The Messenger - Our Saviour Lutheran Church


The Messenger - Our Saviour Lutheran Church
Newsletter of Our Saviour’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
Hastings, Minnesota
A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Volume XXXII - No. 4
June 2015
It’s Back!
’50s Drive-In
& Carnival
NO Saturday Worship
(June through August)
8:00 a.m.
Traditional Worship
9:15 a.m.
Blended Worship
Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays
10:35 a.m.
Contemporary Worship
Communion each week
Beginning June 8, 2015:
Monday Nights in the Summer!
Monday, June 8
4:30-6:30 PM
Join Us!
Worship at 7:00 PM
led by the New Creation Band
Help kick off our summer worship schedule by coming early and enjoying
great food, fun and awesome fellowship—a great reason to invite someone
new to worship.
Games - Prizes - Popcorn - Ice Cream - Beverages
Burgers (from Culver’s) - hotdogs - chips - french fries
served by Our Saviour’s Youth
Your support will continue to help our youth attend mission trips and camps!
Please prayerfully consider donating food items for this fun event. Sign up
sheets available in the gathering area at church or contact Contact Cathy
Shores: [email protected] or (651-208-6244 to leave message.)
Please deliver all donations by noon on Sunday, June 7th.
If anyone has a pop-up canopy, we would love to borrow it.
7:00 p.m.
Communion each week
and Family Worship
Join us for worship with the
New Creation Band. Bring your
family and friends of all ages.
(AND there’s ice cream after
the service!)
Suppers on Mondays
Once a month, before the Monday night
service, we’ll have a fellowship opportunity to eat supper together.
Monday, June 8—Join us for the ’50s Drive In and Carnival (4:30-6:30 pm)
Monday, July 6—Potluck (5:30-6:30 pm)
Monday, August 3—Potluck (5:30-6:30 pm)
Family Campfires on Monday Nights
If the weather is favorable, on Monday nights in the summer, we
will be having a family campfire in the parking lot after worship.
It will be a fun way to fellowship with each other! And in addition to “sundaes on Mondays”—we’ll have some s’mores!
Pastor’s Page
“All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord; and all the families of the nations shall worship before him.”
--Psalm 22:27 NRSV
Learnings from Senior Pastors
Every year ELCA senior pastors
from around the country gather for a
conference. It is a wonderful opportunity to discuss the issues specific
to large congregations. Living in
Minnesota, Our Saviour’s seems
mid sized with some very, very
large congregations around us. But,
the metro area is an anomaly when
compared to congregations across
the country. Our Saviour’s is in the
upper 2% of all ELCA congregations. The average number of people
in worship on a Sunday morning in
the ELCA is 90.
Each time I come away with some
helpful things to consider. This year
was no exception. There are always
good conversations. One of the
things that I heard over and over this
year was confirmation that there is
interest in a slightly different type of
worship service. What’s interesting
is that this different type of worship service is not about bells and
whistles. There isn’t a need for more
technology. There isn’t desire for yet
another style of music. What people
don’t want is to be “marketed to.”
Interactive Worship
What is desired is an opportunity to
gather together with those who are
sincerely interested in growing in their
relationship with God and who are willing to figure out together how better to
make that a part of everyday life. Rather
than bells and whistles, there is a desire
to go deeper. There is a desire to be part
of a conversation about how to do that.
In a word, there is a desire for interactive worship. But, it is not only about
worship, it is about being part of a community of faith that is seeking together
to find ways to live as the people of God
together during the week.
Baby Steps
One small step toward an interactive service will take place this fall.
Beginning in the fall we plan to
have the Fellowship Hall equipped
to have the worship service simulcast through the projector and sound
system. This will allow for a more
informal atmosphere where conversations take place during the service
without being considered rude or
inappropriate. If there is interest,
there may also be the possibility of
creating space for facilitated conversation on the sermon and “digging
deeper” as well.
I know that most of us are already trying
to find ways to live as the people of God
during the week. What is different is
more intentional interactive conversation about how we do that, and more
opportunities to do it together.
Finally, I am exploring ways in
which Our Saviour’s might provide funding for groups of people
who want to take on a community
service project sponsored by Our
Saviour’s. This could be one small
way that we start more concretely
living our mission of “Living as
the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus.”
Watch for more information on this
over the summer.
Pastor Lloyd Menke
Not everyone of course is looking for
this. That is why I have said over and
over, that when we implement a new
worship service it will be an addition—
something in addition—to what we are
already doing, not in place of what we
are doing now.
Our Ministers:
All members of Our Saviour’s
Our vision: Rooted in God’s grace, always made new.
Our mission: Living as the hands, feet and heart of Christ.
Our promise: Rejoicing together in God’s grace, hope and love.
Page 2
Pastoral Staff:
Lloyd Menke, Senior Pastor
Doug Duin, Associate Pastor
Kelli Weiss, Associate Pastor for Family Life
Our Website:
Church email: [email protected]
June 2015
Financial Update
by Pastor Lloyd Menke
Ministry Needs/Operating Fund
Kids in Worship
by Pastor Kelli Weiss
For those of you with children, I’d love
to hear from you about what is helpful
and challenging about worship for you
and with your children. I have some
thoughts and ideas, but I can’t really
know what our children and families
need, struggle with, or love so much;
or even what perspectives you all hold
about worshipping with your children.
