AP Music Theory Overview - Township of Ocean School District


AP Music Theory Overview - Township of Ocean School District
AP Music Theory Overview
Ocean Township High School - Visual and Performing Arts Department
Mr. Teddy Kernizan
Prerequisite: Grades 10-12, Music One / Teacher Recommendation
* Students enrolled in the class do NOT need to be considering Music as a major in college
** This is a rigorous course that will move at an extremely fast pace in order to prepare
students fully for the AP Music Theory exam in May.
Course Expectations
Before formal course study, students should have a fundamental knowledge of basic music
notation including but not limited to:
 Pitch recognition
 Rhythms
 Note Values (duration)
 Dynamic levels
 Piano topography (Basic piano competency)
AP Music Theory is as much a performance-based course as a theoretical-based course, though
the theory component is weighed heavier. Students will be expected to sight-sing (using
solfege), transcribe melodies and harmonies, and compose, all of which are major components
of the AP Music Theory Exam.
Students enrolled in this course will be assessed on several aspects including, but not limited to:
 Roman numeral analysis (chord identification)
 Composition / Transposition
 Intermediate to advanced musical vocabulary
 Sight-reading (performance based)
 Listening component (transcription, error detection, mode identification, etc.)
All students enrolled in AP Music Theory will be required to take the AP Music Theory exam
in May.
The Musician’s Guide to Theory and Analysis by Jane Piper Clendinning and Elizabeth West
Internet Resources
www.musictheory.net and www.teoria.com
AP Music Theory—Summer Assignment
T. Kernizan
Summer Assignment
In order to ensure your success, I have compiled a packet of “review work” for you to complete
this summer. This packet “Theory and Analysis—Workbook” will be collected and graded and it
is due the first day of school. You will only succeed in this class if you do all of the readings and
Your packet should include:
- Binder with the First six chapters workbook
- The Textbook
- DVD of the listening examples inside the textbook
You will also need to visit www.wwnorton.com to take quizzes for Chapters 1 - 6 and send the
scores via email [[email protected]]. The next few pages will help you to navigate
through the website and submit each quiz grade. The due dates for each quiz are also in your
binder. Please follow the schedule accordingly, as I will not accept any work late. Please do not
wait until the last minute to do these assignments; they will take all summer to complete.
If you have any questions over the summer please email me at [email protected]
and/or contact me through REMIND 101.
Text: @apkernizan
Number: 81010
Mr. Teddy Kernizan, B.M., M.M.
Choral Director
AP Music Theory Instructor
AP Music Theory—Summer Assignment
T. Kernizan
Finding the Chapter Quizzes on the Norton Website
1. Go to http://www.wwnorton.com/college/music/theory-analysis2/
2. Click on Chapters tab and then the number chapter you are working on, “1, 2, 3, etc…”
3. Then Click on the main picture that looks like a “play” button.
AP Music Theory—Summer Assignment
T. Kernizan
4. Then choose “15” questions and click “BEGIN QUIZ.”
5. After completion of quiz fill out the form accordingly!
 Make sure you are writing your complete first and last name
 Make sure you are spelling my email correctly [[email protected]]
 In the box marked section write “AP Music Theory”
 Make sure “Remember Me” is clicked at the bottom so you don’t have to rewrite the information each time
 Remember to hit “send quiz”
AP Music Theory—Summer Assignment
T. Kernizan
Quiz Due Dates:
Marked with an asterisk (*) and bolded are due date:
*Chapters 1 through 3: Thursday, July 30th
*Chapters 4 through 6: Sunday, August 30th
Here are some suggested due dates to assist with pacing and a pile-up of work:
Chapter 1: Friday, July 10
Chapter 2: Monday, July 20
Chapter 3: Thursday, July 30
Chapter 4: Monday, August 10
Chapter 5: Thursday, August 20
Chapter 6: Sunday, August 30