
Date: March 17, 2015 Location: City of Dublin Service Center
Board Members Present: Dawn Spurlock, Michelle Balz, John Woodman, Beth Lozier, Arley Owens,
Louise Holliday, Kristi Higginbotham, Kyle O’Keefe, MaryEllen Etienne, Steve Johnson.
Dawn Spurlock, President, called the Board meeting to order following the AOR Strategic Planning
meeting Coordinated by Vice President, Michelle Balz.
AOR Membership Update:
John Woodman, Treasurer, provided an update on the 2015 AOR Membership drive noting AOR has
received 58 paid memberships representing 25 organizations and businesses.
Partners Conference Update:
John gave an update on conference sponsorship, conference agenda that was being finalized along with
the Sponsorship Packet. John provided the Board with a draft Conference Brochure for their review.
John concluded by informing the Board of a scheduled tour of the Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza on March
Treasurer Report:
Beth Lozier, Assistant Treasurer provided the Board with the AOR Treasurer Report and noted the
balance last month, February 2015, was $14,085.80 and the adjusted balance as of March 13, 2015 was
$13,885.80. MaryEllen Etienne, made a motion to approve the AOR Treasurer Report, Louise Holliday
provided the Second and the Board voted unanimously to approve the AOR Treasurer Report.
Minutes of February Board Meeting were reviewed, John Woodman made a Motion to approve, Louise
Holliday provided the Second the Board voted unanimously to approve.
Discussion: New Board member prospect introduced by Louise Holliday, tentative date to continue with
AOR Strategic Planning on May 19, 2015, Michelle to contact Michael Greenburg, Dawn to contact Greg
Lestini regarding AOR Foundation, Arley to check into Board terms, Kristi to contact Aparna Dial about
becoming a Board Member.
Next Board Meeting will be held 10:00 a.m. Tuesday April 28, 2015 before the Rumpke MRF tour in
Cincinnati, which is being coordinated by Steve Johnson
Adjourn: John Woodman made motion to adjourn, Second provided by MaryEllen approved by Board.
Respectfully submitted by Arley Owens, AOR Board of Directors Secretary
April, 25, 2015