If you’re open to it, please feel free
to reach out to me and to other staff.
Children, I’d also really love to hear
what you think, too! What is easy to
understand? What is difficult? Do you
feel like you’re welcomed in worship?
What do you love about it?
Here’s where my heart is when we talk
about children in worship:
The short answer is that I really want
our children to be included, welcomed,
and engaged in worship. Not too long
ago, I was walking by the Worship
Center with a younger girl and she
looked over and exclaimed, “I’ve been
in there before!” and I said, “You have?
That’s great!” “Yes,” she said, “Two
times!” I smiled and told her how exciting that was, but on the inside my heart
hurt a little. Two times. We do such a
fantastic job of teaching and engaging
our children here at Our Saviour’s. I
get to connect with many of them on
Wednesdays and Sundays in church
school and fellowship, but by and
large, there aren’t nearly as many of
our children in worship services. There
is no judgment in these words, only a
hope and a wish and a want. I want for
our kids to be a part of this. For better
or for worse, our largest gathering as
church is when we meet for worship.
As Lutherans, worship is such a central
part of who we are as a faith community. It’s where we gather to receive
May giving was .78% ahead of last year, an improvement over April. Thank
you. However, we do not have as much reserve going into the summer this
year as we have in the several years. So please, prayerfully remember that
our costs continue during the summer months. If you have not signed up for
Simply Giving or are not using automatic giving through your bank, doing so
can be a great way to make sure that you don’t have a large “catch up” situation in the fall.
Giving through the end of May 2015
Giving through the end of May 2014
Giving ahead of last year
Loan Repayment
Our loan comes due on July 1st. Our loan is interest free for the first two
years, then, after that it will be 4.75% per year. Our current balance in the
account will easily make our July 1st payment of $15,000. Thank you.
Giving to Loan Repayment in May
Current Balance in the Loan Repayment Account
$ 1,752.00
$ 26,481.94
Building and Facility Concerns
Church Elevator
The church council is wrestling with how to best plan for some rather large
upkeep needs. We have been informed that parts are no longer available
for the elevator. We are going to have to update it at some point in the near
future. When we update it we will also have to make code update improvements. We have a ball park figure for these updates of $94,000.
Parking Lot
The church parking lot needs to be resealed soon. We have bids for this
for approximately $16,000. It is also of some concern that the grade on the
parking lot is too flat, allowing water to stand in places and ice to form in the
winter. To re-grade the parking lot is a major expense; preliminary estimates
are at $120,000.
It is hard to imagine, but we have a church facility that is insured for over $6
million. While these figures may seem high, in comparison to the value of the
facility they need to be seen in terms of our overall investment. We have a
wonderful gift from previous generations as a place of worship. It would be a
shame to not do what we can to keep up our facility and property.
How do you want to address these coming costs? Shall we take out a loan
when the need is critical, or should we begin to prepare for them by doing
another capital campaign in the fall? Your input is important and valued.
Continued on page 9
June 2015
Page 3
Caring Ministries
Serving our need to care
and our need for care.
Jeanie McCabe, Council Rep.
Team Leaders:
Our Saviour’s Evangelical
Lutheran Church Prayer Chain
is composed of church members who
pray daily for those requesting prayers
for themselves and others. They
need not be members of our church
or community. Requests are kept
confidential unless otherwise specified.
Prayer requests may be submitted to:
[email protected]
or to the Prayer Chain Anchor, Rosanne
Otto 651-226-8299, (voice mail is
available if no one answers) or you
may call the church office.
If you would like to become a
member of the email prayer chain or
the phone prayer chain, please call
Rosanne 651-226-8299.
We pray that God will bless you
with peace!
Grief Support - Pastor Doug Duin
Care Cards - Audrey Adolphson
Prayer Chain Anchor - Rosanne Otto
Lay Ministry - Paula Davick, Tricia Agen,
Maxine Wiech
Communion Ministry - see Pastor Doug Duin
A Time of Prayer
We are praying every Sunday in the
Chapel from 7:30 AM to 7:55 AM.
All are welcome to join us. Come
with your prayer requests, come to
sit quietly, come to observe prayer or
come to voice your own prayer. Open
to all, whether a beginner at prayer or
a seasoned person of prayer. Come just
once or come every Sunday.
Intercessory Prayer Ministry meets at
5:00 pm on Wednesday evenings. Join
this wonderful group as they diligently
meet and pray for the staff and life of
our church. Contact Jan Peterson with
any questions - (651) 437-9531
[email protected]
We do not know how to pray as we ought,
but that very Spirit intercedes…
--Romans 8:26
Our sincere Christian sympathy is extended to:
Lee Zenner - death of mother
Janel Behrends - death of mother
Sandy Scharr - death of mother
Pierre & Stacy Stepanier - deaths of nephews
Judy Ernst - death of mother
Jodi Steele - death of father
Carole Kirtz - death of sister
Mike Westland - death of sister
Nate Marxhausen - death of sister
Please remember these and others you may know of in your prayers.
