NW5C Fact Sheet May 2015


NW5C Fact Sheet May 2015
Northwest Five Consortium
Fact Sheet 2015
Lewis & Clark College * Reed College * University of Puget Sound * Whitman College * Willamette University
Regional Collaboration in Liberal Arts Education
With the generous support of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Lewis & Clark College, Reed College, University of Puget Sound, Whitman College, and Willamette University have formed the Northwest Five Consortium.
Working toward the regular sharing of expertise and resources, the mission of the Consortium is to enhance the
student academic experience at these five liberal arts colleges through enrichment and development of faculty
as teacher-scholars.
Our focus is on working together to achieve efficiencies and innovations that would be more challenging within a
single institution. Since the Consortium’s inception in 2012, nearly 400 faculty and professional staff members
have participated in Consortium activities. We have developed infrastructures for collaborative meetings, technology coordination, and shared projects that facilitate cross-institutional, cross-disciplinary, and disciplinespecific activities. Our action framework supports Communities of Practice, Collaborative Inquiry Projects, Shared
Resources, Joint Programs, and Faculty-led Workshops. Examples of recent initiatives include:
Bioinformatics and Genomics Workshop
Data Curation Workshop
Environmental Science Workshop
Experiential Learning in Classrooms of the Future &
Assessing Experiential Learning
Food Systems Northwest: A Collaborative Course
Gender Studies Faculty Consortium
Negotiating the Global South
Neuroscience & Behavior Working Group
Peer Tutoring Conference
Platform for Hybrid Scholarship: Imagining the Global
Supporting Faculty of Color in Liberal Arts Institutions
TEACH: Teaching Excellence Across a Consortium in Higher Education
Teaching Asia in the Pacific Northwest
Northwest Five Consortium
Visual Culture Colloquium