Chamber`s input on City`s new strategic plan
Chamber`s input on City`s new strategic plan
MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS BeSeen. BeHeard. Belong. WHAT’S INSIDE? City’s Strategic Plan........ 1-2 There is a Better Way..... 3-4 Retiree Recruitment........... 5 2015 Ontario Budget.........6 Cap and Trade...................... 7 2015 AGM.......................... 8-9 BEA Awards Criteria.. 10-11 Web Design....................... 12 Marketing........................... 12 News Tickers................ 13-14 New Members............ 14-15 Shades of Ireland............. 16 Chamber Presents... Shades of Ireland A few seats remaining Call Fettes Travel 519-371-3281 JUNE 2015 A Special Publication of The Sun Times 41391553 Chamber’s input on City’s new strategic plan Background The City of Owen Sound held a meeting on March 24th, 2015, at the Harry Lumley Bayshore Community Centre. The meeting was a part of the consultation process to seek public input into the development of a new five year Strategic Plan for the City of Owen Sound. ‘LURA Consulting,’ collaborative communitybased strategic planning specialists, was hired by the city to research and prepare a strategic plan for Council to review, approve, and implement. At the meeting, ‘LURA Consulting’ provided a brief outline of the Strategic Plan which focuses on our city’s four community cornerstones: Society and Cultural, Environment, Economy and Finance. Of particular interest to the Owen Sound & District Chamber of Commerce is a description of the city’s financial sustainability. In the Strategic Plan, many key indicators of a healthy financial city were not evident, suggesting that steps be taken to correct our ‘financial house.’ Troubling indicators included: building permit activity – low; net municipal level per capita – high; residential taxes – high; fire and police net costs – high; transit services net costs – high, and property taxes as % of income – high. The Chamber took the opportunity at this meeting to make a submission on behalf of its members. Steve Coffey, in one of his final acts as Chair, Owen Sound & District Chamber of Commerce, made a presentation outlining the business community’s position on the direction and focus for the new Strategic Plan continued on page 2 The Chamber proposes that the overall vision for the City to be: OWEN SOUND: THE REGIONAL CENTRE OF GREY AND BRUCE! (and to promote itself as such) Chamber members discount available 10 AD{TS3965549} 2 MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS continued... THERE IS A BETTER WAY The North Grey Economic Development Corporation Chamber’s input on City’s new strategic plan Continued from page 1 Chamber Submission Good evening Mayor Boddy, members of Council, City staff .... My name is Steve Coffey, current Chair of the Owen Sound & District Chamber of Commerce. Thank you for hosting this public forum and providing the business community an opportunity to speak. As the voice of nearly 500 members of the local business community, the “vision” of the Owen Sound & District Chamber of Commerce is to be the focal point for business in Owen Sound and District. We also have the clear mission “to develop and support a prosperous Owen Sound & District community through advocacy and leadership that promotes a healthy economic and social environment”. We believe that our mission and the City’s Strategic Plan Review have much in common; the strategic direction of the Review is “to provide progressive leadership for education, culture, recreation, health social and economic opportunities that benefit the city and the region”. As reported to Council by the City Manager on January 26, 2015, the strategic planning process will ask: “Where are we now?”; “Where do we want to go?” and “How do we get there?” The first question is relatively easy to answer. The remaining questions however, are much more challenging without a strong, healthy local and regional economy in which to frame the discussion and provide the financial resources through taxation to assist in implementation. The Chamber believes that this can only be assured through a robust and targeted approach that not only recognizes and explains “the uniqueness of the City of Owen Sound,” but also identifies new emerging economic sectors not currently prioritized by the City. Although the Chamber may be stating the obvious, the City cannot implement a strategic plan successfully without a vibrant business community. Thus, it is the Chambers position, that a new Strategic Plan is incomplete without a corresponding, robust, dynamic, impactful Economic Development Plan. Whatever the outcome of the City’s new Strategic Plan may be, Council will be faced with difficult and challenging decisions. The Chamber respectfully asks that when making these decisions, Council consider at each stage “will it help or hurt local business?” If it helps, then it contributes to a healthy business community which increases tax revenue necessary to implement the strategic plan. If it hurts, then business and tax revenue suffer which impedes economic development and the successful implementation of the Strategic Plan. With respect to the City’s strategic plan going forward, the Chamber is advocating that it contains a clear VISION WITH MEASURABLE GOALS AND AN ACTION PLAN. It is the Chambers position that the City’s current ‘vision’ is more of a slogan or tag line rather than a vision. It does not provide a unique direction, focus or goal for the city to achieve. Owen Sound is in competition for economic growth with other urban areas in the peninsula who offer many similar advantages. The City needs to be bold and assert itself by building on existing strengths and creating new competitive advantages. OWEN SOUND: THE REGIONAL CENTRE OF GREY AND BRUCE (and someday legitimately named: “The Regional Municipality of Owen Sound”) is in a strong position to promote itself provincially, federally and internationally, for example, in the following sectors: 1. Marine: The Great Lakes International Marine Training & Research Centre at the Owen Sound campus of Georgian College is attracting attention around the world. The more it is promoted, and investments are made in it, the more likely the city will attract spinoff Marine related industries. 2. Retirement Lifestyle: Owen Sound and immediate area have the geographical location/assets and cultural strengths to appeal to the ever-growing demographic of retirees and soon-to-be retirees. This is recognized by countless surveys, reports and media publications. Let’s take advantage of this kind of exposure! Existing business and services will need to expand and new ones created in order to support this booming industry. 3. Agriculture/Food: This sector has a significant potential to grow in our region. There is a growing demand for food production, alternative food options, organics, and retail and packaging in – just to name a few. There is opportunity to have a stronger alliance with postsecondary institutions like Guelph University with the goal of establishing a satellite campus or research centre. This would be of enormous benefit to the region with more students staying closer to home. The Chamber thanks you for this opportunity and we look forward to supporting the City in championing a new, bold strategy. 