PLEASE, call the church office with news of a birth, hospitalization, or
Privacy Laws - Hospitals are not able to give patient admission notification to
churches. If you are aware of anyone in the hospital who would like a pastoral
visit or be included in prayers, please call the church office.
Page 4
The Hastings Area Grief
Support Group provides a caring
environment of mutual support and
education for those grieving the death
of a significant person. In a respectful
Christian atmosphere, this group welcomes all people with opportunities to
understand and express their own grief
experience. We provide an educational
component and then have small group
time with others experiencing a similar
Meeting place - Tilden Community
Center, 310 River St. Hastings
New meeting time - Grief Group meetings are held the 2nd & 4th Thursdays
of the month from 6:00pm to 7:30pm
and are open to the public.
Contact - Dick and Donna Mathiowetz
@ 651.983.0135
Personal and Family
Devotionals and Care Notes
Provided by the Pastoral Care Team are
available free in the rack outside the
office. You are welcome to take one for
yourself or offer one to a friend.
Spark Family is a devotional
resource that will help families explore
Bible stories together! Every issue
includes Bible stories, pictures, questions, and activities. If you are looking
for ways to talk about God with your
child or with a child in your life then
we invite you to bring home the current
issue of the new Spark Family devotion! Copies are available by the office
June 2015
Serving Ministries
Congregational Contacts...
Hastings Family Service
Board - Shelly Rohr, Terry Storholm, Carrie Jo Short
Meals on Wheels - Maxine Wiech
Narthex Food Wagon - Carol Rupp Fixers for Christ - Greg Mikel
Food With Friends - Sharon Langenfeld, Cathy Shores
Servant Road - Cary Nygaard
Sharing and Caring Hands - Jana Serres,
Heidi Siebenaler
Tanzania Partnership - Christy Baum
Opportunities for
Fixers for Christ
Do not hesitate to call the church
office - 437-9052 if you need help with
a leaky faucet, a squeaky door, removal
of a dead shrub, replacing burned out
ceiling light bulbs, hanging a picture,
Our volunteers are eager to help you!
The U.S. Census reports that 70,524
children in Minnesota live in kinship
caregiver headed households, or 5.5% of
Minnesota’s children.
The 24/7 support network connects
caregivers to trained, experienced staff
who assist in navigating complex legal
systems, or provide referrals to medical
and financial resources, mental health
services and community programs.
LSS Kinship caregiver support groups
are held throughout the metro area and
surrounding suburbs, with plans to
expand statewide. To learn more or to
register for an upcoming session, please
send an email to [email protected],
call 651.917.4640 or visit www.lssmn.
People helping people!
Sharon Langenfeld, Council Rep.
[email protected]
Hastings Family Service
301 Second Street East
in Downtown Hastings
Hastings Family Service provides
emergency food, clothing, financial
assistance, and other support for those
experiencing a crisis in their lives, HFS
works to give them a hand-up rather
than a hand-out.
Tanzania Anyone?
Just throwin’ it out
there. It’s been a
couple of years now
since our last team
traveled to Tanzania.
Is anyone interested in another
journey there? We’re thinking of
possibly 2016 or even 2017. For
now, no dates or costs…just trying
to see if there is enough interest to
merit moving forward at this time.
If you are interested, please contact
one of the pastors. Thanks!
Thank you to Our Saviour’s for your
generous contribution of $2500.00 to
Hastings Family Service. Your gift will
be proportionately MATCHED by MN
FoodShare and have an even greater
impact. -- Chris Koop, Executive Director
Provides groceries
to people in need of
emergency, short-term
assistance. In addition
to a five to seven day supply of groceries, persons receive a voucher to a local
grocery store for perishables.
Items such as pancake mix and syrup,
bottled juices, diapers, personal hygiene items, including toothbrushes,
laundry soap are always needed. Your
contributions may be brought to HFS
or dropped off in the blue wagon in the
church gathering area. Thank you for
reaching out to our community.
Meals On Wheels
In partnership with Regina Medical
Center, this program provides hot
meals and a safety check for the elderly
and people living with a disability.
Do you like to drive?
OSEL delivers meals to
residents of Hastings
every other Monday
through Meals on Wheels
program. Call Maxine
Wiech (437-4356) for
more info.
Food With Friends Ministry
This ministry on the first Thursday of the
month serves a meal to people unable to
provide a meal for themselves or their
family or those just looking for someone
to talk to.
Thanks to all who helped with food
and/or serving in March and April.
The next two meals will be on
Thursdays, June 4 and July 2 at 6:00
PM. Sign up at the Welcome Center to
provide food and/or help with setup,
serving, and cleanup.
Cathy Shores, 651-208-6244
Sharon Langenfeld, 437-8128
Sharing & Caring Hands
Sharing and Caring Hands is an outreach
ministry of Our Saviour’s. Every other
month we deliver meals at the Sharing
and Caring Hands facility in Minneapolis.
Our next date to serve will be
Saturday, June 13.
