
Third Sunday of Easter
Our Lady Queen of Peace
SUNDAY - April 19
8:30 am - PAUL MORATH, JR.† (Linda Cox)
Special Intention for HELEN BILLS
(Nancy Prigmore)
(Marge Alexander)
11:00 am - Missa PRO POPULO
(Mass for the People)
MONDAY - April 20
8:00am - BETTY JANOTA† (M/M John Horn)
(M/M John Horn)
BONNIE KOCHER† (Irene Nobel)
TUESDAY - April 21
8:00 am - Liturgy of the Hours
WEDNESDAY - April 22
10:00am - ND Mass/church
6:15am - BERNARD LAUER † (M/M John Horn)
JOHN KORTBAWI† (Joe Przybylski)
(M/M Bob Jones)
THURSDAY - April 23
8:00am - MARY NGUYEN† (Diep Tran)
FRIDAY - April 24
8:00am - LARRY NASH† (M/M John Horn)
BONNIE KOCHER† (Irene Noble)
M/M Lewis Findley)
SATURDAY - April 25
(M/M Jackie McCartney)
Ginger, Kari and Cody White)
BONNIE KOCHER† (M/M John Kapraun)
SUNDAY - April 26
8:30 am - LAWRENCE HOLUB† (Shirley Holub)
11:00 am - Missa PRO POPULO
(Mass for the People)
April 12: ......................................................... $11,620.43
Holy Land: ............................................................ $25.00
Faith Direct
April 4: ........................................................... $18,932.60
April 15: ......................................................................... $
Good Friday (Holy Land): ..................................... $676.00
Seminary: ........................................................... $786.00 (church code: TX420)
Thank you for all the generous gifts that you provide for our
parish. Please consider using our secure electronic giving
program Faith Direct. Faith Direct will automatically process any
offertory or second collection donations of your choosing. It is
the most convenient way to make sure that the parish receives
your gift regularly. No more checks to write or envelopes to
worry about. You can sign up online at using
our church code: TX420, or by mailing a paper enrollment form
available in the parish office.
Those for Whom We Pray
Parishioners, Family & Friends
Erica and Billy*, Ernie Adams, Doug Allison, Nicholas Allison, Vic and Angie Allison, Dennis Anderson, Melissa
Anderson, Ricky Arnold, Wanda Baltine, Elizabeth “Beth” Bater, Joan Baumann, Jo Bearden, Al Belgrado, Dick
Belgrado, Tommy & Sheryl Berend, Jackie Bergenheier, Jeanette Bilbay, Helen Bills, Deacon Vincent & Pat Blake,
Anna Bogart, Cyndi Boone, Francisco Borja, Rocky Bray, George Brosche, Annette Brown, Ivy Cadotte, Debra
Ceballos, Laiken Choate, Marge Conklin, Joan Cook, Jeff Conrady, Ruth Copeland, Kim Corbin, Mike Crumpton,
Joe Cuba, Alex Rose Cummins, Thomas Daniels, Johnnie & Nellie Deal, Kathy DeJesso, Jenny Dixon, Faye Dominy,
Lilian Dove, Eleanor Edwards, Carol Faustina, Jathan Fields, Johnnie Fields, Jerry Fletcher, James & Marian
Geary, Thomas Genewick, Mary George, Cindy Green, Keith & Bettie Green, Ray, Donnie & James Grube, Courtney
Shook Gysell, Katherine Hamburg, Brian Hartnett, Mike Herrian, Floyd Hilbers, Jean Hoing, Dorothy Hughes,
Don & Jean Isbell, Nelda Jansen, Eve Johnson, Jeremy Johnson, Mike Jozwiak, Jonathan Kegley, Travis Keith,
Claudia Kelly, Karen Kent, Kyle Kidwell, John Kinsella, Anita Kortbawi, Marion Lauer, Fred Lentz, LaDonna Lewis,
Brittany Lindemann, Art Litteken, Shirley Litteken, Gloria Lucio, Brian Lucore, Abel Mahesh, Cindy Majewski, Eloise
Majewski, Rusty Maley, Ryan Maley, Marilyn Marak, Clara Mathe, Madelyn Matus, Kristi Melsteade, Filemon and
Rafaela Meza, Mike &Virginia Michonski, Carolyn Morath, Tina Morian, Dorothy “Dot” Myers, Dr. Sam Nilasena, Fr.
