Pre - NCCI


Pre - NCCI
Creating a sustainable model for
strategic planning and process
We use the Baldrige Excellence
Framework at KUMC to Achieve…
Effective Leadership
Effective Management
Engaged Workforce
Efficient and Aligned Processes
Our Journey Begins
• Regional and national
conference attendance
• Become examiners
• The Show-Me Challenge
A Brief Overview of the Baldrige Excellence
Leadership & Governance Results
Visionary leadership
Financial & Market Results
Customer-Focused Results
Adapted from the Baldrige
Excellence Framework,
Strategic Planning
Where did we start?
Start with Enterprise Support Services
• Align goals with Baldrige criteria
• Identify key and support processes
Strategic planning in Support Services
Our process
• Vice Chancellor for Administration
set her goals for CY2015
• Then the goals were aligned to the
Baldrige criteria
• We held weekly whiteboard sessions
from mid-November through
December 2014
Result of whiteboard sessions
Our new mission…
Supporting Progress
Our alignment playbook…
People and Plans
People and Plans
The University of Kansas Medical Center
Support Services
Alignment Playbook
Our Mission
Supporting Progress
I’m reminded of a puzzle…if one piece is
missing, the puzzle will never be complete.
However, once it’s found and put in
place, it will become whole and complete.
When we see ourselves as that one
piece, we realize that it’s what I have to
offer to make it a grand success.
-Barbara Banks, Jayhawk Way Participant
Communication is the core
function of leaders.
Great leaders continuously
communicate to create clarity,
and to engage, inspire and
enroll others.
Through active listening – to
our customers and colleagues
– and by practicing the tools
we learned in The Jayhawk
Way, we can:
• Align to clear goals and
• come to agreement with
civility and transparency,
• flex to others to achieve
amazing outcomes.
Culture of Safety
A safe environment is key to
productive work. In addition to
physical safety, which is
essential, we need to consider
psychological safety, which
enables students, faculty and
staff to voice opinions, ideas
and concerns.
A safe environment fosters
trust, intelligent risk taking,
and innovation.
Customer Focus
Measurement Focus
We create a vibrant and
supportive environment for
education, discovery, and healing.
Having an inspiring why and clear
goals are key to moving the
organization forward together.
We find joy in serving our
students, faculty, patients,
stakeholders, and one another.
It is important to know how
we’re doing, so we will measure,
track, and report on our
We seek to understand what our
customers need, want and expect
from us, and we strive to delight
them with every interaction.
Measurement need not be
complex; it can be as simple as
“X to Y by when.” Set milestones
and monitor how you are doing
in reaching your goals.
90-day action plans are a useful
tool in keeping goals in view and
practicing accountability.
Treat Each Other Well
Treat Each Other Well
Communicate to create clarity and
motivation through direct and
personal connections with the
workforce and key customers.
• Move EES “bosses /
organization care about me”
from yellow to green
Seek customer feedback.
• All employees meet with at
least one customer per
month to get comments &
Determine customers' key support
requirements; ensure staff
members focus on them intently.
• All employees will complete
customer service training in
Make learning a part of every staff
member's performance plan.
• All employees will identify
one learning / development
activity to complete in 2015
Engage, lead and develop the
workforce to realize its full potential
and to add value.
• Move EES “recognized for
my work” from yellow to
Create a winning culture.
• All employees will have
participated in The Jayhawk
Way program
• Move EES “committed to
organization’s success” into
top decile
Work Hard On Things That Matter
Work Hard On Things That Matter
Embrace and promote a culture of
legal, compliant and ethical
behavior as a responsibility shared
by all the workforce.
• Move EES “high
standards and ethics”
from yellow to green
Each department and individual will
identify what is most important now.
• Move EES “plans that will
affect me” from yellow to
Determine what must be done by
whom, by when.
• All employees will identify at
least one goal in support of
the department / Support
Select, collect, align and integrate
data and information to use in
tracking daily operations and
overall performance.
• Move EES “making
progress on my work
group’s part of the plan”
from red to yellow
Continuously evaluate and improve
everything we do.
• Move EES “have good
processes” and “control
over processes” from
yellow to green
Create a safe and peaceful
• Move EES “safe workplace”
into top decile and
“emergency preparedness”
from yellow to green
Sustainability and Transparency
What makes this process sustainable?
• Our Playbook
• We share it with everyone
• We have given presentations on it to a
variety of internal groups e.g. our
Administrative Director Group
Sustainability and Transparency
What makes this process sustainable?
• Our business card version of our
• Highlighted in department newsletter
• Turned brochure into poster in
department break room
Aligning and Tracking Goals
Aligning and Tracking Goals
Alignment Example
Communicate to create clarity and
motivation through direct and personal
connections with the workforce and
Seek Customer Feedback
Determine customer’s key support
requirements; ensure staff members
focus on them intently
What We’re Currently Doing / Have
Teach at new hire to give face-toface time with all new employees.
Meet individually with various
building emergency liaisons and
Continue to send appreciation notes.
Overshare all EM information on our
Give course evaluation sheets after
every course we do (i.e. CPR, Active
Shooter, Public Safety new hire, etc.).
Ask for specific feedback in
emergency events and drills (i.e.
tornado drill).
Offer ICS training to all of staff…to
show how each “fit in” to the
emergency preparedness goal.
Work with individual campus
members on Building Emergency
Plans, they design their buildings
response procedures.
Future Goals / Ideas:
Send EM broadcast emails to
Possible EM blog for updates?
Build customer service survey and
add to website and emails.
Actually get all training
Tracking the status of goals
How do we track the status of goals?
• Weekly updates at CSI meetings
• Monthly updates at Support Services
• Tracking spreadsheet
• Developing a database
• Alignment with Employee
Development process
Process Improvement
Baldrige defines processes as the
methods your organization uses to
accomplish its work
• Key processes
• Supporting processes
Process Improvement
The Baldrige framework helps you
assess and improve your processes
along four dimensions (ADLI):
• Approach
• Deployment
• Learning
• Integration
Process Improvement
Before we can think about ADLI, we
need to start with a process inventory
• Capture data about the process
• Including name, owner, customer,
goal, any documentation that exists
• Also whether it is a key or support
Identifying and Aligning Processes
Process Improvement
After we have a process inventory
• Identify duplicate processes
• Determine who really owns them
• Identify gaps and dependencies
• Your output is my input
• Create an Enterprise Process Map
Process Improvement
After we have a process inventory
• Document and map them
• Prioritize the processes
• Establish process measures
• Manage and improve them
As a result of using the BEF we…
• Have our Playbook and a method for
sustaining it
• Will have a process inventory that
includes detailed documentation
• Will be able to align our
improvement efforts with our goals
• Provide consistent, high-quality
service to our customers