PM Knight 04-17-15 - Patapsco Middle School
PM Knight 04-17-15 - Patapsco Middle School
PM KNIGHT 041715 From the Principal’s Desk… How about a little good news to start off this newsletter: 70% (465/667) of our students all earned a spot on one of our three honor rolls during third quarter. Nice work, Knights! 108 of those students earned a 4.0. Just as impressive was the number of students who came to school every day, all day and on time: 188 or 28% of our enrollment. Now that’s something to celebrate. I didn’t even manage to do that! Great job, Knights! We also want to congratulate the March Students of the Month: Applied Academics Team Patrick Adams; 8th Grade Team Richard Wang; 7th Grade Team Tina Morra; and, 6th Grade Team Sean Stahler. Also nominated were: Jacob Bashura, Ananya Vepa, Kaylie Bergeson, Jordan Maloney, Pritha Saha, Noushin Bidel Niyat, Jason Van Tine, Alanis Zayas Diaz, Irina Ivanova, Nicholas Murphy, Tyler Lizzo, Shaun Dauer, Claire Alexander, Jared Bennett, Iqra Riaz, Pauline Chang, Tyler Dionne, Lauren Lewis, Lauren Taylor, & Nadgi Zayas Diaz. In April, we are on the lookout for Knights who consistently demonstrate Responsible behavior. We’ve already got a long list of potential nominees gathered. This is going to be a tough month to narrow the field to just four. At the end of the month, we will administer the PARCC End of Year Assessments. Each student will take one unit of the test on each day from April 2730. Please avoid any controllable absences on those days. If you know of an absence during that testing window, please contact your son or daughter's school counselor ASAP. Finally, the week of April 1925 is known nationally as Administrative Professionals Week, with April 22 being the primary day of celebration. We would like to to thank our Administrative Professionals for the hard work they do to help ensure we are able to maintain a safe and nurturing environment here at Patapsco. We need to thank them for taking our calls, helping to get messages, binders, and forgotten lunches to our kids, preparing for special events, printing and folding programs, certificates and the like and in general, just for being there. Thank you: Wendi Grant, Principal’s Secretary; Diane Howse and Rhonda Best, Teachers’ Secretaries; Kate Zimmer, Data Clerk; and Vanessa Hooks, Student Services Secretary. While we appreciate you all year long, we want to take a moment to be sure you know it! There are still three chances for you to see this years school play, “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown!” Hope to see you at the show! Cindy Dillon *Fun Fact: Secretaries Day was first celebrated in 1952. In 1981, the name was changed to Professional Secretaries Week, finally becoming known as Administrative Professionals Week in 2000. Depending on the source you cite, there are about three different groups/individuals to whom the conception of the idea is attributed. SAVE THE DATE... 04/1618/15 Patapsco Players Present: “You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown” Showtimes: 7:30pm Thur.Sat. and 2:00pm Sat. 04/21/15 PTA Meeting @7pm/Media 04/23/15 6th Grade Parent Orientation for the parents of new Knights ● GT Information session @ 6:00pm ● General Information session @ 7:00pm 04/24/15 Spring Fling 04/2730/15 PARCC End of Year Exams all Grades 05/09/15 Patapsco Pals and Best Buddies 05/12/15 MAP Testing 7th 5/12 Newseum Field Trip 6th 05/13/15 MAP Testing 6th & 8th Newseum Field Trip 7th 05/19/15 Rising 6th graders visit Patapsco CALENDAR: [email protected] SCHOOL NEWS Patapsco Performers Proudly Presents... You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown April 17&18 @ 7:30pm April 18 @2:00pm All performances at: Patapsco Middle School Cafeteria Come see this talented cast, crew, and live orchestra! Tickets are 10.00 at the door. Notes from the Music Department: The Music Department would like to congratulate the Chamber Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, and Chamber Singers for receiving straight Superior ratings from all performance and sightreading judges at the Howard County Music Assessments in March and April. The musicians did a great job representing Patapsco awesome job! Many thanks go out to the parent chaperones without your help, the success at these events would not be possible. The final Hershey Park chaperone meeting will take place in the Music Room, D11 on Monday, April 20th at 7:00 pm. This meeting is mandatory for any chaperone that did not already attend the 4/14 meeting. Patapsco Pals and Best Buddies The Patapsco Pals and Best Buddies programs are continuing work for the first annual Best Buddies Olympics! Put May 9th on your calendar as a day to come out to Patapsco and support our Best Buddies chapter in games, dancing, and prizes. Our Best Buddies chapter aims at