239 BooK I.] 4. .11 Il' J, occurring in a verse, [sefe am p. 758,] is aserted by Aboo-Riy6sh to mean He (the milker) has found the milk to be little in qtantity; like as O.~1 signifies "he found him to be such as is praised :" ISd holds that it may signify he has made the milk to be little in quantity [app. by his niggardness]; but he confeses his not having heard the verb used in this sense BO, but in the 15 "or,"] the saying, ,iT 'z), 4l..a.a.jt; (Bd and Jcl by any one. (TA.) - $. also signifies tHe (a i >, , of having J 1 j.man) became poor; or in the condition some add, in xviii. 44, and 1 ;) to which little, or no, wealth. (TA.) [See also .. ] (Bd and Jel in xix. 79,) or good works, (Bd in xviii. 44,) of which the fruit remains for erer: (Bd in both those places, and Jel* in the former:) and, as included thetein, [so Bd, but in the K "or,"] the five prayers; (Bd, 1 ;) and the performance of the pilgrimage; and the heeping the fast of Rinamdain; (B4 in xviii. 44;) and [so child qferafemale. (1,TA.) [Such a woman i app: thus called because supposed to reproach her husband for his having been displeased with her on her bringing forth a female.] L ,4 and IJ, both [properly] relate to the beginning of the day: (AZ, Myb:) the former of these verbs, (T, $, A,) aor. *, inf. n. `; (T, ;) and A4, (T, , A,) inf. n. ; -4; (T, Erto accord. or, ibid.:) ' ;4 j: (Jel st (A, A,) and t%--; *At, and $ ;) and %t.cl, '4 [originally inf. n. of 1, q. v.: and hence,] ( ;) all signify the same; (. ;) lie (a traveller, Rlghib, the correct meaning is any religious service whereby one seeks to obtain the recompens tPoverty; or paucity of wealth. (TA.) - And A) mment forth early in the morning, in the first of God: seeo also i, last explanation. (TA.) tPaucity of spech, except as to things requirin part of the day; or between the time of the prayer spech. (TA.) of daybreak and sunrise; syn. S;.I ) is sometimes put in the place of an _.iIe a ewe or 15,) and Z; A she-camel, (8, I~ inf. n.; (, 1] ;) or it is an inf. n.; (Msb ;) syn. (T,A :) or 'tVl, inf. n. ;;l, signifies he entered milk whose milk; little having (S,) or she-goat, , also, tV whiich upon that time: (T:) one shlould not say; 4 with t; (., Msb, TA ;) with 1 say, as some or, TA:) 1, (S, little: become has .. in the ]ur [Ixix. 8], [&c.]. (8.).You is syn. (TA in arL L ) So nor S in the sense of whose milk has ceased, or stopped: (TA:) pl. a and S, inf. n. as i;, and d, I also, say 5 Ji J53 [And dost thou see them to O '5 . [hence,] : J; (K.)_And b. and I (.,K) and and tY1$, and t, St; nd above; and Fr: lave any continuance?]; (.8,TA;) so says a · t[Milk, or a flow of milk, little in quantity]. ?t #4 ; meaning , et,[i. e. lie came to him, (TA:) or, as some say, the meaning is, a. [i. e. A weU of which the or it, early in the morning, in the first part of (TA.) - And C Lb t% a remnant]: (TA:) or ~iit s4~.[a company sunk into the earth; or become lonw: the day; or betweon the time of the prayer of [a water has remaining]: (Er-ltRghib, TAt) or i -i the latter word having its, chianged into US to daybreak and sunrise: and he did it at that soul, or person, remaining]: (lh/., Jell) or the; time: or S &c. with A, following may be renit to the former. (TA.) - And O is an intensive affix; (Jel;) [or a restrictive to assimilate time in doing unity;] i. e. one remaining; (Jcl, TA;) and this I'; tEyes having few tears. (TA.) - And ,J1 dered he occupied himJself at that4 , [and ;,1 ;eI` [hence,] And (1.) it]. likewise, says, onc is also allowable nand good: 't tfHands of which the gifts are few. (TA.) and Ai j., ;) (Mb above; n. as aeilvW. OnesjremainXH[_uj wf 4|j t [app. A poor man; a man aor. and inf. And _ J.j ing remained not, nor did one preserver preserve having little rwealth: or offew words: or unable aor. '; (ISd, ] ;* [but see a remark respecting athis verb abovc ;]) and Jl1 t.1, (~, Myb, TA,) them f'om (;d]. (TA.) to speak: sce :'i-; and see k., in art. .]: -.0 (.,15,) and and ,kt; (TA;) and &J! t,., Si4 Lonyer continuing. (Bd and Jel in xx. 74, pl. £tS.. (TA.) 4 ; (TA;) signify J-.