North Beach School Information - North Beach Elementary School
North Beach School Information - North Beach Elementary School
North Beach Elementary School “North Beach Seals Model Excellence” 9018-24th Ave NW Seattle, WA 98117 206-252-1510 Our Mission: North Beach strives to nurture and empower all students to reach their full potential as learners and as citizens. School Hours: 9:30 am to 3:40 pm Children are permitted on the playground at 9:10, not earlier. Please be aware there is no supervision prior to this time. Students may enter the cafeteria at 9:10 to eat breakfast. Students participating in extracurricular activities may go to their meeting site when there is adult supervision for the activity. Pick-Up and Drop-Off There is a loading zone in front of the school designed for pick-up and drop-off. This is a NO PARKING zone and you must remain in your own car at all times. If you have business inside the school, please park in another spot. If your children walk to school, please teach them to cross with the school patrols and not in the middle of the block. We ask that you also model respect by using the crosswalks and crossing guards yourself and by not parking in front of driveways, mailboxes, or the school and Metro bus stops. We also ask that family members remain outside until the bell rings at 3:40. In case of inclement weather, parents who enter the building need to remain in the front entrance hall and not go to the classrooms. Cooperation with this request is greatly appreciated. Tardy Policy When the bell rings at 9:35, your student is already five minutes late. When arriving after 9:35, please check in the office to obtain a yellow slip. Excessive tardiness resulting in lost instructional time in core subjects must be referred to the Seattle Public School’s Truancy Office. District Absence Policy Absences are excused for your child’s personal illness or injury, or the illness, injury or death of a family member. When this happens, please notify the school so that we know your child is safe and with you. Planned absences other than vacations may be excused when you submit a request (a “green form” available from the main office or downloaded from the school’s website) three days before the start of your planned absence. District policy is that vacations and family trips on school days are not excused absences. Doctor or dentist appointments are excused when they are unable to be scheduled outside school hours. Although your child may be required to complete missed classroom assignments, that is not substitute for being at school. Your child’s learning and grades may be affected by absences. Unexcused absences are those caused by the student or parent oversleeping, missing the bus, chronic transportation problems, baby-sitting or long vacation/family trips of several weeks. A student is considered truant if he/she is absent without a valid excuse for more than half of a school day. Parents must list a specific reason for any absence; otherwise it will be unexcused. When a child has accrued seven unexcused absences in one month or 10 unexcused absences in a year, this must be reported to the district’s truancy office for a possible legal hearing. Check-Out Policy Parents and/or guardians must sign students out on the early dismissal Sign-Out Sheet located in the office. Students may not be released to individuals other than parents without written authorization. Missed/Late Bus If a child misses the bus after school, it is the parent’s responsibility to pick him/her up. If you experience problems or have questions about your child’s route, Transportation can be reached at 252-0900. If problems occur after 4:00 pm and you cannot reach a staff person at school or Transportation, please call Security at 2520707. Riding the Bus with Friends If your child will be riding home on the bus to go to a friend’s house, you must send or bring a note giving permission to the school office at the start of the day so the secretaries can provide your child with a “green card” which allows the bus driver to transport a child who is not on the roster. Rainy Days It is our practice to provide outside recess for all students so they are encouraged to bring and to wear suitable clothing for outdoor weather. There is a “Rainy Day Recess Plan” in place for before school and daytime recesses. It if is raining heavily prior to 9:30 am, students are permitted to go to their classrooms. Three bells will ring to signal the students to come inside. Lunch Times: 11:50 am-1:00 pm We will have 3 lunches again this year. The 2nd and 3rd graders will eat at 11:50. The Kindergarteners and 1st graders will eat at 12:05. The 4th and 5th graders will eat at 12:25. All grades will play after eating. Lunch Payments It is the responsibility of parents or guardians to prepay for school meals; provide a breakfast or lunch from home; or complete an annual application establishing eligibility for free or reduced-price meals. Nutrition Services is unable to use state or federal funds to provide free lunches without an approved application on file. Elementary K-5 students will be allowed to charge up to $15.00 before emergency meal options are implemented. Emergency meals may be offered up to 3 consecutive days. After the 3rd day, students will be asked to provide a meal from home. Families have until mid October to submit and have approved an application to maintain or change their eligibility status for free or reduced priced meals. On the (as yet unannounced) cut off date, students roll over to full pay status if a new application has not been approved. Families with students affected by the rollover (i.e. no new application approved) are responsible to pay for any breakfast and/or lunches they receive. Sick Policy The school nurse is present a day and a half each week. If your child has a fever of 99 or more, do not send him/her to school. Children should be fever-free without the use of fever reducing drugs for at least one whole day before returning. A child with stomach illness, vomiting or diarrhea should not be sent to school for 24 hours after the last incident. Please notify the school if your child is ill. Illness/Injury at School As noted above, we do not have a full-time nurse on site. Should a child be seriously injured, he/she will be sent to the office to be treated, and the parent will be notified immediately. Should any major accident occur, 911 will be called. If emergency transportation is necessary and the parent is not available prior to departure, a staff member will accompany the child. SPECIAL NOTE: It is extremely important that up-to-date local telephone numbers and addresses be provided to the office for possible emergencies and for general communication. We appreciate your help in keeping this information current. Medications at School It is preferable that all medications be dispensed at home before or after school under the supervision of a parent or guardian. If medication must be given during school, including over-the-counter drugs such as aspirin, cough drops, cold/allergy formulas or creams or lotions, the Authorization for Medications form must be completed and signed by the doctor. This form is available at on