Unit 5


Unit 5
UNIT 5 Our Changing World
1. advent ['€dvent] n - the time when something
first begins to be widely used: the advent of the
computer; saabumine, tulek
2. appliance n - a machine or piece of equipment
that you have in your home: domestic/
household etc appliance; seade
3. application n - practical purpose for which a
machine, idea etc can be used: application
engineering in agriculture; rakendus
4. artificial intelligence – AI; the study of how to
make computers do intelligent things that people
can do, such as think and make decisions: The
development of artificial intelligence will be a
hallmark of this century. tehisintellekt
5. assembly line n - a
system for making
things in a factory in
which the products
move past a line of
make or check one
part: The philosophy of the assembly line was
to break down the work into simple elements
that required no special training. Montaaþiliin
6. astounded adj - very surprised or shocked [=
astonished] When the assistant worked out the
overall cost I was astounded. jahmunud
7. automated adj - using computers and machines
to do a job, rather than people: a highly
8. be sb’s guinea pig - ['gini] –
allow sb to experiment on you;
olema kellegi katsejänes
9. blind sb with science - to
confuse or trick someone by
using complicated language; He
had a limp, walked round importantly with a stick
and talked big, blinding her with science.
tarka juttu rääkima
10. boost v - to increase or improve something and
make it more successful: The new resort area
has boosted tourism. hoogustama, ergutama
Upstream Advanced
information in computers: the age of the
silicon chip; kiip (tehn pooljuhtseadise
struktuuriga kristall)
15. come down to earth – to be realistic
16. conjure up ['k•n(d)€•] – to create in the mind;
conjure up images/pictures/thoughts etc
(of sth):Dieting always seems to conjure up
(mälestust) silme ette tooma
17. convey v - to communicate or express
something, with or without using words: Her
blond hair and blue eyes convey her Swedish
origins. edasi andma, väljendama
18. conveyor belt n - a
rubber, cloth, or metal,
used in a place such as
a factory or airport to
move things from one
place to another: We
lifted our baggage from the conveyor belt.
tehn lintkonveier
19. credit sb with (doing) sth- to believe or
admit that someone has a quality, or has
done something good: Do credit me with a
little intelligence! mingit saavutust vƒi head
omadust kellelegi omistama
20. deadline n - a date or time by which you
have to do or complete something: The
deadline for applications is May 27th.
21. debris n ['debri:]n– the broken pieces that are
left when sth large has been destroyed,
especially by an explosion, fire or accident:
She was hit by flying debris from the blast.
rusud, ehituspraht
22. dinghy ['di„(g)i] n–
from Hindi a small
boat used for racing,
pleasure or sailing to
land from a big ship;
kummipaat (= rubber dinghy)
23. dislogdge v - to force or knock something
out of its position: Ian dislodged a few
stones as he climbed up the rock. kohalt
24. disrupt v - interrupt sth and prevent it from
continuing by creating a problem: Traffic was
disrupted by a hoax bomb.
25. earn one’s keep - do things in return for the
things that are provided for you: It's time you
got a job and started earning your keep.
26. endoscope n - õõneselundite sisevaatluse
27. even number - (=2, 4, 6, 8, 10 etc)
11. break the mould [m•€ld]‚ to change a situation
completely, by doing something that has not
been done before: The new party promised to
break the mould of British politics. tava muutma,
12. capture sb’s imagination - to make someone
interested or excited about sth; kütkestama,
köitma, meeli haarama
13. cause a stir – create a feeling of excitement or
annoyance: Plans for the motorway caused
quite a stir among locals. ärevust tekitama
14. chip n - a small piece of
silicon that has a set of
connections on it and is
used to store and process
28. evocative adj - making people remember
something by producing a feeling or memory in
them: a picture that is wonderfully evocative of
a hot, summer's day; esilekutsuv; evoke v
29. evolve v - to develop and change gradually over
a long period of time: The school has evolved
its own style of teaching. kujunema, kujundama
evolution n
30. feud [fju:d] n - an angry and often violent quarrel
between two people or groups that continues for
a long time: a bitter feud over territory
31. gadgetry ['g€d€itri] n - modern gadgets in
general - sometimes used in order to show
disapproval: I don't understand how all this
electronic gadgetry works. tehnika, (keeruline)
32. hack v - to secretly find a way of getting
information from someone else's computer or
changing information on it: Somebody hacked
into the company's central database. info fam
33. hitch n - a small problem that makes something
difficult or delays it for a short time;
technical/slight/last-minute hitch: In spite
of some technical hitches, the first program was
a success. toppamine, takistus
34. hospitable
welcoming, and generous to visitors [‚
inhospitable] kƒlalislahke hospitality n
35. hype n - attempts to make people think
something is good or important by talking about
it a lot on television, the radio etc - used to show
disapproval: Despite the media hype, I found
the film very disappointing. fam j„uline
reklaamimine, haipimine hype v
36. immerse oneself in - to become completely
involved in an activity: They visited pubs all over
the country, immersing themselves in pub
culture - playing darts and drinking with the lads.
