CHC-2015-1483-HCM - Los Angeles Department of City Planning
CHC-2015-1483-HCM - Los Angeles Department of City Planning
Los Angeles Department of City Planning RECOMMENDATION REPORT CULTURAL HERITAGE COMMISSION CASE NO.: CHC-2015-1483-HCM ENV-2015-1484-CE HEARING DATE: TIME: PLACE: Location: 1905 Grace Avenue Council District: 4 Community Plan Area: Hollywood Area Planning Commission: Central Neighborhood Council: Hollywood Hills West Legal Description: Resubdivision of blks 10 & 11 Hollywood Ocean View Tract, MB2-78, Block 1, Lot Fr8 May 12, 2015 10:00 AM City Hall, Room 1010 200 N. Spring Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 PROJECT: Historic-Cultural Monument Application for the N. F. Stokes Residence REQUEST: Declare the property a Historic-Cultural Monument OWNERS: CAHP HOLDINGS LLC Silverman, Gilbert Buzz 4340 Von Karman Avenue, Suite 110 1905 Grace Ave. Newport Beach, CA 92660 Los Angeles, CA 90068 APPLICANT: ' Christy McAvoy Hollywood Heritage 2100 Highland Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90068 PREPARER: Elizabeth Canon Hollywood Heritage 2100 Highland Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90068 RECOMMENDATION That the Cultural Heritage Commission: 1. Take the property under consideration as a Historic-Cultural Monument per Los Angeles Administrative Code Chapter 9, Division 22, Article 1, Section 22.171.10 because the application and accompanying photo documentation suggest the submittal warrants further investigation. 2. Adopt the report findings . MICHAEL J . LOGRANDE Ken E!ernstein, AICP, Manager Office of Historic Resources Attachments: Lambert M. Giessinger, Preservation Architect Office of Historic Resources Historic-Cultural Monument Application CHC-2015-1483-HCM 1905 Grace Avenue Page 2 of 2 SUMMARY The N. F. Stokes Residence was constructed in 1917 by Naldo and Minne Stokes in the Neoclassical Revival style. Mr. Stokes was a builder of homes, often working with architect Frank M. Tyler, and is known to have constructed at least 10 other residences in Los Angeles. Although this building was used exclusively as a home for his wife and son, Francis, it was listed in many advertisements as an illustration of the quality of the craftsmanship he demanded. Currently, it is the last remaining completely intact example of Mr. Stokes' work. The character-defining attributes of the Classical Revival style found on this home include a symmetrical fa9ade which exhibits a full height portico supported by Corinthian columns. Below the roofline, boxed eaves rest on flattened brackets. The original wooden widows are double hung and feature multiple upper lights over a single glass pane while other examples are arched or have wooden fanlight details. On the interior, much of the original, unpainted woodwork remains intact including large Doric columns which frame room divisions. In addition, understated Neoclassical ceiling molding and wooden built-in cabinetry survives. CRITERIA The criterion is the Cultural Heritage Ordinance which defines a historical or cultural monument as any site (including significant trees or other plant life located thereon) building or structure of particular historic or cultural significance to the City of Los Angeles, such as historic structures or sites in which the broad cultural, economic, or social history of the nation, State or community is reflected or exemplified, or which are identified with historic personages or with important events in the main currents of national, State or local history or which embody the distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type specimen, inherently valuable for a study of a period style or method of construction, or a notable work of a master builder, designer or architect whose individual genius influenced his age. FINDINGS Based on the facts set forth in the summary and application, the Commission determines that the application is complete and that the property may be significant enough to warrant further investigation as a potential Historic-Cultural Monument. CITY OF LOS ANGELES Office of Historic Resou1ces/Cu ltural Heritage Commission AL MONUMEN If"" NOMINATION FORM 1. PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION Proposed Monument Name: N.F. Stokes Residence First Owner(fenant Other Associated Names: Street Address: 1905 Grace Avenue Zip: Range of Addresses on Property: Assessor Parcel Number: 90068 Council District: Community Name: 55 75005015 Tract: Hollywood Ocean View Block: 4 Hollywood Hills West 1 Lot: FR 8 Identification cont'd: Proposed Monument Property Type : • Structure Building Site/Open Space Object Natural Feature Describe any additional resources located on the property to be included in the nomination, here: 2. CONSTRUCTION HISTORY & CURRENT STATUS e Year built: 1917 Factual Estimated Threatened? Private Development Architect/Designer: Contractor: Naldo F Stokes Original Use: Single Family Residential Present Use: Single Family Residential Is the Proposed Monument on its Origina l Site? e Yes No (explain in section 7) Unknown (explain in section 7) 3. STYLE & MATERIALS Stories: Architectural Style: American Colonial Revival FEATURE 2 PRIMARY CONSTRUCTION Type : CLADDING Material: Type: Wood Stucco, smooth Gable, front SECONDARY Type : Select Material: Type: Se lect Select ROOF Material: Composition shingle Material: Select Type: Type: Double-hung Select WINDOWS Material: Wood Plan Shape: Square Material: Select ENTRY Style: Centered Style: Select DOOR Type: Plank Type: Select CITY OF LOS ANGELES Office of Historic Resources/Cultural Heritage Commission '- I Y '-"I JM ENT NOMINATION FORM 4. ALTERATION HISTORY List date and write a brief description of any major alterations o r additions. Th is section may also be completed on a separate document. Include copies of permits in the no mination packet. M ake sure t o list any major alterations for which there are no permit s, as well. 3/ 13/06 VOLUNTARY FOUNDATION ANCHORING AND ADDING OF PLYWOOD SHEATHING 5. EXISTING HISTORIC RESOURCE IDENTIFICATION (if known) List ed in the National Register of Historic Places Listed in the California Register of Reso urces Formally determined eligible for the National and/o r California Registers Contributing fea ture Located in an Historic Preservation Overlay Zone (HPOZ) Non-contributing feature Survey Name(s): S Determined eligible for national, state, or local landmark status by an historic resources survey(s) urvey LA 1 Other historical or cultural resource designations: 6. APPLICABLE HISTORIC-CULTURAL MONUMENT CRITERIA The proposed monument exemplifies the following Cultural Heritage Ordinance Criteria (Section 22.171.7): Reflects the broad cultural, economic, or social history of t he nation, state, or community Is identified with hist oric personages or with important event s in the main current s of nationa l, stat e, or local history Embodies the distinguising characteristics of an architect ural-type specimen, inherently valuable for study of a period, style, or met hod of construction A notable work of a master builder, designer, or architect whose individua