Candidates for Clerk, Secretary of the Leadership Council and Boards


Candidates for Clerk, Secretary of the Leadership Council and Boards
Candidates for Clerk, Secretary of the
Leadership Council and Boards
To be presented to the congregation at
the Annual Meeting,
June 14, 2015
Brief self-introductions to our leadership-position candidates,
who were selected by the Nominating Committee.
Clerk of the Church—Brian Siska—1 year
I currently serve as a Deacon. Along with my wife,
Nancy, I have been a member of Plymouth since
1986. I have been involved in the life of the church as
a member of committees and the Board of Deacons.
I have been active in nonprofit governance for many
years and, since selling my healthcare business
several years ago, have focused my work efforts on
nonprofit board service (along with launching two
children). I currently serve on the boards of The Minnesota Stroke
Association, The Brain Injury Alliance of Minnesota and Free Bikes
4 Kidz. I was also a founding board member of OneVillage Partners.
Secretary of the Leadership Council—
Chad Freeburg—1 year
Chad is the proud father of little toddler Isla and
husband to wife Courtney Gerber. He is an Project
Manager with U.S. Bank, focused on compliance,
regulatory and market initiatives in the field of
syndicated loans. Chad is a member of the Racial
Justice Working Group at Plymouth. He spends his free time at the
park with Isla, and exploring all the rich abundance of outdoors, arts
and dining opportunities that the Twin Cities has to offer.
Board of Community Life—Mary Heller, Chair-elect—1 year
Mary Heller has a firm belief that the future of
Plymouth’s community life lies in retaining our
current members, involving new members in the life
of the church and increasing our membership through
programs that engage and attract while presenting a
loving, caring and accepting environment to support
people, whatever their needs. Mary has studied church
growth and development. She has served on Plymouth’s Board of
Membership as a member and chair, chaired the board of a previous
congregation and also served in other committee and leadership roles.
She has experience as an educator, business and catering manager,
parliamentarian and numerous other positions in the volunteer
sector, including President of the American Association of University
Women and PEO, a women’s philanthropic organization.
Emi Bennett—3 years
Emi’s family joined Plymouth when she was in
kindergarten and she grew up participating in its
youth programs and choir school. Many of her closest
friends today are from Plymouth Church School!
She never strayed far from her church home and
began regularly attending again after a brief hiatus
away at college and graduate school. Most recently,
Emi has engaged with potential and new members
through the Board of Membership and as a Confirmation Mentor. She
looks forward to transitioning to the Board of Community Life and
continuing to serve the Plymouth community. Emi currently works
at HealthPartners, where she helps manage the health plan’s Medical
Assistance programs. She was just married in May and lives in St. Paul
with her husband, Nguyen.
Anna Cavallo—1 year
A preacher’s kid from Madison, Wis., I went to college
at Macalester in St. Paul and have been in Minneapolis
since 2005. Plymouth quickly became my Twin Cities
church home. My husband also loves Plymouth, and
Jim Gertmenian did our wedding in 2012. I’ve enjoyed
taking part in instrumental music and our young adult
group and serving on the (old) Board of Deacons, and
I’m eager to help foster a lively Plymouth community.
I’m an editor at Lerner Publishing, a runner, a cooker, a reader, a
musician, a linguist at heart and a novice gardener.
Jeff Mulfinger—2 years
Jeff Mulfinger has been a member of Plymouth
for three years, attending for five. The son of a
retired Lutheran minister—Missouri Synod, no
less—Jeff grew wary of and antagonistic toward
traditional church, Christianity and most ministers
as he approached his twenties. That lasted until he
discovered Plymouth and its breed of progressive
Christianity. Now, as part of the membership
committee, Jeff hopes to help others see how
Plymouth, its people and leaders can help them find again or
strengthen their faith.
Ed Sootsman—2 years
I have been a member since 1997. Over the years, I
have been privileged to serve on the Neighborhood
Board (now Board of Outreach), the Board of Member
Care and the Board of Stewards. I live in southwest
Minneapolis with my husband, Scott Appelwick. I
have worked as a Social Worker with Hennepin
County’s Human Services and Public Health
Department for 31 years. I am grateful to be a part of the Plymouth
Church family and am honored to be nominated for the new Board
of Community Life.