Watch for sign-ups in the gathering
area at church to help provide food and/or
to go along to serve. Contact:
Jana Serres, 651-707-7241
Heidi Siebenaler, 651-343-5840
June 2015
Page 5
Shared Ministry
Ministry Teams
Seeking Visionaries
The following groups are seeking new
members, new ideas, new energy to
join the existing bodies of fantastic
people who all have a strong desire to
help us find greater joy and fulfillment
for all.
Christian Education
Contact: Theresa Chatelle
This group has the privilege and
responsibility to mold, to create, and
influence how our youths learn about
faith. There are some very exciting possibilities for us here. We want to double
the size of this influential and knowledgeable team. If you are a parent and/
or educator, you are strongly encouraged to be part of this group.
Shared Ministry
Contact: Jody Geib
We are seekers of opportunities for all
to be able to find greater joy and gratitude in their everyday lives, their work,
their families, and our community. We
research, discover, develop, tweak, and
redesign—we are creative and observant. We communicate and connect.
Stewardship’s Connections Team Contact: Ann Erickson
Consider joining the fascinating mission of growing, maintaining, and
encouraging this church! You will encourage and excite existing & potential
new members to be an active, supportive and important part of the Our
Saviour's family. This is a long range
journey to live as the hands, feet, and
heart of Christ!
Youth and Family Leadership Team Contacts: Laura Cassidy or
Pastor Kelli Weiss
Meetings are every other Thursday
from 6:00-7:00 pm. We meet to offer
support and encouragement to each
other as we lead in various aspects of
youth ministry. This team also serves as
a sounding board for initiatives for our
youth and families at Our Saviour’s.
Anyone is welcome to attend, but
we ask that if you plan to attend on a
regular basis that you volunteer to lead
in an on-going way with youth ministry
Page 6
Jody Geib
Shared Ministry Coordinator
651-437-9052, ext. 20
[email protected]
Gail Glashan, Council Rep.
[email protected]
Please contact Jody (above) if you
are interested in any of the Shared
Ministry events listed on this page.
Additionally, please check the website, and Facebook, for
the most updated details.
Telling the Our Saviour’s
story through pictures
Are you the memory keeper of your
friends or family? We are looking for
all photographers—amateur to professionals—to be the memory keepers of
Our Saviour’s. All who are interested
should contact either Pastor Lloyd or
Jody. For more information: http://
It is hard to believe that it’s time for another church directory! Mac McGoon
Portrait Design Studio completed the
last directory in 2010. Appointments
will be available starting in August for
families with college aged kids and for
snowbirds. The official start date will
be November 1st which accommodates
families wanting portraits in time for
• All sessions will be done at Mac McGoon Studio which allows for an endless array of back-
ground choices and props.
• Breakouts of family members will be offered; children, indi-
viduals and more.
• All ordering will take place immediately after your session in a relaxed atmosphere. If
photographed, you will receive a complimentary 8x10 portrait and a directory.
Shared Ministry
Small Groups
Continuing Groups...
First timers are always welcome.
Men’s Study Group
Sundays, 6:30 p.m.
Contact Dennis Nygaard, 437-7943
Women’s Bible Study
Tuesdays, 9:00 a.m.
Contact Jan Peterson, 437-9531
Men’s Wednesday Morning Group
Wednesdays, 5:45 a.m.
Contact Tim Mellesmoen, 437-5221
Adult Study Group
Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.
Contact Leigh Nelson, 651-222-6065
Good News Men’s Group
Thursdays, 9:00 a.m.
Contact Pastor Doug, 437-9052
We are making it easier than
ever to connect!
Our Saviour’s is offering an online
Sign Up for events and volunteering opportunities (it’s FREE)! To see
what is currently available takes only
a few easy steps:
• Go to: http://www.signupgenius.
• Choose to “Search by Email” (the
second box)
• Enter: [email protected]
Ta Da! A list of Our Saviour’s Signups will be displayed.
This is an additional way to sign up—
we will still offer the sign-up sheets at
the Ministry Center.
If you see an event being advertised
and it has this logo, it can be found
Everyone’s participation is needed for
this pictorial directory to be a success!
June 2015
Christian Education
Theresa Chatelle
Director of Faith Formation
651-437-9052, ext. 27
[email protected]
Kas Woodward, Council Rep.
[email protected]
Christian Education Leadership Team
meets the 4th Tuesday of every month in
the church office conference room.
Next meeting is Aug. 25, 2015:
6:00 PM
Vacation Bible School
Open to 3yr. olds through 5th grade
June 8-12 9:30 AM-12 Noon
Embark on an icy expedition!
Kids will experience God’s word in
surprising ways through games, crafts,
videos, and snacks!
Each day, one simple Bible truth is
reinforced, making it easy for kids to
remember and apply to real life.
Don’t miss out on all the fun!!
Fall Registration
All families currently
enrolled in either church
school or confirmation will
receive their 2015-16 registration forms in the mail.
Additional forms are available at the
Welcome Center or upstairs outside the
education office. Please consider the
many different volunteer opportunities
for sharing your gifts. Excellent ministry CANNOT happen without you!!