3 MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Chair: Debbie McKague • The Professional Centre Vice Chair: Syd Austin • Staples Past Chair: Steve Coffey • IPC Investment Corporation Treasurer: Christie Leeder • BDO Canada LLP Directors Mary Smith • Women’s House, Serving Bruce & Grey Steven Hencze • Mortgage Financial Corporation Tyler Beckett • Sun Life Financial Advisor Agnes Martin • Agnes’ Bookkeeping Service Marg Benedict • Benedict Electrical Peter Reesor • Peter Reesor & Associates Lynda McFaul • KC Distributing Chamber Staff: Bert Loopstra, President and CEO Wendy Adams, Administrative Assistant Chamber Photographer: John Prettie • Prettie Portraits Media Sponsors: 92.3 The Dock Bayshore Broadcasting Economic development is challenging for any municipality, city or town. Owen Sound is no exception. With limited resources and split responsibilities, the City has a Department of Economic Development & Tourism consisting of just one Manager, part-time administrative support and the local Business Enterprise Centre with its focus on starting, growing or expanding small business. Although Grey County’s Department of Economic Development works collaboratively with the city, it too has similar challenges. Their department consists of two Economic Development Officers and one Economic Development and Tourism Manager. They are responsible for a territory covering 4,513.21 km2 with a population of nearly 100,000 people. As the economic hub of Grey Bruce, Owen Sound and the surrounding area of Georgian Bluffs, Chatsworth and Meaford need a united economic development initiative to retain, expand and attract business and industry. There are many reasons why some communities succeed better than others with economic development. Major reasons include: location, skilled and educated labour, lifestyle, affordable housing, hi-speed internet, and access to transportation corridors. What most have in common is a well funded, professionally managed Economic Development Corporation. The Corporation provides focussed strategic and economic development planning, targeting resources to attract specific types of business and industry. The Chamber supports the creation of the North Grey Economic Development Corporation to create a combined initiative with Owen Sound, Meaford, Chatsworth and Georgian Bluffs for the future economic growth and prosperity of these communities. WHAT IS IT? The North Grey Economic Development Corporation initiative is based on the simple principle of strength in numbers. Individually our communities lack sufficient population, business and employment opportunities to sustain a vibrant and diverse economy. We have neither the financial resources nor acumen to attract new business and skilled labour when competing against similar communities who have combined their efforts as Economic Development Corporations. Unable to compete, our local economies may stall and without economic intervention face decline and eventual collapse. The North Grey Economic Development Corporation would combine resources to create a collective strategic approach to economic planning and marketing to attract new business, industry and labour. WHY NORTH GREY? There are economic development entities in Grey Bruce at the city, town, municipal and county level. Although there are some limited efforts to coordinate economic development, these entities in essence compete with each other. Their goal is to attract economic development to their own community rather than the North Grey area where all can benefit from a strong regionally based economy. There are limited opportunities for the communities in North Grey to compete individually against well funded and organized Regional Economic Development Corporations in southern Ontario vying for the same opportunities. Individually we lack the strength, focus, planning and implementation that an Economic Development Corporation can provide. WHAT IS ITS ROLE? The North Grey Economic Development Corporation would be the primary economic development organization for the area. Its purpose would be to improve the economic well-being of the region through the growth and expansion of local businesses and by attracting new businesses. Economic development services for North Grey would include: u Attracting new business and direct investment u Retaining existing business and assisting with local expansions u Advocating for improving the business environment 4 MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS uMarketing and promotion for business opportunities in overseas markets Public / Private Partnership -Public and private sectors within a region work together utilizing a volunteer Board of Directors governing the not-for profit corporation using a Policy Board Model (Windsor-Essex Economic Development Corporation). u Establishing business support partnerships throughout the community u Assisting in the development of strategic plans such as industrial lands strategy ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MODEL There are three primary models utilizing different components and resources to address the specific needs of the region. MODELS Public Sector -- Various economic development entities within the designated region consolidate all resources Private Agency -- A third party agency hired by the region utilizing a private sector corporate infrastructure. The agency would consist of experienced staff with proven track records in business and economic development in the public and private sectors. It would be run as a business with success achieved through indepth research, realistic and rationalized business planning and targeted marketing, and implementation monitoring. The agency would be transparent with detailed, quarterly and annual reports, and funded on a fee-for-service basis paid for by the region. The fee would be based on achieving stated measurable goals and objectives. The region would only assume an ex-official role with the agency (i.e. London Economic Development Corporation). NEXT STEP Economic development was a major campaign theme during the recent municipal elections. Candidates and incumbents all stressed its importance and acknowledged the need for greater effort and success. Owen Sound, Meaford, Georgian Bluffs and Chatsworth are now faced with the decision to maintain the status quo, make marginal changes or create a new approach like the North Grey Economic Development Corporation. The challenges of creating such a corporation are significant. It will require a willingness to set aside geographic and political boundaries as well as organizational and departmental fiefdoms. Each model described above requires a different role for the communities. Each community would establish its unique role in achieving economic development success – as a leader, active participant or resource. The Owen Sound District Chamber of Commerce would welcome the opportunity to lead or participate in a task force comprised of local business, city, municipal and county representatives to explore the formation of a corporation. Once the corporation is established, the Chamber would not sit as a member on its Board of Directors. This is to avoid any conflict of interest if lobbying the corporation on behalf of members of the Chamber and when decisions are made by the corporation Board that may directly impact on our members. MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS Make It Your Business... LOC AL LIFE SAFET Y SALES SUPPORT AND SHOULD BUSINESS OWNERS CONTRIBUTE ANlifeRRSP? Based in Owen Sound, weTO provide safety is a publication of The Owen Sound & District Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with The Sun Times. Advertising Sales: The Sun Times Publication Layout: The Sun Times, a division of Sun Media. expertise to facilities all over Canada. Call us at Find out why business should RRSPs and 519-371-4747 to findowners out how werethink can help. Retiree Recruitment Makes Sense and Cents for Owen Sound and Grey County As reported more fully elsewhere in this issue of Make It Your Business, recently the Owen Sound and District Chamber of Commerce made a submission to the City of Owen Sound for consideration with respect to the development of a new five year Strategic Plan for the City. In that submission, the Chamber attached very high priority to promoting the City and Region as an attractive and welcoming host for baby boomers and other retirees. As proud residents of the Scenic City and Grey County we are well aware of the multiple benefits of living here: a spectacular and near pristine environment; thriving four-seasons sports and recreation activities; a rich history shared with our First Nations neighbours; a strong community of talented artists and performers who offer entertainment, exhibitions and performances that are the envy of much larger urban centers; an entrepreneurial, vibrant business community; a capable, forward looking municipal government; solid educational infrastructure; and outstanding health care. The list goes on. But why should we share our secrets and resources with a bunch of old fogies? The quick answer to that question is that we should welcome them with open arms so they can share their