James O’Toole, Romana Padilla, George Palma, Patti Palmer, Joe Petz, Joe Petz, Jr., Nina Peysen, Michael Pitpit,
Karen Poirot, Rowdy Ramans, Aubrey Reaves, Eddie Richardson, Cathy Roberts, Elia Rojas, Lori Ross, Jaycob
Rowland, Janna Scarebrough, Nelda Schreiber, Adam Segal, Charles Simons, Bette Skurkey, Jeff Smith, Linda
Snyder, June Sphon, Kathy Spyra, Patricia Ste. Marie, Danny Steed, Audrey Stephens, Stacey Stowe, Mary Lou
Sweeney, Sister Devota Sweeney, Johanna Sweeney, Yvonne Talbot, Ida Toth, Don Thomas, Monica Vu, Dorothy
Ward, Renea Ward, Josie Wheeler, Bellamy White, Mary Wilson, Dorothy Wolf, David Lloyd Wright, Jerry Wright, Sr.,
Diane Wright, Signe Yelland, Adam York, Dan York, & Lucy York.
Because of space limitations, names will be taken of the prayer list after 3 months. Please call the church office if you
would like the name returned to the list. Thank you for your understanding.
Listed below are the Priests of our Diocese for whom we are asked to pray for daily.
4/20 - Rev. Ivor D. Koch
4/23 - Rev. Robert Leondardt, OFM
4/25 - Rev. Augustine Lieb, TOR
4/21 - Rev. Augustine J. Kolapuram, TOR
4/24 - Rev. Lambert Leykam, OFM
4/26 - Rev. Joseph Than Van Liem, CMC
4/22 - Rev. Jerome LeDoux, SVD, JCD
Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priests of the world. Sanctify them. Heal and guide them.
Mold them into the likeness of Your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. May their lives be pleasing to You.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Pray for Fort Worth Seminarians 2014-2015
In your daily prayers, please include the following seminarians on your list of people to pray for. Thank you
for your support and generosity.
4/20 - Samuel Maul
4/23 - Maurice Moon
4/25 - Linh Nguyen
4/21 - Deacon Ronaldo Mercado
4/24 - Joseph Moreno
4/26 - Nghia Nguyen
4/22 - Brett Metzler
INTENTIONS OF THE HOLY FATHER (for the month of April)
Universal: That people may learn to respect creation and care for it as a gift of God.
Evangelization: That persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and
the solidarity of all the Church.
SUNDAY - April 19
9:30am - Bible Study/SEASR
9:45am - Religious Education
(Grades K - 6th grade)
Discovery (Middle School)/PH
4:00pm - Baptism Class/SMR
5:30pm - Confirmation Class/PH
MONDAY - April 20
3:00pm - Chaplet of Divine Mercy/HFC
TUESDAY - April 21
Intercessory Prayer Group after Liturgy of the
9:30am - Prayer Shawl Ministry/SJR
1:00pm - ND Liturgical Singing/church
3:00pm - Chaplet of Divine Mercy/HFC
WEDNESDAY - April 22
3:00pm - Chaplet of Divine Mercy/HFC
4:00pm - Adoration of the Most Blessed
Sacrament (until 6pm)/HFC
5:30pm - Pray the Rosary/HFC
7:00pm - Verso L’alto (High School)/PH
THURSDAY - April 23
3:00pm - Chaplet of Divine Mercy/HFC
7:00pm - R.C.I.A./SEASR
Prayer Shawl Ministry/SMR
FRIDAY - April 24
3:00pm - Chaplet of Divine Mercy/HFC
SATURDAY - April 25
9:00am - RRQG/NDE café
SUNDAY - April 26
9:30am - Bible Study/SEASR
9:45am - Religious Education
(Grades K - 6th grade)
Discovery (Middle School)
6:00pm - Confirmation Class/PH
(SJR-St. Joseph Room; HFC-Holy Family Chapel; PH-Parish Hall; NDE Cafe-Notre Dame Elementary
Cafeteria; NDHS - NDHigh School; CR-Conference Room; WR-Workroom; BR-Brides Room; MR-Music Room)
April 19, 2015
Parish Activities
The Parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Peace, WELCOMES YOU!!!
