Dear Faculty and Graduate Students Working on the Dead Sea


Dear Faculty and Graduate Students Working on the Dead Sea
Dear Faculty and Graduate Students Working on the Dead Sea Scrolls,
The annual meeting of the Scrollery Colloquium will take place on Thursday, April 16, at 3 – 6
pm at the University of Toronto in Jackman Humanities Building (JHB) room 318. Please let us
know at [email protected] by Tuesday, April 14, both whether you are planning to attend
and whether you would like to be included when we make the dinner reservation.
This year, Prof. Eibert Tigchelaar (KU Leuven) will be a speaker at our event, which is supported
by the Centre of Jewish Studies. Scrollery Colloquium members from McMaster University and
the University of Toronto will respond.
3:10 - 3:45 pm Coffee and Introductions
3:45 - 4:30 pm Eibert Tigchelaar (KU Leuven), “Reclaiming Jubilees as a Dead Sea Scrolls Text”
4:30 - 4:45 pm Break
4:45 - 5:30 pm Responses by Judith Newman (University of Toronto), Anthony Meyer
(McMaster University), and Nathalie LaCoste (University of Toronto)
5:30 – 6:00 pm Open Discussion
6:00 pm Dinner at Harbord House (150 Harbord Street)
The Scrollery Colloquium was founded in 2010 as a collaborative forum between McMaster
University and the University of Toronto for faculty and graduate students whose research
focuses on or integrates the Dead Sea Scrolls. The colloquium meets every spring and is hosted
at McMaster University and the University of Toronto in alternating years.
Please feel free to forward this invitation to any graduate student or faculty member who might
be interested.
Judith Newman and Sarianna Metso