l genius influenced his or her age CITY OF LOS ANGELES Office of Historic Resources/Cultural Heritage Commissio n L IVl~I JME.Nl NOMINATION FORM 7. WRITIEN STATEMENTS This section allows you to discuss at length the significance of the proposed monument and why it should be designated an Historic-Cultural Monument. Type your response on separate documents and attech them to this form. A. Proposed Monument Description - Describe the proposed monument's physical characteristics and relationship to its surrounding environment. Expand on sections 2 and 3 with a more detailed description of the site. Expand on section 4 and discuss the construction/alteration history in detail if that is necessary to explain the proposed monument's current form . Identify and describe any characterdefining elements, structures, interior spaces, or landscape features. B. Statement of Significance - Address the proposed monument's historic, cultural, and/or architectural significance by discussing how it satisfies the HCM criteria you select ed in Section 6. You must support your argument with su bstantial evi dence and analysis. The Statement of Significance is your main argument for designation so it is important to substantiate any claims you make with supporting documentation and research. 8 . CONTACT INFORMATION Applicant Name: Company: Elizabeth Canon Street Address: 2100 N. Highland Avenue Zip: 90068 City: Los Angeles . Phone Number: 214-537-7370 Mark Gallant (representative) Street Address: 4340 Von Karman Avenue, Suite 110 Zip : 92660 State: CA Email: [email protected] Is the owner in support of the nomination? Property Owner Name: Hollywood Heritage Company: Yes No Unknown Citi Vest Inc. City: Newport Beach Phone Number: 949-527-3610 e State: CA Email: [email protected] Nomination Preparer/Applicant's Representative Name: Christ y McAvoy Street Address: Zip: 90068 Company: 2100 N. Highland Avenue , Phone Number: 323-874-4005 Hollywood Heritage City: Los Angeles Ema il: [email protected] State: CA CITY OF LOS ANGELES Office of Historic Resources/Cultural Heritage Commission I Y 1 '-'I JME:N T NOMINATION FORM 9.SUBMITIAL When you have completed preparing your nomination, compile all materials in the order specified below. Although the entire packet must not exceed 100 pages, you may send additional material on a CD or flash drive. APPLICATION CHECKLIST 1. ./ Nomination Form 5. ./ Copies of Primary/Secondary Documentation 2. ./ Written Statements A and B 6. ./ Copies of Building Permits for Major Alterations 3. ,/ Bibliography 4. ./ Two Primary Photos of Exterior/Main Facade (8xl0, the main photo of the proposed monument. Also email a digitial copy of the main photo to: [email protected]) (include first construction permits) 7. ./ 8. 9. Additional, Contemporary Photos Historical Photos ./ Zimas Parcel Report for all Nominated Parcels (including map) 10. RELEASE Please read each statement and check the corresponding boxes to indicate that you agree with the statement, then sign below in the provided space. Either the applicant or preparer may sign. I acknowledge that all documents submitted will become public records under the California Public Records Act, and understand that the documents will be made available upon request to members of the public for inspection and copying. I acknowledge that all photographs and images submitted as part of this application will become the property of the City of Los Angeles, and understand that permission is granted for use of the photographs and images by the City without any expectation of compensation. I acknowledge that I have the right to subm it or have obtained the appropriate permission to submit all information contained in this application. Name: Date: Mail your Historic-Cultural Monument Submittal to the Office of Histo ric Resources. Office of Historic Resources Department of City Planning 200 N. Spring Street, Room 620 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Phone: 213-978-1200 Website: Hollywood Heritage 1905 Grace Avenue, HCM Application A. Proposed Monument Description The single-family residence located at 1905 Grace Avenue exemplifies the American colonial revival style in Los Angeles. Contextually the residence is situated on a large comer lot. The primary feature of the home is the front entry portico supported by two columns. Above these columns there is a pediment, typical of the American colonial revival style. The residence illustrates the style through the gabled roof and centered front entry. The gabled roof is composed of composition shingles. Two decorative windows, playing off the use of the pilasters, flank the front door. The glass windows on the first floor are similar to French doors and have decorated pediments above. The second story windows are double hung, consistent with the American colonial revival style and feature decorative balustrades. The interior of the home begins with the large plank door; the same color of wood is used throughout the interior to contrast the white walls. The use of wood is the primary character-defining element of the interior. The living space to the right of the entry features built in drawers and an ornate window treatment above. This room behaves symmetrically, typical of the American colonial revival style in that two identical windows flank the original built in cabinets. Another consistent decorative element in the interior that exists in this room is the halfway crown molding. Connected to the main entry is another living space, which consists of a fireplace. Continuing the symmetry, it is flanked by two identical windows. Another decorative element in this room is the two columns, placed on a stair base, which designate the entry into the next room. The interior of the two-story home illustrates the American colonial revival style: the first floor is used for entertainment, while the second floor consists of bedrooms; bedrooms separated from the living spaces are typical of this style. On the second floor there are four bedrooms. The first bedroom consists of a fireplace with a decorative mantel. This room is consistent with the white walls and dark wood illustrated in the first floor of the house. In addition the room consists of a five panel wood door. The windows in this room are double hung. The next bedroom consists of the same five-panel door and double hung windows. However while the molding still exits, the white walls and dark wood is not present in the details of the room. The floor consists of the dark wood while the walls, including the crown molding, are white or off white. The light fixture appears original. The third bedroom features the dark floors, white molding and colored walls. There are also double hung windows. The final bedroom consists of many double hung windows, dark potentially original flooring, and a craftsman door. In addition there is a potentially original wooden built in annoire or vanity. The bathroom features five panel French doors. There is a detached carriage house or garage. There are two old palm trees on the site, typical oflandscaping of the period in Hollywood. The