Many people tell us that visit to a church can bring a flood of feelings—good memories of joy-filled
moments, or painful memories of hurts and losses. We want to assure you that the church is a safe place
to express tears of joy or tears of sorrow. While you are here, we hope that you will enter into the mystery
of God who shares in all of your hoys and all of your sufferings.
For some people, coming to church raises questions about what they believe or how they feel about
Catholic teachings. We’d like to suggest that you set aside specific issues at this point and move with the
grace of the movement. Turf off your mind and open your souls to the presence of God. Allow God to love
and nurture you. Allow yourself to enter into a new spiritual reality.
There are also people who fear that God could never forgive them for mistakes that they made. We
want to assure you that there are no limits to God’s merciful love. God knows who you are and loves you
unconditionally. We hope that while you are here, you will begin to feel God’s healing love and experience
a new fullness of life.
“How many times in my pastoral ministry have I heard it said: ‘Father, I have many sins’; and I have
always pleaded: ‘Don’t be afraid, go to him, he is waiting for you, he will take care of everything.’”
—Pope Francis, Homily, April 7, 2013
(Our Sunday Visitor 2014 Welcome Pamphlet)
“This is the day the Lord has made,
let us rejoice and be glad”
The Kitchen: Dedicated in Memory of Daisy and Tom Hennelly by Jim and Vicki McCoy
The Saint Joseph Room (expansion): Dedicated in Honor and Memory of The Sisters of Saint Mary of
Namur by Pat and Lulu Canan
The Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Room: Dedicated in Memory of Herb Flusche by Louise Flucsche and
The LeVasseur Family
The Saint Matthew Room
The Saint Cecilia Choir Room
The Saint John Paull II Room: Dedicated in Honor of Dan and Sue Shine & Mark and Monica Augustine
The Great Hall: Dedicated in Honor and Memory of All the Past and Present Members of Our Lady Queen
of Peace
Divine Mercy Religious Article Store Hours: Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday after Mass.
Thank you to everyone who joined us
in this joyous occasion of our Parish.
Special Thanks to:
Our Bishop, the Most Reverend Michael Olson
The Notre Dame Catholic School for their songs
The OLQP Men’s Club and The Knights of Columbus Council 1473 for a delicious meal
The Altar Society for the bountiful of delicious desserts and beverages
The “Complete the Dream” Building Committee
May GOD use our Family Life Center and fill it with HIS works through the ministries, activities and events
celebrated here at OLQP. May it be used so that we may grow spiritually as a parish and a community of
believers. We are close to meeting our goal. If you have not made a pledge and would like to, we ask that
you prayerfully consider making a commitment.
To increase or extend your pledge, please use the blue Pledge Increase-Extension cards located in the
Narthex. Thank you to those who have given additional above their pledged amount. If you are pledging for
the first time, please use the white Pledge cards also located in the Narthex.
PLEDGE UPDATE as of: March 3, 2015
GOAL: $3,000,000
AMOUNT PLEDGED: $2,900,251.68
(Includes $876,000 received in Grants and Gifts from outside of our parish)
AMOUNT COLLECTED: $2,700,036.35 (as of 04/13/2015)
# of Families Pledged: 469 (includes additional pledges)
All E-Giving will be done through ‘Faith Direct’ our online giving program. Online enrollment forms are
available in the Narthex. Or go directly to to enroll. For the Capital Campaign online
enrollment, use Church Code: TX508. To afford the greatest tax benefits for our parish, Campaign gifts are
processed through the Diocese of Ft. Worth Advancement Corporation.
