The Wizard of Earthsea Graphic Strategy


The Wizard of Earthsea Graphic Strategy
The Wizard of Earthsea
Graphic Strategy – Sequence of Events
Purpose: Students will be able to trace sequential events in order to understand and
clarify plot thus far. The sequential organizer will be used after reading Chapters Five –
Seven to help review events, but done before continuing on with novel.
Context: In Chapters Five through Seven, there is a chain of events that led Ged to be
the hunter of the shadow instead of the hunted. Knowing these events will help students
maintain the story line and understand the rationalization Ged has for becoming the
hunter, which leads to the next chain of events.
Directions to the Students: In Chapters Five through Seven, there are some major
events that help shape the destiny of Ged’s story and turn him into a hunter. On the
handout, you will arrange the important events in a sequential order. List the events in
their own square. You may use any other shape that you think will help you with the
sequence, but it must be made so that a person can follow the course with one look. Use
arrows pointing to the next event. Number the events in the order that they happened
with the number before the event. After the event, you will write the page number of
where it is found in the book for future reference. Let’s look at Goldilocks and The Three
Bears handout as an example. (See handouts)
Time: If they have already read the chapters, allow ten to fifteen minutes to complete the
Assessment: Students will have the sequence of events in the correct order with the page
number next to the event.
Napoli, 2002 BYU
The Wizard of Earthsea
Sequence of Events Key
Key: The four main events students should include from each chapter.
Chapter Five:
1. Ged is assigned to Low Torning. Page 76
2. Ged follows sick child into Death’s land. Page 80
3. Ged determines he must leave. Page 84
4. Ged meets with and overcomes Dragon. Page 87 & 92
Chapter Six:
1. Ged leaves Low Torning for Roke Island. Page 96
2. Meets "Traveller,” decides to go to Osskil. Page 102
3. Meets Skiorh and follows to Court Terrenon. Page 105
4. Battles and flees the Shadow. Page 107-108
Chapter Seven:
1. Meets Lady of the Keep. Page 111
2. Lady of the Keep shows Ged the Stone of Terrenon. Page 115.
3. Flees Court of Terrenon as a Falcon. Page 123
4. Talks with Ogion about Shadow. Page 127-128.
Napoli, 2002 BYU
Goldilocks and The Three Bears
Sequence of Events
1. Mama Bear makes
porridge. (pg #)
2. Papa Bear decides it is
too hot and to go on
walk. (pg. #)
3.Three Bears leave
their house. (pg. #)
6. Tries all three
chairs. Breaks BB’s
chair. (pg. #)
5. Tries all three and
eats Baby Bear’s
porridge. (pg. #)
4.Goldilocks comes to
their house and
enters. (pg #)
7. Goldilocks tries all
three beds. (pg. #)
8. Falls asleep in Baby
Bear’s bed. (pg. #)
12. Bears look at
beds. (pg. #)
11. Bears look at
chairs. Baby Bear’s is
broken. (pg> #)
13. Three Bears find
Goldilocks. (pg. #)
Napoli, 2002 BYU
9. The Three Bears
come home. (pg. #)
10. Bears look at
porridge. Baby Bear’s
is gone. (pg. #)
14. Goldilocks wakes up
and runs out of house.
(pg. #)
The Wizard of Earthsea
Sequence of Events
Using the rest of the page, finish your graphic organizer with the important
events that happen during Chapters Five, Six, and Seven. You may have as
many events as you would like to help you remember the storyline, but you
must have at least four events from each chapter. List the event within a
square (or shape of your choice) preceded by the number you assigned the
event and followed by the page number. Draw arrows to help your readers
follow the course of events. The first square has been done for you. Good
Ged is
assigned to Low
Torning. Page 76
Napoli, 2002 BYU