Parker Trostel—1 year
I’ve served on the Boards of Member Care (twice)
and Trustees. I was ordained into the United Church
of Christ in Plymouth Church at the age of 60 and
helped six churches and the Work House chaplaincy
through transitions in leadership. Before that, I
served Minneapolis’s Seventh Ward as Alderman
and worked for organizations developing low-income
housing. Husband Al and I have been members of Plymouth Church
for 41 years, through three long-term senior ministers and a host of
Emily Venell—3 years
I joined Plymouth with my husband, Greg, in 1991
and am a long-time member of the Adult Hand
Bells choir. Being asked to serve on the Board of
Community Life at this exciting time in Plymouth’s
life is a privilege. I look forward to working with
my fellow board members to support the newly
combined programs and activities that embrace
the welcoming of new members and the nurturing,
caring and providing education opportunities for
our members and friends. I have previously served on the Board of
Religious Education, as member and chair, as well as two terms on
the Board of Member Care, as member and chair.
Mary Vujovich—2 years
Mary has sung with the Plymouth Choir since
2008 and became a member of the church in 2009.
Initially drawn to the church because of the music,
she heard Jim Gertmenian preach and that sealed
the deal. Prior to Plymouth, Mary was a Presbyterian,
an ordained elder and committee member/chair
and delegate to the 2003 General Assembly. Mary
is a real estate attorney, working in the commercial
title insurance industry as Branch Counsel at Knight
Barry Title in Minneapolis. She has two sons in college.
Remona Weaver—3 years
Remona Weaver has been a Plymouth member since
2001. She served on the Board of Deacons, where she
chaired the Worship Committee; chaired the Board of
Membership; and, serves as a Wedding Coordinator
and as a member of the Bereavement Committee. For
more than 30 years, Remona has been employed as a
Department of Defense transportation specialist. She
currently manages the Army Transportation Office
at Ft. Snelling. She resides in Bloomington, and
shares her home and love of gardening with her husband, Parke, and
Mocha, a very large and assertive Siamese cat.
Board of Finance and Administration—
Rob Reinhart, Chair-elect—1 year
The Board of Finance and Administration will play a
critical role in the new governance structure, helping
Plymouth navigate the challenges Plymouth faces
to assure its robust financial vitality and excellence
in staff leadership over coming years. I welcome the
opportunity to help facilitate this effort and shape
the smooth implementation of the recently adopted leadership
model. As a retired partner and chair of the Labor & Employment
Department of Dorsey & Whitney law firm, I bring my experiences
as an attorney specialized in advising employers relative to human
resources management issues. Currently, I am a professional
mediator. I also serve as a member of the Human Resources
Advisory Committee of the Minnesota Council of Churches and
Chair of the University of Minnesota Foundation’s Vision 2017
Cancer Research Community Advisory Committee. I also draw on
past service as a member of the Board of Directors of The Family
Partnership and as President of the St. Paul Council of Churches
Foundation. Within Plymouth, I currently serve as a member of
the Board of Deacons. In addition, during the past five years I have
served as member and co-chair of the Board of Stewards, member of
the Church Council and co-chair of the recent Capital Campaign. At
this critical time of transition and growth opportunity for Plymouth,
I am eager to do what I can to cultivate Plymouth’s promising future.
Claire Colliander—1 year
Claire Colliander has over 20 years experience as
a nonprofit financial manager. She is currently the
Finance and IT Director for the Epilepsy Foundation
of Minnesota and teaches nonprofit finance at St.
Mary’s University. At Plymouth, she has served on
the Board of Trustees, the Stewardship Committee
and the Budget Committee. She also sings in the
Senior Choir. She and her husband Greg Steenson
have two children, ages 19 and 21, who were active in the youth
programs at Plymouth.
Jill Hennesen—2 years
Jill moved to Minnesota in 2000 through her job
with Medtronic, joining Plymouth in February 2002.
The people, sermons, music and the spirituality at
Plymouth made it easy and comfortable to find a
home in this community that seeks to transform the
world in which we live. Jill’s activities at Plymouth
have included serving on the Board of Stewards for three years,
including the last two as co-chair, serving on the Board of Trustees
for a year, and participating in the Identity branding retreat in 2013—
all were wonderful opportunities to meet and work with energetic
Plymouth members! Other highlights of Jill’s time at Plymouth have
been trips to Cuba in 2014 and again in 2015 with the CubaConnect
group. Jill serves as the International Service Committee Chair for
the Rotary Club in Maple Grove. When not traveling for work, she
enjoys being outdoors—biking, walking, (trying to) golf and working
in the yard. She also values downtime with family and friends,
cooking and photography. Jill looks forward to serving on the new
Finance and Administration board and bringing over 20 years of
marketing, product development, credit, and property management
experience to the board.
