May2015 - Orange Park Acres Women`s League
May2015 - Orange Park Acres Women`s League
May 2015 Volume 17, Issue 5 OPAWL Newsletter President’s Message It is with a lot of gratitude I write this last President’s Message. I am thankful for the women on the Board who have been such a support during the last two years. I am thankful for all of the members - you are some of the best women on the planet. Newsletter Deadline for June is May 20th Publisher/Editor ~ Michelle Pettit Williams Editor ~ Laurel Baker President Kathy Manulkin Proofing ~ Nancy Madrid Electronic Distribution ~ Jana Shuler The Orange Park Acres Women’s League is a small organization but it is evident the impact we have on the community. We provide a scholarship for a deserving woman at Rancho Santiago College. Those who have received this scholarship have written how these funds have impacted their lives. Beverly’s House continues to be a part of our mission. The girls were very grateful for our personal gifts, for the Christmas and Thanksgiving that they would have not had without us. They appreciate the Horseback riding and how this has changed their lives. And what would Christmas be without the wreaths on Orange Park Blvd, or the trails without the dirt, or the corner without the signs and landscaping? Inside this issue: The Inside Story 2 Membership 2 Scholarship News 2 Neighborhood News 2 Calendar 3 Sections 3 Garage Sale 4 Board Meeting Minutes + Financials 5-6 Nominating Committee Report 6 Membership Renewal 7 Form The friendships that I have made have been such an important part of belonging to this organization. They are one of the most important “treasures” for me. Thank you again for all you have done for the OPAWL and for me personally. I am looking forward to the next years of growth for this wonderful organization. Kathy Manulkin Next Board Meeting The Next OPAWL Regular Board Meeting Our regular Board Meeting this month will be held in conjunction with our Installation on Wednesday, May 13th at 5 pm at the Ruby’s in Orange. Page 2 OPAWL Newsletter Volume 17, Issue 5 Membership The Inside Story May Birthdays 3rd 9th 10th 12th 27th Sandy Forkert Marcia Hogie Karen CormierSouthards Cindy Nelson Kara Brundage Jan Diaz Laurel Baker Sunshine Let me know if anyone else needs a little sunshine in their lives and I’ll provide some on behalf of OPAWL! Noreen Bryce Gruebl 714-633-3190 ~ [email protected] Neighborhood News It is now time for ALL MEMBERS TO RENEW THEIR MEMBERSHIP. You can go to our website and click on Membership. There you will find CLEAR directions for renewing your membership online or by mail. We will also have renewal applications at our Installation Dinner on May 13. Also, there will be a membership renewal application in this newsletter that you can print off and mail in to our PO Box. Membership renewal is May/June of each year. So if you are wondering if this is the time for you to renew your membership...YES...It has been a year already...So please renew your membership NOW. Laurel Baker, Membership VP [email protected] 714-289-0270 Our Website The July 4th celebration in OPA is just around the corner!! We have started earlier than ever to plan some new things for the community. More details to follow but want to let everyone know that the OPA 5K Race registrations begin at 6AM. Details for the two pre-parade races may be found at: Parade staging will begin at 8AM and everyone will need to be registered to participate in the parade. The parade will begin promptly at 9:30AM at Orange Park Blvd and Frank Lane. For parade registration and information please visit: and click on Events here is the link for the parade entry registration form: ry%20and%20liability%20form%202015.pdf You can copy and the paste this link into your internet browser. We are planning a Community Post-Parade BBQ on the Salem lawn with race/parade winner announcements and some fun things in store. The OPA website will be kept up to date with new information so check back. Come one and all and enjoy Independence in the Acres! Toni Bradley Chair, 49th Annual Orange Park Acres Parade Scholarship News The Scholarship Committee has selected the winner for OPAWL’s 2015 Scholarship from among 21 outstanding women students at Santiago Community College-students with an impressive list of personal qualities and educational accomplishments. Selecting one is challenging. Once again, the achievements, hopes, and dreams of these young women applicants were inspiring. The scholarship winner will be presented with the $2,000 “Orange Park Acres Women’s League Scholarship” at Santiago Canyon College’s “Scholarship and Awards Ceremony,” Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm at the Strenger Plaza on the college campus. OPAWL members are invited to attend the ceremony and participate in honoring the winner of the 2015 Scholarship. Lois Powers on behalf of the Scholarship Committee Page 3 OPAWL Newsletter Volume 17, Issue 5 ~ Calendar ~ OPAWL activities are in Black, OP Association activities in Orange, Mara Brandman Arena activities in Blue, and various “Holidays” in Green Sections News Sections Coordinator ~ Starting June 1st our new Sections Leader is Linda Mazzara! Thanks Linda for stepping up!!! 3rd Monday Bridge ~ Marcia Hogie, 714-273-0492 ~ We will meet on Monday, May 18th. Call Dorothy Neblett, 714-651-9099, for more information. Beginning Bridge ~ Great New Open Group! Call Rose Ellen Cunningham, 714-532-1326 or Annette Mason, 714-538-4683 Here’s your chance if you want to learn to play Bridge. Call these ladies! We meet the 3rd Thursday of every month at the home of Annette Mason, 20212 Rogers Drive. We will meet on Thursday, May 21st. Bunco ~ Linda Mazzara, 714-633-9079 [email protected] ~ Bunco is held on the 3rd Friday of each month at 7 pm. Enjoy friendship, along with appetizers and dessert (bring one or the other) for the low entry fee of $10 per player. The game is easy to learn and we have LOTS of FUN! Call Linda for the location for May 15th. Fiber Arts Section ~ Pam Sapetto, 714-815-7771 [email protected] All things related to knitting, crochet, spinning, weaving and other fiber related activities. We meet the 3rd Saturday of every month. On May 16th, we will meet at 10 am at Pam Sapetto’s home, 20162 E. Chapman Ave. Contact Pam for more info. We welcome beginners to those with advanced skills! Gad-A-Bouts ~ Coordinator Judy Denton, 714-639-7515, [email protected] On Thursday, May 7th, we will be going to Laguna Beach for lunch, chit chat and shopping! Meet at Judy Denton’s at 10am to car pool and caravan there. Judy is going the fast (and scenic route) via the Toll Road. Those who want to see the play or go to the theater will surely find a buddy to do that. Contact Judy for more information. Home & Garden Section ~ Rose Ellen Cunningham, 714-532-1326 ~ We meet on the 4th Thursday of every month at 10 am. The location for the May 28th meeting is Snover Uppal’s home, 20408 Amapola Ave. Kids & Family Club ~ Teresa Beach, 714-501-7840, [email protected] or Lois Widly, 714-633-0836, [email protected] Neighborhood social activities for kids and their families. Literature ~ Kathy Manulkin, 714-639-8686, [email protected] We meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month from 7 to 8 pm. On May 24th we will be discussing All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. Walking for Fitness ~ Donna Aidekman, 714-356-6545, [email protected] Meet us at 7 pm each Monday at the To help with the maintenance of Pony corner of Meads Ave and Morada Drive Park - our Corner Beautification Project at the Anita Bennyhoff bench for an hour - Please contact Ruth Lundring 714walk. Come out and join us as we enjoy 932-8864 or Lois Widly 714-633-0836 seeing friends and talking up a storm!! to join our volunteer team! Hot Trotters ~ Connie Bowin, 714-369-4072, [email protected] We are the “horsey” Section of OPAWL! Watch for emails for events planned. Our poker ride is Sunday, May 3rd, starting at the Johnson Joint, 7117 E Clydesdale, at 1 pm. Pictures next month! “Action is the antidote to despair.” ~Joan Baez American Singer Page 4 OPAWL Newsletter Volume 17, Issue 5 Garage Sale ~ April 22, 23, 24 & 25 The OPAWL garage sale was a HUGE success. Thank you to the many members who were there on Wednesday to set up and display the donated items. It would have been impossible without each and every one of you. It is an understatement to say we were all exhausted. The time and talents of the wonderful membership continued the next three days, as many people showed up to “work” the sale, selling the items and handling the money. The actual totals are not available yet but it is close to the amount made at our last sale. This garage sale makes it possible to continue the scholarship given to a woman at Santiago College, to help Beverly’s House, and to fund the beautification and trails of our beloved Orange Park Acres. We received donations for our operating fund to continue paying for the water bill for the “Pony Park” and hopefully to install the electric meter at the park for new lighting. The winner of our wine basket raffle was Emilia. A special THANK YOU must be made to Kay Thomsen, our Garage Sale Queen, for the tireless hours she gave to make this garage sale a success, and to Lois Widly and her crew for the gourmet food provided for the workers. We had a lot of fun, made new friendships and built a sense of community around the delicious meals. A THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR TIME, TALENTS AND DEDICATION TO GARAGE SALE 2015. Page 5 OPAWL Newsletter Volume 17, Issue 5 Board Minutes—March 2015 ORANGE PARK ACRES WOMEN’S LEAGUE BOARD MEETING March 11, 2015 The regular Board Meeting was called to order by President, Kathy Manulkin, at 7:00 p.m. Elected Officers present: President Kathy Manulkin First Vice President Lorrie DiGangi VP – Membership Laurel Baker VP – Ways and Means Connie Bowin (absent) VP – Communications Michelle Pettit-Williams (absent) Treasurer Donna Aidekman Recording Secretary Nancy Madrid Appointed Officers, Committee Chairs and others present: Susan Dobak, Linda Mazzara, Lauren Scholle, Emilia Sugiyama (incoming President) Minutes: Minutes of the February 11 Board meeting were reviewed and unanimously approved as presented. Treasurer’s Report: Donna Aidekman reported the receipt of $190 in advance garage sale purchases. Donna expressed her concern for the monthly operating costs to maintain the website. During discussion, it was mentioned that the monthly web site maintenance costs since bringing on a web consultant are no greater than they were previously when it was being updated by a member and that overall, total year-to-date costs for the web site are a result of the major work that went into updating the site and correcting functions that did not work properly or had never been updated, such as the PayPal payment feature for fund raising events and membership renewal, the photo gallery, etc. Several options were discussed to manage on-going web hosting costs going forward including possibly the newsletter being included quarterly instead of monthly while continuing a monthly focus on special events and membership renewals as well as looking for a member who has the ability to maintain the site. It was decided to continue as we have been doing at present and to table the discussion to the next meeting and possibly for the new Board to consider. Discussion also centered on generating revenue for operating expenses which comes only from membership dues. One avenue to generate these funds might be from member or community donations and that this topic might be considered as an agenda item for the next meeting and for next year’s Board strategy. The Treasurer’s Report as of the end of February reflects a balance of $2,040.93 in operating funds and $5,663.17 in fundraising monies for a total balance of $7,704.10. Membership: Letters about OPAWL are being sent out to new households in OPA to raise awareness of our organization and its purposes. COMMUNITY, PHILANTHROPY AND FRIENDSHIP Members have the ability to sign up to work one or more shifts on the web site. Additionally, the Board decided to get together on Sunday, March 15 at Emilia Sugiyama’s to call every OPAWL member to ask for donated items to sell and for workers to help during the sale days. Publicity for the event will include: distributing flyers door-to-door in our respective neighborhoods; Susan Dobak getting articles in the Sentry, Tustin News, Villa Park newsletter, Register, Eventful, and to Cardinal Property Management for their association newsletters; Emilia Sugiyama handling Facebook and Instagram postings; Kathy Manulkin for a Pennysaver ad; Emily Neubert for a Craig’s List ad as well as an Evite to members; and Michelle Williams for Constant Contact emailings. Kathy Manulkin plans to donate a banner for the sale and new member BeBe Russo, who is a realtor, will assist with garage sale ground signs. Page 6 OPAWL Newsletter V o l u m e 1 7 , IPs a sg ue 6 5 Board Minutes—March (continued) OTHER BUSINESS Installation of the new Board will be held on May 13th with the location and final plans to be determined and confirmed by the next Board meeting. The April Board Meeting will be held on April 8th at Annette Mason’s. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Madrid Recording Secretary Nominating Committee Report By Lorrie DiGangi, Chair The OPAWL Nominating Committee met on Wednesday, Feb. 18th at 7PM to choose a slate of candidates for the Elected Officers’ positions for 2015-2017. Slate of Candidates for OPAWL Elected Officers 2015-2016 President First Vice President VP Membership VP Ways and Means VP Communications Treasurer Recording Secretary Emilia Sugiyama Jan Diaz Lauren Scholle with Co-Chair Annette Mason Ann Webb with Co-Chair Kathy Manulkin Michelle Pettit Williams Donna Aidekman Lorrie DiGangi If any member is interested in adding her name for consideration for any of the positions listed above, please contact Lorrie DiGangi at 714-289-7646 or [email protected]. These candidates have been contacted and accepted the nomination. Voting of the Slate will take place at the Installation Dinner. The Installation Dinner for the new board will be held on May 13, 2015 at 5:00 PM. The location will be Ruby’s, 186 N Atchison St, Orange. Respond to your e-vite or call Lorrie DiGangi or Jan Diaz. Orange Park Acres Women’s League P.O. Box 2696 Orange, CA 92859 Contact Us At: [email protected] Orange Park Acres Women's League Friendship, Community, Philanthropy Membership Application Please complete the form and send it along with your payment to: OPAWL P.O. Box 2696 Orange, CA 92859 Membership Dues: $45 (Payable to OPAWL) Please check one: Renewal____ New______ Name:______________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________ City:________________ State: ____Zip___________________ Phone:______________________________________________ E-Mail:_____________________________________________ Birthday: (Month and Day)_____________________________ Please check the sections in which you are interested: Beginning Bridge Bridge Bunco Fiber Arts Gad-a-Bouts Galloping Gourmet Home & Garden Hot Trotters (Horses) Literature Moms & Kids