Business Meeting Reports - Narrabeen Baptist Church


Business Meeting Reports - Narrabeen Baptist Church
MARCH 18, 2015
“Jesus Christ Our Lord, through Him and for His name’s sake” Rom 1:4/5
• To present Christ to everyone [Evangelism – to make Christ known]
• To present everyone mature in Christ [Edification – to know Christ & grow in Him]
What a great quarter of ministry for NBC!!
There is so much to thank God for in and around NBC at present. The last three months have
been exciting and busy – and there has been much fruit.
The highlights for me have been seeing people getting involved and using their gifts – hearing
people wrestling with God’s Word – new-comers at EVERY Church service – and the quantity
of prayer that is going on. Praise the Lord!
January got off to a big start and it hasn’t slowed down. Our summer church services, as we
preached around the theme of ‘identity: who am I?’, were very well attended and well
received. This year we partnered with Scripture Union & St Faiths Narrabeen to begin a Kids
Beach Mission at Narrabeen Beach. The three-day Summer Kids Club was highly successful. An
energetic and gifted team of volunteers quickly pulled together and ran a seamless, problem
free mission. We will soon begin meeting to get the plans happening for the 2016 version.
It is encouraging to see what God is doing through these kinds of ministry. Once again
SummerLife had a super encouraging week of ministry to teens and young adults. Next year
there are plans that a new beach mission will begin in the Manly area. Please uphold these
strategic ministries.
SENTChurch was a new initiative at NBC to do equipping and training in a new way. On Feb
1st we invited people to worship together and then attend two of four workshops on offer. We
repeated this morning and night so that all of the church family had access to the material.
I have kept getting overwhelmingly positive feedback about the day.
We are currently designing the next SENTChurch. I think that it was very valuable and worth
repeating twice a year. To that end we have a tentative schedule that a second SENTChurch
occur on July 19. The working theme at present is that these sessions would be focused on how
we are “SENT into Relationships”
The Ministry of the Word
I’ve been very pleased with the current preaching series in Genesis 12-50. I’m very aware that
people have been impacted and are responding to what God is saying. Every week I’m
involved in a few conversations following on from what has happened on Sunday in the
gathering. Once again having the Community Group Study material in sync is fantastic [Thanks
Travis – Great Job!].
Sunday Ministry
At present the big focus surrounding the Sunday meetings is about creating ‘Core Teams’ in
each of the three Church services. The 6PMChurch Core Team has already formed and met
twice. They have begun working on the composition of the 6PMChurch and it has been a very
positive development. The 11AMChurch Core Team is currently communicating via email trying
to find a time to meet. The 9AMChurch Core Team is close to non-existent. In both the other
services people have sought out involvement whereas the 9AM has only two people who have
expressed an interest. I will be now tapping on shoulders so as to formulate a 9AM team.
Children’s Ministry: I want to again thank Sara Kiyork for the months that she spent on staff as
our Children’s Ministry Leader. We are sad that she has needed to step down from that role
and wish her all God’s blessings in her incredibly busy schedule.
In the interim we have every expectation that the Children’s Ministry will continue to function
well. We do have a pressing need for a growing number of leaders. This is because we have
more and more families arriving to NBC all the time and our human resources are already
The Church Council has formed up a selection committee and we are proceeding with a careful
urgency to find a replacement worker into this role. Please join me in praying for this process.
Young Adults: Andrew Frakes has asked to step down from leading the Switch group. James
& I will be meeting with him with then next fortnight to debrief his experience in the role and
work out the transition. We are praying for the next leadership team for this demographic.
Mission Stuff: I hope to confirm timing this week for a mission trip to visit the Nix & Sutherland
families in SE Asia. This trip will be run in partnership with Global Interaction as a GX Team.
The likely dates will fall between August 17-29.
I’m booked into speak at the Bogan River Men’s Conference that Richard Milligan at Nyngan
Baptist is coordinating. It will run on the second weekend in September. It would be great if a
group of blokes from Narrabeen headed – anyone wanting to join me just let me know.
The Hub – review: Our growing frustration with THE HUB – [Church Community Builder] is
leading the church admin team to explore changing systems. It is possible that we could make a
change around the middle of next term. In preparation we have been reviewing all of the
profiles held in the Hub so as to get the most accurate information before any data migration
happens into a new system. We are looking forward to a new day of even better
communication at NBC.