OLQP Catholic Church, Wichita Falls, Tx
Daily Readings
Mon. - Acts 6:8-15 * Jn 6:22-29
Tues. - Acts 7:51—8:1a * Jn 6:30-35
Wed. - Acts 8:1b-8 * Jn 6:35-40
Thurs. - Acts 8:26-40 * Jn 6:44-51
Fri. - Acts 9:1-20 * Jn 6:52-59
Sat. - 1 Pt 5:5b-14 * Mk 16:15-20
Fourth Sunday of Easter - Acts 4:8-12 * 1 Jn
3:1-2 * Jn 10:11-18
Holy Trinity Seminary Open House
The World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Sunday, April 26
2:00 through 5:00 p.m.
(3131 Vince Hagan Drive in Irving)
All parishioners of the Diocese of Dallas and Diocese
of Fort Worth are invited to Holy Trinity Seminary
Open House.
• Meet and mingle with your future priests
• Learn more about seminary life
• Tour Holy Trinity Seminary Chapel,
community areas, residence halls, and
• Enjoy food, music and kid activities
prepared by seminarians
Parking may be limited; carpooling is encouraged.
For further information, please call (972)438-2212
or visit or www.
Thank you for supporting our future priests
and participating in the World Day of Prayer for
Vocations with Holy Trinity Seminary.
First Holy Communion Sun., May 3 at the 11:00am Mass
Walk for Life 2015 (OLQP Marchers for the
Innocent) - Sat., May 9
Vacation Bible School - June 22 - 26
Prayer Shawl Ministry
First and Third Tuesday (9:30-11:30am)
April 21 in the Saint Joseph Room
Second and Fourth Thursday (7-9pm)
April 23 in the Saint Matthew Room
Holy Family Chapel is Open and is available
for your quiet prayer time on Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday and Friday from 8:30am until 4:30pm;
Wednesday from 8:00am until 6:15pm.
Daily Mass and all other prayer devotions are
once again celebrated in the chapel.
The Sympathy and Prayers of our parish
are with the Family and Friends of
† John “Jack” Dove (husband of Lillian Dove)
† Tommy Lawson (brother of Mary Farris)
† Bob Snyder
(Brother-in-law of Innes Dudenhoeffer)
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon them. Amen.
Third Sunday of Easter
Our Lady Queen of Peace
Parish Announcements
Parish Missions Appeal Collection this Weekend
Father Clemente Barron, a Passionist Missionary,
who is preaching the annual mission appeal at all the
Masses this weekend. Father will present the needs
of the Passionist Missions of Holy Cross Province.
A special collection will be taken up to support their
missionary work.
The Passionists, founded in 1720, are working
worldwide, in 53 countries. American Passionist
Missionaries are working in India, Africa, Korea, Japan,
Philippines, West Indies as well as in Alabama. Please
welcome Father Clemente Barron and be generous.
Checks should be made out payable to: Our Lady
Queen of Peace because the collection will be counted
in the parish and a single check will be forwarded to
the mission office.
NCCW - National Council of Catholic Women
Quarterly Meeting
All Catholic Women are Invited
Thursday, April 23rd at Sacred Heart Church
(Wichita Falls)
9:30am - Registration
10:00am - Meeting
12:10pm - Mass.
Lunch immediately after Mass
Program on the Catholicism: “The Mystery of the
Liturgy and Eucharist”.
RSVP by Monday, April 20th.
Call Caroline: 940-704-2585
Change of Address or Other Information
Please email: [email protected] or call the church
office if you are moving away, changing parishes or if
any of your contact information has changed. This will
help to keep our records current.
