Phoenix Youth Symphony Season Finale Concert
Phoenix Youth Symphony Season Finale Concert
Phoenix Youth Symphony Season Finale Concert DATE: Sunday, May 3, 2015 at 3pm Orpheum doors will open at 2pm and the portal doors will open at 2:30pm. LOCATION: Orpheum Theater 203 West Adams Street Phoenix, AZ 85003 CALL TIMES: SYMPHONETTE – 11:45am (downstairs dressing rooms) CHAMBER WINDS – 12:15pm (leave cases in either SYM or SW room) SYMPHONIC WINDS – 12:45pm (Green room) STRING ORCHESTRA – 1:15pm (Green room) YOUTH SYMPHONY – 4:30pm (upstairs rehearsal room) PERCUSSION – arrive with whichever ensemble(s) you are assigned. Percussion ensemble will rehearse on stage at 2pm. Cello, bass and tuba cases can be left backstage. Musicians need to enter through the stage door. No parking in drop-off or stage door areas. Musicians, crew and parent committee members are allowed inside the stage door. NO PARENTS ARE ALLOWED BACKSTAGE. TICKETS: $10 – Adults, $5 – Students (ages 3-18) Online: Phone: Phoenix Convention Center, 602-262-7272 (M-F 10am-4pm) Ticket Force: 1-877-840-0457 (M-TH 8am-4pm, FRI 10am-4pm) In-Person: Phoenix Convention Center, 100 N 3rd Street (M-F 10am-4pm) Tickets will be available at the Box Office on the day of the concert. Credit cards will be accepted. Please note that if you purchase tickets online through Ticket Force, you will be charged an additional convenience fee. This does not apply to phone or in-person orders. ADDITIONAL INFO: Roses, tumblers, and CDs will be on sale in the lobby. AFTER you perform, you may watch the concert from the balcony only. Please leave your instrument and case in your dressing room. You are not allowed to bring it into the theater. REMAIN IN CONCERT ATTIRE. Make sure you have pre-arranged plans on where to meet your family after the concert. For updates on downtown construction, street closures and restrictions, maps, events, and parking go to – Please allow plenty of time to get there! CONCERT ORDER: Percussion Ensemble, Chamber Winds, String Orchestra, Symphonic Winds, Symphonette, Youth Symphony. The concert will be approximately 3-3.5 hours. We encourage students to stay for the entire performance.
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