Please join us in the gym for brunch and fellowship, immediately
Please join us in the gym for brunch and fellowship, immediately
OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN MINISTRIES ANNOUNCEMENTS Weekly Bulletin of Events & Announcements April 5, 2015 Easter Blessings from the Reach-Out Team He is risen! He is risen, indeed! Alleluia! God's blessings to you on this Easter Sunday and always from the Reach-Out Team. Coffee Fund Raiser Do you enjoy your daily cup of joe? Why not buy your coffee with ministry in mind? During the month of April, Our Savior’s Youth Ministry will be selling bags of coffee beans to support our ministry. You can pick from 6 different blends such as Hawaiian, Honduran, or Decaf Colombian for just $12 a bag. After the orders are taken in April, a local roaster will freshly roast your beans and they will be ready for pick up May 10th. You can place your order in the church office April 5th through April 26th, or in the gym on Sundays during fellowship time. If you’re used to buying coffee, why not buy a bag that was roasted with you in mind. And remember, it’s for a good cause. Contact Sara Agee in the church office with any questions. Many Thanks Many thanks for all the prayers, cards and encouragements in these last few weeks. — Susan Contreras ~ IN OUR PRAYERS ~ Homebound: Marilyn Brewster, LaVergne House, Melody Mayfield, Theresa Turpin, Bernice Marchini Health: Bill Hollis, Nancy Barr Grieving: the Kusske/Scharlemann families on the sudden loss of Karke Kusske ~ TODAY’S SCHEDULE ~ 9:00am 10:30am Worship Service Easter Brunch Sanctuary Gym ~ THIS WEEK at OUR SAVIOR ~ Monday 4/6 OSLM OFFICES CLOSED Tuesday 4/7 3:20pm 6-8 Grade Choir Choir Room Wednesday 4/8 9:00am Quilting 7:00pm Confirmation Room 16 Conf. Room Thursday 4/9 7:00pm High School Youth Youth Room Friday 4/10 6:30am Men’s Bible Study 9:30am Ladies Bible Study Shari’s Restaurant Fireside Room ~FACTS & FIGURES ~ Worship Attendance: Sunday, March 29, 2015: One year ago, March 30, 2014: General Giving Budget March 2015 Week Ending March 29, 2015 Received Month-to-Date 286 236 (Communed: 262) (Communed: 202) $80,000 $25,571 $87,466 Serving in the Military: David Back, Josalyn Carlos, Saun Finn, Jonathan Houghton, Rachel Jalanivich, Benjamin Jennings, John Kenyon, David Lange, Christopher Newman, Anthony Olson, Logan Slater-Nunley, Jarad Westfall, Robert Santos Luther Werth, Interim Pastor Christa Even, Music Director ♦ Sara Agee, DCE Evan Anwyl, Principal ♦ Sara Hall, Preschool Director 1385 South Livermore Avenue, Livermore, California 94550; Phone: 925.447.1246 fax: 925.447.0201 ♦ e-mail: [email protected] ♦ web site: Please join us in the gym for brunch and fellowship, immediately following the service. OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN MINISTRIES ANNOUNCEMENTS Weekly Bulletin of Events & Announcements April 5, 2015 Easter Blessings from the Reach-Out Team He is risen! He is risen, indeed! Alleluia! God's blessings to you on this Easter Sunday and always from the Reach-Out Team. Coffee Fund Raiser Do you enjoy your daily cup of joe? Why not buy your coffee with ministry in mind? During the month of April, Our Savior’s Youth Ministry will be selling bags of coffee beans to support our ministry. You can pick from 6 different blends such as Hawaiian, Honduran, or Decaf Colombian for just $12 a bag. After the orders are taken in April, a local roaster will freshly roast your beans and they will be ready for pick up May 10th. You can place your order in the church office April 5th through April 26th, or in the gym on Sundays during fellowship time. If you’re used to buying coffee, why not buy a bag that was roasted with you in mind. And remember, it’s for a good cause. Contact Sara Agee in the church office with any questions. Many Thanks Many thanks for all the prayers, cards and encouragements in these last few weeks. — Susan Contreras ~ IN OUR PRAYERS ~ Homebound: Marilyn Brewster, LaVergne House, Melody Mayfield, Theresa Turpin, Bernice Marchini Health: Bill Hollis, Nancy Barr Grieving: the Kusske/Scharlemann families on the sudden loss of Karke Kusske ~ TODAY’S SCHEDULE ~ 9:00am 10:30am Worship Service Easter Brunch Sanctuary Gym ~ THIS WEEK at OUR SAVIOR ~ Monday 4/6 OSLM OFFICES CLOSED Tuesday 4/7 3:20pm 6-8 Grade Choir Choir Room Wednesday 4/8 9:00am Quilting 7:00pm Confirmation Room 16 Conf. Room Thursday 4/9 7:00pm High School Youth Youth Room Friday 4/10 6:30am Men’s Bible Study 9:30am Ladies Bible Study Shari’s Restaurant Fireside Room ~FACTS & FIGURES ~ Worship Attendance: Sunday, March 29, 2015: One year ago, March 30, 2014: General Giving Budget March 2015 Week Ending March 29, 2015 Received Month-to-Date 286 236 (Communed: 262) (Communed: 202) $80,000 $25,571 $87,466 Serving in the Military: David Back, Josalyn Carlos, Saun Finn, Jonathan Houghton, Rachel Jalanivich, Benjamin Jennings, John Kenyon, David Lange, Christopher Newman, Anthony Olson, Logan Slater-Nunley, Jarad Westfall, Robert Santos Luther Werth, Interim Pastor Christa Even, Music Director ♦ Sara Agee, DCE Evan Anwyl, Principal ♦ Sara Hall, Preschool Director 1385 South Livermore Avenue, Livermore, California 94550; Phone: 925.447.1246 fax: 925.447.0201 ♦ e-mail: [email protected] ♦ web site: Please join us in the gym for brunch and fellowship, immediately following the service.
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