many assets and attributes with us. Let’s touch on just a few of many. previously have been the preserve of much younger people. They go to restaurants regularly, are active physically, search out lifelong learning opportunities, enjoy cultural experiences, buy good quality goods and services and give back to their communities. In sum, retirees have experience, wisdom, skills and energy that can enhance the lives of everyone, old or young, and, as will be shown later in the article, improve long-term economic growth. THERE ARE LOTS OF THEM In 2014, more than six million Canadians were 65 or over. This group makes up 15.6 per cent of Canada’s population. By 2030, the number of Canadian seniors will swell to more than 9.5 million, accounting for 23 per cent of the population (Statistics Canada). In Ontario, the number of seniors aged 65 and over is projected to more than double from almost 2.1 million, or 15.2 per cent of population, in 2013 to over 4.5 million, or 25.5 per cent, by 2041. NOT OLD FOGIES A FORMIDABLE ECONOMIC FORCE Baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) are redefining ‘old age’ and retirement. Liberated by wealth, health and technology, they are forcing a shift in traditional attitudes towards the older generations as they live life on their own terms. They are pushing against the boundaries set by their own parents and society in general as they travel, work, dress and socialise in ways that would Baby boomers are probably the richest and healthiest generation in human history. Consider that a recent British study (Sarah O’Grady, Sunday Express, August 4, 2014) showed that boomers control more than 75% of the UK’s wealth. And according to Investor Economics Inc., over 70% of all the wealth in Canada resides with baby boomers. Furthermore, it has been estimated that Steven J. Coffey, CFP® Owen Sound & District Chamber of Commerce Committed to Quality Service 704 6th Street East, Owen Sound • 519-376-6261 • Fax: 519-376-5647 [email protected] • Carpet cleaning, with the revolutionary Investment Advisor Tel: 519-376-0095 Fax: 519-376-2978 Email: [email protected] Web: 985 2nd Avenue East, Suite 101, FIRE ALARMOwen • SPRINKLER Sound, ON N4K• 2H5SECURITY • SERVICE AD{TS3782715} AD{TS3920125} RETIREE RECRUITMENT IS A PROVEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY The above noted Georgia study, Golden Rules, addressed the key question: Is retiree recruitment a good strategy for economic development in rural Georgia? The answer was a resounding yes. Consider some positive findings that are relevant to Owen Sound and District: uThe Time is Right: Demographic and economic trends are coming together to create an excellent opportunity for retiree-based economic development. The retirement of the baby boomers is a strong demographic trend that is virtually locked in until approximately 2028. uJob Creation: It takes only 1.8 inmigrating retirees to generate one job, so 100 in-retirees generate 55 jobs. That would be the equivalent of recruiting a good size business to Owen Sound. Call Ken King 519-375-5321 The contents of this newspaper are protected by copyright and may be used only for your personal non-commercial purposes. All other rights are reserved and commercial use is prohibited. To make use of any of this material you must first obtain the permission of the owner of the copyright. For further information, please contact Bert Loopstra, The Owen Sound and District Chamber of Commerce. RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL AD{TS3786795} Bill McFarlane Broker 519-377-7627 Sutton - Sound Realty Inc., Brokerage Locally Owned and Independently Operated 519-370-2100 Ernie Coates Broker of Record 519-375-1901 explore other opportunities. boomers are set to inherit over $1 trillion from their parents over the next 20 years, the biggest transfer of wealth in Canadian history. In the USA, a 2011 Georgia study (Golden Rules, Selig Centre for Economic Growth) found that the average net worth of retiree households was over $930 thousand in 2011 or about $500 thousand per capita. Clearly, many retiring boomers have money. And they are healthy and active enough to spend and invest it. u Economic Diversity: Retiree-based economic development enhances service industries such as health care, home building, retailing and household services rather than manufacturing, agriculture, or government. Recruiting retirees therefore can help rural areas like Grey County to diversify our economy. uReduce Economic Risks: Retiree recruitment can make the rural areas or small towns less vulnerable to the ups and downs of commodity markets, less dependent on the actions of a few large employers, and less exposed to global competition. u Promote Steady Incomes: Relative to wage and salary income many retirees have steady incomes that often are not dependent on local economic conditions. uAttain Critical Mass: In-migrating retirees may provide the critical mass necessary to support certain types of businesses that previously did not exist, reducing out-shopping by longterm residents. COMPELLING CASE FOR RETIREE RECRUITMENT IN OWEN SOUND AND GREY COUNTY For the above compelling reasons, the primary recommendation of the Georgia Study is that retiree-based economic development is a good way to grow and diversify that state’s rural economy. In the view of OSDCC, such outreach is equally attractive for the urban and rural economy of Owen Sound and Grey County. Let’s get started! including budgets, personnel, etc. to create one organization with common initiatives (i.e. Niagara Economic Development Corporation). u P r o v i d i n g workforce development leadership to connect businesses with education institutes and employment sector agencies 5 MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS Did you know you can avoid paying probate fees? Call us to discuss the latest changes. Rachel Desmarais Financial Advisor CFP, EPC, CHS AD{TS3965571} AD{TS3786743} 345 - 8th St. East, Suite 201, Owen Sound, 519-416-1600 6 MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS ONTARIO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ANALYSIS OF 2015 ONTARIO BUDGET The Government of Ontario tabled its 2015 Budget. What follows is a summary of the key highlights from a business perspective. On the whole, this is a no-surprise, mixed-bag budget for Ontario businesses. The government is making much needed investments in transportation infrastructure across the province, but little is being done to address the growing burden on businesses and get the province’s fiscal house back in order. debt is projected to grow to $284 billion this year – equivalent to $20,772 of debt for every Ontarian. Ontario now spends $11.4 billion a year on interest payments to finance its debt. The government of Ontario needs to win the confidence of employers by adopting a clear plan to achieve their deficit reduction targets. As a start, it should adopt new service Budget 2015 makes the right delivery models in commitments but is vague on areas where these details when it comes to how the models can bring efficiencies. government will meet its deficit reduction targets. Addressing the fiscal situation should continue to be the We applaud the government top priority for government. for making difficult decisions in Eliminating the deficit is the most terms of wage restraint measures. important step the government Government has held average can take to improve Ontario’s THE PROVINCIAL DEFICIT annual growth in program competitiveness and create jobs spending to 1.5 percent and they in the province. HAS RISEN. are making difficult spending cuts The 2014-15 deficit is projected in education, health, and other to rise to $10.9 billion, up from vital areas. THE ONTARIO GOVERNMENT $10.5 billion in 2013-14. The total IS PLOWING AHEAD WITH For all your health care needs at home L O C A L L I F E S A F E T Y L O CWalkers A L L I Choose F E S Parker A F E Home T Y ■ Rollator Health Care for from $99 AND products to keep you ■ Orthopedic – safe and independent style shoes for FIRE ALARM • SPRINKLER • SECURITY SERVICE in your own•home comfort and wellness Frank Longley Branch Manager – Owen Sound ■ Expert installation of grab bars onEXT. 