(millessegi) sƒvenenud, sƒƒvinud, vajunud
37. imply v - if a fact, event etc implies something,
it shows that it is likely to be true [= suggest]:
Many prisoners' arms and legs have been
broken, implying torture. (kaudselt) m„ista
andma, vihjama; implication n
38. in black and white = in writing
39. in limbo - in a state of uncertainty: I'm in
limbo now until I know whether I've got the job.
ebam……rane ooteaeg, teadmatus
40. in private = behind closed doors; I need to
speak to you in private. eraviisil
41. in (the) light of = because of: In light of this
tragic event, we have cancelled the 4th of July
42. inefficient adj - not using time, money, energy
etc in the best way [‚ efficient] :an inefficient
use of resources; ebat„hus, saamatu, v„imetu
43. infer v - to form an opinion that something is
probably true because of information that you
have: From the evidence we can infer that the
victim knew her killer. j•reldama
44. inundate ['in•ndeit] v … formal to cover an
area with a large amount of water [= flood]:
The tidal wave inundated vast areas of
cropland. uputama, ƒle ujutama
45. it doesn’t take a rocket scientist –
informal used humorously to emphasize that
something is easy to do or understand: It
doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out
that doubling productivity will improve profits.
ei pea just eriline m„ttehiiglane olema
46. itinerary [ai'tin(•)r(•)ri] n - a plan or list of
the places you will visit on a journey: Again
she went over the first few days of their
itinerary in her mind. reisiplaan, matkakava
47. lethal adj - causing death, or able to cause
death: a lethal dose of heroin; surmav
48. lucrative ['lu:kr•tiv] adj - a job or activity that
is lucrative lets you earn a lot of money [=
profitable]: He inherited a lucrative business
from his father. tulutoov
49. mainstream adj - accepted by or involving
most people in a society: the mainstream
political parties; peavoolu
50. mesmerize v… to attract or interest you so
much that you do not notice anything else
around you [= captivate]: The first time I
saw Diana I was mesmerized by her
beauty. (after Franz Mesmer , Austrian doctor
who developed hypnotism) hƒpnotiseerima
51. mimic v … 1 to copy the way someone
speaks or behaves, especially in order to
make people laugh [= imitate]: He could
mimic all the teachers' accents. j•rele
ahvima 2 to behave or operate in exactly the
same way as something or someone else:
The drug mimics the action of the body's
own chemicals.
52. miss out on sth - to not have the chance to
do something that you enjoy and that would
be good for you: If you don't come to the
picnic you'll miss out on all the fun.
53. move with the times - adopt new fashions
and trends: ajaga kaasas k•ima
54. mushroom v - to grow and develop very
mushroomed on the edge of town. kiiresti
55. object to (doing)sth v - to feel or say that
you oppose or disapprove of something:
Robson strongly objected to the terms of the
contract. vastu olema
56. objectionable adj … formal unpleasant and
likely to offend people [= offensive]: This
programme contains scenes some viewers
57. obsolete adj - no longer useful, because
something newer and better has been
invented, outdated: Will computers
(=make) books obsolete? iganenud
58. odd number (=1, 3, 5, 7, 9 etc) paaritu arv
59. once in a blue moon – very rarely, haruharva
60. outbreak n - if there is an outbreak of fighting
or disease in an area, it suddenly starts to
happen: a cholera outbreak; puhang
61. outcome n = result
62. outdistance v - to run, ride etc faster than
other people, especially in a race, so that you are
far ahead: Lewis quickly outdistanced the other
runners. kaugele ette jõudma
63. outdo v - to be better or more successful than
someone else at doing something: When it
comes to speed of response, a small firm can
outdo a big company. ületama, üle trumpama
64. outgrow v = grow out of
65. outing n - a short trip that a group of people
take for pleasure; väljasõit, (lühike) lõbusõit
66. outlay n - the amount of money that you have
to spend in order to start a new business, activity
etc [ƒ expense, cost]: House buyers usually
have a large initial outlay on carpets and
furniture. (rahaline) kulu(tus)
67. outlet
n – formal a shop, company, or
organization through which products are sold:
Benetton has retail outlets in every major
European city. jaemüügipunkt, tehasekauplus
68. outlook n - what is expected to happen in the
future: a gloomy economic outlook in Western
Europe; väljavaade (ka piltl)
69. outrage n - a feeling of great anger and shock:
The response to the jury's verdict was one of
outrage. ülekohus, (au)haavamine
70. outrun v - to develop more quickly than
something else: The company's spending was
outrunning its income. ette jõudma
71. outsell v - to be sold in larger quantities than
something else: It may outsell his previous
72. outset n - at or from the beginning of an event
or process; It was clear from the outset that
there were going to be problems. algus
