12th April - Mass times and parishes


12th April - Mass times and parishes
Caritas Australia would like to THANK YOU for supporting Project Compassion.
If you still have your Project Compassion box or set of envelopes at home,
please bring them back next week or visit www.caritas.org.au to make your donation online. Thank you for supporting programs around the world that provide
vulnerable people with the skills and opportunities they need to establish sustainable food sources for life. www.caritas.org.au/projectcompassion 1800 024 413
Thank you to all the wonderful people who so freely gave their time and energy
in working behind the scenes - carrying out all the jobs needed to make the
various Easter ceremonies successful, and the tidying up afterwards.
Young Adult Ministry people between the ages of 18 to 35 are very welcome to join our
group. Our first meeting will be on Saturday 2nd May. We will celebrate at the 5:00pm
Mass at St John Vianney Church, Cnr Ernest & Kooralgin Sts, Manly followed by a movie
presentation and pizza. Please contact John Obalum on 0450 133 499 or
[email protected] or the Birkdale or Manly Parish office if you would like to be
Easter Raffle Many thanks to everyone who supported this; $496.00 was raised for the
Parish. Winners were 1st - Betty Poloni, 2nd - Matty McKenna, 3rd - Lena Bandiera. Our
thanks also go to CCI Insurance who donated the 1st prize Hamper. As the Church’s own
insurance company, CCI provides support to the Catholic Church and its community. CCI
offers a range of personal insurance products for the whole Catholic community. For
more information call 1300655003 or visit www.catholicinsurance.org.au
St MMK Social Golf Club will play their next game next Sunday 12th April at Howeston
Golf Course. Tee off 10am. Any enquiries, phone Mary on 3207 1013.
Conversation Group meets Monday 13th April. This months meeting will be at the
home of Noreen and Rod.
Small Coins for East Timor The collection jar for your SMALL COINS will be at the
Welcome Desk each week. Total collected to date is $4,506.40.
Columbarium We are now taking reservations for niches or plaques. If you would like to
discuss your requirements or have any questions about the process, please contact the
Parish Office on 3822 2139 to arrange a suitable time.
Divine Mercy Sunday 12th April at Nazareth House Chapel, 272 Wynnum North Rd,
Wynnum North. Commencing 1:30pm Exposition, Confession, Rosary, Benediction
Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Holy Mass.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend for married couples 15 May – 17 May 2015.
Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston (QLD). Contact: Maria and David ph (07)
3342 1456, [email protected] website: www.wwme.org.au
Recycle for Sight part of the Lions International Eyeglass Recycling Programme in QLD.
Spectacles, sunglasses and frames are distributed throughout the world to people in
need. Please place glasses in the box on the Welcome Desk. Your gift is appreciated.
NEW PARISHIONER? WELCOME! If you are new to our Parish, you are most welcome.
Please fill out the form below and place on one of the collection plates.
NAME(S): Mr / Mrs / Miss
ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________
Saint Mary MacKillop Catholic Parish
Birkdale · Thorneside · Wellington Point
2nd Sunday of Easter Year B
12th April, 2015
Dear Friends
Happy and Holy Easter to everybody. We all thank Our Lord
for the beautiful Easter Liturgies and especially all the generous people from
our two parish secretaries, Collette and Lisa, to our generous Parish Council
members and the wonderful people like Nell, Jane, Lesley, June, Michelle and
Leslee and all who helped in the prepara$ons.
Joy is the gi% of Easter. It is a spiritual gi% that we receive from the Holy Spirit.
Even in the midst of sorrow, joy cannot be ex$nguished. The joy of St Thomas
seeing and touching Our Lord, made him exclaim as we do at every mass, My
Lord and My God.
The fact is Jesus appears to us at every Mass. He touches us and becomes one
with us in the Word and the Bread and Wine, His body and blood. Jesus truly
exists. He is one of us. His blood destroys our fears. He understands our
doubts and He sees and knows all our difficul$es. We are not alone. His mercy
and compassion can pass through any barrier. His peace offers us real hope.
We are challenged to overcome our fears. As Jesus says “Do not be afraid.”
Whatever we are going through, Jesus understands. He wants us to realise
that nothing can happen to us that He does not know about beforehand.
Grace follows suffering. Joy is the gi% of God’s presence, always with us. Let
us take the courage to give a helping hand to those who are afraid and realise
it is the same Jesus we touch in our brothers and sisters. His gi% to us it his
joy and peace.
God love you
Pastor: Fr Frank Jones
Associate Pastor: Fr Epati Tamati
12 Hardy Rd, Birkdale Q 4159
℡ 3822 2139 Fax 3822 4060.