Manse Reno: A lot has happened over the last few weeks on this project. As has been
previously flagged this project has needed to extend beyond a kitchen replacement. It will
include a renovation of the rest of that space and a rebuild of the deck. We have scheduled
the work and are hopeful that the kitchen component can be commenced very soon after
Digital Sound-desk: A new sound desk been purchased that will replace our growinglytroublesome. It is currently at Dave Simpfendorfer’s place being programmed and is due to be
installed in the lead up to the Easter Weekend. We are working through the training plan to
get everyone up to speed on the basics of the new system. We can expect that this will be a
steep learning curve - but well within the capacity of the sound operators.
Upcoming Speaking Engagements
• Miranda Congregational Church: March 22 – 120yr Anniversary [2 talks – John’s
• REVIVE: May 15-16 – Dural Baptist Church. [2 Plenary talks on Discipleship + seminar]
• Melbourne Men’s Conference: May 22-24 [2 Plenary Talks – Mark’s Gospel]
• SMBC Peaching Conference: Aug 31-Sept 3 [Preaching Pastoral Application in John
I have leave scheduled April 6 -17
Thank you for extending to me the high honour of pastoring at NBC.
Blessings abound
Church Meeting
March 2015
When God Calls
It was six years ago now that Shauna and I felt the call to make the move to Narrabeen Baptist Church.
We didn’t know for how long we were supposed to go, we didn’t know what it was going to be like when
we arrived, we had no clue whether this was going to be a long term or short term placement. But
nevertheless, we came, leaving friends and family and home behind to make our residence in Australia. In
that six years we’ve developed great friendships, have been blessed by so many people at NBC and
hopefully have ourselves made at least a small difference in the lives of others. Last year, for many
reasons, was an incredibly difficult year for us and it made us actively seek the Lord’s face for our lives
and our future. And in spite of lots of pull to move back to America, we did not feel a peace about that.
Instead, we felt a renewed sense of staying and growing as NBC continues to grow. Where that leads us
to now, well, at the beginning of this month we signed the contract to purchase a house in North
Narrabeen - where we want to live to have an impact in this community. It’s thrilling, exciting and scary all
at once, but we feel a great sense of peace about this. At the same time, Shauna and I both sat and
passed our Australian Citizenship tests. What better way to impact this community we love than to
officially become a part of it? All that being said, it looks like NBC is stuck with us for a while longer. We
are really excited to continue to serve in this place. We love Australia, we love Narrabeen and we can’t
wait to see what God is going to do in and through our lives into the future! Thanks to all those who have
walked with us and prayed with us and shared their lives with us through this crazy and exciting time! Community Groups and Integration
I continue to be really excited about what is happening behind the scenes at NBC. I am currently working
really hard with a great team of people to think about how we grow Community Groups, how we train up
new leaders and plant new groups. Currently about 60% of regular attenders at NBC are connected into a
Community Group. But that leaves lots of room for growth, especially considering, since the beginning of
the year, we are regularly seeing anywhere from 5-10 NEW people showing up to our services each week.
What this means is that if the other 40% of attenders and all the new people put their hands up to want to
join a group, we would currently be unable to put them anywhere. With that in the back of my mind, I’m
working on a framework to start new groups and locate new leaders. We believe leaders simply need to
Church Meeting
March 2015
be people who love others and are mature in their faith. That qualifies MANY people in our church to lead.
Perhaps you? The other side of this equation is that because we believe Community Groups are the best means to get
people connected and being cared for, there needs to be a better process for welcoming and integrating
them. Along with Carol Cole who is heading this ministry, Leon, James Dawson and I are training teams
that will at each service identify, meet and welcome new people. Only 12% of first-time attenders end up
coming back to church if they’re not properly welcomed. We need to remedy this. At each service this
team will, in a non-threatening manner, start the follow-through process with newbies, so they can feel
loved, known and communicated with. We need more people to help with this process, however. It’s as
easy as you sticking around for a few minutes before and after the service you attend and just saying hi
and getting some basic information from people. Our church should be doing this anyway, but if you’d like
to serve in a real easy yet important role, please speak with me or Carol Cole to get connected to our
Integration Team.
