TA - Study Quran
TA - Study Quran
2460 [Boox I. not benefit, or he did not benefit me, writh what might be taken between the nail of his thumb and that of his forefinger, nor did he woith what might be taken by the inside of the nail of the thumbfrom the extremity of thefore tooth; i. e., with a thing inconceivably small; or with anything; being] a phrase meaning one's answering (T, M, 0, 1]) a person who has asked for a thing (T, 0, 1) by putting his thumb-nail upon the nail of his fore finger, (T, M, O, I[,) and by taking away the inner side of the nail [of the thumb] from the extremity of the fore tooth, (T, O,) and saying "Not [even] this [will I give thee]," (T, O, l],) or "Not [even] the like of this." (M.) -.b: see the next paragraph, in two places. .;J The whitenes that is upon the nails of young persons; (S, M, O, K;) as also ?J,; (T, M, ;) thie latter mentioned by Fr, but not known by IA*r; (T;) or the former is the more common: (]K:) n.un. witht;; (M, 1;) meaning a portion thereof. (M.) - And The integument [or pellicle] that is upon [(hat is termed the core of the heart, and the stone of the date, (u1,.G .4;.L iZ e beeath b,) the fh [or pulpy uibstance] of the date: (M, i :) or the white grain [i. e. the embryo, which resembles a wvhite grain,] in the interior of the date-stone, from which the palmn.tree grows forth [or germinates]: and it is said that t ' signifies the integustment [orpellicle] that is upon the date-stone: (;, O :) [i. e.] the thin integument that is upon the datestone; also called theje.. (T.)_[Hence, or from one of the significations mentioned above,] oe t sy, -j '" one says, U,h U. &s L i. e. [lie (a man, ;, O) did not avail me] aught. (~, O, ]J.) And U', jb~ %v[]Ie tated not] aught. (T, I.) And Jj. signifies also Any inteyument; (M, ;) and so * . (g.) - And The bladder of an animal of the bovine kind; as also t.J: (I :) mentioned by $gh in the T$. (TA.) _ Also A sort of the [garments called] J$je qf El-Ymen: (M, g:) thin, carieJated, or fired, garments of El-Yenen: (IA;r, T:) and one says also ;t ' E., and j , which is formed by suhstitu- tion, and mentioned by Ya4oob, and JlJ11 ., S meaning a Aj having white stripe, (M,) and so 9~J . ;.s ; (~,M, ! or this last and ;. o;) oJt'l signify a thin ,j; ($, O, g, TA;) and in like manner one says J l; aL.-: (TA:) .J0,j is pl. of J (, ;:0 :) and accord. to Lth, the Jli; are of the [,)t called] _c [q. v.] of ElYemen. (O.). Also Flowers, or blouomn; syn. j; [in the CI .*j ;] used in this sense by IbnAmart; being likened by him to the garments called J. (T, ], TA.) - And Portions of rotton: (0, g, and so in some copies of the .:) [perhaps meaning] a wht'i thing [resembling cotton] which is in the [q. v.]. (Ham p. 784.) _ [And Freytag nwentions its signifying The extreme portion of the penis; as on the authority of the K: but he seems to have confounded "o with jI-.1 aij the subst. denoted 6y the verb J5: (M, TA:) [as such,] it is coupled by a poet witht 'j [which is similar to it i?, meaning: see this last word]. (S, O, TA.) - Also n. un. of 'Ji. (S, M, O, lC.) See this latter word, in three places. 3 j, woo ?i°: see j 3 , latter half. (TA.) _- jU, ($, O, ,) aor. S, (0,) inf. n. 31,j, (S, 0, g,) said of a man, (S,) means that The wind rose from Jiis chest; (S, 0, ;) [i. e. he hiccoughed, or hickuped; a signification indicated by its being said that] j1i means the reiterating of an owrpowering [or inoluntary] sobbing sound: (Meb,TA:) and9jl; [as a subet.] signifies also the wind [itself] that rises from ~..i.-s,h : see ,s.,, latter half. -.. sAi.. i, the mention of which occurs in a trad. of Ka.b, the chest (S, 0, g) of a man. ($, O.) - And, means [An upper chamber] whereof one brick it accord. to Az, (Msb,) 5U,(Msb, TA,) aor. O t., of gold and another of silver [i.e. constructed of (Mob,) inf. n. j14 (Msb, TA) and 3j3, (TA,) gold and silver bricks alternately]. (TA.) lie was affected, or tahen, with a panting, or breathing [shortly, or] uninterruptedly. (Msb, TA.) - And i jb, (S,* O, .,) aor. Jlp, . J1l, (V., [there said to be JI J4, (S, 0,) inf. n. j [or oj 0A] (S, O, ) and ojl*, app. indicating that it is ~i,1I and 