Bulletin Deadline:
Submit by NOON on the Friday prior to the following
Weekend Bulletin (or the Thursday before if Friday is
a holiday/holy day). Items MUST have proper approval
for publication.
Hunger and Food Insecurity is a Serious Fact. The
Need is dire and year round. Please be generous
with your donation of food.
March Food Donations: 1083 pounds
Critical Needs: Tuna, Oatmeal, Jelly (small jars),
Crackers and Travel-size (hotel-size) toiletries - all
Eyeglasses: prescription or reading glass that you
don’t need. These items go fast. Place items in the
basket located in the Narthex. Every bit helps families
with real needs in Wichita County and Holliday.
A Charismatic Prayer Meeting
Sunday afternoons at 4:00
Youth Ministry chapel at Sacred Heart Church
(upstairs in the Pastoral Annex)
call Jack at 696-0741 or Manuel at 322-5958
Pope Francis declared this the Year of
Consecrated Life.
Celebrate the Church’s treasure of those in
consecrated life.
(See for details)
Let us pray for religious sisters, brothers,
priests, nuns, and others
who have chosen to consecrate their lives to
God in this special way;
Let us celebrate the faith, hope, and charity
that their lives give witness to;
Let us invite others to consider this joyful form
of discipleship. Amen.
Our religious charisms, our communities, our way
of life and our very vocations are precious gifts that
come with tremendous responsibilities. How will
we share this responsibility and provide leadership
and loving service with and for God’s people into
the future?
—-Sister Susan Francois, C.S.J.P., Giving Voice
Update, December 2012
Men in Christ
Men of the Parish: Do you have a desire to grow
as a Christian man? Come join the MEN in CHRIST
as we pray, explore Scripture together and support
one another in our Christian walk. Meet us in the
Conference Room each Saturday (except 2nd
Saturday of the month) at 7:30am. Call Jack at
OLQP Men’s Club
Next meeting: Monday - May 4, 2015
ALL Men of our Parish ages 18 and older are
members and are highly encouraged to attend
monthly meetings.
(First Monday of the month @ 7pm in the Parish
Hall). NO Membership Fees.
Call Mike Carlton, President for more info: 6969162
Every First Friday of the Month in the Holy
Family Chapel (9am until 6pm)
Sign-up Sheets are located in the Narthex and
in the Chapel Entrance. Everyone is invited;
Individuals, Families, Moms with children, Old and
Young (bring someone with you). With your help, we
can fill each 30 minute gap that our Lord JESUS is
exposed on the Altar in the monstrance. If you are
able to sit for at least 30 minutes, we encourage
you to please print your name in the slots when
you are available. When you come for your time,
please be sure to sign-in. If something comes up
and you are not available to keep your promised
time, please be sure you find someone to sit in for
you (ask your “sub” to please sign in and check the
box designated “sub”).
For more information, contact Margie at 781-2472.
Thank you Knights of Columbus Council 1473
for your gift of $5,468 (revenue from this year’s
Lenten Fish Fry/Bake). This year over 1300 were
New Testament Bible Study led by Jack Abel
(from the Birth of Jesus to the Birth of the Church)
Come join us for a Scripture study of Jesus and His
(9:40am -10:45am)
This series will be held in the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Room (S.E.A.S.).
You will have an opportunity to sign up after each mass
prior to the beginning of the series.
Some of the topics will include:
• The historical, cultural and religious context of
the Gospels
• John the Baptist and the Messiah
• The formation of the Gospels
• The answer to the question “Who do you say
that I am?”
• Jesus and the Old Testament
If you want to know Jesus better, come be with us.
Please bring your Bible.
Notre Dame Catholic School is now accepting
applications for new student enrollment for the 20152016 school year. Applications for students grades 3K12 may be found online at www.notredamecatholic.
org, or hard-copy forms may be picked up from either
the Upper or Lower campus front offices.