Dates to
September 13 - Heifer Breakfast
Church School Open House Teacher Installation
September 10 - Teacher Training Workshops
September 20 - Sunday School begins
September 23 - Wednesday School & Children’s Choirs begin
September 19 & 20 - Third Grade Bible Presentation
September 27 - Together in Faith - 3rd Graders and Parents
September 1 - Confirmation Teacher Training Workshop
September 2 - 10th grade Closure/
make stoles
September 16 - Kick-off Celebration
Confirmation begins
7th grade Student and Parent
Orientation with Acolyte Training
September 23 - 10th grade Picture and Rehearsal
Mark Your Calendar for the fall
Confirmation Services:
Saturday, Sept. 26, 5:30 PM
Sunday, Sept. 27, 2:00 PM
8th Grade
You will be receiving information
for choosing a mentor for this fall.
Please be thinking about whom
you would like to ask! Please have
a mentor chosen by September,
9th Grade
Don’t forget to schedule your
pastor session, PLEASE book
your session NOW!!! Just call
the church office to schedule.
Need Service Hours?
Summer Opportunities
Vacation Bible School
(June 8-12)
Clean / reorganize classrooms
Usher at Worship Services
Adopt a Classroom
We need your help!!! We are inviting
anyone to ADOPT a Classroom this
summer. Each person or group would
be given a specific room or rooms with
a list of things that need to be done
in each room (toy washing, restock
supplies, change bulletin boards, reorganizing,etc…) If you are interested
in adopting a classroom, please email
or call Theresa Chatelle ([email protected] or 437-9052 ext. 27)
June 2015
Page 7
Youth and Family Ministries
Kelli Weiss
Associate Pastor for Family Life
651-437-9052, ext. 17
[email protected]
Laura Cassidy, Council Rep.
[email protected]
Worship Service
Sunday, May 31
10:35 a.m.
followed by lunch
Welcome, Bryan Rachuy
Summer Youth Intern
Hello everyone! As the new youth
intern at Our Saviour’s I would like to
introduce myself and share some plans
I had in mind for this summer. First
off, I grew up going to bible school,
church on Sunday morning, and being
confirmed at this church. Some of my
fondest memories were made here at
this church where my mom was my
bible school teacher, my dad was my
confirmation teacher and where my
grandma lived right across the street
from the church.
called Irresistible Revolution by Shane
Claiborne. I really enjoyed reading this
book and I would like to share it with
the kids because it has a strong message of what it means to be a Christian
in today’s world.
The second plan is to try to organize
some kind of softball league that meets
once a week. I believe that through
the community we grow stronger as
Christians and what better way to get
a community involved than a pickup
game of softball?
I went to school in Hastings and was
involved in many different sports and
extra circulars ranging from wrestling
to jazz band. After graduating high
school I went to Mankato State University to study Biology there in Mankato
I was involved at Crossroads Campus
Ministry where I played drums in the
worship band and helped out with the
lunch they served every week. My future plans for school are to attend Inver
Hills Community College to get my
generals done.
The third plan is to get the kids involved in some sort of community
service work projects and here is where
you can help me out the most. If you
know of anyone who needs any help
or something that needs to be fixed or
done in the community let me know so
I can get it organized and get a group
to do it. Lastly, I want to thank the congregation for letting me work with your
kids and I look forward to being a good
role model and learning from your kids
as well.
The first plan I have in mind for this
summer is to do a book study on a
book we did at the campus ministry
Bryan Rachuy
Summer Youth Activities
A day each week in the summer—we’ll get together for games,
an outing, activity, bible study, etc. Stay up to date with the
weekly youth and family email and Facebook to find out what
we’re doing each week.
We will be recognizing our graduating
seniors at a special service on May 31st
as the New Creation Band leads us in
music and worship honoring the young
people of our congregation, and their
life journeys. The graduates and families will be served a light lunch by the
junior class and their parents.
Congratulations to our
OSEL 2015 graduates:
Lily Arvidson
Joseph Bond
Samantha Brahmer
Samantha Bremer
Fallon Cassidy
Dillon Conley
Kalley Erlandson
Colt Flacksbarth
Chad Fleck
Clay Fleck
Anna Foster
Michael Gegen
Kelcey Gilb
Samuel Hoffman
Morgan Johnson
Trent Johnson
Kyle King
Stuart Mattison
Mary McCord
Morgan McCullough
Amanda Meier
Keith Mikel
Benjamin Miller
Erica Miller
Gage Muench
Craig Nielsen
Hanna Norman
Kayla Owl
Annika Peterson
Skyler Rawling
Gabriele Riveness
Elizabeth Sager
Logan Sanderson
Katie Scharfe
Libby Schiller
Madeline Shogren
Tyler Strandberg
Benjamin Swenson
Taylor True
Megan Vortherms
Dmitry Wagner
Katrina Walt
Andrew Wester
Carson Whyle
Caelee Zenner
Summer HIGH SCHOOL Camp-Style Worship
We’ll have a weekly bonfire, sing songs, praise God, and share stories.
Wednesday nights beginning June 17, 7:30-9:30 pm.