SENT: Genesis, Missions and More
We are now toward the end of our SENT: Genesis series and I have been really encouraged by the
response from our church. Genesis is one of those books that is often really difficult to engage with, and
yet through the sermons, through the Community Group studies and just conversations people are having
- it seems like God’s Word is really being enjoyed. Beyond just digging into Genesis, however, I hope that
this series does actually spur you into being SENT. It’s great to listen and study this ancient text, it’s
another thing to let it energise you for ministry and mission. We want you to be prayerful and thoughtful of
ways you can see yourself, your time, your resources, your energy as SENT for His Kingdom. Many of you
are already doing this and that’s great! I want to thank you and encourage you to keep going! Others of
you are still sorting out where you might fit. I have a few suggestions.
Later in the year we are looking to have another SENT Church Sunday, with new training seminars for you
to get equipped. If you missed the last one, I have all the teaching notes (just email or text me if you want
them). It was a great day for our church and we saw lots of fruit come out of it. So make the next one a
To my knowledge, there are several upcoming opportunities for mission. Leon is planning to take a group
to Indonesia later in the year to visit the Sutherlands and their work. Make the time and go. I believe a
team will also be driving out to Nyngan, where the Milligans (missionaries we support) are running a
conference. They need help! Similarly, I’m looking at a possible mission trip to the Solomon Islands or the
Philippines and I’d be keen to gauge interest (toward the end of the year or beginning of next year).
There’s also beach missions - including Summerlife and Summer Kids. And if you can’t go, let your
prayers and resources be sent to help those who do. There’s lots of missionaries that would love a letter
or email or care package as well. Lastly, perhaps the easiest way to be SENT is to consider joining a ministry in or around NBC. Children’s
ministry, youth ministry, Scripture all need more help. Even doing something easy like setting up
communion once a month is needed. There are plenty of ways to get involved and we’d LOVE to chat with
you about where you might fit. If you are at all considering an area you might serve or lead in, the elders
would LOVE to talk with you. Don’t miss this opportunity! 2
Children’s Ministry Report - March 2015
I would like to thank all the volunteers in the Children’s
Ministry Team. THANK YOU. It is a big team of people who
dedicate their time to faithfully teaching the kids about Jesus.
Sadly, Sara Kiyork has resigned from the Children’s Ministry
Leader position, so we are again on the search to fill this 3 day
position. Thank you Sara for your efforts during this time.
Family Daily Devotions - I would love to encourage all families
to do Daily Devotionals with their kids. It is wonderful to see
the children growing in their knowledge of the bible.
Deuteronomy 6:5-9
5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul
and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you
today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk
about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road,
when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on
your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the
doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
9am, 11am and 6pm – Kids’ Church
We are in need of leaders at the 9am and 11am services. Please
see me ASAP if the Lord is calling you to this ministry. Praise
the Lord we are seeing new families coming to all services, so
lots of new kids!
We are still working through the YouthWorks CEP curriculum.
This material is working well and easy to teach from.
Kids’ Arvo – We are still looking for over 18 leaders for this
group. We have a great number of teen leaders who are
enthusiastically engaging with the kids and forming friendships.
Sadly numbers are down a little this term. Please pray for more
kids from the community to come along to hear the Gospel.
The leaders and kids are enjoying the teaching material.
KidTime – There are many non church as well as church families
coming every week. We are still looking for a person or a
group to own this wonderful community outreach ministry.
Please pray for this person/people to come forward! This is a
great ministry into the community.
Crèche – Carolyn Leis is continuing with a toddler program.
We are in need of more crèche careers for the 9, 11 & 6pm
services. Please see Carolyn Leis if this is a ministry you would
like to be involved in.
Scripture – Praise the Lord, the scripture teacher positions, which
were vacant at the beginning of the year, have been filled.
Carol Cook is still in need of helpers for some lessons. If you
have some time Please see Carol.
Working With Children Check & Creating Safe Spaces – The new
rules around WWCC start 31 March 2015. If you have a WWCC
number and have not passed this onto Pam Windshuttle, could
you please do this urgently. If you do not get your WWCC
number in the next 2 weeks for the church to be compliant, you
will need to step down from any children’s ministry
involvement. Getting a WWCC number is very easy. There are no
courses. One only needs to register online. Please do not let
this government process stop you from serving in your ministry.
