can slaw,
pulltabs, nails and everything of no value. Now once again my hat is
off to you for showing the support, and wanting to volunteer to make
this "Newbie" hunt a success!
Now, for the part I like to share with members and non-members.
We have an MRH member in the spotlight this month. This person
and I hold him in high esteem for doing what I would do, his name is
John Castiglione. John one day while detecting, came across a
female's class ring. This said female went to Centerline H.S. and
graduated from the class of "89". I believe it was Mid-May that the
actual return was made, and I do believe she was very grateful for the
fact that John returned the ring to her. I like hearing these type of
stories thank you again John. One last note, we are almost at the
halfway point of 2015. I want everyone to think about new club
officers and nominations for 2016.
Thank You Once Again and Happy Hunting!
Mark Branton- President
Michigan Treasure Hunter General Meeting May, 2015
May 26, 2015
The meeting was called to order by President, Mark Branton at 7:50 p.m. Mark closed Find of the
Month and introduced the present Officers and Board members. There were eighty two in attendance,
including two guests. Mark explained all of the raffles and it was stated that the CAM-AM hunt will
be in the states in 2016. Treasurer, Jerry Wickens gave the Treasurer's report. Chuck Chandler
passed the fish bowl. Member, Pam Turek explained about an upcoming walk taking place on June
20th. The walk is to raise money for senior citizens living in Detroit for house repair and other basic
necessities. Please volunteer information at the front. Kathie Borders found the token at the last hunt
and will put on the next hunt June 14th in Saline at Curtis Park. A natural hunt will follow this hunt.
Mark noted that the club picnic will be July 12, 2015. Volunteers are needed. Tom Klisz spoke on
the up coming road rally, information will be coming. The committee is Tom and Sherry Klisz, Jerry
and Kristen Wickens and Lisa and Joe LeBlanc. Joe Le Blanc spoke on the Spring Warm Up hunt
that was recently held, with thirty two members attending. Mark stated there was an interesting
article on Privy diggers in the news paper. Jon Vitkay spoke on his Newbie hunt to be held June 7th
in Livonia. You must be a member from Jan 2014 to present.
Break for volunteers 8:09 and the meeting resumed at 8:39.
Mark introduced our guest speaker Livonia Historian, Mr. Joe Neussendorfer, Aff.M.ASCE, ESD.
He presented a very informative speech on civil engineer, Mr. Alfred Noble. Mr. Noble was born
and raised in Livonia. He was instrumental in the building of the Panama Canal and the Soo Locks
and many other renowned projects.
Mr. Neussendorfer donated a book on Mr. Noble and raffled it off. Larry Ciarrocchi won the raffle.
50/50 raffle winners: Chuck Chandler and Kathie Borders.
Can-Am raffle winners: Terry Clark,Tyler Schuster, Fred Peganm, Ray Wakenell, Joni Rundell,
Dennis Reid and Loni Taylor.
Silver raffle winners: Ray Wakenell, Bill Parson, Bob Bialecki, Carol Redigan, Tyler Schuster, Art
Stoltz and Tom Holiday.
Membership draw winner #224 Kris Seaburg. He did not have his name tag on.
FOM winners presented with awards.
Special raffle winners: Bev Robertson, Bob Bialecki and James Lloyd.
Meeting adjourned at 9:50. P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Bonnie Klisz
Find Of The Month
Congratulations Winners!
1st: 21k Arabic Pendant……………………….Larry Prested
2nd: Sterling Charm Braclet………………….Tyler Schuster
3rd: 10k & diamond earring…………………...Mark Branton
18k Ladies Ring…………………………………Andy Songal
Silver Ring……………………………………..Joe Napolitano
Flower Necklace…………………………………Sally Crouch
1st: 1918 WWI Peace Token……………….Sharon Standish
2nd: Revnd. Ike Token………………………………….Pam T.
3rd: 2.5 Cent 215 Griswold……………………..Tim Standish
Pureto Token……………………………………….John Vitkay
Cedar Point……………………………………...Tyler Schuster
1 Cake Camay……………………………………Kris Seaburg
1st: 1861 Seated Quarter………………………….Terry Clark
2nd: 1787 1 cent CT…………………………………Tom Dorr
3rd: 1877 Seated Dime……………………….Greg Sepanski
1948 Franklin Half………………………………..James Lloyd
1977 Kennedy Half………………………………..Matt Collins
Toonie…………………………………………..Chuck Froelich
Michigan Treasure Hunters
Board of Directors Meeting
-June 2nd, 2015 Michigan Treasure Hunters Board Meeting
The meeting was call to order by Board Chairman, Greg Borders
at 7:11 p.m.
All members present along with alternate, Cheryl Jester.
Topics discussed:
Review of April meeting
Microphone and podium
Tables and chairs
Treasurer’s report
Prober deadlines and articles
Token Hunts
Newbie hunt
Fish Bowl
Spring Warm up
Committee and job assignments
Future meeting formats
Next general meeting June 23rd and next board meeting June
Respectfully submitted,
Bonne Klisz, Secretary
6/14/15 Token Hunt 1:00PM
Curtiss Park, Saline, MI
440 W. Mich. Ave. Saline MI 48176
1st: Match Striker…………………………………….Rick Day
2nd: European Allies Commemorative…...Sharon Standish
3rd: 1916 Bicycle Tax……………………….Ross Soderburg
1940's Fire Truck……………………………….Lonnie Taylor
1979 Rocket Car…………………………………Dennis Reid
1907 Cap Gun…………………………………….Gail Collins
MTH Autumn Weekend Hunt 9/25-9/27
Cost is $85.00 per person.
Location to be announced later.
Please send a check made out to
Sharon Prested
13358 Neff Rd.
Clio, MI 48420
Phone #________________________________
Raffle prizes for June meeting:
1st : Walking Liberty Halves
2nd: Mexican Gold 2.5 Pesco
3rd : Type Set
PO BOX 510237
LIVONIA MI 48151-6237
Editor: Greg Borders Co-Editor: Kathie Borders
Michigan Treasure Hunters
2015 Officers
President........................Mark Branton
Vice President..................Dave Picard
Secretary.........................Bonnie Klisz
Treasurer.......................Jerry Wickens
Board of Directors
Greg Borders: Chairman
Fred Kulka
Joni Rundel
Tom Klisz
Fred Pegan
Alternate: Cheryl Jester
Please contact the Editor or any MTH Officer if you know of anyone who is ill or bereaved.
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1. MTH Name tags are available for $4.00.
2. The club needs volunteers to take over a number of club functions. See any club officer to volunteer.
3. Judy & Lyle Cook are selling MTH aprons for $5.00, MTH
Tees for $10.00 and Atlases for $4.00.
4. People are really needed to signup to bring refreshments.
If you have any metal detecting related ads or articles you would like to post in the Prober,
please contact Greg Borders, Editor at [email protected].
A fee may apply for any advertisement to be placed in The Prober. Deadline for articles is the 6th.
Are you aware that all issues of the MTH Prober back to 2003 are available for review and downloading from
the MTH website?
As always, remember our motto: "We leave it cleaner than we found it."