73. outsmart v - to gain an advantage over
someone using tricks or your intelligence [=
outwit]: The older kids outsmart the young
ones when trading cards. üle kavaldama,
kavalusega üle trumpama
74. pollinate v - to give a flower or plant pollen so
that it can produce seeds: flowers pollinated by
bees; bot tolmeldama
75. pragmatist n – sb dealing with problems in a
sensible, practical way instead of following a set
of ideas: praktiline inimene, pragmaatik
76. prime number - a number that can be divided
only by itself and the number one. For example,
three and seven are prime numbers. mat algarv
77. prototype n - the first form that a new design of
a car, machine etc has, or a model of it used to
test the design before it is produced: a working
prototype of the new car; algtüüp(kuju)
78. prudence n - a sensible and careful attitude that
makes you avoid unnecessary risks: financial
prudence; ettevaatlikkus, mõistlikkus
79. publicity n - the business of making sure
that people know about a new product, film
etc or what a particular famous person is
doing: Is their much-reported romance just
a publicity stunt (=something that is only
done to get publicity)? avaliku tähelepanu
taotlemine, reklaam
80. pull sth off - informal to succeed in doing
something difficult
81. rage v - f something such as a battle, a
disagreement, or a storm rages, it continues
with great violence or strong emotions: The
battle raged on (=continued).
82. ravage v - to damage something very badly:
His health was gradually ravaged by drink
and drugs. laastama, rüüstama
83. reinvent the wheel - informal to waste time
trying to find a way to do something when
someone else has already discovered the best
way to do it; jalgratast leiutama
84. sci-fi [,sai'fai] - science fiction; ulme
85. shabby adj - shabby clothes, places, or
objects are untidy and in bad condition
because they have been used for a long time:
Hugh's jacket was old and shabby. shabbily
86. smart card info kiipkaart (= chip card)
87. space junk n - space debri
(=waste), the objects in
orbit around Earth created
by humans, that no longer
serve any useful purpose;
88. stand the test of time - to
be good or strong enough to
last a long time: His poetry will stand the
test of time (=stay popular).
89. state-of-the-art adj - using the newest and
most advanced ideas and features: His new
laptop is state-of-the-art. tehnika viimane
sõna, kaasaegne
90. strain n - a type of animal, plant, or disease
:different strains of wheat; biol tüvi, liin
91. summon ['s•m€n] v formal = send for sb:
Robert summoned the waiter for the bill.
92. terminal n - a piece of computer equipment
consisting of at least a keyboard
and a
screen, that you use for putting in or taking
out information from a large computer; inf
kasutajat arvutiga liidestav seade arvutist
93. think tank n - a group of people with
experience or knowledge of a particular
subject, who work to produce ideas and give
advice: The Cato Institute is a conservative
think tank. ajutrust, ekspertide kogu
94. total up v - to find the total number or total
amount of something by adding: At the end
of the game, total up everyone's score to
see who has won. kogusummat arvutama
95. traffic congestion n = traffic jam: plans to help
traffic congestion in
96. transfixed adj - unable to move because you
interested etc: For a moment she stood
transfixed in the doorway. paigale tardunud
97. turn/put the clock back - to return to a good
situation that you experienced in the past or to
make someone remember such a situation: If I
could turn the clock back, I don't think I'd
study law again. piltl aega tagasi keerama
98. unconventional adj - very different from the
way people usually behave, think, dress etc:
unconventional political views; omapärane
99. unsightly adj - ugly or unpleasant to look at:
unsightly buildings; inetu
100. urban sprawl n - the spread of city buildings
and houses into an area that used to be
countryside, or the area in which this has
happened: Urban sprawl and scattered housing
were all brought under reasonable control.
asustuse laialivalgumine e. valglinnastumine
101. utter v – formal to say sth; Cantor nodded
without uttering a word. lausuma
102. vaccine n - a substance which contains a
weak form of the bacteria
virus that
causes a disease and is used to protect people
from that disease: a hepatitis vaccine
103. vet v - to check someone's past activities,
relationships etc in order to make sure that
person is suitable for a particular job, especially
an important one: All candidates are carefully
vetted by Central Office. kontrollima
104. visionary n - someone who has clear ideas
and strong feelings about the way something
should be in the future; visionäär
105. wreak havoc on - a situation in which there
is a lot of damage or a lack of order, especially
so that it is difficult for something to continue in
the normal way: policies that would wreak
havoc on the country's economy; vallandama
hävingut (hukatust)