Notre Dame Catholic School is pleased to
announce additional tuition assistance opportunities
for new enrolling students in the 2015-2016 academic
year. Students making a local transfer and entering
NDCS for the first time into 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th and
10th grades will receive $1,000 off their tuition bill in
the first year and $2,000 off in the second year.
To schedule a tour or for any other questions please
contact Matt Ledesma, Director of Enrollment, at 940692-6041 or [email protected]
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Ask how you can help!
Be a part of our outreach to the community in our
efforts to End Poverty in our Diocese.
Purple Care Hope Bags are available in the Narthex
with a suggested “grocery list”. Bring filled bags to the
Narthex or to the church office.
Contact: Susan Cronin (940) 716-9669
St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store
1516 Beverly Drive (723-4971)
The St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store is looking for some
volunteers. Requirement: willingness to volunteer an
hour or two per week! The store is located at 1516
Beverly Drive, 2 blocks north of the Loop 11 / Seymour
Hwy. intersection. The store hours are MTW - 10-3 and
Sat., 10-2. Stop by then store on one of these days and
you will see BIG smiles when you offer your services.
Thank you! Like us on Facebook: Wichita Falls St.
Vincent De Paul Thrift Store.
April 19, 2015
For more information
Call Greg Brown
[email protected]
Registration forms and calendar available online at www. (Please note that a Form A for 14/15 must
be completed for this school year if not yet completed
through our summer activities since June of 2014. Form
A will be kept on file until it expires in May of 2015 so
that you only have to fill it out once per year per child.
Form B must be filled out additionally for each event youth
participate in thought the year.)
(Middle School Ministry)
Sunday’s at 9:30am in the Parish Hall
Verso L’alto
(High School Ministry)
Wednesday’s at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall
Confirmation sessions
5:30p-7p in the Parish Hall
(C)-Candidates attend, (P)-Parent(s) attend
April 19 (C) - CHURCH
April 26 (C) - CREED
May 3 (P, C) - CREED II
May 24 (C) - GROW AND SHOW the 2 responsibilities
of a confirmed catholic
June 7 (C); (S or P) @ 2:15pm
Confirmation REHEARSAL:
walk through of the ceremony
Confirmation Ceremony @ 4pm
OLQP Catholic Youth t-shirts available in the
office! Suggested Donation: $15 per t-shirt
YOUNG ADULTS (21-35 single and married)
Please contact Greg Brown at 940 247 1721
** We are in need of 5 more adults to serve Verso
L’alto as Faith Coaches (small group leaders). For
more information please see or contact Greg
Keep up with what’s going on at
“The proof of love is in the works. Where love exists, it
works great things. But when it ceases to act, it ceases
to exist.”
— Saint Gregory the Great
Safe Environment Sessions for 2015
All sessions will be held in the Church office
conference room at 4040 York St.
Contact the parish office at 940-696-1253 for more
information or to sign-up.
Our Lady Queen of Peace church
Wednesday; May 6 @ 7pm - Update
Saturday; May 9 @ 9am - Initial
Sacred Heart church (940-723-5288)
Thursday; May 14 @ 6:30pm - Initial
Saturday; May 16 @ 9am - Update
Adult Formation
The Rite of Christian Initiation
R.C.I.A Inquirer Classes meet on Thursdays at 7pm
in the NDES Cafeteria
All are Welcome (even if you are already Catholic)
to the Inquiry Sessions to learn more about the
Catholic Faith. Call Deacon Jim at 696-1253 if you
are interested.
Apr. 23 - Immigration/Prejudice
Apr. 30 - The Environment
Divorced and Re-married?
If you are divorced and remarried outside of the
Catholic Church without a Decree of Invalidity, or
if you are married outside of the Catholic Church,
you may not partake of the Sacraments, including
the reception of Holy Communion. Until it is shown
otherwise through the ministry of the Tribunal,
no person is free to enter into another marriage
without the appearance or occasion of serious sin.
A divorce alone would not affect, or hinder in any
way, your participation in the Catholic Church. A
divorced Catholic is free to receive the sacraments.
