Trends in Terminal Automation
Trends in Terminal Automation
Sumitha Sampath, Navis, Director of Product Marketing Lucia Ramos, Navis, Product Manager CONNECT. COLLABORATE. INNOVATE. Trends in Terminal Automation Introduction Introduction Pull The Lens Back State of Automation in Other Industries Draw parallels to the Container Terminal Industry Working Definition Computers, Sensors and other equipment Perform tasks previously done by humans Degrees Of Automation Process Equipment Decision Other Auto Stow Container Expert Decking Prime Route – SC, TT Schedulers Have We Crossed The Chasm? Equipment Decision Process WebVan,, Automation In Other Industries Kiva Systems – Equipment Automation Results Of Kiva Dessert Serving Bots – PR2 Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Akinator - The Web Genie Yes No Don’t Know Probably Probably Not Highlights Equipment & Decision Automation are here and now Other Industries have pioneered and have gained efficiencies from Equipment and Decision Automation Disruptions in the field of IT fuel more Decision Automation tools and applications Cloud & Mobile computing, Open source software will enable more software support for Decision Automation. CONNECT. COLLABORATE. INNOVATE. Equipment Automation in Terminals Reasons For Equipment Automation Reasons To Automate - Historical Streamline your process Performance Consistency Maximize asset utilization Achieving higher Productivity is the next step! Reasons To Automate – Safety ‐ longshoreshippingnews ‐ Dailyecho ‐ Reasons To Automate – Workforce Availability Reasons To Automate – Workforce Diversity Reasons To Automate – Sustainability Reasons To Automate – Disruption In Industry Reasons To Automate – Disruption In Industry Highlights From bottom line to broader reasons Terminals are Automating for profitability, safety & sustainability Transforming the Terminal workforce skill set Skill set that is aligned with future labor supply Cope with Industry disruptions Performance consistency may help with operational challenges State Of The Art In Terminal Automation Equipment Automation In Terminals Yard Automation Options End Loading ASC Side Loading ASC Yard Automation Options AutoStraddle A-RTG Horizontal Transport Automation Options LoLo AGV Lift AGV AutoShuttle Three Perspectives on Automated Terminals Equipment Automation Combination Adoption Period Project Type The World Of Automated Equipment (1993-2014) AutoStrads ARTG/AGV or Tractor ASC/AGV ASC/SHC ASC/Tractor ASC/AutoShuttle The World Of Automated Equipment (1993-2014) AutoStrads ARTG/AGV or Tractor ASC/AGV ASC/SHC ASC/Tractor ASC/AutoShuttle The World Of Automated Equipment (1993-2014) AutoStrads ARTG/AGV or Tractor ASC/AGV ASC/SHC ASC/Tractor ASC/AutoShuttle The World Of Automated Equipment (1993-2014) 5 AutoStrads ARTG/AGV or Tractor ASC/AGV ASC/SHC ASC/Tractor ASC/AutoShuttle The World Of Automated Equipment (1993-2014) 5 AutoStrads ARTG/AGV or Tractor ASC/AGV ASC/SHC ASC/Tractor ASC/AutoShuttle 2 The World Of Automated Equipment (1993-2014) 5 3 3 AutoStrads ARTG/AGV ASC/AGV ASC/SHC ASC/Tractor ASC/AutoShuttle 2 If We Add The Projects In The Pipeline… 5 3 3 AutoStrads ARTG/AGV ASC/AGV ASC/SHC ASC/Tractor ASC/AutoShuttle 2 The World Of Automated Equipment (2015-2020) 5 3 3 AutoStrads ARTG/AGV or Tractor or SHC ASC/AGV ASC/SHC ASC/Tractor ASC/AutoShuttles 2 The World Of Automated Equipment (1993-2014) 6% 3% 25% AutoStrads ARTG 25% End Loading ASC + AGV End Loading ASC + Shuttle Side Loading ASC + TT 41% The World Of Automated Equipment (2015-2020) 5% 4% 7% 20% 34% AutoStrads ARTG/AGV ‐ ARTG/Shuttle End Loading ASC + AGV End Loading ASC + Shuttle Side Loading ASC + TT 30% End Loading ASC + AutoShuttle Highlights Semi Automation Terminals Are Still Predominant Yard Equipment Automation is more widely deployed than horizontal transport automation There Is A Change in Trend Terminal tractor in combination with ASC is gaining momentum around the world New Automated Equipment Being Deployed Automated shuttles with ASC and ARTG are opening new doors for the future of automation The World Of Automated Terminals (by Year) 2015‐2020 2010‐2014 2005‐2009 1993‐2004 The World Of Automated Terminals (by Year) 2 2015‐2020 2010‐2014 2005‐2009 1993‐2004 The World Of Automated Terminals (by Year) 3 3 2015‐2020 2010‐2014 2005‐2009 1993‐2004 The World Of Automated Terminals (by Year) 5 3 3 2 2015‐2020 2010‐2014 2005‐2009 1993‐2004 The World Of Automated Terminals (by Year) 5 3 3 2 2015‐2020 2010‐2014 2005‐2009 1993‐2004 The Automation Trend 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Highlights “Slowly But Surely” The adoption of has been slow comparing to other industries but we are finally catching up Automation is here to stay The trend to automate continues and is wide spreading around the globe to new regions The World Of Automated Terminals (by Type) 5 3 3 2 Greenfield Initiatives Brownfield Initiatives Highlights Transition Path in Brownfield Terminals The next step in terminal automation needs to solve the transition problem for brownfield terminals Prepare the TOS The TOS needs to cope with hybrid terminals From RTG to ARTG? The development of ARTG could potentially cause a revolution in the automation adoption Decision Automation & Optimization Yard Allocation Expert Decking Stowage Allocation AutoStow Equipment Scheduling and Dispatching PrimeRoute Automated equipment schedulers Scheduling & Dispatching Automated Equipment Automated data input from equipment Holistic Decisions Opportunistic Moves Highlights Hand In Hand Automation of equipment and scheduling optimization need to go hand in hand to make a greater impact in the terminal operation A Holistic Approach Terminal Operating Systems must continue their efforts to solve the bigger picture problem What could the future hold for the TOS? Internet of Things and M2M I´m not supposed to be at this Port I´ve been opened… I can take the I can next call and still make it on time The Intelligent TOS Of The Future Process more data Resolve exceptions autonomously Take on the fly decisions Learn from its previous decisions Q&A …Almost Everything Else Can Be Automated! CONNECT. COLLABORATE. INNOVATE. Thank You