1st December - Mount St Bernard College


1st December - Mount St Bernard College
4th December 2015
Principal: Mr David Finch
Assistant Principal - Mission: Mr Paul MacCallum
Deputy Principal - Curriculum/Admin: Mr Ian Margetts
Acting Head of Residential: Ms Jenny Rossiter
Business Manager: Mr David Osborne
Office Manager: Mrs Sue Wegert
Mr David Finch
Our seniors were sent off in style at our College Liturgy last week and our Senior Formal on
Saturday night. I share with you part of my address to the school community:
Almost there – ready to cross the finishing line – all those years of school will be over and you are heading off into
the sunset with different and varied options on the agenda…..
Off course it is not always plain sailing – Certainly there has been highs and lows and ups and downs during the
year – the odd disagreement, a lost assignment, a misunderstanding, another lost assignment, another
misunderstanding, a found assignment, a corrupt USB, an out of ink printer, can’t find your class until there is 5
minutes to go, need to urgently see someone else right at this moment and endless other excuses - plus – the all
familiar Facebook issue –the friendship issues - and the demands of family, other commitments etc – there is a lot
to take in.
But – all of this is no longer in play as we have this group of young men and women who are here before us - who
have been on the whole - responsible, mature, happy and committed to achieving their best – so I commend you
for that.
So what is the number one attribute that defines you as senior students – think about this for a while – because
every year level we as staff and teachers can probably define you with a certain quality? And mind you - this varies
and changes from year to year – every year is different. In 2015 we could say….
Year 7s – bewilderment/lost - not quite sure about things….
Year 8s - Not my fault –it was him or her - must have been someone else…..
Year 9s – ready to rumble – let’s test everyone out….
Year 10s – I know it all – ready and immature to tackle anything…so bring it on..
Year 11s – in betweeners will go through most of the year unnoticed…
And what about our Year 12s – Well it should be all about character – and that is what sets you apart. – as seniors
of our school.
Character is built by how you respond to what happens in your life and what happens around you. Whether it's
winning every game or losing every game. Making money or dealing with hard times. Avoiding a deadline or facing up to it – completing an assignment or putting it off - you build character out of certain qualities that you must
create and diligently nurture within yourself.
But as young men and women - our seniors of the college - if you are sincerely committed to making yourself
into the person you want to be, you'll not only create those qualities, but you'll continually strengthen them.
And you will recreate them in abundance even as you are drawing on them every day of your life.
Character sustains itself and nurtures itself even as it is being put to work, tested, and challenged.
And once character is formed, it will serve as a solid, lasting foundation upon which to build the life that you
desire. So Maintain the passion, build your character and maintain that desire in all you do…..dreams and desires
can become realities…
As Year 12 senior students this year you have endeavoured in your journey to make a positive difference to the
College community. You have layed the foundation for your own reputation - a reputation as young adults who
support and respect others and show passion for improving the culture of Mount St Bernard College. You may not
realize but as members of our school you have continued to lay solid Gospel based foundations that promote
teamwork and enthusiasm in all areas of the College.
Inspired by your families, our dedicated staff and your friends, you have strived to be young men and women who
made a commitment to our unique school community.
I do hope you have cherished the time that you have experienced in your final year and are strengthened by the
friendship and support that you have shown for each other. You have tried hard to fulfil your obligations in all
areas of your education with dedication and commitment most of the time. Be proud to celebrate your diversity
and understand that your lives will become enriched by listening to and valuing the sacred story that each of you
has to tell.
However, now the time has come for you to walk away from the security of your College family, your friends and
teachers – but always remember to still carry in your hearts the Christian values and the community characteristics
that are exemplified at our school. The ones we promote and talk about all the time.
These values bestowed on you by being Year 12 senior leaders within the College community will help you not only
to lead significant lives, but importantly assist in achieving your ambitions of being educated men and women who
do and will - act
justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with our God.
Make the most of what life offers you, be positive and strive to achieve.
Take the time to thank those around you and those who have played a significant part in your school years – friends,
family and your teachers – they can do it hard too – but they teach out of a genuine care and commitment to see you
achieve the best you possibly can.