However, if you are divorced and have remarried,
or if you are divorced and in a new relationship, or
if you are living with someone without a Decree of
Invalidity (and your former spouse is still living) you
may not partake of the sacraments, including the
reception of Holy Communion).
Consider seeking a Decree of Invalidity which
will enable you to return to a full participation
in the sacramental life of the Church. For more
information contact Deacon Larry Bills at the
Church office at 696-1253.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Like in the gospel today, sometimes our minds
need to be opened to know what God has done
for us, and what he wants for us in our marriage.
Deepen your communication, strengthen your
relationship, rekindle your romance and renew
your sacrament by attending the next Worldwide
Marriage Encounter weekend on June 12-14, 2015.
Dates fill fast. To apply, visit our website at: http:// For more information e-mail
[email protected] or call 469-444-0904. Para mas
informacion de Encuentro Matrimonial en Espanol,
escriba a [email protected] o visite http://www.
Rachel Ministries
“I never knew my wife suffered so much pain over
an abortion she had before we met. It was eyeopening to attend to Rachel retreat with her and be
a support in an area of her life where there was so
much secret grief. We are closer now than we have
ever been.” —- RV Retreat Participant
Call Rachel Ministries and let us help you heal the
wounds of abortion.
Rachel Ministries • 817-923-4757
Natural Family Planning Classes
The Couple to Couple League is offering NFP
classes at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Wichita
Falls, Texas. This is a 3-part class, and the next
class series will take place on Sundays from 1:304:30pm in the Berend Room. If you would like
to sign up for this class or any other upcoming
classes, please go to and fill out the
online registration form. If you have any questions,
you may contact Lauren Morath at (940) 544-2515
[email protected].
Growing in Faith
The Year of Consecrated Life
Most of us are called to a vocation of marriage and family, but some are called to live with Christ
in a different relationship. For some of these chosen, this involves leaving aspects of the world to put
themselves at the service of others in the Consecrated Life.
Caretakers of Christ’s Church: The role of someone consecrated to God by vows of chastity, poverty
and obedience is often as a caretaker of the soul. Whether it is teaching in schools, providing aid to the sick
and dying, caring for those in need, or living a life dedicated to manual labor and prayer, the bring Christ’s
charity to the world.
Someone to pray for us: For the consecrated religious, praying can be a full time job. To better
understand the needs of God’s children and to learn the Father’s will, they often separate themselves in
some manner from worldly cares. This way, they can freely represent us on the front lines of the battle for
Real role models: “Be perfects as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). Those living the
consecrated life try to live their baptismal promises more intensely and serve with open hearts and willing
spirits. When looking for role models, we can look to these men and women striving to live a holy life for
The St. Joseph Health Care Trust assists individuals who are medically uninsured/underinsured and who
meet eligibility criterion. This includes assistance with prescriptions, dental services, physician visits, and
other services. For more information please call Stella at (940) 552-0347. (This program is administered
through Catholic Charities, Diocese of Fort Worth.)
Our Lady Queen of Peace
Third Sunday of Easter
There are currently 30 seminarians from 18 parishes of the diocese studying in seven seminaries throughout the United States and in Rome.
The Diocese of Fort Worth provides education and formation for each seminarian at an annual average cost of $52,709. The Good Shepherd Sunday Special
Collection assists with funding this annual cost. In addition to the Sunday collection, donations are being accepted online at Please give generously.
Bulletin News: (Please note NEW deadline) Bulletin items must be submitted by NOON on
the Friday prior to the following Weekend (or the Thursday before if Friday is a holiday/holy
day). Items MUST have proper approval for publication.
FREE MASS TIMES APP - for when you’re away! The Catholic Directory iPhone App is FREE
and will quickly find the churches nearest to you, including Mass Times, Web sites, Maps, Directions,
Staff, Bulletins, and other important information. Powered by
April 19, 2015
Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 / 1 Jn 2:1-5a / Lk 24:35-48
During a particularly difficult period at one place I worked, I would come
home at night and rehash conversations and events, wondering whether the
outcome would have been different if I’d said or done something else.
