SLOPES V Innovative Ways to Show Storm Water
SLOPES V Innovative Ways to Show Storm Water
SLOPES V Innovative Ways to Show Storm Water Quality Compliance Robert J. Léger, P.E. May 27th, 2015 EWRG Oregon Presentation Outline 1. Introduction 2. SLOPES V Triggers 3. SLOPES V Stormwater Regulations 4. Demonstrating Compliance for Local Water Quality BMP's - Examples 5. Cost / Benefit Analysis Endangered Species Act – Section 7 Programmatic Consultation Conference and Biological Opinion and Magnuson-Steens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Essential Fish Habitat Consultation for Revised Standard Local Operating Procedures for Endangered Species to Administer Maintenance or Improvement of Stormwater, Transportation, and Utility Actions Authorized or Carried Out by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Oregon (SLOPES for Stormwater, Transportation or Utilities) NMFS Consultation No.: NWR-2013-10411 Action Agency: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Portland District, Operations and Regulatory Branches SLOPES V Triggers (That I am aware of): Projects that require USACE Permits: •Discharge into Waters of the State below the Ordinary High Water mark •Fills in wetlands/waters of the state •Projects that receive Federal funding (roadways, BLM projects, etc.) DEQ 401 Certification will be triggered also… SLOPES V Standards Standards that stormwater engineers need to know about: •Detention •Operations and Maintenance •Water Quality Detention Section 36.c.iii. - Water quantity treatment (retention or detention facilities), unless the outfall discharges directly into a major water body (e.g., mainstem Columbia River, Willamette River (downstream of Eugene), large lakes, reservoir, ocean, or estuary). Retention or detention facilities must limit discharge to match pre-developed discharge rates (i.e., the discharge rate of the site based on its natural groundcover and grade before any development occurred) using a continuous simulation for flows between 50% of the 2-year event and the 10-year flow event (annual series). Detention •No detention required if you discharge directly to major water bodies •Match pre-developed discharge rates (continuous simulation) •Events between the water quality event and the 10-year event Very similar to standard Portland metro area detention requirements Operations & Maintenance This information is buried in the document, page 146 Listed in Incidental Take Statement, 2.8.1 Amount or Extent of Take: 1. Each part of the stormwater system, including the catch basin and flow-through planter, must be inspected and maintained at least quarterly for the first three years, at least twice a year thereafter, and within 48-hours of a major storm event, i.e., a storm event with greater than or equal to 1.0 inch of rain during a 24-hour period (City of Portland 2008a; Valentine 2012). 2. All stormwater must drain out of the catch basin within 24-hours after rainfall ends, and out of the flow-through planter within 48-hours after rainfall ends. 3. All structural components, including inlets and outlets, must freely convey stormwater. 4. Desirable vegetation in the flow-through planter must cover at least 90% of the facility – excluding dead or stressed vegetation, dry grass or other plants, and weeds. Very similar to standard Portland metro area O&M requirements Water Quality Section 36. e. All stormwater quality treatment practices and facilities will be designed to accept and fully treat the volume of water equal to 50% of the cumulative rainfall from the 2-year, 24-hour storm for that site, except as follows: climate zone 4 – 67%; climate zone 5 – 75%; and climate zone 9 – 67% (Figure 1). (ESA-listed species considered in this opinion are unlikely to occur in Zones 5 or 9.) A continuous rainfall/ runoff model may be used instead of runoff depths to calculate water quality treatment depth. Water Quality All stormwater quality treatment practices and facilities will be designed to accept and fully treat the volume of water equal to 50% of the cumulative rainfall from the 2- year, 24-hour storm for that site (Volume, not necessarily flow rates) Water Quality 50% of the cumulative rainfall from the 2-year, 24-hour storm for that site Older engineers like me are conditioned to