Edward T. Barnes My wife Sheila and I were married at OLPH and


Edward T. Barnes My wife Sheila and I were married at OLPH and
Edward T. Barnes
My wife Sheila and I were married at OLPH and have been parishioners going on 10
years. Our daughter Hannah is currently in grade 3 at OLPH. We are strong
supporters of, and believers in the OLPH parish and school community, and very
much enjoy our fellowship with Parish and school families alike. In contrast to my
wife who was educated thru undergrad within a Catholic system, I attended public
school. This has made me even more appreciative of schools like OLPH and of the
Catholic education path we have chosen for our daughter. Sheila has been an OLPH
room parent for the past two years, is currently a choir member and we are both
involved in other parish volunteer activities on a periodic basis. We are both career
IT and business consulting professionals, and view my standing for the PEC as
another opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to the overall OLPH
I hold an MBA from Queen’s University and am a Business and IT transformation
leader and Management Consultant with broad senior level industry and
organizational experience. I have in-depth senior leadership, management and
operations best practice expertise from multiple high performing organizations and
cultures such as Microsoft, where I spent a good part of my career. I have worked
internationally across 5 continents and many aspects of my experience have
involved leading organization and business IT transformational change initiatives
working across multiple groups in a collaborative fashion.
Other skills and contributions which I believe may benefit the PEC and OLPH include
a focus on achieving timely and effective target outcomes, organizational change
management, and constructive leadership and management approaches. I believe I
have the communication and interpersonal skills to effectively and respectfully
motivate, collaborate, influence, and build positive partnerships. I am pragmatic,
fair and easy to work with, although when needed am appropriately firm. I believe
that often there is a better way forward, and that the journey should also be fun.
Elizabeth Dobell
I was born and raised in Vancouver. My husband Peter and I have four children:
two daughters at OLPH (Sophia, in grade 6, and Olivia, in grade 4), a son (Alexander,
a former OLPH grad, at Vancouver College) and our youngest, Isabella (2 years old).
Before devoting my time to raising our growing family, I worked for Dexter and
Associates selling real estate. We joined the Parish in 2003 and I have been an active
member of the community for many years. Recently, I was involved in the 90th
celebration last June, as well as the food bank collection, and I am currently a grade
4 class parent at OLPH. My daughter, Olivia, is an altar server. I have previously
served on the board of Endeavour Society for the benefit of the Arts, Sciences and
Having being raised Catholic, I strongly believe in the importance of a faith-based
education. I am committed to service and giving back to the community I love.
Fred Tewfik
I am pleased to introduce myself, and my candidacy for a Parish Education
Committee position, to represent fellow parishioners and school parents at OLPH.
My wife, Patricia, and I, along with our three children, Natalia (12), Alessandro (10)
and Katia (7) have been active parishioners at OLPH since 2012, and we have come
to embrace all aspects of life here. You will find us participating in many parish and
school events. We are new to the school, with our children now completing their
first year at OLPH.
In my professional life, I am an engineer and lead business development for BC's
technical safety regulator. I have approximately 15 years’ experience leading and
managing people and projects ranging from small groups and committees to large
scale business operations, mostly within the realm of Strategic Planning, Operations
Management and Stakeholder Relations. I have also been an active PAC member at
our children's other schools (prior to attending OLPH) and bring perspectives from
both public and other independent schools.
I am motivated to contribute more prominently within our parish leadership,
recognizing the blessings my family has found in such a wonderful parish and school
community. Guided by a solid grounding in our Catholic faith, I am driven by strong
family values and living my life with integrity; seeking and promoting innovation;
and finding some humour in almost everything I do. Most importantly, I am
committed to instilling these same values in my children, and having them truly live
the joy of the gospel every day in class, at home, and in church.
When not in the office or in the parish, you will likely find me coaching on the
football field; cheering on my dancing daughters; skiing the local ski hills, or
travelling with the family to show them the beauty of the world and the cultures the
Lord has made...everywhere!
Jutta Zeisler
My husband and I have been active parishioners at OLPH since 1993. We currently
have two children in Our Lady's School, one of them will be graduating this year.
It has always been important to me to volunteer in the communities that I am part
of. I have served as an Executive Member of our parish's Catholic Women's League
for many years, as Library Director of the Vancouver Westside German School, and
as a coach with the Hollyburn Cross Country Ski Club. At OLPH School, I have always
enjoyed helping out with field trips and in the classroom.
I would like to join the Parish Education Committee so that I can share my time and
talents to support our children's education and to help build new bridges between
the school and our parish.
God bless!