Parade Helpers—Sunday, July 19 at 12:00 Noon
Want to walk in the Rivertown Days parade with Our Saviour’s? Any students who are interested, contact
Pastor Kelli. Spaces are limited, so sign up early! You’ll get a free Our Saviour’s t-shirt for joining us.
Page 8
June 2015
2015 Mission Trip Information
Participant & Parent Meetings
at Our Saviour’s:
Middle School:
Sunday, June 7,
12 Noon
High School:
Monday, June 29, 8:00 pm
For this meeting, please bring your
going over all of the trip information,
complete required paperwork, and
answer any questions that come up.
This is a mandatory meeting.
Kids in Worship cont. from page 2
forgiveness and grace, where we gather
to learn and grow, be challenged and
reminded, where we sing and confess,
hear the Word and celebrate the sacraments. I really want our kids to be a
part of that. And I suspect that being a
part of it now will be the best way for
them to learn to love our tradition as
Lutheran Christians now and into the
I do not have all of the answers, nor do
I know all of the questions or challenges, but here are a few thoughts to
get the conversation started:
1. One of the tricky things about having worship services that are concurrent
with church school classes on Sundays,
is that it seems like the intent is for parents go to worship while their children
go to church school. I don’t think that is
real the intent, though. I want our kids
to have time to be in church school and
to grow and learn with peers, AND I
want our kids to worship God with the
rest of the faith community. Is there a
way that families could do both? I hope
that we can help each other do both. (A
note: I also don’t know if we have always voiced as a congregation, or I as a
pastor, our hope for children and adults
to be involved in Christian education
AND worship. I would like to advocate
for this more.)
2. I imagine that it is tough to parent
in the pews. I don’t yet know what it
is like to be a parent; I’ve only heard
Middle School Mission Trip to
Milwaukee, WI (June 21-27)
Emily Bowles
Lacey Lundholm
Megan Myers
Zach Nelson
Craig Nielsen
Alex O’Connor
Joey Seeger
Drew Sonnenburg
Amanda Thompson
Adult Leaders:
Mike O’Connor
Kelli Weiss
it is really hard work (and wonderful,
but hard). As a church we are dedicated to making this easier for families.
Later this summer we will be installing a camera so that we can project
the worship service in the Fellowship
Hall at the same time, for those parents
walking circles with little ones that just
need to move. On Monday nights in
the summer we will be trying out some
pieces that may be more familiar to
our children to help engage them better
in worship. We will also be creating
a space for our littlest ones to sit near
the front and play, listen, learn, and
worship. My hope is that this is only
a start; that we will continue creating
new things and trying out more ideas
so that our young people feel more
welcomed and connected in worship.
Your feedback will be so helpful to all
of the staff so that we can continue to
help our young people and families be
connected here.
3. This may be a cultural shift for
some. We have not always voiced
our hope for our children to be active
members of our worshipping community. I believe we must encourage and
include our young people. Even simple
things like saying hello to the children
near you and introducing yourself to
them and their parents can be so helpful and impactful. I have heard from
some young parents about the “real”
or “imagined” glare from others when
they worship with their children who
are busy or chatty. If they’re real, we
must put those glares away. If imag-
High School Mission Trip to
Detroit, MI (ELCA Youth Gathering
July 13-20)
Annie Fox
Sara Lund
Emily Morris
Shannon O’Connor
Ben Pavelka
Anna Reissner
Decker Whyle
Riley Zietlow
Terry Storholm
Kelli Weiss
ined, we must go out of our way to
share the opposite message.
4. I hear people say pretty regularly,
“kids are the future of this church” and
I wholeheartedly agree. I also think
they are the present. We are not teaching them to be a part of this community
for one day when they are old enough,
but for right now. They’re the church
too, Jesus said. (Matthew 19:14) 
Thank you for reading and opening
yourself up to thinking about children
in worship and engaging the conversation. I’m grateful for all of you.
Pastor Kelli
Congratulations to...
Tiffany Ramsbacher
& Ryan Sherry
on May 9, 2015
Courtney Schriever
& Joseph Munson
on May 15, 2015
June 2015
Page 9
Worship & Music Ministries
Summer is almost here! This brings
many opportunities to share your
musical talents with the congregation!
I am currently looking for musicians
that are interested in playing with me
at the 10:35 Sunday morning services
this summer. If you sing, play guitar,
saxophone, flute, violin, or really any
other instrument, and you want to share
your gifts and have some fun, I would
love to hear from you! Or, if you have a
son or daughter with musical talent and
interest, all ages are welcome!
Please contact Jason at 651-336-5080,
or [email protected].
AND, if you can’t make it on Sundays
during the summer, come join us Monday night for 7:00 PM worship with the
New Creation band! The first Sunday/
Monday of our summer schedule will
be June 7 and 8.
Jubilee Handbell
The Jubilee Handbell Choir is looking
for new members to join the choir. The
ability to read music is helpful! With a
little practice, the technique of ringing the bell becomes easier and easier.
Many of the current ringers have been
members of the choir for a number of
years, but DO NOT let that deter you
from giving it a try. Everyone has to
start with the basics and grow from
there! I’d be happy to provide a lesson
in bell ringing and answer questions
for anyone who is interested. Please
contact me by phone or email:
Kathy Hardy 651-436-2464
or [email protected].