2233 519-371-4747 all surfaces [email protected] ■ New & Used Equipment, Rentals, Service & Repair SALES SUPPORT In the East Court Plaza across from Sears 519 376-8252 AD{TS3797128} AD{TS3920081} Live the Way You Want to Live... with Confidence THE ONTARIO RETIREMENT PENSION PLAN The government is reiterating its commitment to establishing a standalone, mandatory Ontario pension plan by 2017. The Ontario Retirement Pension Plan (ORPP) will require employers and employees to contribute 1.9 percent of an employee’s yearly earnings (up to a maximum of $90,000) per year. The OCC remains concerned about the impact that the ORPP could have on the economy. According to our recent survey, only one in four businesses in Ontario can afford the costs associated with the new plan, while 44 percent of businesses will reduce payroll or hire fewer employees in response to the ORPP. Budget 2015 provides little in the way of clarity for employers on the details of the ORPP. We continue to call on government to develop a comprehensive understanding of the impact of the ORPP and to re-examine the narrow exemption rules it has in place. As it stands, only employers that offer defined-benefit pension plans are exempt from making contributions to the ORPP. These narrow parameters ignore the contributions that many employers are already making to their employees’ retirement through defined-contribution plans, for example. EMPLOYERS WILL CONTINUE TO BE SHOCKED BY RISING ELECTRICITY RATES Budget 2015 makes a few small tweaks to existing electricity programs. The Industrial Conservation Initiative (ICI), which provides a financial incentive to larger businesses to shift their electricity consumption from peak periods, is being expanded by lowering the threshold for qualifying industrial sectors from five megawatts to three. The Northern Industrial Electricity Rate (NIER) program is being extended beyond March 2016, with annual investments of up to $120 million. Budget 2015 does little to address business’ concerns over rising electricity rates. According to the OCC’s most recent survey, rising electricity prices are the number one factor hurting business competitiveness. We remain very concerned about out-of-control electricity rates. Coupled with the announced sale of a portion of Hydro One, there is significant uncertainty in the business community in this respect. 7 MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS CHAMBER NETWORK PROVIDES FEEDBACK TO GOVERNMENT ON CAP AND TRADE SYSTEM A letter was sent to Hon. Glen Murray, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Dear Minister, Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the Climate Change Discussion Paper released in February 2015. The Ontario Chamber of Commerce and its network of 160 local chambers the of commerce and boards of trade represent 60,000 businesses throughout nearly e produc and people million two employ rs province. Together, our membe 17 percent of Ontario’s GDP. Like your government, our members recognize that a changing climate due to rising greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and the economic impact of climate ration change are two critical challenges that require urgent action and collabo nity commu s busines ’s Ontario from business, government, and the broader public. on change climate of impact the e supports efforts to reduce GHGs and to mitigat the environment and the economy. Since your Discussion Paper was released, Premier Wynne has announced that the provincial government is moving forward with a cap and trade system and will join Quebec and California in the system under the Western Climate on Initiative. Under the cap and trade system, Ontario will impose a hard ceiling the GHG pollution allowed in each sector of the economy. r The introduction of a cap and trade system must be viewed within the broade the year, past the Over . Ontario in s context of the escalating cost of doing busines es Government of Ontario has implemented or announced a number of initiativ m minimu the to es increas g includin s, busines on that will have a direct impact Ontario the Act, s Relation Labour the of review a Act, n wage, a new Waste Diversio Retirement Pension Plan (ORPP), in addition to this new carbon pricing system. The cumulative impact of these changes, compounded by Ontario’s high s and rising electricity rates, poses a serious threat to the future competitivenes that ensure to ent governm of Ontario’s business climate. It is incumbent on your s. Ontario remains among the most attractive places in the world to do busines system trade and cap a that impact al We are concerned about the potenti must will have on Ontario businesses and the economy. We believe government the of t forefron the at ones, mental environ with along s, put economic interest cap the shape should es principl four g followin the believe we such, discussion. As and trade system. First, government must consider the impact that the cap and trade system e. To and regulatory changes have on the economy and job creation in the provinc s analysi e-based evidenc and hensive date, government has not released a compre fear rs membe Our . climate s busines ’s of how cap and trade will impact Ontario of the that consequential decisions will be made without a clear understanding ent governm If ected. aff be will s itivenes compet global ’s manner in which Ontario of ration conside the for released publicly be must it s, analysi this has conducted all Ontarians. Second, the cap and trade system must be revenue neutral and the revenue ses collected should be used to mitigate the impact of the plan on those busines be most affected by the costs of the system. The allocation of revenue must g ensurin in e distanc some go will ch approa neutral transparent. A revenue their to relative burden te ortiona disprop a bear not do ses that Ontario busines competitors. r Third, the cap and trade system must not lead to a substantive net transfe of r numbe a by ed burden of wealth outside of Ontario. Our province is already wealth transfers through the Employment Insurance and an array of federal would Ontario from away transfer wealth provincial fiscal arrangements. Any net tivity, negatively impact investment in and other determinants of our produc y. recover ic econom e’s provinc the to posing yet another barrier Fourth, government should harmonize its efforts with immediate competitors for investment and trade. While joining Quebec and California is a good first step, those jurisdictions iate are not our most important trading partners, nor are they our most immed ch approa an against caution We competitors for manufacturing investment. Great their to relative ntage disadva further that puts Ontario manufacturers at a Lakes, U.S. Midwest and South peers. As your government moves ahead with this new cap and trade system, we strongly encourage you to engage with the business community. We look forward to being a part of that discussion. Sincerely, Allan O’Dette, OCC President and CEO Bert Loopstra, OSCC President and CEO We maintain your car AND your Warranty GOLF TOURNAMENT Peninsula Ford Lincoln, and the Owen Sound and District Chamber of Commerce asks you to come Join us on Thursday September 17th at Legacy Ridge Golf Club for a great day of golf and a delicious meal! There will be a live auction, prizes from our hole sponsors, and raffle prizes! We’ve had a sellout the last 2 years, so register early for a chance to be a part of this day, at the Stanly Thompson designed Legacy Ridge Golf Club! If you can’t Family Owned & Operated make the golf portion of the day, join us for dinner, advertise on the course as a sign sponsor, or donate a prize! 