Ray Martin—2 years
My wife Elsie and I joined Plymouth in 1975, and I am
a member of the choir. Our two children, Langdon
and Celia, attended Sunday School and were
confirmed at PCC. My professional work over the last
40 years has been in not-for-profit health care finance.
I was a Trustee from 2007 to 2012, have continued
as an at-large member of the Personnel Committee
and am a member of the 2015 Budget Committee. My
concern with Plymouth’s long-term financial sustainability helped
inspire the creation of the Financial Sustainability Task Force in
2014, of which I was chair. I welcome the opportunity to continue
preserving our heritage and finding solutions for living within
our means. I look forward to serving as a member of the Board of
Finance and Administration.
Rick Neville—3 years
Rick Neville retired January 1, 2015, as the President
of Western Petroleum Company, a wholly owned
subsidiary of World Fuel Services and Executive
Vice President of World Fuel Services, Miami. Prior
to Western’s purchase in 2010, he was president of
the independent company from January 2000 until
September 2010, and Vice President of Marketing
and Supply for Western from January 1995 to January 2000. Rick is
a member of the Minnesota Petroleum Marketers Association and
the National Petroleum Council of Washington, D.C.
Eric Olsen—3 years
Eric has been a member at Plymouth since 2003 and
has enjoyed singing in the choir for 13 years. Eric
is married to Sara Olsen, who is also a Plymouth
member and serves on the Fine Arts board. Sara and
Eric reside in Minneapolis. Eric is a lawyer and is
Vice President and General Counsel at Great River
Energy, a not-for-profit electric cooperative that
serves its 28 member electric distribution cooperatives. Among his
other duties at Great River Energy, Eric serves on the committee that
has the fiduciary responsibility for the company’s retirement plans.
Eric has also served on boards of and as counsel to non-profits. Eric
hopes to use his knowledge and experience as a member of the
Board of Finance and Administration.
Jason Schuller—3 years
My wife, Jeanne, and I were drawn to PCC by
its progressive theology, open and accepting
congregation and its focus on the arts. We became
members after discovering the close-knit community
of families with school-age children. We have taught
Sunday school for several years and Jeanne has
served on the Board of Children, Youth & Families.
Our family regularly participates in the early family
service, and our children, Paige and Aaron, consider
the Plymouth congregation to be an extension of our family. As
a lawyer in the Trust, Estate & Charitable Planning department
of Gray Plant Mooty, and a former internal fiduciary counsel for a
national trust and wealth management company, I have experience
advising nonprofits on matters regarding budgeting, fundraising
and investment management of endowment assets. I also serve
as Secretary on the Board of Directors of Living Well Disability
Services and I am a member of its Finance Committee. It would be
an honor to serve on the Board of Finance and Administration for
Plymouth Congregational Church as it enters its next phase.
Margaret Shreves—1 year
I started to attend services at Plymouth in 1999 when
my husband Bill Marshall joined the choir. I finally got
up the courage to audition for the choir in 2001, and we
joined the church shortly thereafter. I enjoyed a 20-year
career in banking (First National Bank of Chicago)
and brokerage/investment banking (Wessels, Arnold
and Henderson). I then changed directions and completed the AMI
Montessori Training for ages 3–6 years and an M.Ed. I was the Head
of School at Children’s Workshop Montessori in Plymouth and
Director of Mayflower Early Childhood Center at Mayflower Church
UCC, where we expanded our Montessori program offerings in 2010
in conjunction with the opening of Creekside Commons. I retired in
2014. At Plymouth, Church, I have served on the Board of Member
Care, the Interim Selection Committee, the Financial Sustainability
Task Force and the Board of Trustees. I enjoy golfing, biking, singing,
theater, girl groups of the ’60s, reading and duplicate bridge. We
have three adult daughters and three grandchildren.
Board of Fine Arts—Carol Brandenburg, Chair-elect, 2 years
Seven years ago, I came “home” to Minnesota with
my daughter . . . and went church-shopping. What a
blessing Plymouth membership has been, including
the privilege of singing in our Choir! This year, I
also served on the Fine Arts board, as Recorder and
a member of the Gallery Committee. A formative
experience for me was directing the video artistin-residence program at (PBS station WNET’s)
Television Laboratory in NYC. Most memorable were the three
live international broadcasts I produced with video pioneer Nam
June Paik, bringing together artists from around the world—an
unexpected path for a psychology B.A. from the U! For the past 12
years, I’ve headed a virtual production team that creates patient
education DVDs and companion booklets for physician groups.