Page 10
Diane Pearson
651-437-9052, ext. 21
Kevin Gagnon
Media Coordinator and
Teen Bands director
Choir Directors:
Kathy Hardy - Jubilee Ringers
Lin Warren - Chancel Choir
Tammy McMenomy - God’s Little
Angels (Preschool-Kindergarten choir)
Diane Pearson - Good News Gang
(1st through 5th grade choir)
Jerrie Pittenger, Council Rep.
[email protected],
Wow! Amazing ministry takes place
here at Our Saviour’s because of your
participation! Thanks for the gift of
music. Special thanks to all of the leaders, directors, and accompanists, as well
as the participants this past year. Think
of the ministry of these groups and individuals: The Chancel Choir, The New
Creation Band, our Organists, Good
News Gang, God’s Little Angels, the
Teen Ensemble, the youth and adults
involved with Church School opening
worship, the handbell group—The Jubilee Ringers, the Wed. Night Worship
Band, the soloists, accompanists, and
special music participants. We celebrate
your music ministry!
New Member Orientation
Are you interested in becoming a
member of Our Saviour’s family? Do
you have some questions? Want to find
out more about us? Join us for our New
Member Orientation on:
• Sunday, June 7 at 11:45 am (following the 10:35 service) in the chapel…
• Monday, June 8 at 8:00 pm, also in
the chapel.
During the session you have a chance
to meet the Pastors and Staff, the staff
has an opportunity to get to know you,
and you’ll hear about opportunities to
become actively involved in our ministries. Welcome to Our Saviour’s!
Our Saviour’s
Quinn Elise Baker
Born: December 1, 2014
Baptized: April 19, 2015
Parents: Alex & Marie Baker
Sponsors: Paul & Kristan Woog, Molly Baker, Vincent Cordero
Finley Irene Johnson
Born: January 18, 2015
Baptized: May 9, 2015
Parents: Adam & Brooke Johnson
Sponsors: Alex Walker, Blake Johnson
Logan James Bergeson
Born: January 31, 2015
Baptized: May 16, 2015
Parents: Andrew & Samantha Bergeson
Sponsors: Chad Hager, Angela &
Matthew Lawrence
The next Baptism Seminar is
scheduled for Monday, July 6 at 5:00
p.m. in the Chapel. If you wish to
have a child baptized, you must first
attend a seminar. Please call the church
office, if you wish to register for the
next seminar, to schedule a baptism, or
if you have questions.
Discussion with Pastors
Ever wanted to take your worship a step further and discuss
it with the Pastor delivering
the week’s sermon? Now you
can—via the Sermon Blog
which can be accessed through
the Our Saviour’s website, OR go
directly to OurSavioursLC.
June 2015
Coming Weeks at Our Saviour’s
Church doors are open 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., weekdays. Please call the office to schedule ALL meetings, 437-9052.
Regular Weekly Meetings at
Our Saviour’s
Unless noted otherwise, these groups meet
every week:
7:30 AM Weekly Prayer
12:00 Noon Church Staff Meeting
5:00 PM New Creation Rehearsal
9:00 AM Women’s Study
5:45 AM 5:00 PM 6:30 PM Men’s Study
Intercessory Prayer
Adult Study
9:00 AM Men’s Study
9:30 AM Bulletin Stuffers
Monday through Friday beginning June 8:
12 Noon-1:00 PM MEALS served at Our Saviour’s Fellowship Hall by Loaves & Fishes
Sunday, May 31
Summer Stretch registrations due
8:00 AM Traditional Worship
9:15 AM Blended Worship
10:35 AM Contemporary Worship with
Baccalaureate Service followed by Luncheon
11:45 AM TIM Teem Meeting
3:30 PM Jubilee Ringers
6:30 PM Book Club - Dr Brene Brown
Monday, June 1
6:30 PM Boy Scouts 503 (rain site)
7:00 PM Last Revelation Study
Tuesday, June 2
7:30 AM President’s Committee
7:00 PM Good Neighbors 4-H
Thursday, June 4
6:00 PM Food with Friends
Sunday, June 7
8:00 AM Traditional Worship
9:15 AM Blended Worship
10:35 AM Contemporary Worship Service
11:45 AM New Member Orientation
12:00 Noon Middle School Mission Trip
Meeting with Parents
7:00 PM BSA 503 Committee Meeting
Monday, June 8
9:30 AM-12:00 Noon Vacation Bible School
4:30-6:30 PM ’50s Drive-In and Carnival
5:00 PM New Creation Rehearsal
7:00 PM Boy Scouts 503
7:00 PM Contemporary Worship Service
8:00 PM New Member Orientation
Tuesday, June 9
9:30 AM-12:00 Noon Vacation Bible School
6:00 PM Church Council
Wednesday, June 10
9:30 AM-12:00 Noon Vacation Bible School
Wednesday, July 1
Summer Stretch at SEAS Church
Thursday, June 11
9:30 AM-12:00 Noon Vacation Bible School
Thursday, July 2
6:00 PM Food with Friends
Friday, June 12
9:30 AM-12:00 Noon Vacation Bible School
Friday, July 3