Pam is looking after this massive job of compliance, but it is
also your responsibility to register and pass on your number to
church! Please everyone thank Pam for the wonderful job she
has done administering this big task. Thank you Pam.
Kids’ Ministry Training - SMBC Children’s Ministry Training
Conference is on Sat 2 May, 9-3pm. It would be good to take a
team over for this fantastic training, please see me if you are
Summer Kids Club – For 3 days in January a team from
Narrabeen Baptist and St Faiths, plus a few extras joined forces
to entertain and preach the gospel to 80+ kids each day at
North Narrabeen Surf Club. As a first year effort the team were
praising Jesus for his provision of kids, great weather and lots
of fun. The team’s prayer is that this ministry will run for
decades to come.
Overall, could you please be continually in prayer for the
Children’s Ministry Team. We are in need of key leaders to step
forward for a number of ministry areas.
Angie Simmons
[email protected]
Youth Ministry Leaders Report
Dear Church,
I’ve had a great time in this past quarter. Let me tell you about it!
DECEMBER - Mia and I spent the whole month in Europe. I have never been as
surprised by something in my life. I anticipated coming home
from Europe and being more in love with the Northern
Beaches because ‘the best the world can offer’ couldn’t
compare! In actual fact, it does compare. The trip taught me
so much about God, the world, and myself. Firstly, I learnt so
much more about God’s beauty by seeing the beautiful things
his image bearers are capable of (highlights were the Duomo
in Florence, as well as Michelangelo’s David). Secondly, I
learnt about the world and the diversity of Christ followers
around the world, as well as being confronted by those
places where there is a lack of Christianity (places like
Turkey). Thirdly I learnt about how small I am when I consider the world. This is
something I am continually learning, but to see some of the 7 billion other people in the world reminded me
that I am to do “nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but rather in humility, consider others greater
than (myself).”
Visiting Graham & Sarah in Trieste was a great blessing. We were with them for 4 days and got to spend time
in their family, church, city, home, and pizza restaurants. They have a big heart for Trieste and their vision for
the city to be transformed by the gospel is inspiring. Continue to pray for them and support them!
I’m grateful for the church’s grace to let me go away for the month of December. It has profoundly changed
the way that I view the world, for the good of God and myself.
JANUARY – We arrived home on New Years Day and Summerlife started on the 4th, so we were busy off the back of
our trip. With a bigger team we were able to share responsibility with more people,
including a co-director (Mitch Everingham, Youth Minister at St. Faith’s). Everything
seemed to come together well! We were again blessed with great weather and crowds of
people. Last year the average attendance was about 70 people, this year it would have
been closer to 120. Most importantly people were challenged to respond to the gospel
and at least 3 people put their faith in Jesus. We have continued to walk alongside people
we met at Summerlife and help them to discover Jesus. The great thing about mission in
your backyard is that follow up is achievable!
It was a great blessing to see this ministry take another step forward and grow. We have
great hopes for the future of Summerlife. Thank you so much to all the people at
Narrabeen Baptist who support Summerlife. Earlier in 2014 we were able to raise money
to buy new tents for the mission, which will contribute to the future of the mission.
Once Summerlife was over I got a chance to begin coordinating the year of NBC Youth
ahead. Meeting with leaders and helping them along their path was very encouraging and
gave me great hope for the future of NBC Youth.
FEBRUARY – Friday Night youth this year has taken off in a flourishing manner. We are continuing in
our series through John’s gospel, which has been really quality
thanks to a team of hard working leaders. The seniors have been
loving the ‘Hot Topics’ that we have been doing alongside the Bible
Talk, where we address something that is relevant to their world
from a Biblical perspective.
Personally I have been learning a lot about leadership through this
time as I talk with other youth pastors from the area and glean
wisdom from them.
Now th at I have finished university I am not too busy outside of this role. I am considering ways that
I can use my teaching degree, such as casual teaching. But I’m also Please pray for my future. I feel that this might
be a pivotal time as I work out the balance of paid ministry with the life outside of that. I need nothing short of
God’s guidance.
Thank you for allowing me the privilege of sharing Jesus with the churches teens. I delight in it!