It’s an honor to be nominated as FAB Chair. I look forward to raising
awareness about our existing arts programs, and developing new
initiatives to expand the arts in the life of our congregation.
Phil Bratnober—1 year
Phil Bratnober is a Twin Cities actor, director and pianist who
joined Plymouth Church in October 2012. He was born and raised
in St. Paul, where he currently resides. He attended Princeton
University (1967–1971), studying music theory and composition.
He subsequently attended the University of Washington School of
Drama (1978–1981), where he earned his M.F.A. in stage directing.
Phil is known in the Twin Cities education community as a Theater
instructor (South High School, 2000–2003), and as a Theater, Speech
and English instructor (Woodbury High School, 2003–2014). During
the 2009–2010 school year, Phil advanced to the finals of the 2010
Minnesota State Teacher of the Year process, a consequence of his
many years as a fine arts instructor. Phil resumed his professional
work in music and theatre this winter, and he looks forward to
serving on Plymouth’s Fine Arts board.
Hugh Coker—3 years
Hugh has been a member of Plymouth for about
3 years. He’s originally from Tupelo, Miss., and
graduated from Mississippi State University with
a degree in Music Education. He taught for many
years as an Orff-Schulwerk specialist in the Memphis
City Schools in Tennessee. Hugh also attended
graduate school at the University of Memphis and
obtained Master Teacher certification in Orff Music.
During this time he was also president of the Opera
Memphis Guild. He and his partner John McDonald moved to
Minneapolis in 2003 when John got transferred with Cargill. At that
time Hugh also began working at Cargill. Hugh and John were
married at Plymouth last September with Jeff Sartain officiating.
They both love Plymouth and have found a church home. The
music and arts program is one of the main reasons they visited and
eventually stayed.
Dan Dougherty—2 years
I was born and raised in Great Falls, Mont. After
earning a music education degree, I taught 8th and
9th grade chorus for 5 years, then made a career
change. I moved to the Midwest where I began my
career in claims adjusting. I retired in 2009 after 31
years as Director of Business Property claims with
Sentry Insurance in Stevens Point, Wis. Our three
grown children all migrated to the Twin Cities and two years ago,
my wife, Becky, and I followed. We were drawn to Plymouth for many
reasons but foremost were the progressive and active focus on social
justice, solid pastoral preaching, and, of course, the outstanding
music and arts program. One of the first things I did when we moved
here was to contact Philip for an audition for the choir. Music and
the arts have played a vital role in my spiritual life as long as I can
remember. It is often through music that I feel the touch of God. As
a member of the Fine Arts board, I would welcome the opportunity
to help the continue nurturing Plymouth’s outreach through the arts.
Dick Haines—3 years
Dick, retired, has been a member of Plymouth
since 1995; was chair of the Board of Stewards; and,
a member of the Outreach Board and Board of
Deacons. He helped organize the Plymouth photo
display in recognition of the sesquicentennial. He is
a former newspaper reporter-photographer; editor of
Minnesota Magazine at the University of Minnesota;
and publisher of The St. Paul community newspaper and Scuttlebutt
Times. The native Kansan and his wife, Sandra, have three sons who
live in the Twin Cities.
Suzanne Joyce—1 year
Suzanne Joyce has served as a member of the Board
of Deacons. For five years, she co-chaired the Planned
Giving committee—and has continued to serve on
the committee since. She joined Plymouth Church in
Shirley Rutherford—3 years
Raised conservative Lutheran, I found a home at
PCC in 1985. The initial attraction was the inclusive
message, and I was astonished to learn that I’d always
been a Christian Universalist. If there was a name for
my beliefs, that meant that there must be others! The
wonderful members at PCC, theology and preaching
keep me here. I find that I am more involved in
the church community when serving a board. I am a licensed
psychologist in private practice.
Peter Vitale—1 year
Peter is an actor/musician/composer and the Music
Director for Ten Thousand Things Theater. He
previously served on the Board of Children, Youth &
Families, including two years as Board Chair, as well
as on the Board of Fine Arts. He’s also been active on
the planning committee for First Service. He lives in
Uptown with his spouse, Stephen Nelson, their three
children, a dog, a cat, two lizards and a goldfish.