Good luck with you careers and futures – in whatever direction it may be and never forget what the college and the
people within it - have provided for you.
Please be advised that there is some important information in this our final newsletter of the term, in reference to next
year. Please read carefully and contact the college if you have any questions.
We thank all families of MSB for your support throughout 2015 and look forward to some exciting
happenings next year.
I wish you all a safe and blessed Christmas with family and friends.
David Finch
College Principal
MSB Scholarships are still available for 2016
Interviews for 2016 Scholarships will be held on Wednesday 3rd February 2016.
Assistant Principal—Mission
Getting ready for Christmas
Not only do we find ourselves at the end of another school year, it is also a time in which Catholic Christians are trying
to make this time of the year what it is intended to be - a period of preparation, anticipation and reflection.
Last Sunday, 29th November, saw the start of the Church season of Advent - a time of waiting, anticipation and preparation. What are we anticipating? Christmas, of course! The first coming of Christ. However this is secondary to “the
second coming.” Some may find this aspect a little uncomfortable and hence shy away from it, focussing instead on
Christmas cribs and nativity scenes.
During Advent, a period of 4 Sundays leading to Christmas, Church celebrations pick up on the feelings of joyful expectation that the
celebrations anticipate. Gospel readings will focus on a distinctive theme - the first Sunday brings forth the Lord’s coming at the end
of time. The second and third Sunday reflect upon John the Baptist, while the fourth Sunday sets the scene for the birth of the Lord.
Culturally, this time of the year in Australia is about buying gifts, enjoying time off work and school, watching cricket and tennis on TV
and, too often, over-indulging. Christmas is a great family festival, a clear link with the story of Jesus’ birth.
In Australia, Advent could be seen as something of a ‘lost’ season, particularly in Far North Queensland. The sense of the Lordship of
Christ is very hard to muster. The anticipation of Christmas is certainly there, but so is the heat, the sun light, the busy activity and the
closing of the year with its festivities and celebrations - and Santa is everywhere!
So, enjoy an Advent liturgy in the coming weeks - they have something to bring to the mix. The readings are strong and challenging
while the preaching and prayers provide spiritual nourishment around the meaning of family and community.
2016 College Captains Announced
Congratulations to Brachlan Harris, Maree Higginson, Era King and Kasey Smy (Photo from left below) who have been announced as
2016 College Captains. These four Year 11 students were confirmed following a process involving voting by students and staff,
individual interviews and final discernment by the college Leadership Team and Year 12 Home Room Teacher, Traylea Sexton. The four
final candidates were chosen from a stand-out group of 11 students who had nominated for a College Captain position. All 11
nominees are to be congratulated on their nominations and interest shown in obtaining a formal student leadership position for 2016.
While only four of these 11 students could be appointed as College Captains, it was reassuring to have had a group of 11 students who
were willing to step up in this way. Our remaining student leadership positions (eg: House Captains, Boarding Captains, other) will be
determined in the first 2 weeks of the 2016 school year. All Year 11 students will
again have the opportunity to nominate for these remaining positions.
Opening College Mass and Induction of Student Leaders
Please note that all student leaders will be inducted at our Opening College
Mass set down for 11:45am, Friday 5th February 2016. As normal, parents/
carers are invited to attend this celebration.
Year 12 Retreat 2016
2016 Year 12 students are reminded to mark in their diaries the Year 12 Retreat
being held in Term 1 Week 3, Wednesday 10th -Friday 12th February. All Year
12 students are expected to attend this retreat as it forms an integral activity for all Year 12 students. Held on the beautiful Tinaroo
Dam (Genezzano Retreat Centre) the time away is an opportunity to take stock of their life journey so far and look at what lies ahead—
all within the context of a faith-filled experience.
God bless and Merry Christmas
Finally, I take this opportunity to thank all staff, students and families for another positive year at a great college. May each and
everyone of you have a merry Christmas filled with the love and peace of Christ. May your New Year also be a safe, happy and holy
For the Year 12 students leaving us, all the very best for what lies ahead and thankyou for your contribution to the life of Mount St
Bernard College.
I look forward to 2016 and leave you all with a blessing so beautifully sung by a very special group of students (the choir) at our Yr 12
Graduation Liturgy and our final whole-school liturgy.