Daniel Leach
As you are aware I (Jeff Ryan) became your deacon of missions last year in a
season where our church Vision is;
Following is the missions report based upon my as yet limited personal
knowledge of our wonderful missionaries at Narrabeen Baptist Church.
It is our goal that over the next 12 months we would have completed personal
visits to each of our missionaries in Country (over seas) or in location (here in
Last Year Daniel Kydd and I visited Richard and Cora in Nyngan. We
attended their men’s conference and this year (2015) our very own Leon
Stead will be their guest speaker.
Pray for Richard and Cora as the far west in NSW is a tough mission field!
The harvest is sometimes plenty, but the workers are few. Pray that they have
sustained assistance to reach the people of Nyngan and the surrounds, as
well as the kids. Richard and Cora can call a youth night and have 80 + youth
turn up. This is great but hard when you are only 2 people.
Pray for them for strength and for workers for the harvest field.
Thank you to the Missions Action Group (MAG) that are constantly
serving Narrabeen Baptist Church in the support of our missionaries.
Below is a list of the missionaries we as a church support.
We plan to visit each and every one in the coming year…..
1. Steven & Sandra in Japan since 1996 with The Evangelical Alliance
Bente (my wife) and I plan to visit them in June 2015 for a “coffee and
prayer” visit.
There are plans for a team visit in 2016
2. Graham & Sarah to Italy in 2013 (to Trieste in the far north east near
Slovenia) with Acts29
I (Jeff Ryan) plans to visit Graham and Sarah in July 2015. Many of
you have also visited Graham and Sarah since they set out.
Please pray for them as they attempt to settle in to a new culture
and to learn a new language.
3. Lloyd & Fleur have been living and working in a local community in SE
Asia for around 8 years.
4. David & Carol living and working in a local community in SE Asia
We at Narrabeen Baptist plan on sending a team in August 2015.
(Some of the details of this trip will be kept confidential. For security).
Please pray for the team and for our missionaries as they work in
a sensitive part of the world.
5. Delhove & Rhonda are living in Northern NSW (Mullumbimby) since
2009 and run ‘Water of Life’ ministries.
We plan to visit Delhove and Rhonda Later this year as they embark on
a new and exciting vision for their community. We will update you all
very soon.
6. Robyn has been with working with Wycliffe-SILA-Equip for over 20
Robyn has indicate that she may soon retire from ministry. We at
Narrabeen Baptist are committed to help her in this transition as we
continue to support her through 2015.
7. Richard & Cora are living in Nyngan 6 years and run the Nyngan Night
As mentioned above, we continue to support them financially, in prayer
and with teaching resources.
I look forward to getting myself more familiar and keeping you all
informed of our missionaries needs and plans.
It is our desire at MAG to help us all to pray and support them by
knowing specifically how we can do this.
As you are aware we have also continued to be greatly involved in
numerous Beach mission ministries (even in our own Backyard of
Narrabeen) and in so many God inspired and wonderful mission
Our prayerful and financial support of our mission endeavours is a
credit to everyone who is a part of Narrabeen Baptist Church.
It is my prayer that in the coming year we are able to keep you
informed and to also drive forward the vision we have set for our
church year, to all be a part of being;
God Bless you.
Jeff Ryan
Deacon of Missions
+61 406 507 507
[email protected]
Narrabeen Baptist Church
Audited Financial Statements
12 Months to 31 December 2014
Profit & Loss
Narrabeen Baptist Church
For the 12 months ended 31 December 2014
YTD Actual
YTD Budget
Var %
General Offerings
Other Income
Total Income
Less Ministry Costs
Mission Allocation
Aid & Development
Pastoral Stipends
Pastor's Ministry Costs
Pastoral Care
Children's Ministry
School Scripture
Young Adults
Adult Ministry
Creative Ministries
Total Cost of Ministry
Less Operating Expenses
Administrative Salaries
Baptist Union Affiliation
Office Expenses
Property Maintenance
Loan Interest Paid
Total Operating Expenses
Net Surplus / (Deficit)
Balance Sheet
Narrabeen Baptist Church
As at 31 December 2014
31 Dec 2014
Cash at Bank
Total Bank
Current Assets
Total Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Church & Education Centre - (L,B & C) (At Replacement 2013)
Ingleside - (L B & C) - (At Replacement 2013)
Manse - 28 Grenfell Ave - (L & B) (At Market 2014)
Total 300 Properties
Total Fixed Assets
Total Assets
Current Liabilities
Clearing Accounts
Facility Hire Securities
Total Current Liabilities
Non-Current Liabilities
Building Loan
Total Non-Current Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Net Assets
Current Year Earnings
Property Valuation Reserve
Retained Earnings - Education Centre
Retained Earnings Prior Years
Total Equity
Narrabeen Baptist Church
Wednesday, 3rd December, 2014 at 7.30 pm
Meeting Opened 7.38pm
Devotion and Prayer:
Pastor Leon Stead
Present and Apologies: As per Sign in Sheets.