Board of Outreach—Sarah Lehman, Chair-elect,
1 year
Plymouth’s progressive theology and commitment
to social justice are key reasons my family joined
Plymouth. For the last three years, I’ve had the
pleasure of serving on the Board of Outreach,
including as co-chair. Through my board work, I’ve
also served as co-chair of the Plymouth Homelessness Advocacy
Team, which advocates for housing and homelessness services in
our local and state government. I find it very exciting that the new
Board of Outreach will include working groups whose missions
address a range of neighborhood and global concerns and will
directly connect the Community Fund to our hands-on outreach. I
hope to continue to strengthen the relationships between the board
and the working groups, and to raise awareness of the numerous
outreach opportunities within the congregation. I grew up in
Oregon and earned a bachelor’s degree in Architecture from the
University of Oregon. I worked for 10 years in architecture firms in
the Twin Cities until our second child was born. My husband, Matt
Thomas, myself and our two young children, Ellie and Peter, are
involved with the Church School and choir school programs and are
regular attendees at First Service.
David Chollar—3 years
He was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. As a
young adult he moved to New York for a corporate
trust administrative position. He later became a
volunteer working with people living with AIDS and
soon after pursued graduate studies in social work at
Fordham University. David moved to the Twin Cities
in 1995 and has taught in several regional social
work programs. He is currently working as a therapist with people
living with mental illness. David and his spouse, Todd Grapp, joined
Plymouth in October 2014. Social justice issues are what draw David
to the Outreach board.
Elisabeth Comeaux—1 year
After 20 years as a professional opera singer, I
began a second career in the world of fundraising.
Now, 11 years later, I hold the position of Director
of Corporate and Foundation Relations at the
Minnesota Zoo Foundation, charged with raising
$1.4 million annually in support of conservation
in Minnesota and oversees. As an experienced
fundraiser, I have served on numerous panels, awarding funds and
gaining insight to organizations that span the nonprofit sector.
Through networking, I have forged relationships with community
volunteers as well as nonprofit, corporate, foundation, and
government leaders. It is because of my knowledge and passion for
our local communities, and ability to build lasting relationships, that
I feel called to join the Board of Outreach. A member of Plymouth
since 2001, some may know me as a former soprano section leader. I
am also the happy spouse of the handsome and multi-talented tenor
Dan Dressen.
Peter Eichten—2 years
Peter Eichten has been an administrator in Catholic
and Protestant churches for more than 25 years. He
teaches two courses at Metropolitan State University:
Public Ethics and the Common Good and Managing
with Respect. Peter, and his wife Jane, are returned
Peace Corps Volunteers (Iran 1970–72). They have
five adult children and five grandchildren. He has degrees in History
and Education, and a Master’s in Theology. Peter spent 10 years in
the retail shoe business as an owner-operator, he has been a high
school teacher, counselor and coach, and he has also worked in
Catholic Campus Ministry. He has been elected to a public school
board and has served on the board of directors of two nonprofits. He
and Jane have been members of Plymouth for four years. Peter has
been on the board of Outreach for two years and is co-chair of the
Racial Justice working group.
Trish Grose—1 year
I am very excited to serve another year with the
Outreach Board at Plymouth. I am passionate about
many of the important issues that are addressed by
the programs of our board! Professionally, I have
worked as an educator at the elementary and college
levels, served as director of a battered women’s
program in Belize and retired as a career counselor whose clients
were dislocated workers. Personally, I am an activist on a wide range
of issues! My volunteer work includes being a tour guide at the
University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. I enjoy traveling
with my spouse, Chuck, gardening and providing a lap for our cats.
Dawn Hofstrand—3 years
I have been a member of Plymouth for six years. I am
drawn to the work of the Outreach board because I
believe that when one ministers to the marginalized
in society, one touches the divine. I currently serve
on the Racial Justice Working Group at Plymouth,
and EJ Kelley (my partner of 16 years) and I are in
our second year of leading the Families Moving
Forward shelter program at Plymouth. I am also involved with the
Great River Landing project and am in the process of mastering
dishwashing at Third Sunday Meals! I have been on the Board of
Ascension Place, a provider of transitional and supportive housing
to women and children experiencing homelessness for nine years,
the last six as Chair. For the past 16 years, I have worked at Egan
Company (a construction company) as General Counsel and Vice
President of Human Resources, with particular focus on strategic
thinking and organizational structure and development.