I wonder whether the apostles asked themselves the same kinds of
questions after the crucifixion. “Should we have done something differently?
Could we have prevented this somehow?” Perhaps they locked the door
because they were afraid they’d be put to death too.
When we’re in a bad situation, sometimes all we want to do is hide. It’s
a child’s response: If I don’t look at it, maybe it will go away. But the locked
door was no barrier, and Jesus came and stood in their midst. Rather than
ridicule their fear, he gently put it to rest: “Peace be with you.” The more
Jesus talked, the more they heard, and they came to know that the peace
of the Lord is not like the world’s peace. It’s not a temporary measure that
will only give way to more turmoil. Jesus calmly and lovingly put their fears
to rest. It wasn’t that the world was suddenly going to be welcoming; rather,
they would be confident in the new life that was in them and in the grace
Christ alone can give.
Jesus does this for us as well. He walks through the locked doors of our
hearts and blesses us with peace. The more we listen to Jesus’ words, the
more we can understand and witness to his truth.
Is the Lord with you today?
MARY KATHARINE DEELEY [email protected]
Dear Padre
Is it a sin to use things I stole by accident?
A few years ago I downloaded music from what turned out to be pirate
sites. I stopped once I realized it was stealing, but I still listen to the music
I had already downloaded. Am I making the sin worse? What should I do?
We can’t sin unless we’re conscious we’re sinning and do it freely.
Therefore, even if the action was wrong, you didn’t sin if you didn’t know it
was wrong.
Of course, that doesn’t apply to civil law. If you break a law and are caught
by a legitimate authority, you might have to accept the punishment. Ignorance
of the law is no excuse, as the old saying goes.
But, all that aside, there is a principle that says we shouldn’t benefit from
theft, which is probably why you’re feeling guilty. It might make you feel
better to wipe out the stolen recordings, reorder them, and pay the going rate.
Or, donate the value of the downloads to your parish or some other worthy
Sometimes it’s not possible to restore the damage done by a mistaken
act. In those cases, practice a virtuous act in its place. Doing volunteer work
for a charitable organization or running errands for a sick or elderly person
are two examples.
So make your donation, enjoy your music, and don’t download more
music without paying for it unless it’s a legitimate giveaway from a reputable
[email protected]
April 21 - Saint Anselm (1109)
A native of Italy, St. Anselm initially enjoyed a carefree life at court. After
his mother died, he became a monk in France and reluctantly became bishop
of Canterbury, England. He was exiled for rebuffing the king’s interference in
Church matters.
Anselm, like every true follower of Christ, had to carry his cross, especially
in the form of opposition and conflict with those in political control. Though
personally a mild and gentle man and a lover of peace, he would not back off
from conflict and persecution when principles were at stake.
April 25 - St. Mark, Evangelist (Patron of Notaries)
The second Gospel was written by St. Mark, who, in the New Testament, is
sometimes called John Mark. Both he and his mother, Mary, were highly esteemed
in the early Church, and his mother’s house in Jerusalem served as a meeting place
for Christians there.
St. Mark was associated with St. Paul and St. Barnabas (who was Mark’s cousin)
on their missionary journey through the island of Cyprus. Later he accompanied St.
Barnabas alone. We know also that he was in Rome with St. Peter and St. Paul.
Tradition ascribes to him the founding of the Church in Alexandria.
St. Mark wrote the second Gospel, probably in Rome sometime before the year
60 A.D.; he wrote it in Greek for the Gentile converts to Christianity. Tradition tells us
that St. Mark was requested by the Romans to set down the teachings of St. Peter.
This seems to be confirmed by the position which St. Peter has in this Gospel. In this
way the second Gospel is a record of the life of Jesus as seen through the eyes of
the Prince of the Apostles. His feast day is April 25. He is the patron saint of notaries.