Maine Arts Assessment Initiative


Maine Arts Assessment Initiative
Creating an environment in Maine where quality assessment in arts education is an
integral part of the work all arts educators do to deepen student learning in the arts.
Something unique is happening in Maine. Arts educators are leading the way to
strategic transformation in Maine's schools, and they're doing it from the ground up. A
standards9based/students9centered approach is the premise of the work based on
Julie Richard, Executive Director of the Maine Arts Commission, on the Commission’s
commitment to Arts Education:
"It is critical that every child in Maine is ensured access to a quality, comprehensive arts
education 7 and that arts educators are given all the tools necessary to achieve that goal. We at
the Maine Arts Commission are committed to strengthening arts education throughout the State
through several means including the Maine Arts Assessment Initiative. So often arts educators
are left out of traditional professional development opportunities 7 and quite often, they are the
only arts teacher in their school or in their district. The Maine Arts Assessment Initiative
provides arts educators the time and space to learn, share and advance arts education in this
state. It is a wonderful model for the rest of the country to follow in supporting and
strengthening arts education everywhere."
MAAI History
In 2006 The Visual and Performing Arts Specialist position was reestablished at
the Maine Department of Education (MDOE).
The statewide community of arts educators was established through ongoing
communication; a weekly email to a list9serv of 1,126 and daily postings to the
Maine Arts Education blog at with 1,093
subscribers, and biennial statewide arts education conferences.
In 2010 the MDOE sent a team to the New England Arts Assessment Institute in
Plymouth, NH to explore ideas on assessment for arts education in Maine.
Collaboration is at the foundation of the Maine Arts Assessment Initiative with a
Leadership Team and Teacher Leaders determining the direction based on
classroom needs.
PK912 dance, music, theatre, and visual arts teachers are invited each year to take
on the role of Teacher Leader. To date sixty9one arts teachers have been selected
and participated in summer professional development in assessment, technology,
and leadership. As a follow9up these Teacher Leaders have created at least one
workshop on a topic of their choice embedded in best practices in arts education.
Teacher Leaders have presented 162 workshops throughout Maine at the regional
and statewide level with over 1200 teachers attending. This represents
approximately 12,000 students.
MAAI is the only grassroots effort in the country that addresses the needs of visual
and performing arts teachers assisting them in building and expanding on their
95 arts teachers have taken graduate courses on arts assessment provided by the
New England Institute for Teacher Education. The courses have been taught in
Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire.
MAAI workshops have been presented at national conferences in Colorado,
Texas, California, and Louisiana.
MAAI is a program of the Maine Arts Commission with several partnering
organizations: Maine Music Educators Association, Maine Art Education
Association, New England Institute for Teacher Education, Maine Department of
Education, Maine College of Art, Maine International Center for Digital Learning,
Maine Learning Technology Initiative, University of Maine School of Performing
Arts, University of Southern Maine, and Maine Alliance for Arts Education.
Maine Legislative Statute Proficiency4Based High School Graduation Requirement
Requires that, beginning with the class of 2015, students graduating from high schools
demonstrate proficiency in the content areas of English/ language arts, mathematics,
science and technology, social studies and health, physical education and wellness.
Beginning with the class of 2018, students graduating from high schools must
demonstrate proficiency in the content areas of career and education development;
English/language arts; world languages; health, physical education and wellness;
mathematics; science and technology; social studies; and visual and performing arts.
Unique to Maine 9 all education decisions are under local control.
During Phase 3 of MAAI a Resource Bank was created.!music9documents/cpjf
Participants will choose a unit that matches his/her curriculum to evaluate usefulness and
consider possibilities.
My curriculum guides my ensemble rehearsals.[email protected]/05746EC89004C57E1?Plugin=Loft
Share monthly planning guide for curriculum development.
Think/Pair/Share 9 curriculum applications
This website is bursting with information and helpful links:
Search website for 5 highlights to share with all.
Report out to full group.
Summarize key points and evaluation.
Other Resources
! Maine Arts Assessment Resources
! MAAI Resource Bank
! Maine Arts Commission Arts Education
! Maine Arts Assessment wiki
! Maine Arts Education blog
! Maine Arts Education Facebook
! Twitter @ meartsed
Sue Barre, grades 5912 Band Director
Music Department Chair
Waterville Schools
Waterville, Maine
[email protected]
Argy Nestor
Director of Arts Education
Maine Arts Commission
[email protected]