1280 2nd Ave. E. Owen Sound (519) 376-2540 AD{TS3786044} 8 MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS 9 MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2015 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS By Chamber Member Debbie McKague Our 2015 AGM this year was held on March 26th at the Best Western Inn on the Bay. The surroundings and service as always were amazing, even to the point of sitting and watching the snow storm come in across the Bay during dinner and watching the people on the ice dismantle their ice huts in record time. We say a fond farewell to our Past President Joanne Horton who has been a great contributor to the Chamber board over the years of her tinier. We wish her many years of continued success in her law practice and her new endeavors. Steve Coffey who has cut a large swath with the Advocacy committee is now past chair and I am very fortunate that as incoming chair I can rely on him for expert advice from his experience as chair. Our guest speaker for the evening was Lance Thurston from the Grey Bruce Regional Health Centre talking about our future health care needs and what the hospital is planning for the future of us many Baby boomers and the future generations in our area and how the face of medicine is ever changing. Our sad news for the upcoming year is that Bert Loopstra our CEO has decided to retire. He has been with the Chamber for 10 years and has worked hard to help us grow and prosper under his guidance. He will be missed for his strong voice for business and economic development and he was our cheerleader. Mayor Ian Boddy swears in Chamber Chair Debbie McKague (The Professional Centre) & Vice Chair Syd Austin (Staples) As a young girl growing up on a small farm in Oxenden, I was in awe of the hustle and bustle of Owen Sound. It was always wonderment to me. Over the years watching the changes that have taken place to make Owen Sound what it is today, I am very excited and honored to be the Chair of the Owen Sound and District Chamber of Commerce. There were over 100 in attendance at the AGM His enthusiasm and his belief in the chamber have taken us a long way. Bert will be missed in the upcoming years, but he will always be welcome to stop by anytime to say hi and tell us how great his retirement is. We wish you all the best in your retirement, time now for travel, family, rest and relaxation. With all the goodbyes we are happy to announce two new members to our Board of Directors- Linda McPhaul and Peter Reesor. I look forward to the next two years as Chair of the Owen Sound and District Chamber of Commerce. We will continue to advocate for the businesses in our area and continue to Be Heard, Be Seen and that the new and existing businesses continue to Be Long to this great organization. We are 500 voices strong and will continue on the path we have started. New and existing businesses keep Owen Sound and area alive and thriving. The young entrepreneur is where our future lies and we have many in the area as we have learned over the years with our Business Excellence Awards Gala that celebrates business in the area. Owen Sound & District Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors 2015-2016 Wishing everyone continued business success in the coming years. Back Row L to R; Steve Hencze (Mortgage Financial Corporation), Tyler Beckett (Sun Life Financial), Bert Loopstra (Chamber President & CEO retiring June 30 2015), Mary Smith (Women’s House Serving Bruce & Grey), Peter Reesor (Peter Reesor & Associates), Lynda McFaul (KC Distributing) Best regards, Front Row L to R; Agnes Martin (Agnes’ Bookkeeping Service), Steve Coffey –Past Chair (IPC Securities), Debbie McKague – Chair (The Professional Centre), Syd Austin – Vice Chair (Staples), Christie Leeder – Treasurer (BDO Canada LLP) Debbie McKague, Chair of the Owen Sound and District Chamber of Commerce Absent: Marg Benedict (Benedict Electrical) Keynote Speaker Lance Thurston DR COBBLER’S Shoes & Swirls Handbags • Jewellery • Special Occasion Shoes Do you need a MORTGAGE? HUGE Selection of Birkenstock Sandals P.O. BOX 245 N4K 5P3 1475 2ND AVE. EAST, OWEN SOUND ONTARIO N4K 2J6 TEL: 519-376-4120 • FAX: 519-376-7203 TOLL FREE: 1-800-265-3194 The Dr. is in 921 2nd Ave East Owen Sound No Appointment Necessary (519) 373 2081 [email protected] WWW.GREYBRUCEELECTRIC.COM AD{TS3786858} FSCO Lic. 10428 Dazzling Array of Bling ! GREG HARGEST Title Sponsor Telus Health Sean McMurray and Adam Kaato New Location DT Owen Sound AD{TS3795879} Barry Johnson AMP Mortgage Broker FSCO Lic. M08001390 AD{TS3920129} 519 378 3304 10 MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS NOMINATIONS NOW ACCEPTED AWARDS CRITERIA FOR BUSINESS EXCELLENCE AWARDS Business of the Year 25+ Employees Presented to the business which has had an impact on the area of Owen Sound including: demonstrated growth, sales, leadership, an active involvement in the community, good business citizenship, sound employee relations, safety in the workplace, en v i r on m e n t al a w a ren ess, introduction of a new product or idea, expansion or exportation of goods or services. Co-Sponsored by Graham Construction & Living Lighting Business of the Year 1 - 25 Employees Presented to the business which has had an impact on the area of Owen Sound including: demonstrated growth, sales, leadership, an active involvement in the community, good business citizenship, sound employee relations, safety in the workplace, environmental awareness, introduction of a new product or idea, expansion or exportation of goods or services. SOHO (Small Office Home Office) a new product or new idea and demonstrated potential to succeed. One to two persons operation that has demonstrated significant business achievement, sustainable financial performance and a high level of customer service. Sponsored by Staples Sponsored by BDO Canada LLP New Business of the Year Presented to the best new business that has been established in the last 30 months. The business must have shown initiative and innovation in a business venture, has introduced Sponsored by Agnes’ Bookkeeping Service LARGEST SELECTION OF NEW & USED OFFICE FURNISHINGS IN GREY & BRUCE COMPLIMENTARY HEARING TESTS FOR ADULTS Greystone Office Centre, 345 8th St. East, Suite 101 519.376.4174 AD{TS3778264} AD{TS3920142} Presented to a young entrepreneur based on the following: E.Raymond Desmarais can be reached at Creative Solutions, 519-794-4195 • [email protected] AD{TS3967221} Hospitality industry members who have demonstrated impeccable customer service, knowledgeable and courteous staff and superior quality of product. Presented to a local business or individual, other than the hospitality industry that have shown special consideration for customers, ongoing employee training, high level of community involvement, friendly, honest and approachable service. E. Raymond Desmarais has completed the Master Practitioner Certification Program in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and HNLP (Humanistic Neuro Linguistic Psychology). He has also earned a Ph.D. in Neuro Psychology. He is a Certified Life coach with a practice (Creative Solutions) in which he uses NLP among other coaching skills, (519) 376-0210 This award highlights the skilled tradesperson, contractor or company that raises the standard for the rest of the industry by their quality leadership and customer service. Young Entrepreneur Award Ray has competed 30 hours of classroom education by the internationally recognized Center for Loss and Life Transition in Fort Collins, Colorado. This course is one of five required to earn the Death and Grief Studies Certificate. Brian Morassutti Carrie Watson Joyce Bryans (Home Visits) Hospitality Award Service Excellence Award Sponsored by Best Western Inn on the Bay Skilled Trade Award Sponsored by RBC E. Raymond Desmarais Understanding and Responding to Complicated Mourning Come and See Us at our Brand New Office 11 MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS Is 30 years of age or younger, selfemployed, has shown initiative and innovation in a business venture, has introduced a new product or new idea and need not have been involved in a yearround business. Sponsored by Georgian College Sponsored by Balnar Golf Ltd (Stone Tree & Legacy Ridge) Environmental Stewardship Award Presented to a business that, while pursuing its own commercial goals, has also achieved outstanding results in caring for the environment. Examples of qualifying activities are: reusing or recycling materials and supplies, redesigning products and services and motivating its employees to be more aware of the issues. Sponsored by Transcontinental Upcoming Events June 4th, 2015 Alive @ 5 Member Networking at Community Service Award Presented to a business or individual for a contribution made within the last year, which has had an active involvement in the community and has