Lee Mauk—2 years
I have been a member of Plymouth since 1997. I came
to Plymouth to hear Jim Gertmenian’s first sermon,
and I’ve been here ever since. I previously served on
the Fine Arts board. I’ve been on the board of Beacon
Interfaith Housing Collaborative for nine years,
currently serving as Chair. My partner and I prepare
an evening meal for four homeless families when Plymouth hosts
Families Moving Forward. I work as an independent consultant to
transportation employers who are required to drug test employees
under federal Department of Transportation laws. (Don’t ask . . . no
thought of retiring.) I live in Uptown with my partner of 37 years,
Russ Bursch. Previously married, I have two children: Ben (46) and
Abigail (43).
Loretta Menke—3 years
Over the past two years, I’ve served on and then
chaired the Community Fund Committee as a
member of the Board of Deacons. I plan to continue
to chair the Community Fund committee as it
moves into the Board of Outreach. I’m delighted
that the Board of Outreach will be the new home
for this committee and look forward to serving on the Outreach
board and finding opportunities to further the connections between
organizations we contribute to financially and our hands-on
outreach efforts. I think we have an exciting transition ahead of us as
we implement the new governance structure. I previously served on
the Board of Children, Youth & Families and taught Church School.
I’ve been a member of Plymouth for many years, along with my
husband, Peter Skjervold. Outside of Plymouth, I work for a health
plan doing organization effectiveness and leadership development.
Peter and I are about to become empty-nesters this fall as our twin
daughters, Madeline and Olivia, head off to college.
Board of Spiritual Formation—
Jim Leslie, Chair-elect, 2 years
I am a retired teacher and have been a member of
Plymouth Church for 39 years. Most recently, I served
as chair of Plymouth’s Interim Selection Committee.
Since 2003, I have served as chair of the Board of
Deacons and also of the Board of Member Care at
Plymouth. In addition, I have been a lay member
of the Committee on Ministry of the Minnesota
Conference (UCC) for four years. I am interested in
chairing the Board of Spiritual Formation because I like leadership
challenges, because the work of this particular board will no doubt
impact in profound ways all aspects of our congregation’s life and
because I think that a great group of Plymouth members have been
chosen to serve on this board. Since spiritual formation is really a
lifelong process, I see the work of this board greatly benefitting the
entire Plymouth Church community.
Karen Barstad—2 years
I joined Plymouth Church in 1987. I grew up in the
Lutheran Church, but I was drawn to Plymouth
because it felt like a place where I could wrestle
with the complexities of faith and be encouraged
to ask the hard questions. Plymouth did not
disappoint. On the Board of Spiritual Formation,
I hope to help provide opportunities for members
of all ages to find their unique spiritual paths, just
as Plymouth is helping me find my own. I’ve lived
in Minneapolis since 1981 and have worked in banking all of my
career; I am currently working in the compliance department at
Alerus. In addition to having served on several Plymouth boards
and committees (Deacons, Stewards, Membership, Sunday Forum,
Legacy Giving), I volunteer with Restorative Justice Community
Action, and I’m a platelet donor for the Minneapolis Red Cross.
Don Burrows—2 years
Don has been a Plymouth member since 2008. He
and his wife, Laura, attended services at Plymouth
for their third date, were later married there and
have had two children baptized at the church.
Formerly, Don led a Greek New Testament Bible
Study at Plymouth. He has two children, Julia, 4,
and Alexander, 2, and another girl on the way. Don
currently teaches Latin and Greek at Nova Classical Academy in St.
Paul. He holds a Ph.D. in classics from the University of Minnesota,
with a graduate minor in New Testament.
Bill Davini—1 year
Bill Davini, classical pianist, is a past member of the
Plymouth Church Board of Deacons and was chair
of the Spiritual Enrichment committee from 1998
to 1999. He then assumed the chair of the Board
of Deacons in the 2000–2001 church year. Bill was
active in the Plymouth Center during 2006 and
2007. For the past 13 years, Bill has led the Plymouth
Keyboard Music Group of amateur pianists who meet about every
six weeks. He also volunteers at Whittier School playing piano and
tutoring. Bill is a retired information technology specialist who
spent 21 years at Honeywell. Prior to that, he worked in a number
of alternative energy businesses. Bill has an undergraduate degree
in Philosophy and a Masters of Business Administration from
the Carlson School of Management. He and his wife, Ruth, joined
Plymouth Church in 1988.