house has the following architectural character-defining features associated with its style: a gabled roof, portico with two story columns, and pediments. In addition there is a centered front door and the home is two stories. There are multi-pane double hung windows and pediments above first floor windows. The layout is typical of the American colonial revival style because the bedrooms upstairs away from living rooms. The house also retains a fireplace, interior moldings and built-ins. B. Statement of Significance Naldo F. Stokes, most commonly referred to as N.F. Stokes, and his wife Minnie stokes were prominent people in Los Angeles society. In the census Mr. Stokes states his profession as a builder, and many newspapers document that he was the builder for 1905 Grace A venue. Although the architect is unknown, Mr. Stokes worked with prominent architect Frank M. Tyler on his other projects. Mr. Stokes is responsible for building approximately ten homes in Los Angeles in the early twentieth century, one of which survives in West Adams at 339 South Oxford and displays several of the same architectural features and massing' s. Most of his project have been demolished and in turned into multi family housing units. The residence at 1905 Grace is the Mr. Stokes' last remaining fully intact project. In addition, the building was his primary residence for several years; Mr. Stokes lived at this residence with his wife Minnie and their son Francis. Naldo Stokes was born in Pennsylvania in 1866 and his wife Minnie was born in Ireland in 1875. Minnie stokes immigrated to the United States in 1884. Naldo lists himself has a contractor and as hi s own employee in the 1920 Federal Census. Their son Francis was listed as a bookkeeper in the 1942 Los Angeles Directory. In the various news articles promoting his business (see attached), Stokes lists his address at 1905 Grace, indicating that the home was also used as an example of his quality of work. 1905 Grace A venue Bibliography " 1910 United States Federal Census." Operations Inc. 2006. " 1920 United States Federal Census." Operations Inc. 2010. " 1940 United States Federal Census." Operations Inc. 2012. "Building the City Beautiful: Three Residences Recently Completed Out on Raymond Avenue, Now Happy Homes." Los Angeles Times (1886-1922): V24. 1906. " California Death Index (1905-1939)." Operations, Inc. 2013. "Events in Local Society." Los Angeles Times (1886-1922): 116. 1909. "Fine Dwellings Change Hands: Week Notable for Sales of Large Houses; Chicago Financier Buys Home in Hollywood Foothills--Nebraska Capitalist Purchases Residence in La Fayette Square--Kingsley Drive Transfer. Valuable Properties Involved in City's Reviving Realty Activities." Los Angeles Times ( 1886-1922): V 1. 1916. "Frame and Plaster Residence." Southwest Builder and Contractor. 1920. "New Buildings on Many Lots." Los Angeles Herald. 1906 "Obituary 2-No Title." Los Angeles Times (1923-Current File): ProQuest Historical Newspapers. 1954. "Residence." Southwest Builder and Contractor: Volume 17. 1916. California, Death Index, 1905-1939 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2013. Original data: California Department of Health and Welfare. California Vital RecordsVitalsearch ( The Vitalsearch Company Worldwide, Inc., Pleasanton, California. Images 1905 Grace Avenue. Digital image. Movoto. N.p., n.d. Web. <http://www.movoto.corn/los-angeles-ca/1905-grace-ave-los-angeles-ca-90068-204_ l 4792405/>. Hollywood SurveyLA ........... Individual Resources (9/12/11) Address: ~•~......, 1905 N GRACE AVE Name: Year built: 1917 Architectural style: Neo-Classical Context 1 : Context: Architecture and Engineering, 1850-1980 Theme : Late 19th and Early 20th Century Architecture, 1865-1950 Sub theme : Neoclassical, 1885-1927 Property type: Residential Property sub type: Single-Family Residence Criteria: A/1/1 & C/3/3 Status code: 3S;3CS;5S3 Reason: Excellent example of Neo Classical residential architecture in Hollywood. ~~f Page 93 of 380 "'- Cop)Tight c lOll 1905 Grace A venue I. Pertinent Research Time line of Events: N.F. Stokes ( OBirth O1866 0 abt 0 OPennsylvania O 0 0 OResidence O 191 OOAge: 440 OLos Angeles Assembly District 71 , Los Angeles, California, USA OMarital Status : Married; Relation to Head of House: Head OOO ResidenceO 1920 0 Age: 540 0 Los Angeles Assembly District 63, Los Angeles, California, USA OAge: 54; Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head OOO ODeath O 1929 0 15 Feb OAge: 63 0 OLos Angeles, California, USA Federal Census 1910 ( 1905 Grace Avenue Residents: Minnie Stokes Naldo F. Stokes Minnie R Dittmar, age 21, born in Gennany, immigrated to the US in 1907, occupation: servant to the Stokes family Federal Census 1920 ( 6561 Franklin Ave Residents: Minnie Stokes, age 45 , born in Ireland in 1875, immigrated to the US in 1884 Naldo F. Stokes, age 54, born in Pennsylvania, occupation: contractor, industry: building, "own employee" Francis Stokes, age 6 Los Angeles ( 1917) City Directory 1926 "Naldo F contr 1905 Grace ave" Federal Census 1940 ( 2519 Beachwood Drive Residents Francis Stokes, bookkeeper Minnie Stokes 1942 Los Angeles Directory 2519 Beachwood Drive Francis, bookkeeper, HA Sonntag Co Minnie Stokes California Death Index ( N. F. Stokes dies in 1966 Los Angeles Street Address Directory 1956, 1973 Resident: Fred D Halliday now lives at 1905 Grace A venue. Los Angeles Street Address Directory 1987 Resident: Manuel S Conde, Manuel Sanmiego now lives at 1905 Grace A venue. II. Research Directly Pertaining to the Stokes Family EVENTS IN LOCAL SOCIETY. Los Angeles Times (1886-1922) [Los Angeles, Calif] 28 Sep 1909: II6. "Mr. and Mrs. N.F. Stokes of West Twenty-Eighth street, entertained a few friends on Satruday evening with a dinner party in honor of the eighteenth anniversary of their marriage. Pink roses and ferns were the artistic table decoration." BUILDING THE CITY BEAUTIFUL.: Three Residences Recently Completed Out on Raymond Avenue, Now Happy Homes. Los Angeles Times (1886-1922) [Los Angeles, Calif] 18 Feb 1906: V24. Article: Building the City Beautiful. Three Residences Recently Completed Out on Raymond Avenue New Happy Homes "At 2734, 2740, and 2744 Raymond avenue, N.F. Stokes, within four months, has built these three houses, and they have been quickly taken by newcomers who flock here in tens of thousands to seek homes in beautiful Los Angeles. These houses were bought respectively in their order named above at the following prices: $6000, $7800, and $6500. They are built on lots 50xl45 feet each. The style of the houses is plainly evident from the illustration used here. The inside finish is of a very high order, all the floors on the lower story being in oak, and on the upper in maple. The houses have handsome mantel-pieces, beamed ceilings in the principal rooms, built-in buffets, and all the accessories of a comfortable, modern house. These three houses are selected from the fact that they have all been built and secured as homes by newcomers in so short a time. There is nothing singular about this incident. It is a continual occurrence in this