accept this as our design starting point (especially those of us still using SBUH modeling techniques). However, it may not be necessary to start here… Water Quality What is Demonstrating Compliance? • Can you show that your BMP designed to local water quality standards will accept and fully treat the volume of water equal to 50% of the cumulative rainfall from the 2-year, 24-hour storm for that site? Water Quality Why Demonstrate Compliance? • • • • • Existing facility triggers SLOPES V Existing design triggers SLOPES V Site using proprietary treatment devices Site maxed out / no room to expand facility Reduce ROW acquisition requirements Water Quality – Portland City of Portland Water Quality Standards: Seventy percent removal of total suspended solids (TSS) is required from 90% of the average annual runoff This started me thinking about this demonstrating compliance. This 90% standard is considerable. Do COP standard BMPs meet SLOPES requirements? Water Quality – Portland City of Portland Water Quality Standards: Facilities sized by routing a hydrograph through the facility (rate-based facilities with a storage volume component) may use a continuous simulation program (with a minimum of 20 years of Portland rainfall data) or a single-storm hydrograph-based analysis method, such as the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph (with 0.83 inches of rainfall over 24 hours and NRCS Type 1A rainfall distribution), to demonstrate treatment of 90 percent of the average annual runoff volume. OR: Water Quality with SLOPES V SLOPES V Water Quality Standards: Accept and fully treat the volume of water equal to 50% of the cumulative rainfall from the 2-year, 24-hour storm for that site •Using NOAA Isopluvial maps or the online tool, you can find the NOAA 2-year, 24-hour event depth at your site. •The value varies with location, but is roughly 2.4” – 2.5”. •50% of the 2-year event is equivalent to a 1.2” or 1.25” storm event. Water Quality – Portland vs. SLOPES V There appears to be a discrepancy between the size of the storm events being used as the Water Quality/Pollution Reduction benchmark. How can Portland treat 90% of annual runoff using such small PR events? Hydrographs – Type 1A vs. Type 2 TYPE 2 BOTH HYDROGRAPHS: -SAME EVENT DEPTH -SAME VOLUME OF RUNOFF -DRAMATIC DIFFERENCE IN DISTRIBUTION & PEAK RATE TYPE 1A TYPE 1A - FREQUENT, LOW INTENSITY STORM EVENTS ALLOW FOR MORE CONTINUOUS TREATMENT Water Quality – Example 1 (COP) Water Quality swales with high-flow bypass manholes •Larger events max out the diversion pipe, sending more runoff toward the swales. •Is more than 50% of the 2-year event diverted to the swale? •Will the diverted flow meet water quality design requirements such as residence time, flow depth, velocity, and vegetation zones? Water Quality – Example 1 (COP) Water Quality swale with high-flow bypass manhole: Water Quality – Example 1 (COP) The swales were designed using the City of Portland Presumptive Approach Calculator (PAC). The PAC uses a SBUH engine to calculate and route events through facilities using the 0.83” event for Pollution Reduction / water quality. Storm event data and hydrographs are available to access in the ‘Chart Data’ tab. Water Quality – Example 1 (COP) Create a spreadsheet where you can copy and paste the PAC hydrograph for the 2-year event. Calculate the volume in each time step up to the design PR rate and sum the volume diverted to the swale. Calculate the amount of diverted runoff of the 2-year event. Water Quality – Example 1 (COP) SLOPES V Water Quality Standards: Accept and fully treat the volume of water equal to 50% of the cumulative rainfall from the 2-year, 24-hour storm for that site Yes, >50% of the event accepted into swale Water Quality – Example 1 (COP) SLOPES V Water Quality Standards: Accept and fully treat the volume of water equal to 50% of the cumulative rainfall from the 2-year, 24-hour storm for that site Look at your facility Design Requirements to determine this (Residence Time, flow depth, velocity, vegetation zones, etc.) Water Quality – Example 1 (COP) NOTE – This method has not been reviewed and approved, but this is the method I would use to demonstrate compliance: If you are using a COP filter basin with an overflow, analyze and account for