Becky Dunn—3 years
Becky and her husband, Richard, joined Plymouth in
fall 2014. They live in Southwest Minneapolis with
their sons, Tobias (9) and Davidae (7). In her 15-year
career as an educator, Becky has had a wide variety
of experiences that will benefit the Board of Spiritual
Formation. She has taught in France and is currently
an English Learner teacher at Hopkins High School.
During her 13 years in Hopkins, she has worked at
the junior high and high school levels, served as department leader
and curriculum coordinator, and has taught French, ESL English,
geometry and writing. She is looking forward to contributing more
to Plymouth Church.
Bonnie Janda—2 years
As someone whose spiritual life has been formed
largely at Plymouth, I would be honored to serve on
the newly structured Board of Spiritual Formation.
Much of my volunteering for the past 30 years at
Plymouth has been with programs under the former
boards of Children, Youth & Families, and (the
expiring) Deacons. I have chaired both boards. As a
grandmother, youth leader, Church School teacher and one whose
own youth experience at Plymouth was formative and fulfilling, I
am committed to engaging and uplifting our children and youth. I
am also committed to offering diverse experiences beyond Sunday
morning worship to stir the inner lives of our adult members. And
my hope is that the two ends of the age spectrum will cross and
share paths more frequently and deeply than we have in the past.
Rip Nordhougen—1 year
I have been attending Plymouth Church for 17 years,
along with my wife Kristin Melloh. We were married
at Plymouth, and both of our children were baptized
here. My occupation is a project manager for the
entertainment industry.
Mary Kay Sauter—3 years
I love fabric, some of which I’ve quilted, and deep
dark chocolate, much of which I’ve eaten. I love
doing things with my family—husband Orville and
our daughters, their significant others and our two
wonderful granddaughters. They are the reason
I am moving to the Board of Spiritual Formation.
The saying is that it isn’t the children who are
the future of a church, but their parents, for they
are the ones who decide where to go to church. My daughter has
expressed several times her delight at the idea of her children
going through confirmation and high school with the friends they
have made here at Plymouth—who are here because of the superb
programming. Besides listening to the parents with their hopes
and dreams for their children and strategizing about the children
and youth programming I continue to be impressed with the many
opportunities for adult spiritual formation and hope to build on
these programs.
Ging Wiandt—3 years
Ging believes in creating communities around faith,
families and learning. Ging taught elementary school
for seven years in Akron, Ohio, before moving to
Minnesota with her family 11 years ago. She has
taught everything from preschool through eighth
grade and currently works in the Edina Public
Schools. She has experience growing children’s
programs in day care, summer camps and MOM’S
Club. Ging brings a passion for teaching and learning at all ages.
She has a strong belief in the benefits of diversity, equity and social
justice. She would welcome a dialogue at Plymouth around the
potential for intergenerational learning.
Board of Worship—Don Doberstein, Chair-elect, 1 year
I have been a member of PCC since November
2011. In June 2012, I was elected to the Board of
Stewards and now am ending the third year of
service on that board. During this past year, I have
assisted co-chairs Mike McGettigan and Margaret
Geisler, acting as recording secretary, drafting
and distributing the meeting minutes. Worship is
certainly a significant component of the life of the church. As the
new governance structure has come together, I am interested in the
transition of responsibilities from the Board of Stewards and the
Board of Deacons to the new Board of Worship. The change in the
structure and responsibilities of the boards brings an opportunity
to evaluate existing practices and examine new ideas within the
responsibilities of the new board. This is a particularly unique and
exciting time to examine the worship life of the congregation with
the anticipated presence of a new Senior Minister. I expect that great
things can come of this new collaboration. In the inaugural year of
the Board of Worship, I look forward to working with board members
who represent a cross-section of the congregation, along with the
ministerial, music and support staff members. My hope is that the
Board of Worship, while balancing the desires of congregants to
maintain a degree of comfort with traditions which are important to
them, will lead in growing and enhancing the overall ministry and
worship experiences of the congregation.
Todd Aldrich—1 year
I am originally from the Milwaukee area. I moved to
the Twin Cities in 1980 and joined Plymouth in 1999.
My family, including wife Allyson and children Emily
(25) and Robbie (21), are also members of Plymouth.