city, growing so rapidly and being built up in such a beautiful manner. All over the city may be found block after block where similar triplets of homes may be found." FINE DWELLINGS CHANGE HANDS.: WEEK NOTABLE FOR SALES OF LARGE HOUSES; Chicago Financier Buys Home in Hollywood Foothills--Nebraska Capitalist Purchases Residence in La Fayette Square--Kingsley Drive Transfer. Valuable Properties Involved in City's Reviving Realty Activities. Los Angeles Times (1886-1 922) [Los Angeles, Calif] 27 Feb 1916: VI "One of the largest residence sales recently reported in the Hollywood foothill district was closed last week when Mr. and Mrs. N.F. Stokes sold their home at Hillside and Fuller streets to Frederick M. Steele, former president of the Highland Park National Bank of Chicago, a retired steel man and financier, who was decided to make his permanent home in Southern California. The Stokes residence was built two years ago and is of distinct Californian type. The interior finish is of Circasslan and Tobasco mahogany. The price paid by the Chicago millionaire is reported at $25,000. The house stands on a large lot overlooking Hollywood, Los Angeles and the sea." Southwest Contractor and Manufacturer, 1916 Online: Library of the University of California "Residence-N.F. Stokes, 1905 Grace Ave., will build a 2-story, IO-room frame and plaster residence at 451 S. Hobart Blvd. for Minnie Stokes. Cost $5000. Dimensions 40x45 ft .; concrete foundation, plastered exterior on metal lath, clay tile roof, tile mantel, three bath rooms with tile floors, hardwood floors throughout, mahogany and enameled pine trim, gas furnace. Ruud water heater; garage. Work will be started on a second residence within a few days." Zimas This building (451 S. Hobart Blvd) was demolished in 1989 for the construction of 84 unit Apartment building. The apartment building was built in 1991 . Obituary 2-No Title, Los Angeles Times ( 1923-Current File); Oct 22, 1954; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times ( 1881-1990) pg. 30 Obituary: " Mrs. Minnie Stokes. Rosary will be recited for Mrs. Minnie Stokes, 80, of 2519 N Beachwood Drive, at 3 p.m. today at the chapel of Cunningham & O ' Connor Mortuary in Hollywood with Requiem Mass to be celebrated at 9 a.m. tomorrow in the Blessed Sacrament Church. Mrs. Stokes died in her home Wednesday. A native of Ireland, she came to California from Chicago in 1897. She leaves a son, Francis W. Stokes." LA Herald 1906, "New Buildings on Many Lots" Minnie Stokes. 335 West Twenty-eighth street, owner; N.F. Stokes, builder; two-story, eight-room residence, $3000. On alley between Royal and Key West, streets. Zimas: Demolished Southwest Builder and Contractor 1920 Frame and Plaster Residence"H.J . Kramer, 1128 Story Bldg., has prepared plans for a 2-story frame and plaster 8room residence to be erected on Wilton Place near Sixth St., for N.F. Stokes. Concrete foundation, plastered exterior, shingle roof, pine trim, oak floors , tile mantel, two tiled bathrooms, furnace, water heater. " Southwest Contractor and Manufacturer, Volume 17, July 22, 1916 "Residence- N.F. Stokes, 1905 Grace Ave., has started work on a 2-story, 10-room house at 351 S. Oxford Ave., for Mrs. Minnie Stokes. Archt. Frank M. Tyler, 907 Black Bldg., prepared the plans. Dimensions 48x40, concrete foundation, rustic siding, hardwood floors, mahogany trim, three baths with tile floors, furnace, hot water heater, shingle roof. Cost $6000. " (image) I will attach this in an email, it is the colonial house that has now been painted colorfully. I believe this is the house located at 339 S. Oxford A venue. Would that be possible for the address to change? The house looks very simi lar to the style at 1905 Grace. But I could very well be wrong. Obituary 2 -- No Title Los Angeles Times ( 1923-Current File); Oct 22 , 1954; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Ange les T imes pg.30 ~ p.m_. today at th~ chap~l o!; lived at 1408 Linden St. Hel· sons, C. Jerry and Jack An~unmnghi?l & 0 Conn~H'l leaves his widow, Christian; gus. Mortuary m Hollywood .with . · · ·· · I RequiemMasstobecelebrat-l two daughter s, J lk ----------- . ~at 9 a.m. tomorrow in the. L<>gi Clark and Ann Georgina I ac a er . . Ebb w ·11· A L Blessed Sacrament Church. Clark, and a sister, Elizabeth ! Jae Walker, 79, Burbank Miss Charlotte age 1 1am · ee Mrs. Stokes died in her home Clark ·Birnie. lumber business owner. died 1 ·' Funeral services .for Miss . Funeral ser.·ices .for W~I- Wednesday. A nttive or Ire- M . · late Wednesday in his home, -- Charlotte Ebbage, 84, retired ham A. Lee. 90, reured rail- land, she came · {o California • · rs. Ka he S. Angus ·243 W Santa Anita St., Bur:-public health nurse will be road s1gnal~an of 1030 W Crom Chicago in 1897. She · Funeral services for Mrs. bank, after a Jong illness. '. · . 81st Place. will be conducted leaves a son, Francis W. Katie S. Angus. 81. will be Funeral services will be con1conducted by Pierce Bro s. !ducted at JI a.m. tomorrow : C?nducted t~ay _at 3 at 2:30 p.J11. today in Snyder's Stokes. · . t;tter - McKi11ley s W1ls~re 1 SOuth~est.Mortu~ry. Mr. Lee. . • !Hollywood at lin the Wee K irk o' the Heath· : Chapel, 444 s Vermont Ave. j a Califorrua resident for 44 Wilham Clark .1 p.m. in the Chapel of the er, Forest Lawn Memorial· .; Pri\'ate interment will follov.·. years, died Wednesday in Private memorial ser\'ices Psalms, • followed by inter· Park, followed by interment ·, Miss Ebbage, who was born Santa Fe Hospital. He leaves for William Clark. 76, who ment in Hollywood Memorial in Forest Lawn. Mr. Walker, ; in Indiana and had resided in . two sons. the Rev. Aubrey died Tuesday, will be con- Park. Born in Clarksdale, a native of Louisiana, bad ~ Los Angeles 35 years, Jived Lee or the Southwest Four- ducted today at l p.m. with Mis.<:.. Mrs. Angus had been been a· resident of the Bur· , at 2332 29th St.. Santa Monica-1 Square Church. and Victor W. Utter-McKinley's Jewel City a California resident for 31 bank area 39 years. He leaves ~· she retired 15 years ago from Lee, Los Angeles. Mortuary, Glendale, in charge years and diect at her home, his widow, Mary; a son, J ay ! the City Health Department M M' . S k of arrangements. Mr. Clark, 15545 LeMay St.. Van Nuys; C. Walker, Sberman Oaks; a b aiter 35 year's service. She· rs~ . inn1e to es . a . retired commercial pho- Tuesday. · She leaves three daughter. Mr s. . Marguerite ·: leaves her foster sister, Helen Rosary will be recited for tographer. was a native of daughters. Mrs. L. H. Searle; Winegardner, Burbank; fou r · c. Lewis. and foster brother, Mrs. Minnie · Stokes; · 80, of Scotland and had resided In Mrs. W; H. Searle and Mrs. grandchildren and four great· : Rueben K. Cbarle_s. _ __ _ 2519 N Beachwood Drive, at Glendale for 25 years. He ,D. O. McCroskey, and two grandchildren: . OB ITUARY W Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. "'Ne\\' Buildings on Many Lob." Lo~ Angcks I Jerald. 1906 NEW BUILDINGS ON MANY LOTS Minnie Stokes. 