FPA - Department of Public Expenditure and Reform


FPA - Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
FPA: Compliance issues
regarding appraisal and
procurement decisions for
water projects
Sub-topic: Status of
Contact: R. Gallagher
Ext: 5520
The Central Expenditure Evaluation Unit within the Department of Public
Expenditure and Reform carried out a Focused Policy Assessment (FPA) on
compliance issues regarding appraisal and procurement decisions taken by local
authorities for water projects.
The FPA examined a sample of water and wastewater treatment plants to assess
the extent to which the required VFM analysis was carried out for water
investment projects in the Local Authority sector.
The following were the terms of reference for the FPA:
o To assess the extent to which the required VFM procurement analysis is being
carried out for water investment projects in the Local Authority sector.
o To assess, at a high level, the quality of the VFM tests carried out
o To examine how VFM analysis informs the final procurement decision for
o To assess the management information maintained by DECLG in relation to
water PPPs.
[When will this report be published?]
[The data collection, analytical and drafting work on this FPA has been
substantially completed. In 2014, the Comprehensive Review of Expenditure
process took priority over the publication of a number of completed FPAs,
including the Water FPA. For this reason, the finalisation stage of this FPA was
deferred until this year. This involves final fact checking and preparation of the
document for online publication and is currently in progress.]
[The final version of the FPA will be published in due course as part of a wider
series of IGEES publications addressing other public expenditure issues and
sectoral policy themes.]
[What are the findings and recommendations of this FPA?]
[The main findings and recommendations of the FPA will be outlined in the final
report when this is published on the IGEES website]