including all students in the school environment and promoting lasting friendships. If you would like to volunteer your time or resources, please contact Mrs. Pfoutz at [email protected]. More information will be posted as the date nears! Attn Parents/Guardians of 6th grade students Any student entering 7 th grade will need : ● ● 1 dose of Tdap and 1 dose of Meningococcal vaccines There are many 6 th graders that do not have one or both of these vaccines. Please contact your healthcare provider to either make an appointment for the vaccines or to obtain an updated copy of your child’s immunization record (complete with provider’s signature) ASAP. Coffee & Conversation The Board of Education of Howard County regularly holds Coffee & Conversation sessions at schools throughout the county. These meetings provide citizens with an opportunity to share a cup of coffee and chat informally with Board members. The meetings are held in various regions of the county but interested persons from throughout the county are invited to attend any or all of the meetings. The next Coffee & Conversation With the Board of Education will be held: Saturday, May 9, 9:3011am Waverly Elementary School Media Center 10220 Wetherburn Road, Ellicott City Lost & Found Students misplace an amazing amount of personal items. Please take a moment to write your child’s name on items that he or she brings to school. Please be aware that we donate all unclaimed items to charity on a weekly basis. Patapsco Memory Book Online ordering for Patapsco's 20142015 memory book is open. Please go to . The cost for the book is $21 plus tax. If you have any questions please email Ms. Young at [email protected] PTA NEWS Spring Fling April 24 7:0010:00pm Bring on Spring! We’re celebrating the end of the snow and the start of the warm season with the Spring Fling at school on Friday, April 24 from 710pm. There will be a DJ and dancing in the cafeteria, concessions for sale, basketball in the gym with contests and prizes on the hour, and BINGO in the media center. Will we have more of those cool Under Armour prizes to give away? You’ll have to show up to find out! As always, we can’t do it without your help. We’re in need of chaperones, concessions help, and cleaner uppers. Please check out to see if there’s a job right for you! Tickets will be on sale for $3 (cash or check made out to Patapsco PTA) April 2224 during all lunches. A signed permission slip is required for ticket purchase and can be found on the PTA’s website here: . Forms will also go home with students ton Monday. Please contact Caroline Bodziak at [email protected] with any questions. Patapsco Spiritwear Sale: April 6April 22 The Spring Spirit wear sale is here. Flyers will be distributed to students or can be downloaded from the PTA web site. If you need to check a size or color, a PTA member will be in the cafeteria one day during the sale. The items will be stored in the AM Patapsco Room. Please have all order forms to the office by Wednesday April 22nd. Items will be delivered to students in approximately 3 weeks after the sale ends. Don't miss out! Feel free to contact us with any questions. email: [email protected] or call Penny Froehlich@ 4104185205 or Terri Gainey @ 4104185826 Great Opportunities For Next Year! The Patapsco Middle School PTA Nominating Committee is looking for parents to serve in the following positions for next year. Our school's population is constantly growing, changing, our PTA should, too! We look forward to new faces, new voices, and new ideas! This is a GREAT way to get involved at the school, know what's going on behind the scenes, and to have a positive impact on the Patapsco MS community! There is no PTA experience necessary...if your child will be a student at Patapsco next year, you are invited to get involved! If you are interested, have any questions, or would like to get involved, please contact the Nominating Committee: Cindy Anderson at [email protected] or Jenise Dunn at [email protected] Executive Board Open Positions PTA President: The President of our PTA does not work alone: you have two VPs working with you, and an Executive Board to help with decision making and leadership! The President is responsible for running the monthly PTA meeting and for facilitating communication throughout the PTA, staff, and community. Melissa Barrett, our outgoing President, will be available throughout the year to assist you! Any questions about this job? Contact Melissa at [email protected] Corresponding Secretary: The corresponding secretary serves as part of the Executive Board, and attends meetings. Also serves as recording secretary in the event of an absence, and takes meeting minutes. PTA Council of Howard County Representative (2 needed): PTACHC reps attend monthly PTACHC meetings at the Board of