3j;i,l, but (1.,) said of a man, (S,) His spirit was about to accord. to the CK and T4 Jlj.I, and thus only, pass forth: (S, O, g.:) or he gave up his spirit; (S, O,*];) as also 3.i [alone] aor. L;f' : as though it were said to be ;iJ _1,]) or (lApr, O and ] in art. js4:) or he died: (g:) t~lJI ~, (thus written in the 0, [in the TT, or t*J3i [is app. held by some to be a simple as from the M, ~3 .JIl 5 ., thus, without the subst., and] accord. to IAar signifies death itself: affix S to the former word, and without any vowel- (TA:) or it signifies, (S, O, Msb,) or signifies sign,]) accord. to A.Hn, (M,) or Aboo-Ziyid, also, (I,) an affection [i.e. a .qasping, or short (O,) A palm-tree, [the areca catechu, or betel-nut catching of the breath,] incident to a man at the palm,] like the cocoa-nut palm, that bears racemes point of death: (S, O, Msb, I :) and one says upon which are the ~J., resembling dates, (M, O, [of the man], 3U, aor. ., fns. n. 3, [app. },) of which some are black and some are red, not >i]; the verb bvihg ot the class of ( [of of tihe growth of the land of the Arabs: (0:) [in which the inf. n. most commonly used is 4, ; one of my copies of the S, the i;,J (thus the word or, if the saying that the verb is of tihe class of is there written) is said to be a tree like the cocoa- 4.~ be not meant to indicate the form of its nut : in the other copy it is not mentioned:] the inf. n. as well as that of its aor., jjs may be a ).4, is said by AIHn to be the fiuit of a certain mistranscription for *j or .J ]. (Msb.) palm-tree, hard as though it were wood: (M:) (, (ti, ,) aor. inf. n. J1j, (TA,) She in the Tedhkireh of Dawood it is said to be a J (a camel) had in her udder the '- , or ,nill that fruit like the Syrian j". [or walnut], of an astringent quality, found upon trees resembling had collected between two mnilhings; (0, g, TA;) the cocoa-nut: (TA:) it is good for hot and and (1) so V tl: (S,O, .K:)or the latter verb gross hliumours, (.K, TA,) reparered as a lini,,ment; signifies she (a camel) attained to the timefoi her (TA;) andfor infamination of the eye, (K, TA,) being milked; and the inf. n. is iiLI and [quasias a dresingjand collyriumn; and has yreat eJicacy for drying up the seminal fluid, and as a inf. n.] t Jli: (lAar, TA:) or .1 in relation to the she-camel means her being drircn, or led, digextive. (TA.) back fromn the pasturing, and leJt until she r,ets, and recovers [her milk]: (ISh, TA:) and uLl6 ;1JI signifies the returning of the milk. (Zeyd 1. .,/$, (S, Mgh, O, Msb, ,) lderived from Ibn-Kethweh, TA.) [See also lj4, below.] ~ as signifying the contr. of ;_, (Mgh,) aor. sy signifies A bending, or [thus in the TA as s.3 h, (i, 0,) inf. n. J, (O, ) and lp* (]) from the l, but in copies of the K "and,"] a and 5~, (Cs,) lHe (a man, S, 0, Msb) was, or breaking, (K, TA,) in the notch (M.1 ti), (I,) became, above them, or superior to them, or he excelled then, or surpassed them, (S, M, O, or in one of the two cusps of the notch, (TA,) of Mgb, 4,) namely, his companions, (S, , tl, bO , an arrow: (g, TA:) or its verb, said of an ],) or others, (Mgh,) in eminence, or dignity, or arrow, is 3ti, a&)r. t1, inf. n. 3ai and 3., in nobility; (S, 0, ] ;) and he overcamie them; which the j is then made movent with fet-h, [so (Msb, TA;) and did so in, or Jby,an argument that the word becomes ,] because this verb is or the like. (Msb.) And L;. :.M"ii1 became of the class of J!, aor. a4: (I;, TA :) or one better than such a one, and higher, and more emisays of an arrow js, [aor. j14,] inf. n. j, nent or noble; as thouglh above him in station. meaning its notch broke; (Msb;) and t93l/ said (TA.) And Jiljl ~iJIq .$J j [The young of an arrow signifies thus; (S, Msb;) or its woman excelled in beauty, or comeliness]. (Myb.) notch became much broken; (0, ~, TA;) or beIt is said in a trad., . jl JI, 1 ,Z. came split, or cracked. (TA.) _ And,.JI J ',0 1 .1 [Comeliness !hA (S, O, Msb, I,) inf. n. 3), (Mfb,) I broke the been made loely to me so that I love not that any notch of the arrow. ($, 0, Mpb, g.) And 3j one should excel me in tie thong of a sandal]. JI, anor. jA, He broke the thing. (TA.) -_ j.~,