God bless,
Paul MacCallum
Assistant Principal—Mission
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
(Irish Blessing)
Deputy Principal—Curriculum & Admin
Year 12 results will be released in your learning account on Saturday 19th December. This
includes all VET courses or QCE-recognised courses of study as well as Authority and Authorityregistered subjects,
To access your results you will need your LUI and password. If you are unsure, please contact the
College office and we can re-issue you with your LUI.
Mr Ian Margetts
Log on to www.studentconnect.qsa.qld.edu.au and enter your
LUI and password, then click on the results tab. QSA will post
your results to your home address. Depending on postal delivery
times, you can expect to receive your results in the mail from
Monday 21st December.
Year 7 – 11 Reports
Reports will be mailed by the end of the first week in December.
These reports will include an overall result for each subject, an
effort rating and a comment.
Subject Stationery Requirements
Within the report package will be a confirmation of subjects letter (Years 9 – 11, 2016) as
well as a stationery requirement lists detailing subject requirements for the coming year.
As mentioned in the last newsletter, all the stationery for General and Subject specific
items will be supplied by the College. This will include General items (for multiple uses
across subjects) and Subject specific requirements. Stationery will be available at
Student Reception from Monday 18th January 2016.
Finally, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all members of the Mount St Bernard
community and happy and holy Christmas and look forward to working with you again
in 2016.
Ian Margetts - Deputy Principal - Curriculum & Admin
That will be a wrap everyone, the end is here!
After a wonderful end of term spent at Sugarworld, it feels fabulous to sit at
my desk and reflect on our busy year.
Congratulations to all Mount St Bernard College students for completing
their final assessment tasks for the year.
Congratulations also goes to parents, caregivers and Residential staff for assisting with the
completion of those assessment tasks and ensuring students handed them in on time.
A final congratulations goes to our teachers and school officers, who ensured task sheets were
attached to assignments, profile sheets were filled out, monitoring information collated (after
marking oodles of student work), and report cards finalised—all within a tight deadline.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a safe holiday!
Emily Pensini—Middle Leader Humanities
MSB Social Justice Crew 2015
This year we formed a Social Justice Committee which became known as The MSB Justice Crew, and the students have
worked tirelessly throughout the year to raise money for those people less fortunate than ourselves. The MSB Justice
Crew raised over $200 for The Cancer Council through Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea in May. In June we held a Free
Dress Day and sold items at lunchtime to raise over $630 for the victims of the Ravenshoe Explosion – an event that
really shook our small community in 2015. This term we raised over $170 on the Day For Daniel Morcombe by wearing
red and selling red items (the colour of Day For Daniel), and this money will go towards the improvement of child
safety in Australia.
During Reconciliation Week in May, the Justice Crew raised the school’s awareness of the Racism, No Way campaign,
and spoke on assembly to encourage all MSB students to be against racism and to report any incidents that may happen to them. In August we celebrated the International Day of Indigenous Peoples by asking all students and staff with
international backgrounds to speak at assembly in their indigenous language. We were lucky enough to hear prayers
of the faithful in Meriam Mir, Kala Lagau Ya, Kala Kawa Ya and Yumplatok (or Creole) from the Torres Strait, Maori
from New Zealand, Tok Pisin from Papua New Guinea, Fijian from Fiji, and Gaelic from Scotland and Ireland, and I
would like to thank Seiji Gabey, Dennis Messa, Thelma Bani, Ella Toby, Tianna Araipu, Tahlia Shailer, Ms LeeAnn Samuels, Basilio Ragatu, Sylvia Kalaut, Genesis Singut, Ms Karen Rolfe and Ms Kerry McKay for sharing their indigenous languages with us.