Office Closed for Holiday
Saturday, June 13
8:00 AM Life Line Screening
Sunday, June 14
8:00 AM Traditional Worship
9:15 AM Blended Worship
10:35 AM Contemporary Worship Service
Monday, June 15
11:00 AM-5:30 PM Red Cross Blood Drive
7:00 PM Boy Scouts 503
7:00 PM Contemporary Worship Service
8:00 PM Sundaes on Mondays
Tuesday, June 16
1:00-7:00 PM Red Cross Blood Drive
7:00 PM Stewardship Connections Team
Wednesday, June 17
Summer Stretch at SEAS Church
Sunday, June 21
Middle School Mission Trip - Milwaukee WI
8:00 AM Traditional Worship
9:15 AM Blended Worship
10:35 AM Contemporary Worship Service
3:45 PM Carpool to St. Paul Saint’s Game
Monday, June 22
Middle School Mission Trip - Milwaukee WI
7:00 PM Boy Scouts 503
7:00 PM Contemporary Worship Service
8:00 PM Sundaes on Mondays
Tuesday, June 23
Middle School Mission Trip - Milwaukee WI
Wednesday, June 24
Middle School Mission Trip - Milwaukee WI
Summer Stretch at SEAS Church
Thursday, June 25
Middle School Mission Trip - Milwaukee WI
Sunday, July 5
8:00 AM Traditional Worship
9:15 AM Blended Worship
10:35 AM Contemporary Worship Service
11:45 AM New Member Orientation
Monday, July 6
5:00 PM Baptism Seminar
5:30 PM Potluck Supper
7:00 PM Boy Scouts 503
7:00 PM Contemporary Worship Service
8:00 PM New Member Orientation
8:00 PM Sundaes on Mondays
Tuesday, July 7
7:30 AM President’s Meeting
10:00 AM Messenger Mailing
7:00 PM Good Neighbors 4-H
Wednesday, July 8
Summer Stretch at SEAS Church
Weekly Community Groups at Our Saviour’s
7:00 PM Black Dirt Theater
5:45 PM T.O.P.S.
7:00 PM Community Bible Study
8:30 AM
Friday, June 26
Middle School Mission Trip - Milwaukee WI
5:00 PM Creative Memories
Saturday, June 27
Middle School Mission Trip - Milwaukee WI
Sunday, June 28
8:00 AM Traditional Worship
9:15 AM Blended Worship
10:35 AM Contemporary Worship Service
Monday, June 29
7:00 PM Boy Scouts 503
7:00 PM Worship Service
8:00 PM Sr. Hi Mission Trip Parent meeting
8:00 PM Sundaes on Mondays
Tuesday, June 30
4:00 PM Messenger Deadline
The next
deadline is
June 30, at
4:00 p.m.
We are broadcasting our Sunday
worship services on KDWA 1460
AM radio and at at
6:30 p.m. on Sundays (traditional
service) and 6:30 pm Wednesdays
(contemporary service). Tune in if
you’re unable to attend worship.
June 2015 Page 11
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FREE Healthy lunch for everyone...
Kids, Youth, and Adults!
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church
400 9th program
St W in Hastings
M.E.A.L.S. is a new summer lunch
brought to Hastings through community partners with Loaves & Fishes!
June 8th -Our
28th | Monday-Friday
The host site will be our very own,
All Hastings community
members—Kids, Youth, and Adults—no eligibil No paperwork...
Hot Lunch
Inside Served:
ity requirements, no registration
All are
welcome to a FREE
and eat for
FREE!In addition, cold lunches are available
at select off-site locations. Three Rivers Mobile Home Park
Activities to be scheduled.
- August at
| Monday-Friday
• The hot lunch program June
Saviour’s on Monday,
June 8th (all VBS participants are welcome to stay  Lunch must be eaten on site.
Cold LunchAugust
Outside 28
for lunch that week) through
, Monday-Friday,
Noon-1 pm.
In the event of rain, visit
Lions Park / PITS Program
Our Saviour’s
indoorframe hot lunches at the church.
• Cold lunches will be delivered
to Three Rivers Trailer Park during
the same
June 15th - August 7th | Monday-Thursday
in Hastings
• Cold lunches will also be delivered
Lions Park
run June 15th through August 7th, (No lunch served the
of July Park.
4 )
on Facebook for updates!
Monday-Friday, 12:15Cold
pm. Note:
no lunches during the week of July 4th. Children participating in
Lunch Outside
Served: 12:15-1:15pm
PITS may stay at the park for lunch.
for summer
We are so excited to be part of this exciting and
needed program
in the Hastings
The first day at each site, there will be a PRIZE drawing for
kids, youth, and adults! Don’t miss a FREE meal and summer fun.
If you would like to help, volunteers are needed to help deliver the cold lunches to the parks.
If interested, please contact the church office or Jody. 651.437. 9052.
To learn more about Loaves and Fishes:
Community Partners include:
Hastings Family NEEDED
Service, Hastings
Ed, and several
— local churches…and YOU!
Contact Mary Kocak with Hastings Family Service for more information.
[email protected] 651-437-7134