the volume infiltrated through the topsoil mix using your design infiltration rate. Account for any overflow within the basin. Can you demonstrate 50% of your 2-year event was filtered through the topsoil mix prior to discharge? Water Quality – Example 2 (CWS StormFilters) Clean Water Services - StormFilters •CWS Water Quality Standard – Section 4.05.4.d: The stormwater quality facilities shall be designed for a dry weather storm event totaling 0.36” of precipitation falling in 4 hours with an average storm return period of 96 hours. Vwq = 0.36” * Impervious Area / 12”/ft. Qwq = Vwq / 4 hours Water Quality – Example 2 (CWS StormFilters) •Once the internal float activates, StormFilters continuously treat runoff up to the capacity of the cartridge •We design StormFilters to treat the peak of the CWS event, assuming 4 hours of peak flow rates •Analyze the 2-year hydrograph through your filter system considering their continuous treatment capacity •Disregard the 2-year peak rate for now •Does it treat 50% of the 2-year event volume? Water Quality – Example 2 (CWS StormFilters) C – 2-year hydrograph D – Available treatment capacity E – Volume Treated F – Total Volume Treated G – Percent of Total event volume treated Does your facility treat 50% of the 2-year event? I found at least 73% treatment of 2-year event using StormFilters designed to CWS 0.36” event. Water Quality – Example 3 (CWS Extended Dry Detention Pond) Clean Water Services – Extended Dry Detention Pond •Detention and Water Quality in the same pond •Same water quality standard, but detention based systems release Vwq over 48 hours (drawdown time): Vwq = 0.36” * Impervious Area / 12”/ft. Qwq = Vwq / 48 hours Water Quality – Example 3 (CWS Extended Dry Detention Pond) Detention and Water Quality in the same pond Water Quality – Example 3 (CWS Extended Dry Detention Pond) If you look at the outflow hydrographs of detained storm events, you will often see that they take more than 3 days to pass through the pond… WHY? Water Quality – Example 3 (CWS Extended Dry Detention Pond) WHY? Due to the inclusion of the water quality volume and its drawdown orifice in the detention pond, a portion of all detained storm events will be restricted by the smaller water quality drawdown orifice when their remaining volume is equal to the water quality volume. Water Quality – Example 3 (CWS Extended Dry Detention Pond) Demonstrate Compliance: •Create hydrograph equal to 50% of the 2-year event •Route hydrograph through facility model used for detention calcs •Does outflow hydrograph show compliance with CWS standard? Does it release Vwq over 48 hours or more? •Verify Water Quality vegetation extends to peak WSE Detaining all events larger than the CWS WQ event for more than 48 hours for treatment is inherent to EDDP design. Water Quality – Example 4 (CWS Wet Pond) Clean Water Services – Wet Pond •Wet pond constructed in 2005 •2014 redevelopment triggered review of entire site •All runoff conveyed through wet pond (no high-flow bypass) •Larger events overflow at spillway •6” of ‘live storage’ above 3’ wet pool Water Quality – Example 4 (CWS Wet Pond) Demonstrate Compliance: •Create hydrograph equal to 50% of the 2-year event •Route hydrograph through facility model •Does outflow hydrograph show compliance with CWS standard? Does it release Vwq over 48 hours or more? •Verify Water Quality vegetation extends to peak WSE Cost / Benefit Analysis •Costs to client: Analysis – 4 to 16 hours Coordination /Submittal – 4 to 8 hours •Benefits for new and existing sites: Facility retrofit costs Materials and installation costs reduced Reduced maintenance costs More buildable land / less ROW acquisition Cost / Benefit Analysis Calculating the SLOPES V Qwq using SBUH or CWS method yields similar peak flow results SLOPES V Innovative Ways to Show Storm Water Quality Compliance Summary: •Review your design (proposed or existing) •Determine how to analyze “50% of the 2-year storm event” •Run event through the facility model •Does it comply with Volume and Quality standards? •Include clear calculations / exhibits in stormwater report for review by NOAA SLOPES V Innovative Ways to Show Storm Water Quality Compliance Questions? Robert J. Léger, P.E. [email protected] 971-254-8292 May 27th, 2015 EWRG Oregon