We cooked breakfast for our senior students who were participating in the QCS – Queensland Core Skills Test – which
occurred at the beginning of September. And finally, this term we have been collecting Christmas presents to donate
to needy children in our community, with each Home Form Room being given a specific age and gender to collect for,
eg a 5-10 year old girl. We also had two classes collecting presents for needy mums this Christmas, and in this last
week of school we gathered all the present s together and dropped them at the Women’s Refuge in Atherton (who
are currently working with approximately 30 families in our immediate community). The staff at the Women’s Refuge
expressed their great appreciation of all the presents we delivered to them and ensured they would be given out to
some of the neediest children and mothers in our surrounding area this Christmas – special thank you to all those who
brought in presents for us to donate. By Nicola Edwards—Teacher
2015 State and Peninsula Representative Students
The following students have been successful in being selected to attend a Peninsula Regional
championship or Queensland State championship in 2015.
Keane Ryan
Seiji Gabey
Dennis Messa
State Track and Field
State Volleyball
State Volleyball
Peninsula Touch Football
Matilda Warria
David Cassels
Edith Dau
State Volleyball
Peninsula Touch Football
State Volleyball
State AFL ,Peninsula Track & Field
& Volleyball
Danuta Tomsana
Oscar Burnett
Walter Enosa
State AFL
State Cross Country
Peninsula Volleyball
Romatu Naawi
Elizabeth David
Annette Pearson
Peninsula Volleyball, Touch
Football & Basketball
Peninsula Volleyball
Peninsula Volleyball & Touch Football
2015 State and Peninsula Representative Students
Sheneeva Patterson
Monique David-Mosby
Leroy Messa
Peninsula Touch Football and
Track & Field
Peninsula Touch Football
Peninsula Rugby League
Richard Dau
Joyce Tapp
Ashley Mudu
Peninsula Rugby League
Peninsula Netball
Peninsula Track & Field &
Cross Country
Emily Ainsworth
Saiyan Nona
Renee Shannon
Peninsula Cross Country
Peninsula Basketball
Peninsula Track & Field
Aidrian Ketchell
Sarah Douglas
Peninsula Track & Field
Peninsula Track & Field
Art News
Siyesha Douglas and Samantha Brooks
were lucky to be selected in a booklet
published by the Energy Art Exhibition
held at the Tanks this year.
Congratulations girls on your awards.
Below is artwork completed by Tyra
Traylea Sexton - Art Teacher
English Faculty Term 4
As the end of the year draws near, and energy levels flag, we always try to give
the students tasks that they will find manageable and fun.
This term, students in Years 8 and 11 have thrown themselves
into creative writing and produced inspiring poetry and short
stories. Year 12 finished off their English course with an
always popular unit on dystopian fiction, Year 7 enjoyed
analysing graphic novels and Year 9 plunged into
the gritty drama of the novel, Tomorrow When the
War Began. Year 10 were daunted by the prospect
of classic literature to end the year but found
Romeo and Juliet, Lord of the Flies and The Old Man
and the Sea surprisingly easy to relate to.
We have reviewed our school’s NAPLAN results
and data from PAT testing and are very pleased with the
improvement in results in every area of literacy this
year. We have targeted specific areas for further
improvement in 2016 and will be implementing exciting
new programs to develop spelling and reading skills in all our students.
The best creative writing of the year has been collected in an anthology so that it
can be appreciated by the wider school community. The following students have
had work included and are to be congratulated for their achievement: Rhiannon
Bookall, Jeffrey Maddick, Moganesh Karupiah, Chloe Jessop, Nathan Dowling, Bibrah Sands, Maree
Higginson, Caleb Mathews, Maddy Taylor, Eliza Bookall.
We hope that all our students will enjoy reading during the holidays and return to school ready to
embrace reading and writing with a passion.
Sarah Riber, Middle Leader English
FROM 8.30AM—3.30PM
The Marino Moller Legal Studies Awards is a joint initiative of the Business Liaison Association
and Marino Moller Lawyers. The aims of the Awards are to:
1. Provide an incentive for students who wish to seek a professional career in the law.
2. Promote and recognize the legal professional.
3. Enhance the study of Legal Studies, and
4. Promote an awareness of the qualities and skills that are essential for a successful legal professional.
Winner of the Award in 2015 is Year 12 Legal
Studies student and College captain, Siyesha Douglas.
Siyesha was shortlisted for the Awards after submitting a written application. She attended an interview on Saturday 10th October in the offices of Marino Moller Lawyers, Cairns. After a nervous wait,
(above) Siyesha was able to impress the judges with her presentation, passion for justice and ambition
to study law.
