Spark Photo and Signature Uploading


Spark Photo and Signature Uploading
Help file to make Photo ready for Upload in spark
1.Start Photoshope or any other imaging software..Select Menu->File->New
2. Creat a New file with 2.5 cm Width and 3.5 Cm Height with Resolution of minimum 150
3. Then open your Scanned photo
4. Then Move your Photo to our 2.5X3.5 sized file using move tool (select from tools available in left
side) as shown in figure below
Move this photo
to our new file
with (2.5x3.5) size
Use Ctrl+T to select image
to fit image to our new file
(2.5X3.5 size)
5. Then Save As the file in Jpeg Format as shown in figure
6. The right click on this saved jpeg file and choose Resize pictures (This option is available only if we
install resizing software downloaded from )
Install Resizing software according
to your processor type
(Use ImageResizer-2.1_x86 for 32bit
operating system)
Check your processor type here (Right click on My computer->Properties)
7. Then click on advanced->choose custom and enter 450 and 125 click ok
8. Then a New file created with named (custom) is generated in the same location…This file is ready for
Photo Ready for Upload
This Same procedure is used for Sign also but dimensions different
Photoshop file size 3.5cm width and 1.5cm Height (1st Step)
Resize picture dimension (7th Step) is 350 and 75
Prepared by
Bibin.C.Jacob,HSST Physics,Mavandiyur,Malappuram(dist)
Mob: 9496362646