demonstrated good business citizenship. Sponsored by Miller Insurance June 12th, 2015 Awake @ 8 breakfast event at Joe Tomato’s featured speaker Jackie Ralph from Canadian Mental Health Association on the impact of Mental Health in the Workplace July 9th, 2015 Alive @ 5 member networking at Brian E. Wood Funeral Home July 10th, 2015 Awake @ 8 lunch networking event at Harrison Park Picnic Shelter Come and play networking bingo with us! August 6th Alive @ 5 member networking at TD Waterhouse AD{TS3797344} Community Service Not-for-Profit Excellence This award is presented to a notfor-profit organization that has recognized a need within our community and who through community responsibility, innovation, growth, sound business practices and community partnerships has served our community with vision and integrity. Sponsored by BMO Nesbitt Burns Kelly Haefling 12 MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS GEM WEBB’S INTERNET MARKETING & WEB DESIGN WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE AUTHENTIC IN YOUR MARKETING? As of April 21st, 2015 Google released an online search ranking rule that will highly favour websites that are designed to view better on all devices (computers, tablets, cellphones). In this era, where 50% of most website traffic comes from mobile device users, Google is mandating all websites to be mobile optimized to ensure Google search results are relevant and easy to view on a user’s device. Google wants to make sure that search results that appear on page one are designed for your customers’ best browsing experience. The word “authenticity” is often bandied about in reference to marketing and branding. But far too often people are left wondering what exactly this means as it relates to their own marketing. For me defining authenticity goes back to the idea that all marketing is about getting people to know, like and trust you. When you’re not being authentic to yourself, not being the “real” you it comes across in your marketing. People sense that you don’t truly believe what you’re saying and their level of trust in you decreases. So how does this apply to your marketing? Let me give you an example. I knew a business consultant who was also a psychic. She used her psychic abilities when working with clients. However, she didn’t talk about in her marketing - ever. She worried if people knew she was psychic they would think she was nuts. They’d roll their eyes and walk away from a psychic business consultant. As a result she struggled with marketing and didn’t have enough clients. Worse, the clients she did have were sceptics. She found it difficult to work with them because she had to keep part of her process and herself secret. I suggested she change tactics; she should talk about her psychic abilities in her marketing. Yes, she would drive away people who don’t believe in psychics. However, people who do believe would want to work with her. The technical term “Responsive Web Design” is commonly referred to as mobile optimized web design or mobile friendly web design. We have all had the frustration of trying to navigate a standard desktop website on our handheld mobile devices. What did you do? You probably left the site never to return on your phone. A mobile friendly website is designed to respond and scale in size to the user’s mobile device, whether it’s a laptop, tablet or mobile phone, and provides the best website experience with easy navigation and text readability making it easy to find the information they need. “Your website must be mobileoptimized,” says local Internet marketer and web designer Gem Webb. “You will be dropping in the rankings against competitors that have mobile-optimized websites. Think about the people visiting Grey Bruce that are no longer going into the local library or an Internet cafe to use the computer. They’re on their cellphones and tablets at a rented cottage or enjoying a day exploring the local waterfall tour. They have just finished a spectacular hike through Harrison Park or they are searching for the perfect place to eat or shop. With more people, especially tourists, relying on their mobile devices to help discover an area and search for the services they need, your business’s website may be missed by online searches if it is not improved for mobile devices,” Webb says. Lastly, did you know that users who access a website from their mobile device are 20 to 30 per cent more likely to become that website’s customers? Being seen and found on Google is the best way to increase your Internet visibility – to inform the community and visitors alike about your Owen Sound and area business. Make sure your website is mobile friendly! She tried this and an amazing thing happened. When she mentioned her psychic abilities she found people whose eyes lit up. They wanted to know more. These people were excited to become her clients. The skeptics went elsewhere. As a result she now had a practice full of people who loved her, liked what she does and were fully engaged in her process. She had an easier time creating her marketing materials, an easier time attracting new clients and was having much more fun working with them. So the point is to be who you are. If you try to censor yourself, at best you begin to sound like everyone else and you disappear into the background or at wors,t you drive people away because they sense there’s something “off” about your message. Figure out who are the people who will love you for your particular skills, quirks and idiosyncrasies. Then make sure you are only marketing to them. Andrea Stenberg is an Owen Soundbased marketing consults who is not psychic. She has been a member of the Chamber for ten years. Get a copy of her Branding Tips Formula at branding. Cook’s Plumbing & Heating Cooks Plumbing & Heating Inc. welcomes Dale Bruce to the Team. Dale is Cook’s new HVAC Sales Manager and brings 28+ Years of providing outstanding customer service. If you’re in the market for Heating, Ventilation or A/C for the Hot Summer approaching, give Dale a Call 519-371-0605 for your No Charge Consultation. Twin Mobile Lock Service Are you accessibility compliant? Twin Mobile Lock service is offering automatic door operators. Call Ron today to see if you meet the Accessibility standards. AADM certified. 519 371-0111 The Professional Centre The Professional Centre is happy to welcome Serenity Esthetics to the building. Megan is an outstanding young business woman who prides herself in giving amazing service. You feel like a million bucks when she works her magic. Come see her in Unit # 18B on the first floor. KC Distributing KC Distributing is excited to introduce a new revolutionary sanitizer with technology the sanitation industry has never seen before! What Is Your Business Doing After You? Miller Insurance Miller Insurance Brokers is happy to announce that Steve Barber has joined our organization, in our Owen Sound office. Steve brings to us over 7 years of experience in all areas of insurance including farm, business and personal lines. We welcome Steve to Miller Insurance Brokers. Bryans Sound Speech & Hearing The owners of Sound Speech & Hearing, Brian Morassutti and Tracy Slater recently purchased Bryans Hearing Aids Ltd. Our new name is now Bryans Sound Speech & Hearing and we have a brand new office at the Greystone Office Centre, 345 8th Street East, Suite 101, Owen Sound. Please drop by and say hello! The Technology Centre The Technology Centre has created a new workspace for creative & technology related business people called Creative Space. You can use one of our offices by the day, week or month and instead of paying rent, exchange it with time helping us on some of our projects. We are looking for graphic designers, web designers, copywriters, videographers or other creative people. It’s an opportunity to work with others on joint projects, share ideas and get out of the house. Call 519-371-5955 for details. Telus Sean McMurray on behalf of Telus was honoured to have the opportunity to present New Lowell Central Public School with a cheque for $2000 towards its Digital Literacy Program and $500 to the second place winner of their Telus Wise Footprint Comic Content. One of three prizes awarded in Canada! Baywest Mitsubishi Baywest Mitsubishi is excited