The Business Liaison Association will celebrate the winners of the 2015 BLA Competitions and Bursaries at the Annual Awards Presentation Night on Thursday, December 3, 2015 at the Pullman Cairns
International Hotel. Siyesha’s award comprises a cash prize of $750, a very handy prize considering
the cost of legal textbooks at university.
Thanks to Marino Moller Lawyers and the Business Liaison Association for sponsoring this prestigious
award. Congratulations Siyesha! We wish you all the best in your studies and on your journey to become a successful legal professional
who just happens to be an accomplished young aboriginal woman. By Chris Weedon Legal Studies Teacher
Design and Digital Technology
Senior ICT—Congratulations to graduates Cody Brooks, Callum Hicks and
Jeffery Maddick for successfully completing their Certificate III in Information
and Digital Media Technology.
Year 10 Graphics—The Year 10 students have completed their semester
assessment task of designing a compact bedroom unit and rendering a 3D
photo of their designs. Featured are the finished designs and renders of Eliza
Bookall and Jack Trezise who worked together to produce their furniture. They
used the 3D modelling software Blender to create their photos. I am excited to
see what the class comes up with next year!
The Monopoly is strong with this one!
Jack Trezise — Bedroom Unit
Eliza Bookall — Bedroom Unit
Throughout the year, I have run a selection of board games during lunchtimes to encourage students to participate in friendly and
competitive games. Term Four saw the most epic Monopoly tournament that MSB has ever seen. After three rounds of competitive
play, the underdog Cody Brooks managed to snatch the victory away from the crowd favourite Jack Trezise in the last couple of
rounds. The board games will be continuing in 2016 with the new Coding Club for students that are interested in app development
and game design as a lunchtime activity. By Brendan Akers — Middle Leader Technologies
MSB Transition Support team Torres Strait Island Visits
MSB Transition Support Team (Flo, Jude and Dee) thank the Torres Strait Island Regional Council for allowing us
to present the Transition House and Elders in Residence Programs to them on Badu Island. Further to this, during
our visit, we were invited to attend the opening of the Child Care Centre. We were very grateful to be a part of a
significant event for the community of Badu.
We began our trip on Thursday Island where we met with the Year 5 & 6 students of Sacred Heart School. We
presented a power point showcasing MSB College. The students were very interested in the session and asked
many important questions regarding transition to MSB. We thank the Staff who were very welcoming and helpful
in assisting the students to attend the session and the students for a fantastic visit and look forward to seeing some
of you in the coming years here at MSB.
Of particular note we say a BIG ESSO to Mrs. Timena Nona and Christine on Badu Island , Aunty Rosie and Mrs
Laianna Gibuma on Boigu Island, Mr Milford Warria, Mrs Flora Warria and Mrs Gertie Tomsana for their help
with transport and for opening their homes to us with lovely meals and fellowship with our students’ families. We
also thank he other community members that we met on Badu Is, Thursday Is, Boigu Island and Kubin Village.
Your support was much appreciated.
We look forward to visiting the other Torres Strait Islands next year and also the Cape Communities. The feedback
we received on our visit to these Islands is greatly appreciated and very useful in assisting us to progress further
with the Elders in Residence Program and the Teleconference and Video Links planned for next year.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We hope to see you all in 2016.
The best way to spend last day of the school year.
Students let loose at Sugarworld.
Upcoming Events 2015 - 2016
Fri 4th Dec
Fri 25th Dec
Sat 26th Dec
Fri 1st Jan
Mon 18th Jan
Tues 19th Jan
Fri 22nd Jan
Mon 25th Jan
Tues 26th Jan
Wed 27th Jan
Fri 5th Feb
Wed 10th Feb
Wed 10th - Fri 12th Feb
MSB Office Closes for Christmas Holiday break
Christmas Day
Boxing Day
New Year’s Day
MSB Office Re-Opens
New Boarder/Parent Orientation Travel to MSB
Parent Travel Home
Student Free Day & Continuing Boarders Travel to MSB
Australia Day Public Holiday
All Classes commence Term 1 2016
Opening Mass
Ash Wednesday
Year 12 Retreat