Conference Agenda and Booking Form 2015


Conference Agenda and Booking Form 2015
PharmaPlus Conference
Sunday 12th April 2015
Agenda Item
Please arrive early to ensure that we can start at the times
that are detailed
Clinical Update in Diabetes
A detailed talk on the latest clinical issues affecting diabetes
and how community pharmacists can support the NHS and
Talk sponsored by MSD. MSD has contributed towards
lunch and speaker fees for this meeting.
Pharmacy Contract and
Outlook on Pharmacy
The use of Robot
A number of things have changed in the past few years.
Technology in the pharmacy Robots have become much more affordable. This session
will consider the pros, cons and affordability of this
Travel Clinics (Part 1)
A talk regarding how you can set up this service for the
fraction of the current market price. This talk describes how
you can then market the service and make a reasonable
profit from it!
A well earned lunch and talk with our sponsors!
PharmaPlus Talk
The latest news and work from PharmaPlus. Some topics to
be discussed include Inspections, Tiering, The New
Website and much more.
Automated Drug Pricing
Cascade Software
(Essential Topic)
We show you a new software that interfaces with your PMR
to allow you to purchase PIs and generics at the most
competitive prices in the market. YOU MUST SEE THIS
Wholesale Dealing:
If you haven't already started this then you should seriously
consider it. This talk describes how - with our help - you can
set up the service and make a reasonable profit from it on a
regular basis!
Travel Clinics (Part 2)
Further insight in developing this revenue generating clinical
EPS Training
Where are we and where you should be with EPS2 and
Q&A and Close
A Q&A session regarding the latest issues and news in
pharmacy from a PSNC committee member.
Please note that we reserve the right to amend or alter this agenda without prior notice. Places will be allocated on a first
come bases. We also reserve the right to restrict places to one per pharmacy if needed. We reserve the right to charge £70 per
member for people who have confirmed their place but did not attend.
PharmaPlus Conference
Booking Form
Sunday 12th April 2015
PharmaPlus is holding a business and clinical conference on Sunday 12th April, Holiday Inn West, 4
Portal Way, Gypsy Corner, London W3 6RT. See map attached for details.
The conference is open only to PharmaPlus members and spaces will be allocated on a first come basis.
The meeting will include a number of speakers and sponsors for you to speak with. Please look at the
agenda attached for more details.
The day will also include CPD entries to support you in the next GPhC call up! The pre-workshop material
will only be sent out once your form has been received and your booking has been confirmed.
Please complete your details and email back to [email protected] or fax to PharmaPlus, No. 0208
863 4144, to confirm your attendance by Wednesday 25th March 2015. We will then send you a confirmation
Pharmacy name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Pharmacy Address: (Include postcode)
Name of member attending
(Please print).................................................................................................................
Please note that we reserve the right to amend or alter this agenda without prior notice. Places will be allocated on a first
come bases. We also reserve the right to restrict places to one per pharmacy if needed. We reserve the right to charge £70 per
member for people who have confirmed their place but did not attend.
Please note that we reserve the right to amend or alter this agenda without prior notice. Places will be allocated on a first come bases. We also reserve the right to restrict places to one per
pharmacy if needed. We reserve the right to charge £70 per member for people who have confirmed their place but did not attend.