335 West Twenty-eighth street, owner: N. F. Stokes. builder; two-story. eight-room residence, $3000. On a lley between Royal and Key West, streets. .. l\.. .J J 1111\.. J \I VVV J -' "'-"'" / • I. ""''-''- t , I -' t v, -' I V'<~'"' " ' 1.-'I J , V I 1'-'UI I .. ...... J l-'U.tJ"'" "· ._.V J i 1' 1 1 6 " ' ' ' - ' " I 1 111 '-' .J Valuable Properties Invol'ped in City's R~viving Realty Activities. .... ·· ----- --- ~ -------r- . 't • : - -· · "' .· AG. ..rc-.n 7/U?/nngtcon Ra:=d. '---~~~.....S..:::=..~lol.A..~~~~ Attractive Los Angeles residences th:i.t have just changed 0''11ership. ~t the upper left was sold t hro ugh tbe R. C. Mitch ell Company to F. G. Keens. n Ncbr asl<n c apltnlls l Tbnt bcslcl" It '"" s purch~sed by J. E lsner or this city f rom the Janss "rho Hllls lde·avcnuc dwclllni: v;ns bought by F. N. Ste ele. a Chicago caplt111tst. Tile other !>lace \las eold t.broui;h Cooper-Pyle-Clopluc to J . H. W inkler. ~om pany. WELLINGS CHANGE HANDS. rAnLE FOR S.\ LES OF \H GE JIOUSE.S. 1nnnclcr Burs Itomo In J·•oocltlllo; -Xcb~Jia ru...,11..,,.,.. · lt<'><ldc ncc In Drl,·o Squun.-Rin~~ h:y he lo.r1:cat r csldence sal es >Orted In the Hollywood rict was Closed last week nd Mra. N F. Stokes sold 11t Hlllslde nnd Fuller rede rtc k l\L Steele. f o r mer ! t h e Hti;htond P :>.rlt 1'11ot Chle:i.i;o, ,a r etired steel na.ncJer. \\"ho ha., decided s p ermnnen t homo tn .llto rnla. !I resldenco wu built two .n d ls of distinct CnUCor- nlan !)'pe. The ln torlor fl n lsh Is oC and Tobasco mahocan)'. Th e price p;dd by t he Chlcni;o mlllfnn11lrc Js reported at $ ~5 ,000 . The house st:lnds on a. l:trge lot overlook· lni; H oll)·wood, Los Ani;elos and t he sea.. ~'he purch nacr plnns an eJa.bora. tc l:rntlscnptni; treatment ot the .:rounds. H e expects to build 41 Jn.r&c n.vlnry, be· Snf;' n Jover o! bSrds an d ho.vans- o. r:i r o coll.:ction ot th eso brough t from a.11 paru o t tha,.otld and Ioeatod nt present In the cone:erv:itory oC }\Is s ix· acre est:ite on Sherlc1o.n drive Jn C hi· cns;o. ) f r . Stee le hns been alll}'l ng nt thu Grcf"n Ho tel In Po.sadcna f or 8C\ "· crn.l m ontha. Ano th<'r tmporta.nt restdenco trans· fer of tho wcC;k wo.s the snlc by Ch :ir le• D. W:11;ncr to Frnncls G. J<\:eens. n. r etir ed capitalist oC l~enrncy, Nch .. ot n lari;e house at No. !HJ Wellingt on road, In La F.iyctte Square. The cleal wn.s ha ndl~cl through the ni;ency ot the n. c. :'.11ltchcll Compnny, r epr esented IW R. O. Wllll:ims, nnd Js reported at $18,500. Tho house hns pla.stcr~d extcrln r wo.Jls und ls nnt.ith cd ln l>O.rd "·oods and white eno. m el. It cont nlns t e n r oom.•. with three tllcd baths. T he srounds a.r e 125x150 !ect Jn size a. nd nro p1::anted to rare shrubs nncl r;ar· Jens. Another L'1 F:iyelto Squaro 8'llo of r ecent date w:u t h e tr:instf'r by MD.ty Cnrroll Thom pson to J. H . Wink ler of n 1a.rgc r esidence at No. 1 53' \VclUni:;t on rond. The deal wns h:i ndled through the ::u:en<.:Y ot the Coo11cr.. Prte-Cloplne Com1>'1n y n.nd lnvolved n. conslcleratlon Of SlC,000. R. E . l~ord. m un as;er of t h o h ouse and lot dep artmdnt of the Jaruis lnve.atment Compan y, reports h 11vlng sold n.n clevcn· r oom r csldcncc nt No. 438 South Klni:slcy drh-e to I. El•n•r ot Elsner & Co. Th• pl:lce Is nnlohcd In mahoi;:rny nnd while e n:i.mel and canto.Ins threo bathroo1ns. The lot Is 60x t n0 f eet In atzc :Mr. Ford &l\•es the consideration nt $14,000. T ho R. C. lllltch cll Company. throui;h A. C. Dczcndor!, sold du rtn~ t he W<'ek a. '5B\"en-room 11ung11.lo"' B.t No. Hi 5 North Mo.rlposn. a.vcnuo to J . C. Ferguson. The h ouso h1 oC colontn.\ cl<sli;n nnd Is nnlshccl In mn hoi:any uncJ wh ite cnumel. Tho Jot Js GOxl!O rcct Jn size. S M. Cooper. th e seller. r c('ch1eU a. g iven constdcro.t1on of SSSOO t or th e place. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- or<>rl IAlith n<>rmic:c:inn nf th <> rnn\/rinht nlAln<>r l=11rth<>r r<>nrnrl11rtinn nrnhihit<>rl 1A1ithn1 ot n<>rmic:c:inn Mrs. George \Varren, a cbanulng matron or Kingman. Ariz .• ,.,ho I• tbe bou1e-rue1t ot h er sister. ~Ira. W. N. Crandrll. yo:~~,. havr lakm a hou1:·:'.'l No. 1103 Lakr cn- etreet. pendlnK the completion oC their t('rtaln('d 1t few frJ~n d• on Satur- new ho1ne In Wr11tmnreland Pia~. dR,.)' e\cnlng with. a .Jlnner .party In Mr. Hollln••w<>rth wtll , bo at h ome honor of the tlghtetnth unnlver1ary of tho llrat and third Fridays. M R . A:-:o Mn!:. ot N. P'. STOKES \V~st T\\'~nty-etahth 1tr~t. their rnarrlaRf'. Din"er for A""y Min. lire John n . Doyle oC ~o. lnO a venue, South Paaadena. •n· Bu..ahn ~JJ terta tn~rJ wit h an army tllnner and amol<er. In honor of tho birthday an· nlve~ry ot &tr. Doyle :i.nd 10 com· memorate the -- P l"lk roeff and fem• •ere the artistic table .dccoratlona. tenth anntv~rearY of the muat•rlnor out ot Battery D. Cal· Uonila U. S. V., oC whloh Air. Doyle waa a member. The cfntf'rp(cire o~ the tullve -rd was a miniature Cortreea ilUrrounded by cannon and tlaso. .A f•tuni oC the celebration wao tho pre.nuns oC a roeter or the battery, made by CRpt. DI••· The hou1e waa decorated throua:hout with AmerJ('l\n The sue3t1 l<'erc Capt. J . Wal· 1-ce Dia•., Lieut. G. L. llfcKcely, Lleul. J. II'.• Lucey, Llrut. John A. Glaa•. Frank o. Henderson, Ben .Smith, A. N. Slnl•ton, G. W. Brown, Arthur L<>pn. El . F . Horner, A. G. Graham. D. Shlold. C. C. Thorn, Jl'r&nk c . Far r, W . II'. Lo>·d and :a. J , Doyle. .n..a. ......... Dinner In Honor of Mi1a Graves. A pretty dinner party wu the one slven Thursday al Hotel Hollywood In hnnor oC M,_ Marie Orovu. &nd of "hlch Mra. Leroy Plummer waa hootu1. The table decoration• were fern• And ca111atloris. and cov•n were !aid tor Cho tollo•lns neeta: MIH Mae On:ult. Maude E . Richardo, Frieda Poycke, Rutli Anderaon, Har· ~~~_'~~~d 11i::!:a. ~~v~ B~:~: -- C'hmrle• 8. P11ul. Henion Roblneon a.nd Leroy I. Plummer. Fl•ooptlon for Howao GuHt. Miu Jane Manin 01 San Francisco la th• houoe •ueat of Mn. J . c . Glr· Ion oC No. lOID P'lorlda otreet. Kra. 1 Girton entertained wltb a recepUon and lunch.on In boiior of Ml#I ll(ar• vln Thunday. Covero wort lald tor elshleen, the JO.l••t• lneludlns Mr. and Mn C. W. E . Smith, Mr. .,,d Mrs. E. Gorham. Mr. and Jolro. T. n. MrF.lllotl, Mr. and Mr1. W . F.. 81· . W•k•End GuHtt. ~~"°~. ~: ;,';,~t!.ra.M~. ~o~ ~!t.J Among tho aromlnent " 'eek·tnd Mon. E. H. Rydall. Dr. ~ B. O'Brien l'lle•I• at Hotel Virginia IY•nt :ld:r. an d and J. c. Girton. Mn. T. W. Eldrldst. L. !:•key, Theodor. lfartln, Wllllam Jerremo and PromitMnt Eaetom Visitor.. c. o. Conn. a bu•ln<>•• man ot Elle· Jobn P . Hunt. h,.tt, Ind.. accompanied ~.y hi• niece, Miu Sul~ Conn. I• IL i:ueet 111 the Qone for a V11it North. Lankcnohln:. att.r hulnc ·•P"'nt oevMr. and !l&n. Cha.rlu Jacobean of era I \tteko at CUtallna laland. ThftY No. 980 F.lden avenue. have sono tor will i.ave tod01y "'' an automobile trip a allC weeiu· \'lslt North. They wlll of aoveral dayo. · vlalt Sh:i•ta Sprlnr.o. Porlland, Seattle &hd Brltl•h ~·01u mbla, and on their "Firwt Nlaht~ Partl... return trip. they l\'111 •Pend eome time ·Mr. and :r.rro. Cllarlu Mocllnl-Wood In S.n Francleco Mth relatlvu. entertained laol evening wltb a boa J>&rty at the Auditorium to wltneu the .,..rtonnance of "'rho Groat John auellta of the