Confirmation of Agenda
No other Business. Moved: Kit Barker
Galatians 4
Seconded: Daniel Kydd
Confirmation of previous minutes: Quarterly General Meeting 24.7.14
Proposed: Ern Windschuttle Seconded: Edwin Porter
Matters Arising from Previous Minutes
 Kit noted that as at the last meeting there was an intention to sell. The decision to
sell still stands at Council level but further info has come to light which we believe
we need to consider.
 Leon explained some of the detail from the recent community meetings. COTH is
now included within the rezoning area in the South Ingleside precinct.
 Rezoning is expecting to be completed in mid to late 2015.
 In seeking guidance and wisdom in the reconsideration of the COTH situation Leon
has scheduled a time of prayer Church wide on Tuesday 9thth 8pm – It has been
called “Drop everything and pray”
 Caroline Kinsela noted that if we could get our property rezoned as medium
density it would increase its value.
 Paul Simmons – Made the note that every church that exists has been planted so
whatever happens to COTH our prayer needs to be how do we as NBC go about
expanding the reach of his Church via Church planting. Also, if we don’t use the
building then the building will go to ruin so we need to take action either way.
 David Simpfendorfer – Noted that we do not have to hang on to COTH to plant in
the Area. While they are interrelated the two are not mutually exclusive. Selling
COTH does not mean we cannot have a plant church in the area. The money from
COTH may provide us with a more suitable option.
 Kit concluded that the Council will review the new information and return to Church
with subsequent recommendations.
Pastor’s Reports:
Leon Stead
a. Leon spoke briefly to his report as tabled.
Travis Mundy
a. Travis spoke briefly to his report as tabled.
b. Also wanted to publicly thank Aimee Dickson for her service in the
Deacon for Creative Ministries role over recent years.
Nil to Report.
Elders Report
Ministry Reports and Updates: As Tabled.
 Angie noted that there is a real need for additional leaders for Children’s ministries.
Please be in prayer re this.
 Dave Simpfendendor raised attention to the NBC Music Album and noted that it is
a way to introduce friends and neighbours to NBC plus also all the profits go to
support Summer Life.
Finance Report & Budget Presentation/Proposal
 Edwin spoke briefly to his report as tabled.
 Edwin Proposed Accounts for last period be accepted.
Seconded: Phil Watson All in favour: YES
No Report to bring.
2015 Budget Proposed: Edwin Seconded: Graham Barker
Some discussion about various parts of the budget.
All in Favour: YES Budget accepted.
Membership Matters
Applications for Membership
Alison Matthews Nominated: Kit Barker Seconded: Travis Mundy
All in Favour – YES Accepted.
Peter Matthews
Nominated: Kit Barker Seconded: Ian O’Harae
All in Favour – YES Accepted.
Sara Kiyork
Nominated: Kit Barker
All in Favour – YES Accepted.
Seconded: Angie Simmons
Joan Dibley
Nominated: Kit Barker
All in Favour – YES Accepted.
Seconded: Angie Simmons
Election of Elders and Deacons
Nomination & confirmation of scrutineers
Mitch Dykstra, Daniel Kydd nominated and accepted.
Election by Ballot as follows:
Elder Nominations:
Drew Dickson
Neil McLoughlin
Kieran Degan
Ballot Result: Accepted
Ballot Result: Accepted
Ballot Result: Accepted
Deacon Nominations: Administration
– Brett Otten
Ballot Result: Accepted.
Children’s Ministry - Angie Simmons
Ballot Result: Accepted.
Creative Ministries - No nominee at this point
General Business / Matters without Notice: No other Business.
AGM Close