[email protected]
Emergency Contact: 3207 4566
Fr Frank
Parish Primary School
Principal: Mr John Carroll
10 Hardy Rd, Birkdale Q 4159
℡ 3822 5500 Fax 3822 5690
[email protected]
Please be mindful of our sick & all who care for them: Dan Mullan, Dianne Charlton, Damian
Graves, Stana Matic, Page Brosnan, Dot Abrahams, Rhiannon Hinds, Jenny Mills, John Schoites, Corrie
Roser, Brian Cochrane, Amelia Ramsay, Cathy & Trevor Linton, Betty Reagan, Joseph Toth, Sr Sholan
Ferrer, Mary Chylewski, Jeanette Moore, Ray Bandiera, Nola Murphy, Jeanette McNamee, Christiana
Becker, Cathy Leane, Hazel Webster, Pauline McNamee, Jan Robson, Louise Donaghey, Val Fagan,
Pat Crimmins, Gina Mather, Helen Friswell, Paul McKean, Marina Weightman, Peter Lee.
May God embrace all who have recently died: Beverley Hanley, Margaret Murphy, Esther Hill, Henry Dyer.
Anniversaries & Remembrances for April: Raffaele Topatigh, Les Richards, Mark Fallon, Jim Fagan,
Peter Swart, Graham Smith, Maureen McCarthy, Johanna Jorna, Marilyn McDonald, Catherine
Chambers, Theresa Gormley, Pat Gormley, John Gormley, Malcolm Simpson, Catherine and John
Gablonski, Pat McGowan, Neville Hume, David Foley, Daphne Leighton, Maria Poloniato, Kevin Moore,
James Maxwell, Sam Sciacca, Brian Lane, Mick & Livia Cencig, Daisy Johnson, Maurice Pye, Sidney
Ahrens, Ralph Webster, Tony Morrissey, Vivian and Rodello Cabigquez, Aldo Bandiero, Ismael Padilla,
John Henry, George Montgomery, Georgia Higgins, Eugenia De Monte, Fred Hudson, Ian Stuart.
Margaret Harrison, Aurora Tan, Doug Risson, Irene Gall, Harry Elliott, Dennis Davey, Jim Maclean,
Patricia Stuart, Alan McGrath, John Beers.
Please record any further names in the Anniversaries & Remembrance Diary at the Welcome Desk
Parish Diary:
Monday 13th April
2:00pm Activities Group
2:00pm Conversation Group
7:00pm Rosary
7:30pm Meditation
Tuesday 14th April
Wednesday 15th April
5:00pm Music Practice
Thursday 16th April
5:30pm Reconciliation
6:00pm Mass
Friday 17th April
9:30am Mass
Saturday 18th April
4:30pm Holy Hour
6:15pm Mass
Sunday 19th April
Third Sunday of Easter
8:00am Mass
Mass Times:
Saturday 6:15pm & Sunday 8:00am
Thursday 5:30pm
Parish Office Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
9am to 1pm. Wednesday Closed
Any visitors at Mass are invited to come to
the Welcome Desk after Mass to
sign our visitors’ book and
receive a small candle as a
reminder of your visit to our
Easter: resurrection and new life; to be
begotten by God. A new life, achieved from a
conquered tomb. Meaning for life for people
for thousands of years. Nothing more secure,
nothing more lasting. "As the Father sent me,
so I am sending you...".
Quote “As disciples of Christ, how can
we not be concerned for the good of the
- Pope Francis
Roster 18th & 19th April
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
6:15pm Paul W, Sharon W, Ray M,
6:15pm (1st) Mary S
Anne-Maree C, Volunteer
(2nd) Tanina D
(POF) Vern D
8:00am Modesta S,
8:00am (1st) Steven O
Meegan M, Michael D,
(2nd) Brian C
Mark C, Elaine H, Volunteer
(POF) Margaret C
Gp 1 Michael & Ann D and
Gp 1 Marie P and Carole C
Ken & Jan G
Junior Ministers
6:15pm Amelia H
Audrey B
8:00am Douglas M
Robert M
Sarah M
Music Groups:
6:15pm 1
8:00am 3
Next week’s Readings
First: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19
Weekend Masses
Manly - 5:00pm
Birkdale - 6:15pm
Gumdale - 7:00am
Birkdale - 8:00am
Manly - 9:30am
Second: 1 Jn 2:1-5
Weekday Masses
St John Vianney Manly
Ph 3131 2610
Tuesday - 6:00pm
Wednesday - 9:30am
St Mary MacKillop Birkdale
Ph 3822 2139
Thursday - 6:00pm
Friday - 9:30am
Carmelite Monastery
7:00 am Monday to Saturday
Gospel: Luke 24:35-48
Sacrament of Penance
St Mary MacKillop Birkdale
Thursday 5.30pm to 6:00pm
St John Vianney Manly
Saturday 4.30pm to 5:00pm
St Jude Gumdale
Sunday following 7:00am Mass
The Liturgy of the Word
This Week’s Readings:
First Reading: Acts 4:32-35
The whole group was united, heart and soul.
Psalm Response:
This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad.
This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad.
(Alternative Psalm Response if spoken)
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlasting.
Second Reading: 1 Jn 5:1-6
Anyone begotten by God has already overcome the world
Gospel Acclamation
Alleluia, alleluia!
You believe in me, Thomas, because you have seen me;
happy those who have not seen me, but still believe!
Gospel: John 20:19-31
After eight days, Jesus came in and stood among them.