Virginia. Oanton." .. Fl1'3! nlshts" at th o Audi· ~Ir. and M,.,. Thoma• Allrn of Lo• torlum have comu to be 111. recular M~oleo were sueeta oC Iha Virginia clf'tY teature thl• ...,.eon. 0th~,.,, who Sunday. entertained box j'&rtlea ,..,.., :Kr. and Returna Today. M~: f1~e ~~d •;A~t:'":i llrs. Alma Wll•on ot No. %61 Pal:l• P""ad~na. lllro. Jolln Mo..ln. Mr. And dena avenue r eturns today trom a two M r•. Wllllam Garland. Mr. and Mra. monU'la' visit lo Seattle, o. here 1he Leo "loongwort, Mr. and :llro. JI". W . !lrnJ. WeUlncton Rand and was the .t; ot her 1011, CJaytoo Blanchard, pnrty. ll'r. and llrt. O. 1. )hrun, Mr. Wilson. ann Mro. o.orA'• Drake Ruddy, llr. and Mr~. lt'lllL"'l H>oroldl, G•n. and Will t...vo for the North. "'"' llarTow•. •~• Entnt Nou• Clob Frank H . Riddle, who hao been via· In a party oz thirty, Georp Krvirer. Mr~. )lary Lf-Orand Re•d. Mr. and ltlnlf hi• mot.her, Mr.. William E . Jlld· Mr•. T J. P'lt"-'~"'ld o>nd Kr. and die, at h•r aum mer home In Lons :\Ire. McConnfdc o! Chl<•So· . Beach, " 'Ill le&\e this wee-k tor Seo.tile ' •ftd other northt>rn J>Olnta. 01 -- -- -- -- - -- - Homo from P ixley. Mr. a.nd E. J. O'Sha<> ot No. 1no Reed etritfl are a;-aln at home a!ter a mt>nth'a ple••&nt \'ialt to Mn. S orvlel of Plsley, Cal llllo• Miidred Krlt· · ur or ~o. JOf Fr~mont avenu~ bu ~ returned from n ,·fslt to Pixley. o·ehea'e pareot1, Mr. and Mra:. -- ........ Cuesta of the 8arb4ra. Mr. and Jiits Samuel s Shepard are th'! hou'e gucst:t for a. few day1 ot D,. and 31 n . f; llarb<!r ot :\o. ~3• ...... ,...,..,..•• •tr•rf ;J.'"T. :r.. ancestry· Naida F Stokes in the California, Death Index, 19051939 NAME: Naida F Stokes BIRTH YEAR: abt 1866 DEATH DATE: 15 Feb 1929 AGE AT DEATH : 63 DEATH PLACE: Los Angeles, California, USA Source Information . California, Death Index, 1905-1939 [database on-line]. Provo, UT. USA: Operations, Inc., 2013. Original data: California Department of Health and Welfare. California Vital Records-Vitalsearch ( The Vitalsearch Company Worldwide, Inc., Pleasanton, California. Description This index is the first step in your quest to locate your ancestor's California death record , 1905- 1939 (which can lead to your next step: birth and other records) . Learn more ... © 2015, 9ulldlng the city beautiful. t'!. TM~ r.ITV REAUTll='UL . ancestry· Minnie Stokes in the 1920 United States Federal Census NAME: AGE: BIRTH YEAR: BIRTHPLACE: HOME IN 1920: STREET: RACE: GENDER: IMMIGRATION YEAR: RELATION TO HEAD OF HOUSE: Minnie Stokes 45 abt 1875 Ireland Los Angeles Assembly District 63, Los Angeles, California Franklin Ave White Female 1884 Wife MARITAL STATUS: Married SPOUSE'S NAME: Naldo F Stokes FATHER'S BIRTHPLACE: Ireland MOTHER'S BIRTHPLACE: Ireland NATIVE TONGUE: English ABLE TO SPEAK ENGLISH : Yes NATURALIZATION STATUS: Naturalized ABLE TO READ: Yes ABLE TO WRITE: Yes NEIGHBORS: HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS: View others on page NAME Naida F AGE 54 Stokes Minnie Stokes Francis Stokes 45 6 (6 8/12) Source Citation Year: 1920; Census Place: Los Angeles Assembly District 63, Los Angeles, California; Roll: T625 _106; Page: 58; Enumeration District: 163; Image: 730 Source Information 1920 United States Federal Census [database on-line). Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch. Original data· Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920. (NARA microfilm publication T625 , 2076 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. For details on the contents of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: NARA. Note· Enumeration Districts 819-839 are on roll 323 (Chicago City). Description This database is an index to individuals enumerated in the 1920 United States Federal Census, the Fourteenth Census of the United States. It includes all states and territories, as well as Military and Naval Forces, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico , American Samoa, Guam, and the Panama Canal Zone. The census provides many details about individuals and fami lies including: name, gender, age, birthplace, year of immigrat ion, mother tongue, and parents' birthplaces. In addition, the names of those listed on the population schedule are linked to actual images of the 1920 Federal Census. Learn more ... © 2015, 41 ancestry· Minnie Stokes in the 1920 United States Federal Census NAME: AGE: BIRTH YEAR: BIRTHPLACE: HOME IN 1920: STREET: RACE: GENDER: Minnie Stokes 45 abt 1875 Ireland Los Angeles Assembly District 63, Los Angeles, California Franklin Ave White Female IMMIGRATION YEAR: 1884 RELATION TO HEAD OF HOUSE: Wife MARITAL STATUS: Married SPOUSE'S NAME: Naida F Stokes FATHER'S BIRTHPLACE: Ireland MOTHER 'S BIRTHPLACE: Ireland NATIVE TONGUE: English ABLE TO SPEAK ENGLISH: Yes NATURALIZATION STATUS: Naturalized ABLE TO READ: Yes ABLE TO WRITE: Yes NEIGHBORS: HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS: View others on page NAME AGE Naida F Stokes 54 Minnie 45 Stokes Francis Stokes 6 [6 8/12) Source Citation Year: 1920; Census Place: Los Angeles Assembly District 63, Los Angeles, California; Roll: T625_106; Page: SB; Enumeration District: 163; Image: 730 Source Information . 1920 United States Federal Census (database on- line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch. Original data: Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920. (NARA microfilm publication T625. 2076 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington , D.C. For details on the contents of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: NARA. Note: Enumeration Districts 819-839 are on roll 323 (Chicago City). Description This database is an index to individuals enumerated in the 1920 United States Federal Census, the Fourteenth Census of the United States. It includes all states and territories, as well as Military and Naval Forces, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, and the Panama Canal Zone. The census provides many details about individuals and families including: name, gender, age, birthplace, year of immigration, mother tongue, and parents' birthplaces. In addition, the names of those listed on the population schedule are linked to actual images of the 1920 Federal Census. Learn more ... © 2015, <i ancestry· Naida F Stokes in the 1920 United States Federal Census NAME: AGE: Naida F Stokes [Naida T Stokes] 54 BIRTH YEAR: abt 1866 BIRTHPLACE: Pennsylvania HOME IN 1920: STREET: HOUSE NUMBER: RACE: Los Angeles Assembly District 63, Los Angeles, California Franklin Ave 6561 White GENDER: Male RELATION TO HEAD OF HOUSE: Head MARITAL STATUS: Married SPOUSE'S NAME: Minnie Stokes FATHER'S BIRTHPLACE: Pennsylvania MOTHER'S BIRTHPLACE: Pennsylvania ABLE TO SPEAK ENGLISH: Yes OCCUPATION: Contractor INDUSTRY: Residence EMPLOYMENT FIELD: Own Account HOME OWNED OR RENTED: Own HOME FREE OR MORTGAGED: Free ABLE TO READ: Yes ABLE TO WRITE: Yes NEIGHBORS: HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS: View others on page NAME Naida F AGE 54 Stokes Minnie Stokes 45 Francis 6 [6 8/ 12) Stokes Source Citation Year: 1920; Census Place: Los Angeles Assembly District 63, Los Angeles, California ; Rol