* ".,. .M-, *). ). %U; [and *' 41 ;] and * macas ui/ :Wmas &c) -e.) ' -- t dd t also t He hastened [or betooh himselfcarly] to it, [lie is the more mcrcifil, or pitiful, or d. or to do it, at any time, (S, Myb, 15, TA,) morncompassionate, of the two mnen, towards his 1: see 2, in four places. ;$; ing or evening. (TA.) You say, 41t.~i. people]. (TA.) the attain, or ., ie reprehended, re- t [I lhastened to do, or accomplish, 2. ';4, inf. n. manner, like in and above: as milk;] n. inf. some needed], retains thing [that a4'.sj A1 sAhe-arael prored, blamed, chid, or reproached, him, for an that does not exhaust her copious supply of milk. affair, or for a crime or the lile; (8, A, M.b, ;?I1 oL .':"1 t [I hastened to come to water]: 1, (TA,) and .IM"1,(AZ, .S 1];) accord. to some, with justice; (TA;) or he (AZ, :) and j,L1 (JK.)--./.aJ! A;:eie, (1g,) or rather ,Il! him; threatened and TA;) (S,* so severely; did ., TA,) tHe hastened to come to water, and to Qf.JI i ., (TA,) The horses wvhose running conbe evil; (Mb ;) take the morning-eal. (TA.) Le.beed says, to deed his declared and (TA;) tinus after the running of othler horses has as wrhen one says, "0 wicked man! wast thou ;btp ~ ab t4z . > * ceased: (M,g:) or, that rese~ some~ hat of not ashamed? didat thou not fear God?" (TA:) The their running. (T, TA.) - And ,'jI and somefimes this is done by using an enunciaI hastened to be before the crowing of places that retain some of the pools in rhich tive phrase, such as the saying of Abraham, meaning t at the close of night, in obtaining mhat cock, the water has collected, and do not drink it up. [mentioned in the g5ur xxi. 64,] "Nay, the chief [of it, namely, of wine,] by me: wanted was (TA.) of them, this, did it ;" for thus he said to reprove e being for Ql1 ' g , i. e, 41.e. (TA:) their worship of idols; (Mqb;) and it may be .s lby means of the hand, and a staff or stick, and .iiJI. (EM p. 170: but the first word is there is the like. (Hr, TA.) - He accused him, to his written a;t.) [See also 2, below.] -[It anor.:; and ;-W, nor. '; inf. n. '4 1. ~, [app. n. ,, inf. .,i,] [app. ,, that] said also he disliked, (, 1) and ::l (AZ, TA) and o, or it, face, (ii;- *1,q. v.,) of that which .;,] signifies tHe pos~d the quality of appily. .- , (As,1],) also as K;) (Ai,A, hated; or (accord. to different copies of the 1,) or .1', (as himself early, or (f hastening; expl. by ing (TA.) - He overcame him, aor. ', inf. n. J4. in the 0 anid CK,) and Xf, (~, K.,) which is inf. n. At.(Myb.) [But soee.] j5_1 of , (, TA,) as is also that next preceding it, a"iJt1 [mith the argument, allegation, or plea]; inf. n.,g*: see 1, in three places: and 2. (TA,) and I., (AZ, 15, TA,) in some copies of (~, A,1 ;) as also tV" ; (A,TA;) and both, he obliged him to be silent by reason of his inabi- see 8. You say also, a 4 i t sJl S /Hewent the 1g :., (TA,) $he (a camel, S, 15, or a ewe 'Zisay, You TA.) (A,' reply. to lity the cemat IFriday of] [prayers the to forth little: became mtnilk heir or goat, 0) had little milk; an [by him overcame He l, * or and ; , ceased, And milk (A.) her say, thereof. some time as the or, of TA:) 1., mencement (S, (A, him. silenced he that so &c.,] at prayer argument, to came lie t nbovy, n. as inf. [alone], ty . .,M stopped. (TA.) - And [hence,] , And TA.) TA,) (1K, (1, time. t ½_, of its and TA,) (Lth, commencement Also, the TA.) W, inf. n. eye had few tears. (TA.) -And (TA,) lHe beat, struck, .'9 f t He performed the prayer at the nwealth; aor. and inf. n. as above, little had poor; becamte pp, tile .1 [app. a staff or stick, and commencement of its time: (A, Mgh, Mob, TA:) with TA) (V, him smote, or being] said of a man. (TA.) [See also 4.]_ a sword, (Lth, 15, TA,) and the like. (Lth, TA.) he wau regardful of it, and performed it early. And & tIe .failed of attaining the object of o'. . 'i : Perform ye '~L A woman wrho usuaUy bringsforth a male (TA.) And ., his want. (TA.) 4 -r.: A j- 4, A