the “forms” page or in the school office. All medicines and the doctor’s authorization form must be kept in the nurse’s office. Immunizations The school immunization law requires that all students present proof of immunization. Exemptions are allowed for medical and religious reasons. Any student who fails to provide documentation for full immunization or proof of medical, religious, philosophical or personal objections on or before the child’s first day of attendance may be excluded from school. Contact the school office if you have questions at 252-1510. Dress Code for Students and Staff Appearance should never distract other from learning. Any article of clothing or manner of hair style or makeup that presents a health problem, safety hazard, or that interferes with the educational process is prohibited. These include, but are not limited to, expressions that are obscene, profane, pornographic, disparaging or demeaning to others such as racial, religious, sexist, ethnic, or political epithets; representative of a clear and present danger of illegal behavior, or advocating pain, death, suicide, or use of drugs and alcohol. On warm fall and spring days we observe the following: Shorts: When standing with hands at their sides, individuals must be able to touch fabric with the tips of their fingers. Shirts/Tops: Shoulders, backs, torsos, and stomachs must be covered. NO muscle shirts, spaghetti straps, tube tops, halter tops, half t-shirts, even if worn under an open shirt, jacket, sweatshirt, or other covering. Straps on tops must be at least two inches wide. Dresses/Skirts: Follow the shirt rule for coverage with dress tops and the shorts rule for length of skirts. Pants: No saggy or baggy pants, NO pajama bottoms or boxer shorts. Leggings or similar tight-fitting material may not be worn by students. Tights under skirts and dresses are acceptable. Shoe: NO beach shoes, flip-flops or bedroom slippers. This is a safety issue for gym and recess. Sturdy sandals with heel straps are allowed. Head coverings: No hats, head rags, bandanas, or scarves (same for girls and boys). Allowances are made for religious observances or medical conditions. “Wheelie Shoes” are not allowed. Students who do not follow the dress code will be required to call parents/guardians to bring a change of clothes. Lost and Found Items Articles of clothing and other items found on the school grounds are hung on the Lost and Found racks currently located near room 6. Small and/or expensive items (such as jewelry or iPods) are kept in the office. If articles contain a name, they will be returned. Unidentified items will be donated to charity at the end of each trimester. Please write your child’s name on personal items such as lunch boxes, playground balls and coats, jackets and sweatshirts. Student Services A number of special programs are offered to our students. Part –time tutors work individually and/or inside classrooms to assist students with their lessons. Tutors work with specific children or groups based on teacher recommendation. Special Education provides one resource room teacher and weekly services of speech and/or OT/PT for students with IEPs. A school psychologist is available to assess students in academic areas. Transitional Kindergarten, Advanced Learning Opportunities and the new Integrated Comprehensive Service model (special education) are three more programs offered at North Beach. Wheels at School If your child is planning on riding his/her bike to school, there is a Bike/Scooter Waiver you must sign. It is a city ordinance that everybody must wear a bike helmet, and we encourage the use of helmets for scooter and other wheeled activities also. All equipment should be locked in one of the racks on the playground. Students must walk their wheeled vehicles at all times on school property, and we assume no responsibility for the equipment. Skateboards and roller blades are not allowed unless requested by a teacher. They are not to be used during school hours and cannot be stored in the office during the day due to limited space. Animals at School The Seattle School district prohibits pets on the school grounds during school hours (9:10 am to 3:55 pm) unless specific permission has been granted by a district supervisor. You may not bring your pet onto the playground to drop off or pick up your child. If you are waiting with a pet on the sidewalk, please be mindful that there are likely to be many exuberant children passing by. A classroom may have animals in cages such as guinea pigs, rabbits, or hamsters. If your child is allergic to them, please notify the teacher. There are times when a child wants to bring a family pet for show and tell. After arrangements are made with the teacher, parents must bring the pet and pick it up immediately at the end of the lesson. Pets must be held, on a leash, or in a carrier. Volunteers and Visitors at School We have approximately 8,000 hours of volunteer time given each year to the school by family and/or community members. We strongly encourage this collaboration and cooperation with adults who share specials interests and concerns about their child’s educational program. All volunteers must submit a form for a state patrol background check prior to volunteering with students. Any volunteer or visitor to the school must check in at the office and obtain a badge before entering the hallways or classrooms. If a student wants to visit the school, the office should be notified in advance of the proposed visitation day. If teacher approval is received, a visitation pass will be issued. Safety Rules We try to have a minimum of rules, but we are adamant about safety. A major rule is “Hands-Off” This applies everywhere: In the classroom (keeping hands off of other students and/or their belongings), in the lunchroom (touching only your own food), in the hallways (keeping hands away from bulletin boards and well as other people), and on the playground (no wrestling or tackling). Our Safety Rules also include, but are not limited to: Showing respect to people and property. Using walking feet and inside voices in the building. Staying off the hillside and out of the dirt on the playground. All of our school rules apply at all times. We depend on parents to supervise their children and enforce safety rules after school on the playground and at all evening events. Drug Free Zone RCW 69.50.435, 1990, created a Drug Free Zone of 1000 feet from the outside property line of every public or private K-12 school in Seattle. Discrimination/Harassment Prohibited The Seattle School District is committed to maintaining a working and learning environment free of discrimination and harassment. Educational programs, activities, curriculum, and services are monitored to ensure they guarantee the rights of all students to partake fully in the educational processes, and that they do not reinforce stereotypes or permit or encourage discriminatory behavior. A listing of potentially inappropriate behaviors is available from the school office. Seattle Public Schools has a no tolerance policy towards weapons, drugs, or alcohol on its campuses and at District-sponsored activities.
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