l: T625_106; Page: 58; Enumeration District: 163; Image: 730 Source Information 1920 United States Federal Census (database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch. Original data: Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920. (NARA microfilm publication T625 , 2076 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. For details on the contents of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: NARA. Note: Enumeration Districts 819-839 are on roll 323 (Chicago City). Description This database is an index to individuals enumerated in the 1920 United States Federal Census, the Fourteenth Census of the United States. It includes all states and territories, as well as Military and Naval Forces, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, and the Panama Canal Zone . The census provides many details about individuals and families including: name, gender, age, birthplace, year of immigration, mother tongue, and parents ' birthplaces. In addition, the names of those listed on the population schedule are linked to actual images of the 1920 Federal Census. Learn more ... © 2015, 9 ancestry· Naida F Stokes in the 1910 United States Federal Census NAME: Naida F Stokes [Naida F Stakes] AGE IN 1910: 44 BIRTH YEAR: abt1866 BIRTHPLACE: HOME IN 1910: RACE: Pennsylvania Los Angeles Assembly District 71, Los Angeles, California White GENDER: Male RELATION TO HEAD OF HOUSE: Head MARITAL STATUS: Married SPOUSE'S NAME: Minnie Stokes FATHER 'S BIRTHPLACE: Pennsylvania MOTHER'S BIRTHPLACE: Pennsylvania NEIGHBORS: HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS: View others on page NAME AGE Naida F Stokes 44 Minnie 33 Stokes Minnie R 21 Dittmar Source Citation Year: 1910; Census Place: Los Angeles Assembly District 71, Los Angeles, California; Roll: T624_82; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 0180; FHL microfilm : 1374095 Source Information 1910 United States Federal Census (database on-line]. Provo , UT. USA: Operations Inc, 2006. Original data: Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910 (NARA microfilm publication T624, 1, 178 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29 . National Archives, Washington , D.C. For details on the contents of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: NARA. Description This database is an index to the head of households enumerated in the 1910 United States Federal Census, the Thirteenth Census of the United States. In addition, each indexed name is linked to actual images of the 1910 Federal Census. The information recorded in the census includes: name, relationship to head of family, age at last birthday, sex, color or race, whether single, married, widowed, or divorced, birthplace, birthplace of father and mother, and more. Learn more ... © 2015, 5LA8 DBS _......,IHT.,. .....-~ ........ nl The City of Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety 1905 N GRACE AVE Date Received: Description: Inspector: Phone: Status: 10/16/2002 TRASH OR DEBRIS ON PRIVATE PROPERTY MICHAEL ALVAREZ (213)482-0373 CLOSED Order Information Order Number Order Type Compliance Date Issued By Phone 28590 ORDER TO COMPLY 11 /22/2002 MICHAEL ALVAREZ (213)482-0373 Code Violation Information Violation Maintenance and repair of existing building and premises. Maintenance and repair of existing bu ilding and premises. Date in Compliance 5LA. DBS ;;:;;:;:;o.~'""""""""UJ&TI The City of Los Angeles . . Department of Butld1ng and Safety 1905 N GRACE AVE Date Received: Description: Inspector: Phone: Status: 3/ 12/2012 BU ILDING OR PROPERTY CONVERTED TO ANOTHER USE SERGIO RODRIGUEZ (213)252-3957 NO VIOLATION 5LA8 DBS . . .AJl,.,&MTO..........u .........n The City of Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety The information below was found on the following address: 1905 N GRACE AVE Parcel Profile Report: 1 Permit Information found: 11 1905 N GRACE AVE 90068 Application/Permit# PC/Job# Type Status Work Description 06016 - 30000 - 04114 B06WL00989 BldgAlter/Repair Permit Finaled 3/ 13/2006 VOLUNTARY FOUNDATION ANCHORING AND ADDING OF PLYWOOD SHEATHING . NO STRUCTURAL VALUE. 05041 - 40000 - 30299 X05SP02768 Electrical Permit Fina led 3/ 20/2006 ELECTRICAL FOR HVAC 05044 - 40000 - 12919 X05SP02767 HVAC Permit Finaled 6/21/2006 C/0 HVAC REDUCT I MOVE FAU 06044 - 40000 - 03876 X06SP01383 HVAC Permit Expired 8/25/2008 INSTALL DUCT ON SIDE OF THE HOUSE 06042 - 90000 - 28818 Plumbing Permit Fina led 12/29/ 2006 Installation of earthquake gas shut-off valve. 06042 - 90000 - 17093 Plumbing Permit Finaled 8/ 11/ 2006 copper repipe house and water main change out water heater Code Enforcement Information: 3 ..J ~ ~ I .. I '/ I t .. t!ti ~ ) 5LA. DBS oorAJ<TMIHT0'8..LDGtG • NDSAfOTT The City of Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety Parcel Profile • Report Date: 2/4/2015 10:52:37 AM JOB ADDRESS(~) 1905 N GRACE AVE , LOS ANGELES , CA 90068 1. PARCEL LEGAL DESCRIPTION INFORMATION: Legal Decription : Tract: RE-SUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 10 AND 11 HOLLYWOOD OCEAN VIEW TRACT Block: Lot: 8 Arb: 2 Modifier: FR Map Reference Number for Tract Recordation: MB 2-78 Parcel Identification Number: 150A187 177 2. BASIC ZONING INFORMATION FOR PARCEL: Alquist-Priolo Fault Zone: YES Area Planning Commission: Central Baseline Hillside Ordinance: NO Baseline Mansionization Ordinance: NO Certified Neighborhood Council: Hollywood Hills West Community Redev elopment Area: NO Council District: 4 District Map : NO Flood Hazard Zone: NO Hillside Grading Area: YES Hillside Ordinance Area : YES Planning Area I Community Name: Hollywood Zone(s): [Q)R4-1VL 3. GEOGRAPHICALLY ORIENTED PARCEL INFORMATION: 500 Foot School Zone : NO Airport Hazard Area : NO Alley: NO Building and Safety Branch Office: LA Building Line Setback: NO Census Tract: 1896.00 City Street R/W: NO City Walk R/W: NO Coastal Zone Conservation Act: NO Community Design Overlay District: NO Community Noise Equiv. Level: NO Compacted Filled Ground: NO Division of Land: NO Division of Land Exemption: NO Earthquake-Induced Landslide Area: NO Earthquake-Induced Liquefaction Area: YES Easement: NO Energy Zone: 9 Environmentally Sensitive Area: NO Fire District: VHFHSZ Front Yard Setback: NO Future Street: NO GPI Plan Route Office: NO High Wind Area: NO Highway Dedication: NO Hillside Street: NO Lot Cut Date: 05/07/1919 Lot Size: NO Lot Type: NO Methane Hazard Site: NO Nat. Water Course: NO Near Source Zone Distance: .2 Oil Well Area: NO Parcel Area (sqft): 10196.10 Parcel Map Exemption : NO Parking District: NO Parking Layout: NO Private Street: NO Read Yard Setback: NO Side Yard Setback: NO Thomas Brothers Map Grid: 593-E3 Vacated StreeVAlley: NO Vehicular Access Waived: NO 4. CITY DOCUMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH PARCEL: City Planning Case(s) : CPC-1984-1-HD CPC-1986-831-G PC CPC-184 73-ZC HLSAREA: Yes Ordinance: ORD-164720 ORD-1611 16-SA6 ORD-161856 Zoning Information File(s): Zl-2427 FWY Adj Advisory Notice for Sensitive Uses Zl-2436 Preliminary Hollywood Fault Study Area 5. OTHER PARCEL RELATED INFORMATION: Seismic Gas Shut Off Valve Installed: 1905 N GRACE AVE L.