Education. PTACHC reps report to PTACHC the decision of the Patapsco PTA on matters referred to it for approval or information. PTACHC reps serve as delegates from Patapsco Middle School and represent our positions and concerns to the greater PTA community. PTACHC reps also keep the Patapsco PTA abreast of countywide PTA issues. Open Committee Positions Membership: Assist membership chairperson Christa Kampert with fall PTA membership drive; requires an organized person to keep track of number of memberships sold, and distribute membership cards. Most of this work occurs August through October. Hospitality: Assist chairperson Jennifer Meckes by helping to plan breakfasts and lunches throughout the year for our staff and guests. Hospitality Committee also plans Staff Appreciation events and recognizes staff achievements. Music Boosters Liaison: The Music Boosters Liaison attends both Music Boosters and PTA meetings, and keeps each group informed about what the other is doing! Great for a parent with a child in chorus, orchestra, or band. School Store: Do you love to shop? If so, this opportunity is for you! Keep the school store stocked throughout the year with fun items and prizes. No need to be available during the day the PTA will provide you with plenty of volunteers to work the store, we just need someone willing to shop and keep the store stocked with goodies! 8th Grade Committee: We are looking for a few 8th grade parents to oversee the 8th grade committee. This means you're planning the 8th grade tshirts, 8th grade promotion ceremony, 8th grade dance, and any other fun things you might want to come up with! MUSIC BOOSTERS The Music Boosters would like to congratulate the members of the "Charlie Brown" pit orchestra: Nick Cangialosi, Joanna Choi, Ainsley Daniel, Jackson Duan, Brendan Kim, and Katie Lee; your hard work added greatly to the performance! Keep collecting those Box Tops! Tell everyone you know to do the same! The final Battle of the Box Tops to fundraise for the Music Boosters is coming up at the end of the school year. We are looking for a new parent to coordinate Box Tops collections next year; the time commitment is a few hours to work on collections, 3 times a year. Please email Mrs. Mills at [email protected] if you would like to help. Donations Needed : Music expenses continue to climb; the department is currently budgeting for instrument and music stand replacement and music and accompanists for the upcoming Spring Concerts. There is still time this year for you and/or a family member to support the Music Boosters by contributing to the Giving Clubs. Forms can be downloaded on Ms. Mills' Website under "Announcements":! We thank you so greatly for your financial support, which is our only form of fundraising. If you are interested in serving as the Treasurer for the Music Boosters for the next school year, please contact Tim Hill ( [email protected] ). We would like to have a transition period for the rest of this school year with the Treasurer assuming full responsibilities by the end of the school year. COMMUNITY NEWS “Community Notices” events are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Howard County Public School System." Golf Tournament Mt. Hebron High School Girls Lacrosse Program 12th Annual Golf Tournament Monday April 20, 2015 Turf Valley Resort Cost: $150 individual/$550 foursome. Tickets can be purchased online at located in online store/event tickets tab. Parking Lot Extravaganza at Mt. Hebron High School May 23rd sponsored by Mt. Hebron Football Program Flea Market 8am4pm Craft Sale Food Sale Scrap Metal Collection DJ & Live Music Reserve your space for $25 Car Wash at Einstein’s Bagels 10am2pm Championship Wrestling Live 6pm For additional information or to reserve your space contact: Philip Zacharias at [email protected] Mt. Hebron Girls’ Lacrosse Camp Come out and join the Mt. Hebron Girls’ Lacrosse Family by registering for our 2015 Camp! Mt. Hebron Girls’ Lacrosse Program is hosting a 1week EVENING Camp beginning Monday June 8th through Friday th June 12 5pm7:30pm. A Flyer for Camp registration can be found on . Please contact Coach Trish Derwart with questions: [email protected] Youth Ultimate Disc League 617 yrs/8 weeks/ $64 Lime Kiln Middle School June 3 & 4 Registration: 4103137275 or HELP US EARN EASY MONEY FOR OUR SCHOOL! GIANT Giant A+ School Rewards. Sign up today at giant SAFEWAY eSCRIP PMS ID #6597323 FOOD LION SHOP AND SHARE, click on left side Fundraising and follow directions. TARGET, or 18003166142, or visit the gift registry kiosk. PMS ID#58051 BOX TOP$ FOR EDUCATION – Clip those Box Tops coupons and send them in to school. CONTACT US: Main Office Fax Guidance Health Room Report Absences 4103132848 4103132852 4103132850 4103132574 [email protected] Twitter Facebook Instragram @hcpss_pms PatapscoMS