to announce that Mark Austin has rejoined Thrifty Car Rental. Mark brings over 17 years of car rental experience. Thrifty Car Rental and ConPerfect Plus Auto Spa are celebrating one year anniversaries in their new location at Baywest Mitsubishi on the Sunset Strip in Owen Sound. MediaAU Content marketing agency and educational publisher MEDIAau welcomes Brandi Gowan, an experienced Ontario multimedia marketing professional, as Client Success Manager. Gowan will oversee all client accounts, working with MEDIAau clients and its team of writers, editors and designers.t Sportmakers Fitness & Training Centre Sportmakers Fitness & Training Centre would like to welcome our newest staff member for the summer: HANNAH CASSIDY! Hannah is very passionate about living a healthy life and helping others do the same. Her interests are in nutrition and fitness. She is currently working towards her personal training certification and will be going to school in the fall for Nutrition. Sutton –Sound Realty Inc., Brokerage Ernie Coates, Broker of Record and Bill McFarlane, Broker have opened a new Real Estate Business, Sutton - Sound Realty Inc., Brokerage. Located at 1077 2nd Ave East, Owen Sound. Telephone 519-3702100 John Coates, and Jan Singbeil, Sales Representatives have also joined the team. Sutton-Sound Realty Inc., Brokerage Ernie Coates & Bill McFarlane Proud to announce Centresuites on 3rd Ave are officially ready to be occupied! Open Houses Friday’s 5:00PM – 7:00PM & Saturday’s 4:00PM – 6PM or by Appointment Call 519370-2100 Website: or continued on page 14 Gillespie’s is the authorized sales and service provider for: COPIERS & MFP’s W. R. (Bill) Black, cim®, cfp® Investment Advisor Tel: 519-376-0095 Email: [email protected] 985 2nd Avenue E, Suite 101 Owen Sound, ON N4K 2H5 PRINTING SOLUTIONS COMPUTER HARDWARE CASH REGISTERS & P.O.S. SERVICE & SUPPLIES • Toshiba • Lexmark • Lenovo • Sharp • on site service • Ricoh • Toshiba Barcode Printers • Toshiba • TEC • Cash register & printing supplies • Sharp At Gillespie’s we are committed to providing our customers with premier service and support on all products that we sell. Contact us for your complete office equipment solutions! 1580 20 Street East Owen Sound th Celebrating over 45 years of quality service to our customers! 519-371-4207 AD{TS3972370} KC Distributing is the South Western Ontario distributor of Ultralyte. This product is safe and effective for sanitation in health care, hospitality and institutions. Contact us today for more information. By specializing in Sales, Leasing & Service, Gillespie’s is one of the most recognized names in Grey, Bruce and West Simcoe areas Ask about our Wealth Management Program for Private Business Owners for more information on your unique situation. Opportunities Are Waiting. Interior • Exterior • Stain • Specialty Paints • Accessories & More BUSINESS NEWS TICKER Gillespie’s Digital Office Solutions provides our customers unparalleled access to a wide assortment of document management equipment & industry leasing IT solutions. Through our specialized program and process, we ultimately bring you confidence — confidence that you’re taking care of loved ones and the business you’ve spent your life building. For all your Painting needs! 13 MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS | 519-376-5760 | 121 Jason Street, Springmount Business Park W W W. B L AC K F I N A N C IA L .CO M AD{TS3965562} AD{TS3798167} 14 MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS BUSINESS NEWS TICKER continued from page 13 The Business Enterprise Centre Grant Program. Between 18-29, out of school, unemployed, ready to live your dream? Or already started your business and have plans of growing it? “Starter Company” offers training, mentoring and business plan development working towards a grant application up to $5000. Contact the Business Enterprise Centre 519-371-3232 or [email protected] The Women’s Centre The Women’s Centre is pleased to announce our 2nd Helping through Handbags; a Treasure Chest Auction to be held again at ThomBoys on Saturday, October 17, 2015 at 4:00 pm. A great fundraiser with a twist!! For more information: www.thewomenscentre. org or call Teresa 519-376-0755 ext. 103. Bishop House Take time to discover history and heritage at the Victorian boyhood home of Great War flying ace Billy Bishop. Bishop House, open late - to 9pm – on Wednesdays and Sundays in July and August. Enjoy our Sunday night Ghost Walks, old ‘flickers’ on Wednesday nights, Victorian Dessert Teas, and Chapman’s sponsored Victorian Ice Cream Socials for families in June, July and August long weekends. The Highland Manor Grand Victorian Inn Bed and Breakfast The Highland Manor Grand Victorian Inn Bed and Breakfast is thrilled to announce that they have just been welcomed by Tripadvisor. com into their Certificate of Excellence Hall of Fame. This accolade is granted only to those businesses worldwide that have won the Certificate of Excellence for 5 years in a row. OLG Slots at Hanover Raceway The OLG Slots at Hanover Raceway is excited to introduce our new General Manager Linda McColl. Linda has relocated to the area and is very excited to be working with the staff in Hanover and to get involved in the community we serve. There is always something FUN happening on Friday nights in Hanover! MEET OUR SERVICE & PARTS DEPARTMENTS Bailey Lounsbury Service Advisor Marsha Bumstead Parts Advisor Todd Hatfield Parts Advisor Bailey Lounsbury and Marsha Bumstead are welcome additions to the Parts and Service Team here at Kia of Owen Sound. Bailey is a recent Business Marketing Graduate from Georgian College and is looking forward to assisting you with your vehicle service needs at Kia. Bailey is an enthusiastic follower of the APC Late Model Racing Series and can also be spotted at Sauble Speedway watching the racing there. Marsha is a life-long resident of Owen Sound. Married with three kids and seven grandchildren, Marsha enjoys her home, family and time spent in her garden. Marsha has a background in Customer Service and Administration and looks forward to assisting with your parts requirements. 519-371-4447 KIA of Owen Sound Military LIKE US ON TO LEARN MORE. AD{TS3920072} Hardie Fountain Service Manager t Mobility Assistance Grad Rebate KIA OF OWEN SOUND KIA OF OWEN SOUND KIA OF OWEN SOUND KIA OF OWEN SOUND KIA OF OWEN SOUND KIA OF OWEN SOUND KIA OF OWEN SOUND KIA OF OWEN SOUND KIA OF OWEN SOUND NEW MEMBERS Leadership Charisma Group 125 Alexandra Way, Blue Mountains, ON L9Y 0S3 Contact: Charlie Regan Classification: Professional Phone: 416 805-8120 Leadership Charisma Group helps business leaders who are: Interested in improving their team’s performance; Concerned about staff only doing the minimum at work; Wanting their team to collaborate better on key corporate issues. Gem Webb Internet Marketing & Web Design 315 7th St E, Owen Sound, ON N4K 1J1 Contact: Gem Webb Classification: Professional Phone: 519 387-9322 We provide advantages that will dramatically increase your business website exposure. Websites include keyword focused Search Engine Optimization “SEO”, graphics and onpage copy optimization, Inbound link analysis, local search, competitor analysis, maps, content forms, social media integration and, mobile optimization. Landlord Legal Inc. RR #2, Meaford, ON N4L 1W6 Contact: April Stewart Phone: 519 538-6819 Classification: Professional Landlord Legal has been representing traumatized landlords for 15 years. The firm began in Barrie, expanded to Grey County in 2013, and we have represented our clients all over Ontario. Whether you are a small landlord in need of support or a large landlord looking for an outstanding legal resource, Landlord Legal is the residential landlord’s best friend. Landlord Legal - Because Landlords Have Rights Too! T. Meekins Counselling & Training Services 339 14th St E, Owen Sound, ON N4K 1W8 Contact: Trish Meekins Phone: 519 376-4983 Classification: Professional Trish has been a counsellor, trainer and facilitator for over 20 years and is committed to creating a relaxed, open atmosphere for her clients. Whether you want to uncover your gifts or set goals, Trish has proven to be effective by using a realistic, compassionate and straight forward approach. Her expertise lies in First Nations history, culture and traditional healing practices. The Cooperators – Jason Legge 1050 2nd Ave E, Unit #1, Owen Sound, ON N4K 2H7 Contact: Jason Legge Phone: 519 376-8228 Classification: Professional You deserve a personalized approach with one-on-one advice and answers to all of your insurance and investment questions. You can also expect service beyond your policy purchase; we’ll keep you informed of any changes or new products. D for Decorate 122461 Grey Road 5, RR #3, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N5 Contact: Dianne Boettger Phone: 519 387-0877 Classification: Professional Hi, my name is Dianne Boettger. I paint and hang wallpaper with a woman’s touch. Whether it is a couple of rooms or a couple of walls, I will provide quality workmanship at a competitive price. I would love to make your home personally yours with colour. Call me at ‘D for Decorate!’ Bibles for Missions Thrift Store 1698 18th Ave E, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N3 Contact: Mary Anderson Phone: 519 416-7780 Classification: Retail We are a thrift store accepting donations of good used items. These items are sorted and cleaned by a dedicated band of volunteers. They are then offered for sale to members of the community and area at affordable prices. Our surplus funds, as a not-for-profit organization, support the various missions of the Bible League of Canada but, in addition, through our alliance with the Victim Services and other agencies of Owen Sound we also support those in need in our community. J9 Communications 2532 5th Ave W, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5C8 Contact: Janine Fawcett Phone: 519 376-5457 Classification: Professional Janine Fawcett was head of communications at the former O’Keefe Centre (now The Sony Centre) and in New York managing marketing and publicity for touring productions of Cameron Mackintosh’s Miss Saigon and Les Miserables. In 1998 Ms. Fawcett established J9 Communications, a consulting firm, specializing in entertainment marketing and publicity. In 2011 she launched Right Channel Speakers, a boutique speakers bureau. Visit www. for more information. Piece by Peace 1190 2nd Ave E, Owen Sound, ON N4K 2H9 Contact: Connie Illman Phone: 226 664-8000 Category: Retail Marine Upholstery, Boat top repairs, RV cushion replacements, Industrial sewing, Horse Blanket repairs, Teddy bears made from real (re-purposed only) and faux fur, other handmade items for sale as well. The Milk Maid 947 2nd Ave E, Owen Sound, ON N4K 2H5 Contact: Jennifer Smith NEW MEMBERS Phone: 519 372-1130 Category: Food The Milk Maid Fine Cheese and Gourmet Food is a retail store on the Main Street offering a wide selection of regional and international cheeses, cheese accompaniments, tea and coffee! We serve lunch between 11-2 Tuesday - Saturday. Come in, browse the shop, and then stay for a glass of wine and a cheese tasting platter. Re/Max Katrina Eldred 837 2nd Ave E, Owen Sound, ON N4K 6K6 Contact: Katrina Eldred Phone: 519 377-3321 Category: Real Estate I was born and raised in Owen Sound. I lived and worked in Toronto for 12 years in sales as a professional fitness trainer, and I know I can successfully apply my sales experience, energy, and knowledge to my Real Estate career in Owen Sound and its surrounding communities. Knowing exactly what I was missing by living in the “big city,” I am more appreciative of my roots and am excited about helping my clients find their special home, sell the one they are in, or both. Avenue A- Sign Street PO Box 1010, 107 Jason St, Owen Sound, ON N4K 6H6 Contact: Deb Shaw Phone: 519 379-1177 Category: Media & Advertising Wish to make a difference in your marketing and advertising? Of course you do. Look to Avenue A....because there’s still truth in advertising. Our online portfolio is a small sampling of the range of advertising services we offer at Avenue A, including creative writing, web development, and graphic design. Anytime Fitness 1555 16th St E, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N3 Contact: Linda Marsh Phone: 226 664-6113 Category: Health Anytime Fitness is the world’s largest 24 hour gym and co-ed fitness center. At our Owen Sound health club, you can exercise any time using your own security-access key! That’s 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Talk about no more excuses. Affordable memberships in Owen Sound\ one membership, thousands of health clubs At the Anytime Fitness center in Owen Sound we’re proud to offer the benefit of Anywhere Club Access. Re/Max Grey Bruce Realty Shannon McComb PO Box 1029, 837 2nd Ave E, Owen Sound, ON N4K 6K6 Contact: Shannon McComb Phone: 226-668-5005 Category: Real Estate Being a lifelong resident of Grey Bruce Owen Sound and through my active lifestyle I bring extensive knowledge of all our area has to offer 11st st Annual LDG “Longest ““L L Longest Day of Golf ” A Solstice Party 470 24th St W, Owen Sound, ON N4K 4H8 Contact: Janet Boyd Phone: 226 668-1401 Classification: Professional exemplifying my ability to market property. A genuine and driven professional with a strong work ethic my dedication to my Real Estate career presents as a valuable asset while facilitating clients in their Real Estate needs. Living Lighting Owen Sound 1209 16th St E, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N3 Contact: Brandon Vanderschot Phone: 519 371-5645 Category: Retail Affiliated with Canada’s largest lighting chain, Living Lighting Owen Sound represents the best brands and latest designs on the market. As new owners Nathan, a licensed electrician, and Brandon Vanderschot, a local realtor, bring unique expertise and a renewed focus on customer service. Our emphasis is on welldesigned lighting and accessories to fit every style and budget. Please contact us or stop by and let us assist you with your lighting needs. Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario 117-4500 Blakie Rd London, ON N6L 1G5 Contact: Joanne Bernard Phone: 519 652-9437 or 1 888 851-7376 Classification: Non Profit Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario is the voice of people living with Parkinson’s in Southwestern Ontario. Our purpose is to ease the burden and find a cure through support services, education, advocacy and research. Please contact 1 888 851-7376 or info@ for more information. Horton & Horton Lawyers Since 1939 Barristers, Solicitors & Notary Public Proceeds support the United Way’s Utility Assistance Program Phoenix Restaurant Rescue Courses sponsoring golfers: Real Estate, Wills, Estates, Corporate, Civil Litigation, Family Law, Separation, Divorce and Collaborative Family Law We maintain your car AND your Warranty Phoenix restaurant rescue is Janet Boyd’s management consulting business. She is the former owner of Subway Subs and many other businesses. She has proven marketing and leadership skills; and finds realistic solutions enhancing profitability. Janet is a result driven professional with an extensive track record of success in operations management. Family Owned & Operated How it works: • Gather as many pledges as possible. • Pay your green and cart fees ONCE • Play as many holes, rounds of golf as possible • Turn in your pledges to the pro shop Randy’s Lock-Safe & Alarm Inc. 881 10th St W, Owen Sound, ON N4K 6S1 Contact: Sandra Suchow Phone: 519 372-1573 Classification: Professional Randy’s Lock-Safe & Alarm Inc. was founded in 1988. We provide a large variety of security services including, standard, specialty, automotive and code cutting services, computerized master key systems, standard and high security lock sets, safety deposit boxes, closed circuit TV, alarm monitoring & installations. Giving you peace of mind, that’s Randy’s Lock-Safe & Alarm Inc. 15 MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS Edward P. Horton, B.A., LL.B., Q.C. W. Joanne Horton, B.Sc., LL.B. R. P. Horton, Q.C. (1939-1982) 1280 2nd Ave. E. Owen Sound See Superior Service with Experience Serving One Client at a Time (519) 376-2540 for participating courses For more information: 519-376-8650 United Way of Bruce Grey 519-376-1560 | [email protected] AD{TS3965544} AD{TS3786043} AD{TS3811355} 16 MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS ONLY A FEW SEATS REMAINING