---- - ' -, ~ ~. 40 ·------------------@-t--------------------r'. 2 ._.-I 9 iro 1 I I - - --- I . ~---,--- '~ 42 -- ---------=--· ( ~ 11 ~ " ,... ~ (15 --- -o i 42 \ FR - -8 I ~ -- '° • 40 FR 8 8 8 11!?. © ~ 40 ~o-----· --·--·----J---------~ --- ------------·-----·-----·---------------~~/! ~ . I UC 52 CElll.19 l~ -. ; ~ \ 46' -----\ - ·---- ~ : - --~w •••••L-~ c Rrnthorc IUl:anc lnr ~ : I · -- --~ -- -·--·-----·-- · -- · -- · - - ·- - ·- FRANKLIN AVE <.D I(') I Q, I ~~ I M 81-62 - - . - - . - - . - - . - - . - - ~~,O.Jl:1 .-- ~ • -!- -"11:'. . - - . - - . - - . - - . - - . - - . - - . - - . - ,. . - - . - - . - - . - - . - - . - - - <' •- ' • A') S- . ~1 I . ~ C2, LU < 14'.CF & t:onor:ali7otf 7nninn .· " ' ; ) - · - - · - - - ... - - -,- - - - - - - · ~ ~ FR 1 - - • - - • - - -- ·----- · -- · -- · --· -- · --· 11 .' ~ _,!:) WW ...-r------------~ii. 56 5 ·--· --·-f '"--·--. . -·--·--·-__. I . TA City of Los Angeles Department of City Planning 4/21/2015 PARCEL PROFILE REPORT PROPERTY ADDRESSES Address/Legal Information 1905 N GRACE AVE PIN Number 150A187 177 LoUParcel Area (Calculated) 10,195.9 (sq ft) ZIP COPES Thomas Brothers Grid PAGE 593 - GRID E3 90068 Assessor Parcel No. (APN) 5575005015 Tract RE-SUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 10 AND 11 HOLLYWOOD OCEAN VIEW TRACT RECENT ACTIVITY CHC-2015-1483-HCM ENV-2015-1484-CE CASE NUMBERS CPC-1986-831-G PC CPC-1984-1-HD CPC-18473-ZC ORD-164720 ORD-161856 ORD-161116-SA6 Map Reference MB 2-78 Block 1 Lot FR8 Arb (Lot Cut Reference) 2 Map Sheet 150A187 Jurisdictional Information Community Plan Area Hollywood Area Planning Commission Central Neighborhood Council Hollywood Hills West Council District CD 4 - Tom LaBonge Census Tract# 1896.00 LADBS District Office Los Angeles Metro Planning and Zoning Information Special Notes None Zoning [Q]R4-1VL Zoning Information (ZI) Zl-2427 Freeway Adjacent Advisory Notice for Sensitive Uses General Plan Land Use High Medium Residential General Plan Footnote(s) Yes Zl-2441 Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone Hillside Area (Zoning Code) Yes Baseline Hillside Ordinance No Baseline Mansionization Ordinance No Specific Plan Area None Special Land Use I Zoning None Design Review Board No Historic Preservation Review No Historic Preservation Overlay Zone None Other Historic Designations None Other Historic Survey Information None Mills Act Contract None POD - Pedestrian Oriented Districts None COO - Community Design Overlay None NSO - Neighborhood Stabilization Overlay No Streetscape No Sign District No Adaptive Reuse Incentive Area None CRA - Community Redevelopment Agency None Central City Parking No Downtown Parking No Building Line None 500 Ft School Zone No This report is subject to the terms and conditions as set forth on the website. For more details, please refer to the terms and conditions at (•) - APN Area is provided "as is" from the Los Angeles County's Public Works, Flood Control, Benefit Assessment. No 500 Ft Park Zone Assessor lnfonnatlon 5575005015 Assessor Parcel No. (APN) Ownership (Assessor) Owner1 CAHP HOLDINGS LLC Address 4340 VON KARMAN AVE STE 110 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 Ownership (City Clerk) Owner SILVERMAN, GILBERT BUZZ Address 1905 GRACE AVE LOS ANGELES CA 90068 APN Area (Co. Public Works)* 0.234 (ac) Use Code 0100 - Single Residence Assessed Land Val. $1 ,056,000 Assessed Improvement Val. $264,000 Last Owner Change 11/03/14 Last Sale Amount $1,320,013 Tax Rate Area 67 Deed Ref No. (City Clerk) 899058 593632-36 524289 522110 49884 1600216 Building 1 Year Built 1917 Building Class D75B Number of Units 4 Number of Bedrooms Number of Bathrooms 2 Building Square Footage 2,328.0 (sq ft) Building 2 No data for building 2 Building 3 No data for building 3 Building 4 No data for building 4 Building 5 No data for building 5 Additional lnfonnation Airport Hazard None Coastal Zone None Farmland Area Not Mapped Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone Yes Fire District No. 1 No Flood Zone None Watercourse No Hazardous Waste I Border Zone Properties No Methane Hazard Site None High Wind Velocity Areas No Special Grading Area (BOE Basic Grid Map A13372) Yes Oil Wells None Seismic Hazards Active Fault Near-Source Zone Nearest Fault (Distance in km) 0.180107197694688 Nearest Fault (Name) Hollywood Fault Region Transverse Ranges and Los Angeles Basin Fault Type B Slip Rate (mm/year) 1.00000000 This report is subject to the terms and conditions as set forth on the website. For more details, please refer to the terms and conditions at (') - APN Area is provided "as is" from the Los Angeles County's Public Works, Flood Control, Benefit Assessment. Slip Geometry Left Lateral - Reverse - Oblique Slip Type Poorly Constrained Down Dip Width (km) 14.00000000 Rupture Top 0.00000000 Rupture Bottom 13.00000000 Dip Angle (degrees) 70.00000000 Maximum Magnitude 6.40000000 Alquist-Priolo Faull Zone Yes Landslide No Liquefaction Yes Tsunami Inundation Zone No Economic Development Areas Business Improvement District None Renewal Community No Revitalization Zone None State Enterprise Zone None State Enterprise Zone Adjacency No Targeted Neighborhood Initiative None Public Safety Police Information West Bureau Division I Station Reporting District Hollywood 635 Fire Information 3 Division Batallion District I Fire Station Red Flag Restricted Parking 5 27 No This report is subject to the terms and conditions as set forth on the website. For more details, please refer to the terms and conditions at (°) - APN Area is provided "as is" from the Los Angeles County's Public Works, Flood Control, Benefit Assessment. cityplanni CASE SUMMARIES Note: Information for case summaries is retrieved from the Planning Department's Plan Case Tracking System (PCTS) database. Case Number: CPC-1986-831-GPC Required Action(s): GPC-GENERAL PLAN/ZONING CONSISTENCY (AB283) Project Descriptions(s): HOLLYWOOD COMMUNITY PLAN REVISION/GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY PLAN AMENDMENT, ZON E CHANGES AND HEIGHT DISTRICT CHANGES Case Number: CPC-1984-1-HD Required Action(s): HD-HEIGHT DISTRICT Project Descriptions(s): CHANGE OF HEIGHT DISTRICT WITHIN THE "CORE AREA OF L.A."- GENERAL PLAN ZONE CONSISTENCY PROGRAM . Case Number: CPC-18473-ZC Required Action(s): ZC-ZONE CHANGE Project Descriptions(s): Data Not Available DATA NOT AVAILABLE ORD-164720 ORD-161856 ORD-161116-SA6 This report is subject to the terms and conditions as set forth on the website. For more details, please refer to the terms and conditions at (') - APN Area is provided "as is" from the Los Angeles County's Public Works, Flood Control, Benefit Assessment. cityplanning.lacity .org City of Los Angeles Department of City Planning ~ir--~--1 -- Address: 1905 N GRACE AVE Ii Tract: RE-SUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 10 AND 11 HOLLYWOOD OCEAN VIEW TRACT APN: 5575005015 Block: 1 PIN#: 150A187 177 Lot: FR 8 Arb: 2 t w~~[ General Plan: High Medium Residential 'f's Streets Copyright (c ) Thomas Brothers Maps, Inc.
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