I sing in the Plymouth choir, and have served as CoChair of the Outreach Committee and participated
in fundraising activities of the church. I am currently Chair of the
Board of Project for Pride in Living, a local non-proft long supported
by Plymouth. I am a business lawyer with first-hand experience in
helping growing businesses as an owner, officer, board member and
private equity investor. I look forward to contributing my time and
talents to the work of the Board of Worship.
Peg Birk—2 years
I have been a member of Plymouth Church for seven
years. My first involvement was as a member of the
Strategic Planning Committee. I also participate in
a wonderful fellowship group of Plymouth members
called “Eat, Play, Love.” I was commissioned by the
Plymouth congregation as the Transitional General
Secretary of the National Council of Churches in
August 2012. I spent 18 months guiding the organization through
a significant transformation. The work required me to spend each
week in New York City or Washington, D.C. I am happy be back in
Minneapolis full-time where I can be close to my two children and
four grandchildren—and take a leadership role at Plymouth. My
strengths and interests lie in governance, strategy, leadership and
spiritual growth.
Margaret Geisler—1 year
Margaret and husband Larry Geisler joined Plymouth
Congregational eight years ago, coming from the
United Methodist Church. While with the Methodist
Church, she chaired several committees including
Staff Parish Relations, Education and Church Council
at the local level. She also served as Executive
Director of the Metro West Union for five years. In
2013 she joined the Board of Stewards at Plymouth
and this past year has served as co-chair of that board along with
Mike McGettigan. That experience with the Board of Stewards
should give her valuable insight into the development of the new
Board of Worship as it carries out the current tasks charged to it and
the future vision of this new body Margaret worked for the Federal
Government, primarily with the Department of Interior, and ended
her career as Assistant Director of the Federal Executive Board of
Karl Jones—2 years
Karl Jones first attended Plymouth in 1982 at the
invitation of Anne and Gaius Slosser. Since officially
joining as a member in 1994, he has sung in the choir
and served on a variety of committees and boards.
He was married to Rebecca Miller in Guild Hall in
1998. In 2014, he became an ordained minister of
the UCC in a service hosted by Plymouth. Karl has
preached, led Bible studies, and provided pastoral
care at Plymouth. He currently serves as a chaplain
in a variety of healthcare settings. In addition to his call to ministry,
he has played piano for ballet classes and worked as a computer
programmer for a number of years. He is honored to be considered
for a leadership body at Plymouth.
Jerry Jorgensen—3 years
I have been a member of Plymouth Church for 20
years. During the past year, I had the privilege of
serving on the Board of Deacons and became even
more impressed by the passion and commitment
of the many volunteers who carry out the many
facets of Plymouth’s mission. The initiatives of Jim
Gertmanian are solidly in place, and we are about
to begin a new chapter in the life of Plymouth as we explore the
possibilities inherent in the new governance structure. As a member
of the Board of Worship, I look forward to participating in this
transition period.
Dave Jorstad—3 years
Borrowing from Jerry Maguire: You had me at
“progressive.” I came to Plymouth to sing with Philip
and being a member of the choir has been everything
I’d hoped it would be. But my family and I found
a good deal more here—resonant liberal theology,
social justice awareness and initiative, inclusiveness
and appreciation of diversity, celebration of the fine
arts and wonderful people. I am honored and grateful
to be nominated to serve on the Board of Worship.
Judy Madron—3 years
I have been a member of Plymouth Church for about
five years now. I work with Renee Macomber as a
member of the Lydia Connections Committee; hair
cuts for the residents are my special contribution.
I have had fun working with the Stewards for the
last two years. And I like working with flowers and
gardens, including helping Barb Souther, Carolyn Brunelle and the
other gals doing flowers at Easter time for the sanctuary, as well as
helping Tom Anderson and crew with the Rain Garden.
Ellen van Iwaarden—1 year
Ellen van Iwaarden has been a member at Plymouth
since 1986. She has volunteered as a Sunday School
teacher and with other children’s programs, served
on and chaired the Board of Children, Youth &
Families, and served on the Strategic Planning
Committee. This year she has chaired the Board of
Deacons and in that role has served on the Interim
Selection Committee and the Financial Sustainability
Task Force. Ellen is very interested in exploring how Plymouth
might adapt its worship services to meet the changing needs of the
congregation and in helping ensure a smooth transition in worship
under the new governance system. Ellen and her husband, Jim, have
two grown daughters.
Plymouth Congregational Church
June 14, 2015